Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. The software described
in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement.
The software may be used or copied only in accordance of the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy this software on any medium except as specifically
allowed in the agreement. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of Twelve Tone
Systems, Inc.
Cakewalk is a registered trademark of T welve Tone Systems, Inc. Cakewalk Pro Audio,
Cakewalk Professional, Cakewalk Home Studio, Cakewalk Guitar Studio, Cakewalk
Audio FX, Cakewalk Metro, Cakewalk Overture, Cakewalk Score Writer, Virtual Jukebox, Virtual Piano, CFX, StudioWare, and the Cakewalk logo are trademarks of
T welve T one Systems, Inc. Other company and product names are trademarks of their
respective owners.
Visit Cakewalk on the World Wide Web at
The Cakewalk Pro Audio UserÕs Guide is designed to help you learn and
use Cakewalk Pro Audio Version 9. In everyday language, this
explains how Pro Audio works and how to use it to create, edit, produce,
and perform. WeÕve made this
oriented, with lots of cross-references so that you can Þnd the
information you need. The
index that you can use to Þnd information on any speciÞc topic.
UserÕs Guide easy to read and task-
UserÕs Guide also includes a comprehensive
About This Book
The UserÕs Guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Introduction, provides an overview of Pro Audio and
instructions for installing the software and setting up your equipment.
Chapter 2,
give you some practical experience with Pro Audio and some exposure to
many of its capabilities.
Chapters 3 through 9 cover all the basic skills you need to use Pro Audio
to play, record, edit, arrange, and mix your projects. By the time you
complete these chapters, youÕll know all about the different ways you can
work with your projects, and youÕll know about most of the tools you
need to create music and sound using your computer.
Chapters 10 through 16 cover the advanced features of Pro Audio. By the
time you complete these chapters, youÕll know how to customize Pro
Audio both to make the best use of all the MIDI and audio equipment
you have in your studio and to be more efÞcient and productive in your
The appendices contain additional information you can use for
troubleshooting, advanced installation and setup, use of MIDI Þles, and
some tips and tricks for using Pro Audio. If youÕve used earlier versions
Getting Started, is a set of three hands-on tutorials that will
of Pro Audio, be sure to turn to Appendix G to see a summary of the new
features in Pro Audio Version 9.
Registering Pro Audio
Please be sure to complete and return the registration card in your
product package or to register your product on our World Wide Web site
( If you do not register, we cannot provide you with
technical support, or inform you when upgrades become available.
Getting Help
In addition to this UserÕs Guide, Pro Audio includes online help that can
provide you with quick reference information whenever you need it.
Simply press F1 or click the Help button in any dialog box to Þnd the
information you need.
If you need more information than you can Þnd in the
the on-line help, here are two great places to look:
¥Check the Support page of our World Wide Web site
( for updated technical information and answers
to frequently asked questions
¥Post messages to the Pro Audio user community using one of the
Cakewalk newsgroups. For more information about the newsgroups,
You can also get technical support directly from Cakewalk. In order to
obtain technical support, you must submit the product registration card
that is included with your Cakewalk product, or register your product on
our World Wide Web site. You can obtain technical support for this
product in the following ways:
¥E-mail your questions to Be sure to include
your serial number in your e-mail.
¥Call Cakewalk Technical Support at (617) 441-7891 on weekdays,
10:00AM to 6:00PM, Eastern time. Be sure to have your serial
number ready when you call.
Technical support hours, policies, and procedures are subject to change
at any time. Check our web site for the latest support information.
UserÕs Guide or
Cakewalk Pro Audio is a professional tool for authoring sound and music
on your personal computer. ItÕs designed for musicians, composers,
arrangers, audio and production engineers, multimedia and game
developers, and recording engineers. Pro Audio supports MP3, Wave,
RealAudio, and other popular formats, providing all the tools you need to
do professional-quality work rapidly and efÞciently.
Pro Audio is more than an integrated MIDI and digital audio authoring
software packageÑitÕs an expandable platform that can function as the
central nervous system of your recording studio. With drivers for
common high-end audio hardware, full support for DirectX audio plugins, StudioWare and MIDI Machine (MMC) control of external MIDI
gear, and the Cakewalk Application Language (CAL), Pro Audio can
handle your most demanding projects.
Pro Audio is the ßagship product of the Cakewalk line of integrated
MIDI and digital audio sequencers for the Windows platform. Pro Audio
has a comprehensive feature set that makes it the single most
productive tool for sound and music authoring. Here are some of the
ways you can use Pro Audio.
Music Composition and Exploration
Pro Audio is a powerful music-composition tool, providing tools to record
your own musical performances; enhance or improve the quality of
those performances; and edit, arrange, and experiment with the music.
With a few simple clicks of the mouse, you can arrange, orchestrate, and
audition your composition. Fully integrated sequencing allows you to
combine the convenience and ßexibility of MIDI composition with the
high-quality sound and subtlety of digital audio sound recording and
reproduction. Change the feel of a piece by locking it to a musical
groove, or add delicate delays, anticipations, or echoes that add richness
to the music.
