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Cakewalk is a registe red trademark of Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. Project5 and the Ca kewalk logo a re trademarks of Twelve Tone
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Project5 is intended for the creation of pattern-based electronic music using DirectX and VST instruments, Groove
clips (ACIDized wave files), standard audio files (wave),
and effects. You can play through Project5 using a MIDI
controller, or create patterns to play through instruments
and effects.
New features include a streamlined user interface, ReWire
hosting, a powerful new arpeggiator, numerous editing
enhancements, a separate bus pane and tempo track, tap
tempo, audio recording, audio playback from disk (no size
limit on clips), input monitoring, freezing tracks, real-time
Groove triggering, track lanes for layered patterns, Groove
clip (ACIDized clip) editing and export, the new PSYN II
instrument, and the multi-mode sampling synth (Dimension). Project5 now creates a separate folder for each
project’s audio data, which is located inside the folder that
the project is located in, and is called “[project name]
Project5's advanced MIDI input filtering system lets you
layer and control multiple instruments, or even play along
with other musicians at the same time. Because of this
MIDI flexibility , you can think of Project5 as a "super-instrument" with multiple layers and sounds, or as an instrument
hub where numerous musicians can play together through
various MIDI devices.
Anatomy of Project5
Basic Operations
Looping a Project
Changing the Tempo
Changing the Time Signature
Uninstalling Project5
When you installed Project5, the setup program placed an
Uninstall icon in the Start menu. T o uninst all Project5, click
the Start button and choose Programs-Cakewalk-Project5 Version 2-Uninstall Project5 Version 2. You
can also uninstall Project5 from the Windows Control panel
as follows:
To Uninstall Project5 Using the Control Panel
1.Click the Start button, and choose Settings/Control
2.Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon.
3.Choose Project5, then click Add/Remove.
Click Yes to confirm that you want to uninstall Project5.
Anatomy of Project5
This section covers the Project5 user interface.
Main Control view
(left side)
Track/Bus Inspector
Main Control View
Track View
Track Inspector
Arrange Pane
Groove Matrix
Bus Pane
The Editor
Loops/Ptns (Patterns) Tab
The Device Browser
Track pane
Bus pane
Groove Matrix
Arrange pane
Main Control View
The Main Control view has controls for starting and stopping; tempo; metronome; project name; swing; global
mute, solo, and arm; selection; automation; Snap to Grid;
looping; master volume; and CPU usage.
The Main Control view is split into three groups of controls.
Here’s a description of each group of controls:
Main Control View—Left Side
Here’s a picture of the Main Control view controls that are
grouped on the left side:
Main Control view (left side)
Tempo field-double-click to
Tap Tempo control--click
at the speed you want to
set the tempo to.
Song Title—This is the name of the current project as it
was last saved. If you have made any edits since you last
saved the file, an asterisk appears at the end of the song
Now Time display (in M:B:T
format--right-click to use
H:M:S format)
Metronome on/off
Master arm, mute, solo
Tempo (BPM) Control—The Tempo control displays the
current tempo, which is displayed in the BPM (Beats Per
Minute) field. Tempo automation can be edited in the Editor.
To set the tempo, double-click the BPM field and either
type a number, or click the Up/Down arrows to set the
tempo. You can also click and drag up/down over the
arrows for faster response. See Changing the Tempo for
more information.
Tap Tempo Button—You can set the tempo in Project5 by
clicking the T ap button that’ s in the Main Control view . Just
click the button at the playback speed that you want your
project to use. You can also click the Tap button by
Remote Control--right-click the Tap button and choose
MIDI Remote Control from the context menu, and assign a
MIDI note or controller to the Tap button.
Swing Strength —The swing strength field sets the
amount of swing applied to a selected pattern in the Editor
when the swing note-size menu in the Editor is displaying
a note size. The amount of swing ranges from 0 to 100%.
See Setting Swing for more information.
Metronome On/Off—The Metronome On/off button turns
a click sound on or off, so you can hear the tempo while
you’re recording. To set the count-in and other metronome
options, use the Options-Metronome command.
Now Time Display—The Now Time display shows the
current Now Time as a numerical value. You can choose to
display the Now Time in either measures, beats, and ticks
(M:B:T) or in SMPTE. To change the display, right-click the
display and choose the option on the popup menu.
Master Arm Button—This button lights up whenever any
track or bus is armed. You can disarm all tracks and buses
by clicking the button.
Master Mute Button—This button lights up whenever any
track or bus is muted. You can unmute all tracks and buses
by clicking the button.
Master Solo Button—This button lights up whenever any
track is soloed. You can unsolo all tracks by clicking the
Transport Controls
The Transport contains the Play, Record, Rewind, Jog
Backward, and Jog Forward buttons.
