Cakewalk ReValver User Manual

This manual c overs the handling of Alien Connections ReValver, a Guitar Valve Amplifier simulator.
The content of this material is copyrighted Alien Connections. Trademarks are copy­righted to their respective owner.
February 25, 2001

What is ReValver?

ReValver is a software guitar amplifier simulator.
-Why would anyone want to simulate an amplifier?
-Because amplifiers designed for guitars are very spe­cial, and have very little in common with ordinary Hi-Fi amplifiers. Guitar amps distort the signal in a way that is very pleasing to the ear. ReValver also includes a lot of effects that are specially designed for guitars.
ReValver is a DirectX plugin and can be used in DirectX-plugin compatible host applications.

Constructing a program

How Does ReValver work?

ReValver is a DirectX plugin (a DirectShow filter). It can be used in any DirectX compatible program, such as many kinds of multi trackers and waveform editors.
A ReValver program is built from the combination of the ReValver modules. The modules can be configured in
many different combinations and orders
The signal in ReValver goes from the top to the bottom. This means that the top-most module gets the input signal from the host application, and the bottom-most module delivers the output signal back to the program.
Constructing a program
To place a module in a chain, click the empty area on the screen, or click between two modules. The module chooser will enable you to choose any type of module to place.
1. Some modules can not be used at certain places in the chain. The modules must come in some sort of sensible order. They all have different physical properties, and must be treated that way.

Loading & Saving programs

Even though you can choose any module, they may not be compatible with each other. The modules follow cer­tain physical laws; for example:
The following simple rules applies to the order of modules:
Speakers must appear after a power amp. Studioeffects must appear after a room, speakers,
preamp, or at the beginning of the chain.
Rooms (room simulation) must appear after speakers Preampsmust appear after a studio effect or at the
beginning of the chain
Power amps must appear after studio effects or preamps
The following modules do not follow any rules:
Trim pots Parametric filters
Loading & Saving programs
By clicking ‘Load’ and ‘Store’ preset you can load or save a configuration. The settings from each module are saved to disk along with their internal order in the chain. There is no limit to the number of programs that can be saved.
Loading & Saving programs
You can also save the setting of an individual module by clicking with the mouse and choosing ‘Save settings for
this module’
1. When saving or loading settingsfor the roomsimulator module, only the reference to the ‘’ is stored, not the room-parameters themselves. This means that if you wish to store a preset/setting on a different media, you must also include the *.room file. To design your own room, you must use software compatible with the format, for example Pristine Sounds.

Multi trackers

Using ReValver in host applications

Some aspects may be of importance when using ReVal­ver in a 3rd party host application.
Multi trackers
A multi tracker is a host application that can play several waveforms simultaneously. This implies that you could have any number of instances of ReValver running at a time. The s ettings of ReValver on one track will not interfere with another track.
Input level: determine the input signal to ReValver. This will affect the distortion, and it is advised you are careful when feeding ReValver with a signal.
Monoandstereotracks: reo input it will deliver a stereo output, and likewise, given a mono input it will deliver a mono output. How­ever, some sub modules in ReValver are necessarily mono or stereo in nature. A mono module (such as a preamp or a poweramp) will merge L+R into a mono information signal. In such a case you will lose stereo
The “volume-knob” in a multi tracker may
Whenever ReValver is fed a ste-
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