Pro Audio displays and lets you edit your music using standard musical
notation and guitar tablature, so you can adjust individual notes, add
performance markings, and print individual parts or full scores. You can
graphically draw tempo and volume changes, or add lyrics to display onscreen or to include with printed scores.
Game Sound Development
ThereÕs no better tool than Pro Audio for composing music for electronic
games. Clip-based sequencing lets you create and reuse musical themes
freely, so you can associate musical sections with game characters,
locations, objects, and actions. Your creations can be saved and replayed
using the compact MIDI Þle format, which adapts its sound
automatically to the target hardware for the best possible sound
Sound Production and Engineering
If you want to produce music CDs or master tapes, Pro Audio has
virtually everything you need from recording to mixing and mastering.
Multichannel recording lets you capture studio or live performances
track by track. Pitch correction lets you adjust vocals or create
harmonies Òon the ßy.Ó ReconÞgurable buses provide full control over
your mix. Real-time stereo effects like chorus, ßange, reverb, parametric
EQ, and delay/echo can be applied as track inserts, in effects loops, or to
the master mix. Pro Audio supports 44.1 KHz sampling for CD-quality
sound and lets you choose from lower or higher sample rates as well. All
audio effects are 32-bit ßoating point for faster processing and high-
quality sound reproduction.
Web Authoring
Pro Audio is the ideal tool for developing and producing music and sound
for the World Wide Web, because it lets you save your work in the
formats that are most commonly used on web sites: MIDI, RealAudio,
MP3, and Windows Media Advanced Streaming Format. Any Pro Audio
projectÑmusical composition, audio clip, commercial spot, jingle with
voice-overÑcan be stored in a web-compatible format with a few simple
mouse clicks.
Film and Video Scoring and Production
Pro Audio has many of the tools you need to execute audio post-
production projects quickly and efÞciently. Pro Audio provides chase
lock sync-to time code for frame-by-frame accuracy when synchronizing
audio or MIDI to Þlm or video. Or, you can turn chase-lock off to
conserve CPU power. Pro Audio provides high-quality time stretching
and sample-accurate editing with zero-crossing detection so you can
make the Þne adjustments you need in record time. In addition, Pro
AudioÕs new support for video Þles gives you convenient synchronized
access to digitized video, making Þlm and video scoring easier than ever.
Pro Audio works the way you want to workÑyou can customize screen
layouts, toolbars, and audio and MIDI system conÞgurations to make
your work more efÞcient. Pro Audio integrates with other sound- and
music-editing tools so you can access them in an instant without leaving
Pro Audio. There are custom software modules to support specialized
audio devices from Roland and Yamaha. Pro AudioÕs unique StudioWare
technology provides software interfaces for common studio hardware
and lets you create your own custom software interfaces to any external
MIDI-equipped gear. You can even create a single control panel to
manage your entire studio.
Pro Audio Basics
Pro Audio looks and acts like many other Microsoft Windows programs.
menus and toolbars give you quick access to all the features of Pro
Audio. Some menu choices and tools display
choose among various options or type in the values you want. If you click
in most views, in time rulers, or on certain other items with the right
dialog boxes that let you
mouse button, you see a pop-up menu that provides quick access to
many common operations.
project is the center of your work in Pro Audio. If youÕre a
musician, a project might contain a song, a jingle, or a movement of a
symphony. If youÕre a post-production engineer, a project might contain a
30-second radio commercial or a lengthy soundtrack for a Þlm or
videotape production. By default, every project is stored in a Þle (known
as a
work Þle). The normal Þle extension for a work Þle is.wrk.
Pro Audio organizes the sound and music in your project into tracks,
clips, and events.
Tracks are used to store the sound or music made by each instrument or
voice in a project. For example, a song that is arranged for four
instruments and one vocalist would normally have 5 tracksÑone for
each instrument and one for the vocals. Each project can have up to 256
tracks. Some of these tracks may be used in your Þnished project, while
others can hold alternate takes, backup tracks, and variations that you
might want to keep for future use. Each track is made up of one or many
Clips are the pieces of sound and music that make up your tracks. A clip
might contain a horn solo, a drum break, a bass or guitar riff, a voiceover, a sound effect like the hoot of an owl, or an entire keyboard
performance. A track can contain a single clip or dozens of different clips,
and you can easily move clips from one track to another.
Events are the individual bits of sound and music that make up a clip. A
note played on a piano or bass is an event, as is the pressing of a sustain
pedal on a keyboard or the turn of a pitch wheel. Each continuous piece
of digital audio in your project is an event.
Pro Audio displays your project in windows on the screen that are known
views. You can have many views open at once, all showing the same
project. When you edit a project in one view, the other related views are
updated automatically.
The T rack V iew
The Track view is the main window that you use to create, display, and
work with a project. When you open a project Þle, Pro Audio displays the
Track view for the project. When you close the Track view for a project,
Pro Audio closes the Þle.
The Track view is divided into two sections: the Track pane and the
Clips pane. You can change the size of the two panes by dragging the
vertical splitter bar that separates the two panes.