Main Control view (transport section)
The following table gives a brief description of each of the
Transport buttons:
PlayThe Play button begins playback at the
RecordThe Record button begins recording
RewindThe Rewind button moves the Now
current Now Time.
MIDI data to all armed tracks at the
current Now Time.
Time to the beginning of your project.
The Jog Backward button nudges the
Now Time backward by the current
Snap Grid resolution.
Jog backward by Snap to Grid value
Jog forward by Snap to Grid
The Jog Forward button nudges the
Now Time forward by the current Snap
Grid resolution.
Main Control View—Right Side
Here’s a picture of the Main Control view controls that are
grouped on the right side:
Main Control view (right side)
Select tool
Selection Tool—Use this tool to select data in t he Arrange
Automation T ool —Use this tool to draw automation in the
Arrange pane.
Snap to Grid On/Off Button—Click this button to turn on
or turn off the Snap to Grid in Project5. The resolution of
the Snap to Grid button is determined by the setting in the
dropdown menu to the right of the Snap to Grid button.
Snap to Grid Resolution Menu—Set the resolution of the
Snap to Grid in Project5.
Loop On/Off Button—Project5 allows you to loop over a
section. Enabling the Loop On/Off button displays two
markers in the Time Ruler of the Arrange pane that show
what time range your project is repeating.
Snap on/off Snap menu
Automation tool
Loop on/off
Main output volume slider and meter
Set loop to selection
CPU meter
Set Loop to Selection Button—Clicking this button creates markers at the beginning and end of the selection. A
selection can be either a pattern or several patterns.
Master Volume Slider and Meter—Drag this slider to control the main output volume. This slider is a duplicate of the
one on the Master track in the Bus pane. The meter to the
right of the slider displays the master volume level. If the
meter is displaying the red clipping indicator, turn down
your loudest track, and click the meter to reset the meter.
CPU Meter—The CPU meter displays the current CPU
usage on a percent scale.
The Overload indicator lets you know if you have
exceeded your computer’s CPU. Clicking the number field
in the CPU meter resets the audio and MIDI engines of
Project5. You can try this if you have any stuck notes or
sudden audio problems.
Show/hide Track Inspector Button —Click this button to show or hide the Track Inspector.
Add Track Buttons —Clicking the left
button adds a new audio track below the last track in the
Track pane. Clicking the right button opens the Device
Browser, which lets you add a new instrument track or
device track just above whatever track is highlighted.
Show/hide Groove Matr ix Button —Click this button
to show or hide the Groove Matrix.
Track View
The Track view lets you insert instruments, control track
and bus parameters, arrange patterns, and create and edit
automation for tracks and buses. The Track view provides
an overview of your project, and contains the Track pane,
the Bus pane, the Groove Matrix, and the Arrange pane.
The Track view also contains the Show Aux/Master/T empo
button, which hides or shows the Bus pane and Tempo
Track when you click it.
Track Pane
Track Pane Context Menu
Arrange Pane
Groove Matrix
Bus Pane
Audio Track Controls
Input monitor on/off
Track number
Trac k n am e
Input menu
Track Pane
The Track pane is where you control individual track
parameters such as volume, pan, mute, arm, solo, input
monitoring, audio inputs, and MIDI routing. You can also
create track lanes in the Track pane, so that you can drag
overlapping patterns into their own lanes.
Note: double-clicking a track’s volume, pan, or width control sets the control to its default value.
Here’s a picture of the controls in the Track pane:
MIDI Track Controls
MIDI Routing Override
Expand track for
automation editing
Track number
Vol um e
Output menu for multi-output
instruments. Drag up or down
to change outputs. Disabled
output numbers are grey.
Double-click an output
number to enable the output.
Presets menu
property page
Expand tr ack for
automation editing
The following two tables describe the parameters in both
audio and MIDI tracks in the Track pane:
Audio Track
Vol ume
to adjust Width
Input monitor
If you’re recording audio,
you can enable this button to
hear the instrument or voice
that you’re recording
together with any plug-in
effects that are on the armed
Track numberThis number represents the
order the track appears in
the Track pane. If you drag
an individual track strip to
another location, the name
of the strip that you drag
stays the same but its
number changes.
Track nameA name for the track that you
can edit. Double-click the
name to enable editing, and
press Enter to save your
name change.
Input menuClick this menu to set the
audio input to Stereo, Left,
Right, or None. Choose
None if you want to record
automation on the track
without recording audio data.
Volume sliderUse this slider to adjust the
track’s volume as it goes to
the Master bus. The
minimum volume for a track
is -INF (no volume) and the
maximum volume is 6 dB.
Pan sliderUse this slider to change the
stereo balance for the track.
This value ranges from
100% Left to 100% R.
Center is represented by C,
which is the default value.
Width sliderCtrl-drag the Pan slider to
adjust Width. Width is the
perceived distance between
the left and right stereo
channels. Width ranges from
0 to 120 degrees. 0 degree
is effectively mono while 120
degrees is extreme left/right
Mute buttonClick this button to silence a
Solo buttonClick this button to play only
Volume meterDisplays the track’s volume
Arm buttonClick to arm the track for
MIDI Track
this track and any others that
are soloed.
Click this button to expand
the track so that there is
space below the track in the
Arrange pane to view and
edit track automation.
MIDI Routing
Override button
Track numberThis number represents the
MIDI indicator
Track nameA name for the track that you
Clicking this button to the on
position forces all live MIDI
input through this track only.
You can enable the button on
multiple tracks by holding the
Ctrl key down while you click
each button.
order the track appears in the
Track pane. If you drag an
individual track strip to another
location, the name of the strip
that you drag stays the same
but its number changes.
Behind the track number is an
indicator light that lights up
when the track receives MIDI
data from either live input or
from a pattern in the track.
can edit. Double-click the name
to enable editing, and press
Enter to save your name
Preset menuIf you want to save or load
some particular parameter
settings of the track’s
instrument, you can use the
Preset menu. An instrument
preset does not save effects,
effect parame te r s, or remote
control assignments, so if you
want to save these along with
your instrument’s settings,
save a device chain instead of
a preset. See Loading and
Saving Device Chains for more
Show Instrument
Property Page
Arm buttonClick to arm the track for
Click this button to display the
property page of the instrument
that is patched into this track.
You can also open the property
page from the Presets menu,
the Track pane context menu
(right-click to open this menu),
or by double-clicking the track
Click this button to expand the
track so that there is space
below the track in the Arrange
pane to view and edit track
Output menuWhen you load a multi-output
instrument into a track, the
track displays the Output
menu. This menu shows you
which output the track controls
apply to. You can display
controls for a different output
by dragging up or down on the
menu. To enable an output,
double-click its number in the
menu so that the number is not
Volume sliderUse this slider to adjust the
channel’s volume as it goes to
the Master bus. The minimum
volume for a track is -INF (no
volume) and the maximum
volume is 6 dB.
Solo buttonClick this button to play only
this track and any others that
are soloed.
Volume meterDisplays the track’s volume
Track Pane Context Menu
Arrange Pane
Bus Pane
Track Pane Context Menu
Right-clicking on a track name or number opens the Track
pane context menu. The following table describes each of
the commands:
Pan sliderUse this slider to change the
stereo balance for the track.
This value ranges from 100%
Left to 100% R. Center is
represented by C, which is the
default value.
Width sliderSets the perceived distance
between the left and right
stereo channels. Width ranges
from 0 to 120 degrees. 0
degree is effectively mono
while 120 degrees is extreme
left/right separation.
Mute buttonClick this button to silence a
Show Instrument
(MIDI tracks only)
Insert InstrumentThis command opens a
Displays the property
page of the instrument
that is patched into this
menu where you can
select from a list of the
instruments installed on
your machine. Selecting
an instrument inserts a
new instrument/track
Clone InstrumentCreates a copy of the
Create LayerThis option creates an
No Ports (MIDI
tracks only)
Select from a menu of
instruments with which
you can replace the
instrument that you rightclicked.
track that you rightclicked.
auxiliary track below the
track you right-clicked.
You can drag any
overlapping patterns into
the auxiliary track so that
the patterns are easy to
see and edit. The auxiliary
track uses the same
instrument, volume slider,
and pan/width slider as
the original track, but has
its own mute, solo, arm,
and show/hide automation
buttons. Auxiliary MIDI
tracks have their own
MIDI Routing Override
This option prevents the
instrument from
responding to input from
your MIDI controller.
All Ports (MIDI
tracks only)
Port “n” (name of
port) (MIDI tracks
Audio Input
(audio tracks only)
Phase Invert
(audio tracks only)
This option causes the
instrument to respond to a
specific MIDI channel that
comes in through any
MIDI port (interface). If
you choose Omni, the
instrument responds to
any MIDI input on any
MIDI port.
This option causes the
instrument to respond to a
specific MIDI channel that
comes in on a specific
MIDI port. If you choose
Omni, the instrument
responds to any MIDI
input on the specified
MIDI port.
This option lets you
choose an audio input for
the track. If there are no
options in the menu, you
need to use the Options-Audio command and
choose an Input Channel.
This command inverts the
track’s phase. Try this
command if you think a
track may be experiencing
phase cancellation with
another track.
Freeze TrackThis option mixes your
track and all of its plug-in
effects down to an audio
pattern, and then disables
the instrument and/or
effects that are patched
into this track. This greatly
reduces the load on your
CPU, especially if you’re
freezing a MIDI track.
BypassFor MIDI tracks: Click this
option to open a menu of
bypassed outputs.
Checkmarks in the menu
show which outputs are
disabled. Click an output
number to enable or
disable the associated
For audio tracks: enabling
the bypass option in this
menu mutes the audio
track, and removes the
audio track and any plugins from the audio stream,
reducing the resources
that your computer needs
to play your project.
DeleteDeletes the track that you
Arrange Pane
Bus Pane
Arrange Pane
The Arrange pane displays your project’s sound patterns
on a timeline. Each instrument track or audio track has a
corresponding row in the Arrange pane which displays that
track’s sound patterns.
Here’s a picture of the Arrange pane:
Snap to Grid button
Tim e Rul er
Save as Device
This command opens the
Save Device Chain
dialog, which allows you
to save the instrument
that you right-clicked
along with its settings and
Now Time cursor
The Arrange pane has the following components:
•Time Ruler—The Time Ruler is located at the top of
Patte rn
the Arrange pane. The Time Ruler displays your
project’s timeline in measures, beats and ticks
(M:B:T). The Time Ruler conforms to the current time
signature, so a song in 3/4 time would have just three
beats per measure. The time your project is at on the
Time Ruler is called the Now Time. For more
information about the Now Time, see The Now Time.
For information about setting or changing the time
signature, see Changing the Time Signature.
•Patterns—Below the Time Ruler, and taking up most
of the Arrange pane is the area where each track’s
MIDI or audio patterns are represented by rectangles.
You can click and drag out repetitions of these
patterns in addition to moving, cutting and pasting
them to other parts of a track or to a different track.
•Z oom ing and scrolling controls—You can drag the
scroll bars that are at the bottom and right borders of
the Arrange pane to scroll horizontally or vertically,
respectively. If you drag the center of the horizontal
scroll bar up or down, you can zoom horizontally.
Dragging the center of the vertical scroll bar to the left
or right zooms vertically. Enabling the Scroll Lock key
on your computer keyboard causes the Arrange pane
to scroll along with the Now Time cursor.
•Arrange pane context me nu —Right-clicking over a
pattern in the Arrange pane opens the Arrange pane
context menu which has the following commands:
In UseThis command displays a popup
menu of the patterns that are
already in the Arrange pane.
Select a pattern to add it to the
Arrange pane at the spot where
you right-clicked.
Not in UseThis command displays a popup
CutOnly available when right-clicking
CopyOnly available when right-clicking
menu of the patterns that have
been used in your project, but are
not currently being used. Select a
pattern to add it to the Arrange
pane at the spot where you rightclicked.
If you right-click an audio pattern,
this command changes the
pattern to a Groove clip
(ACIDized wave file). Repeat the
command to turn the pattern back
into a standard wave file.
over a channel. This command
removes the channel and its data.
The channel and its data remain
on the clipboard.
over a channel. This command
places a copy of the channel and
its data on the clipboard.
DISKThis command displays a popup
menu of your Project5 patterns
that are on your hard disk. Select
a pattern to add it to the Arrange
pane at the spot where you rightclicked.
PasteThis command pastes cut or
copied data at the point of
insertion. If you access this
command by right-clicking over a
channel, the paste appears above
that channel.
DeleteOnly available when right-clicking
over a channel. This command
removes the channel and its data
without storing it on the clipboard.
Merge Selected
Split Selected
Unlink Selected
Combines selected patterns on
the same track into one pattern.
Splits selected patterns at the
Now Time.
Makes selected duplicate
patterns into independent
The Global Track Override button determines allows you to
mute the output of all patterns in the Arrange pane, or
mute all patterns in the Groove Matrix, or let all patterns
sound. The individual Track Override buttons allow you to
mute an individual track’s patterns in the Groove Matrix,
and/or the Arrange pane.
For more information about the Groove Matrix, see Using
the Groove Matrix.
Groove Matrix
Groove headers
Global Track Override
Bus Pane
Groove Matrix
A groove in Project5 is a collection of one or more patterns
stacked vertically in the Groove Matrix, one pattern per
track. Each groove lasts as long as the longest pattern in
that particular groove. The shorter patterns in a groove
repeat until the longest pattern in that groove finishes (by
default, but you can change this). Each column in the
Groove Matrix is made up of cells, which are just pattern
holders, one per track. You can drag one pattern into each
cell, or leave the cell empty.
The Trigger Snapper menu sets the time lag between
when you trigger a groove or cell, and when it starts playing.
By default, you can play one groove at a time, starting
each groove by clicking its header, or by triggering the
groove with remote control.
You can record your grooves in the Arrange pane.
Cell with pattern
Cell header
Empty cell
Arm Groove
Matrix for
Trigger Snapper menu
Track Override
Reset playback
state and
selection of all
Groove Matrix
Bus Pane
The Bus pane is located below the Track pane, and contains strips of controls for the master output (main output),
the aux buses, and the tempo track. You can hide or show
the Bus pane by clicking the Show/Hide Aux/Master/
Tempo button that’s at the bottom of
the Bus pane. The Bus pane, and the part of the Arrange
pane that the Bus pane uses, are separated from the Track
pane and the upper part of the Arrange pane by a splitter
bar. You can drag the splitter bar to resize the Track pane
and the Bus pane. Each control strip in the Bus pane contains the following controls:
Volume meterDisplays the bus’s volume
Volume sliderDrag this slider to adjust the
bus volume. The minimum
volume for a bus is -INF (no
volume) and the maximum
volume is 6 dB.
Arm button Click this button to arm a bus
strip for automation
recording. After you start
recording, you can move any
of the bus strip’s controls,
and record the movements
as automation.
Strip numberThis number represents the
order the bus appears in the
Bus pane. If you drag an
individual track strip to
another location, the name of
the strip that you drag stays
the same but its number
Bus nameA name for the bus that you
can edit. Double-click the
name to enable editing
(except for the Master bus),
and press Enter to save your
name change.
Mute buttonClick this button to silence a
Balance/Width slider
Balance/Width slider
Drag this slider to change the
stereo balance for the bus.
This value ranges from 100%
Left to 100% R. Center is
represented by C, which is
the default value. You can
restore most Project5
controls to their default
values by double-clicking
them. This slider also
controls Width, when you
hold the Ctrl key down while
you drag.
Ctrl-drag (hold the Ctrl key
down while you drag) the
Balance slider to control
Width. Width is the perceived
distance between the left and
right stereo channels. Width
ranges from 0 to 180
degrees. 0 degree is
effectively mono while 180
degrees is extreme left/right
Tempo trackYou can draw tempo
changes in this track with the
Automation tool that’s in the
Main Control view. The slider
on the Tempo Track controls
what range of tempo is
displayed in the Arrange
pane. When the slider is all
the way to the left, the
Arrange pane can display
tempos ranging from 0 to 200
bpm. When the slider is all
the way to the right, the
Arrange pane can display
tempos ranging from 0 to
1000 bpm.
The Editor
The Device Browser
Formerly known as the Patch Browser, the Device Browser
displays device chains that are saved on your hard drive.
Instead of loading an instrument and some effects, you
can load everything at once by loading a device chain (formerly known as a patch). A device chain is made up of an
instrument, any effects that were loaded with the instrument when the device chain was saved, the parameters for
the instrument and effects, and remote control settings for
the instrument and effects. The Device Browser appears
when you click the right button in the Add Track section
that’s just above Track 1 in the Track pane.
Here’s a picture of the Device Browser:
Most Recently
Used list
The Device Browser has the following components:
•The Device Chains button—displays the device
chains that are on your hard drive. Clicking the name
of a device chain loads it into the currently-selected
•The DXi and VSTi Instruments button—displays the
DXi, VSTi, and ReWire instruments and applications
that are on your hard drive. Clicking the name of an
instrument or ReWire application loads it into the
currently-selected track.
•Most Recently Used list—at the top of the right
column is a numbered list of your most recently used
instruments or device chains.
Track Inspector
Track Inspector
The Track Inspector replaces the old SYN.OPS view. The
Track Inspector displays the track information of the track
that is currently selected in the Track view. You can show
or hide the Track Inspector by clicking the Show/Hide
Track Inspector button that’s just left of the Add Track
buttons in the Main Control view.
Track Inspector
Show/HIde MIDI
Input section
Aux send enable
Device Browser and
Save Device button
Show/Hide Settings
Display instrument
property page
Aux send level
controls—drag to
The Track Inspector is divided into three sections:
MIDI Input Section
The Input section of the Track Inspector contains:
•The track name (at the very top of the Track
•MIDI input port and channel—this menu filters out any
live MIDI input that’s not on the listed port and/or
•Key range filter—excludes any live MIDI input that’s
not in the selected range of notes that is bounded by
the low note and high note that you select in these
two fields.
•Velocity range filter—excludes any live MIDI input
that’s not in the selected velocity range that is
bounded by the lower velocity and higher velocity that
you select in these two fields.
•Input transposition field—transposes live input and patterns up or down by the positive or negative
number of half-steps you enter in this field.
•Send to MIDI channel menu—sets the MIDI channel
for patterns in this track, and for incoming notes and
data when you’re playing live. This menu overrides
the MIDI channel menu that’s in the Editor , unless this
menu is set to None.
Note: If you create multiple lanes in a track, each lane has
its own instance of the T rack Inspector with it s own Send to
MIDI channel menu. Just highlight each lane in succession
to see each lane's Track Inspector. If a lane's Send to MIDI
Channel menu is set to None, then each pattern in that
lane will play back on the MIDI channel that the pattern
contains. Otherwise, patterns play back on the MIDI channel that's listed in that track's Send to MIDI Channel menu
in the Track Inspector.
Device Chain Section
The Device Chain section of the Track Inspector contains
the device chain, which displays the instrument and effects
that a track uses in the order of their signal flow . To hide or show the parameter controls on the instrument or
effects, click the Show/HIde Settings button that’s on the
right end of the titlebar of each instrument or effect.
The Device Chain section has modules that contain the following devices:
•Device Chain menu—use this menu to open the
Device Browser, which allows you to choose a device
chain for the current track. A device chain is made up
of an instrument, effects, parameter settings for the
instrument and effects, and remote control
assignments for the parameters. Once you’ve created
or edited a device chain, you can click the disk icon to
save the device chain for use in other projects.
•Add MFX (Add MIDI effects)—MIDI effects come first
in the device chain’s signal flow. When you click the
Add MFX button to add a MIDI effect, a popup menu
of MIDI effects appears, from which you can select
one to insert. You can use as many as your
computer’s processing power can handle. You can
change the order of effects by dragging one from a
lower position to a higher one
•Arpeggiator—each track gets its own instance of
Project5’s powerful new arpeggiator. See Arpeggiator
for more information.
•Instr ument module (or Add Instrument button if no
instrument is loaded)—the instrument comes next in
the device chain. If no instrument is loaded in this
track, you can click the Add Instrument button to open
a list of instruments and ReWire applications. Click
the name of a device on the list to load it. After an
instrument is loaded, you can open the interface of an
instrument or ReWire application by double-clicking
the name of the instrument or effect in the device
chain, or by clicking the Show Property Page button
that’s just to the right of each instrument or ReWire
name in the device chain. The Bank/Patch menu lets
you load factory-supplied sounds for the displayed
•Add FX (Add Audio effects)—audio effects come last
in the device chain’s signal flow. When you click the
Add FX button to add an audio effect, a popup menu
of audio effects appears, from which you can select
one to insert. You can use as many as your
computer’s processing power can handle. You can
change the order of effects by dragging one from a
lower position to a higher one. After an effect is
loaded, you can open the interface of the effect by
double-clicking the name of the effect in the device
chain, or by clicking the Show Property Page button
that’s just to the right of each effect name in the
device chain.
Note: the device chain supports mouse wheel scrolling.
Aux Sends Section
The Aux Sends section of the Track Inspector contains:
•Aux send enable and aux send level controls for the
selected track
The Bus Inspector
The Bus Inspector
When you click an aux or master strip in the Bus pane, the
Track Inspector becomes the Bus Inspector. The Bus
Inspector only has one control:
Add FX (Add Audio Effects)
•Effects are displayed according to signal flow, with
the earliest effect in the bus’s chain displayed at the
top. The Add FX button enables you to insert multiple
effects into the bus. To hide or show the controls of
the effects, click the Show Settings button, which is
at the right end of the titlebar of each effect.
The Editor
The Editor is where you create new MIDI patterns (you can
also create MIDI patterns by recording in the Track view),
edit patterns (including pattern automation), and save patterns to your patterns folders. You can also edit Groove
clips in the editor.
The Editor has three modes:
•Step mode—this mode models a hardware step
sequencer, allowing you to create and edit MIDI
patterns on a grid. In Step mode, you can draw notes
(always of a fixed length) with the mouse and also do
Step Recording, but not real-time recording
•Free mode—in this mode, the Editor displays a
traditional piano-roll style editing surface, which
allows any note length. In Free mode, you can draw
notes with the mouse, and also do both Step
Recording and real-time recording.
•Groove clip mode—when you double-click a Groove
clip (ACIDized clip) in the Arrange pane, the Editor
becomes a Groove clip editor.
Click the Step or Free fields in the Editor menu
to change the Editor to Step
mode, or back to Free mode.
Here’s a picture of the Editor:
The Editor has the following controls:
Float/Dock Button
To Float or Dock the Editor:
•Click the Float/Dock button that’s in the upper right
•Double-click the left border
To Resize the Editor:
•Drag any border or corner.
Note: when the Editor is docked, dragging its upper border
changes the size of the Arrange pane.
Show/Hide Button
Click this button to show or hide the Editor and the Loops/
Ptns tab.
New Pattern Button
Clicking this button creates a new empty pattern, and automatically loads the pattern into the Arrange pane at the
Now time on the selected track. The new pattern is one
measure long by default, but you can change this by using
the Options-Default Step Size for Step Sequencer command, together with the Options-Default Step Count for Step Sequencer command. For example, if you chose a
default step size of 16th notes, and a default step count of
32 steps, that would create a pattern of two measures in 4/
4 time.
Pattern Menu
The Pattern menu, located the in upper left corner of the
Editor, displays the name of the current pattern. You can
rename the pattern by double-clicking the pattern name.
Clicking the dropdown button in the Pattern menu displays
these options:
•Open Pattern—opens the Open Pattern dialog to the
default directory for patterns. Navigate to the directory
you want and select a file to open in the Editor.
•Save Pattern—opens the Export Pattern dialog,
enabling you to name and save the pattern to the
folder where you store patterns.
•Duplicate Pattern—copies the current pattern under
a new name, so that any editing you do to the new
copy doesn’t affect the original.
•Automatically send new patterns to track view—if
this option is enabled, every time you click the New
Pattern button, Project5 automatically places the new
pattern on the highlighted track at the Now Time.
•In Use—opens a menu of patterns that are currently
in use in the current project.
•Not In Use—opens a menu of patterns that have
been used in the current project, but were deleted
from the Arrange pane.
Send Pattern to Track Button
Click this button to place the pattern that’s currently displayed in the Editor on the highlighted track at the Now
Pattern Preview Button
Click this button to play the pattern that’s currently displayed in the Editor. The pattern plays back through whatever instrument is currently selected in the Track view. You
can set the time where playback begins in the Editor by
double-clicking in the Editor’s Time Ruler , which moves the
Edit Marker to the location you double-clicked.
Record Pattern Button
Click this button to record a new pattern by either live or
step recording in the Editor.
Click the dropdown arrow on the Record Pattern button to
choose recording options. Choose any or all of these three
•Constant Velocity—when this option is checked,
recorded notes are not affected by velocity changes
from the MIDI controller. Note velocities are all set to
•Overwrite—when this option is checked, current note
data is overwritten by new note data.
•Step Record—when this option is checked, the
recording mode is set to Step Recording. Step
Recording means that instead of recording notes that
you play at the time the notes were played, Project5
records notes of exactly the same length, one after
another, each time you play your MIDI controller, no
matter how much time has passed since the last note
was entered. The note lengths are determined by the
Notes menu setting.
The Editor has three tools to help you create and edit patterns.
Select tool Note tool
•The Select tool is an all-purpose tool for selecting
data, however you can use the Note tool when you
just need to select an individual object without
dragging it. Pressing T on your keyboard toggles
which tool is active (including the Select tool).
•Use the Note tool to draw notes in a pattern. The note
length menu determines the length of the notes you
•Use the Automation tool to draw automation in a
pattern. Select an automation parameter to draw or
edit in the automation edit menu in the Editor.
Automation tool
Automation Menu
The automation menu is just to the right of the Auto tool
(Automation tool). Clicking the dropdown arrow on the
automation edit menu displays a menu of automation editing options:
•Output s—choosing this option displays a menu of
parameters that are specific to a particular output of
the currently-selected track. If the instrument in the
selected track has multiple outputs, the menu will
show parameters for each output.
•MIDI—choosing this option displays a menu of
standard MIDI continuous controllers that affect all
the outputs on the selected track.
•DXi—choosing this option displays a menu of
parameters that are specific to the instrument that is
loaded into the selected track.
•Ef fects—choosing this option displays a menu of
parameters that are specific to the selected effect on
the selected track.
•Arpeggiator—choosing this option displays a menu of
parameters that control the Arpeggiator on the current
For more information, see Automation.
Editor Menu
Click the Step or Free fields in the menu to change the Editor to Step mode, or back to Free mode. Also, you can click
the left or right arrows in the menu to set the length of the
current pattern. See Creating Patterns in Step Mode and
Drawing Notes In Free Mode for more information.
This Ptn Only Menus
By default, all copies of a pattern in the Arrange pane are
identical except for their MIDI channel and transposition.
The Transpose and MIDI Ch menus allow you to change
the transposition and MIDI channel of a particular instance
of a pattern. Double-click the instance of the pattern where
it appears in the Arrange pane to display the instance for
•Transpose menu—this menu lets you transpose just
the current instance of a pattern (the pattern in the
Arrange pane that has the black border). The field
lists the number of half-steps up (+) or down (-) that
the current instance of the pattern is being
If you use copies of this pattern in other parts, the
Transpose menu is independent for each copy.
Select a pitch offset for the current instance of the
pattern. The range is from -127 to +127 for a MIDI
pattern or -24 to +24 for a Groove clip. You can
double-click the value, type a number, and press
Enter if you don’t want to click the up and down
arrows. The transposition value is displayed in
parenthesis next to the pattern name
•MIDI Ch menu—this menu allows you to choose
which MIDI channel that the displayed pattern plays
back through, and also sets the channel that the
Editor’s keyboard display uses when you click the
keys. Choosing different MIDI channels for a pattern
allows you to access different sounds on different
channels of a multi-timbral instrument.
Note: the Track Inspector has a menu for each track
or track layer called the Send to MIDI Channel menu.
This menu overrides the MIDI channel that you
assign to a pattern in the Editor, forcing all patterns on
a track or track layer to play on the MIDI channel
that’s listed in the Send to MIDI Channel menu. To
disable the Send to MIDI Channel menu, set the
menu to None.
Notes Menu
Click to select a note length
Controls the length of the current step-recorded note, or of
notes that you draw with the Notes tool. You can select a
new length at any time
The Link button forces the Snap to Grid button resolution
and the Notes menu value to be the same. For example, if
you change the Notes menu setting then click the Link button, the Snap to Grid resolution will follow the Not e Length
Snap to Grid
When the Snap to Grid button is disabled, or when you are
overriding it, data moves by ticks. Project5 divides each
beat into 960 ticks.
Swing Note-size Menu
When the swing note-size menu has a note size displayed,
patterns of consecutive 8th notes, 16th notes, or 32nd
notes play back with a swing feel, instead of a straight feel.
Y ou control the strength of the swing effect for each project
by dragging the Swing Strength control that’s in the Main
Control view.
Keyboard Display
The keyboard display, which is on the left side of the Editor. lights up to show what pitches you’re playing on a MIDI
keyboard. It also gives you a visual reference for pitches
while you’re drawing notes with the Note tool.
Cursor Display
Snap resolution
Page through
resolution options
Turn Snap to Grid button on/off
In Free mode, the Snap to Grid setting sets the precision at
which notes can be entered and edited, and also sets the
time interval that the Now Time moves when you doubleclick in the Editor’s Time Ruler. The Snap to Grid control is
not visible in Step mode, because the Snap to Grid is
always on in that mode, and is set to whatever duration the
Notes menu is set to. A snap resolution of 1/2 means that
entered notes and notes you drag and drop in the Editor
“snap” to the nearest 1/2 note boundary. The snap resolution in the Editor ranges from measures to 1/128th notes.
The default is 1/16th. You can override the snap resolution
setting by holding the Shift key while dragging notes.
Readout area
At the very top of the Keyboard Display is the Cursor Display, which shows a readout of the vertical and horizontal
coordinates of whatever tool you’re using in the Note pane,
both while the tool is moving and while it’s not.
Time Ruler
Tim e Rul er
Measure number
End marker—drag
to set pattern
Trans “n” % (in Groove Clip Mode Only)
When you double-click a Groove clip in the Arrange pane,
the Editor changes to Groove clip mode, displaying the
Groove clip with a series of transient markers. The Trans
Detect control senses transients in your audio pattern and
assigns a marker at the beginning and end of each transient that it finds. As the you increase the sensitivity (by
using larger numbers) smaller transients are detected and
the number of markers increases.
Slice Division Menu (in Groove Clip Mode Only)
Now Time cursor
The Time Ruler in Free mode shows measure numbers
and beat boundaries. The Now Time cursor (vertical black
line) moves through the Note pane during playback to
show you where the Now Time currently is in your pattern.
In Step mode, the Time Ruler has no measure numbers.
See The Time Ruler in Step Mode for more information.
Note pane
Note Pane
This is the pane where you display and edit patterns.
Zooming and Scrolling
You can zoom and scroll in all modes of the Editor (see
Zooming and Scrolling in the Editor).
The Now Time
The Editor has its own Now Time, which is independent of
the Now Time in the Arrange pane. The Editor’s Now Time
marks the point in a pattern at which playback is taking
place, or where playback is currently stopped. The vertical
cursor in the Editor is a graphical display of the Editor’s
Now Time position. You can set the Now T ime in the Editor
by double-clicking in the Editor’s Time Ruler.
The Slices Division menu sets the resolution for the creation of markers, or the “slicing” of the looped clip. This
menu uses transients or note lengths, so the settings are:
•Transient Only
•Whole 1/1
•Half 1/2
•Quarter 1/4
•Eighth 1/8
•Sixteenth 1/16
•Thirty-second 1/32
The automatic markers appear at the note resolutions
according to the slider setting. At the eighth note setting,
there are eight markers per measure.
This control works well for slicing audio that has more subtle changes in volume with few dramatic transients.
The markers in a Groove clip preserve the timing of the
audio at that moment. Too few or too many markers can
cause unwanted “artifacts” when a Groove clip is
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