Each row is a track
Current Track
Splitter bar
The Track pane lets you see and change the initial settings for each
track. One trackÑthe current trackÑis always displayed in color or
marked by a rectangle around one cell. To change the current track,
move the highlight using the mouse or the keyboard as follows:
The Clips paneThe Track pane
Key…What it does…
ArrowMoves one cell in any direction
Page DownDisplays the next page of tracks
Page UpDisplays the previous page of tracks
HomeMoves the highlight to track the first
EndMoves the highlight to the last track
track (track 1).
(track 256).
The Clips pane shows the clips in your project on a horizontal timeline
that helps you visualize how your project is organized. Clips contain
markings that indicate their contents. The Clips pane lets you select,
move, cut and copy clips from place to place to change the arrangement
of music and sound in your project.
The Track view makes it easy to select tracks, clips, and ranges of time
in a project. These are the most common selection methods:
To…Do this…
Select tracksClick on the track number, or drag over
several track numbers
Select clipsClick on the clip, or drag a rectangle
around several clips
Select time rangesDrag in the time ruler, or click between
two markers
Select partial clipsHold down the Alt key while dragging
over a clip
As with most other Windows programs, you can also use the Shift-click
and Ctrl-click combinations when selecting tracks and clips. Holding the
Shift key while you click adds tracks or clips to the current selection.
Holding the Ctrl key while you click lets you toggle the selection status
of tracks or clips.
The Console View
The Console view is the place where you mix the sounds on all the
different tracks to create the Þnal mix of your project. You use the
Console view to adjust the levels of sound for the different tracks in your
project, to change the stereo panning, and to apply real-time effects to an
individual track, combinations of tracks, or the Þnal mix.
The mixing console contains several groups of controls. There is one
module for each track in your project, and one module for each output
device. You can use auxiliary sends (or aux sends) to direct certain
tracks to special modules that are known as submixes.
The Console View:
Audio module
MIDI module
Patch point for
real-time effects
Aux Send slider
Aux Send Enable
Mute, Solo, and
Track Arming
Pan and volume
fader for each
As in the Track view, you can change track settings or record new music
or sound in the Console view. You may choose to use one view or the
other, or the choice you make may depend on which project you are
working on.
Other Views
Pro Audio has a number of other views you can use to display and work
on your project. To display these views, select one or more tracks and:
¥Click the icon for the view
¥Choose the view you want from the View menu
¥In the Track view, right-click on a selected track and choose the view
you want from the menu
The Piano Roll view shows the notes from a track or track as they
would appear on a player-piano roll. You can move the notes around,
make them longer or shorter, and change their pitches by just dragging
them with the mouse. You can also use the Piano Roll view to display
and edit MIDI velocity, controllers, and other types of information.
The Staff view displays the notes from one or more tracks using
standard music notation, similar to the way the notation would appear
on a printed page. You can add, edit, or delete notes; create percussion
parts; add guitar chords and other notation markings; display guitar
tablature; display the Fretboard pane; and print whole scores or
individual parts to share with other musicians.
The Audio view displays the sound waves that make up one or more
audio tracks of your project and provides tools to edit, arrange, and apply
effects to audio events.
The Event List view displays the events in a project individually, so
that you can make changes at a very detailed level.
Pro Audio has several other views that are used for very speciÞc
Zoom out horizontally
Zoom out vertically
Zoom in horizontally
Zoom in vertically
Lasso zoom
View…How you use it…
Meter/Key To change the meter (time signature) or
key signature or to insert changes in the
meter or key signature at specific times in
a project
Big Time To display the Now time in a large,
resizable font that you can read more
Markers T o add, move, rename, or delete labels for
parts of your song that make it easier to
move from one point to another
Lyrics To add and display lyrics for a track
Video To display a loaded video file
Sysx To create, display, store, and edit
System Exclusive MIDI messages used
to control instruments and other gear
that are MIDI capable
StudioWare To use custom software interfaces to
control your MIDI gear
Tempo To view and edit the project's tempo
Zoom Controls
Many of the views contain Zoom tools that let you change the horizontal
and vertical scale of the view:
The zoom tools are used as described in the following table:
Tool…How you use it…
Zoom out Click to zoom out incrementally, or press
Shift and click to zoom all the way out
Zoom in Click to zoom in incrementally, or press
Shift and click to zoom all the way in
Zoom fader Click and drag to zoom continuously
Lasso zoom Click to arm, then click and drag in the
view to select the zoom area
Lasso zoom is automatically disarmed after use. Double-click the lasso
zoom button to make the selection stick.You can also zoom with the
Key…What it does…
IZoom in vertically and horizontally
OZoom out vertically and horizontally
GGo to (center) the Now time, without
ZArm lasso zoom
UUndo the current zoom
In the Track view, you must also hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys
when using these shortcut keys.
You may spend a lot of time making sure that all the views are laid out
on the screen just the way you want. When you save your work, you can
save the screen layout along with it. You can also save the layout by
itself and then use the layout with other projects. See ÒLayoutsÓ on page
Working on a Project
Much of your time in Pro Audio is spent recording and listening to your
project or song as it develops. The Transport toolbar, shown below,
contains the most important tools and other pieces of information youÕll
need to record and play back your project.
Every project has a current time, known as the Now time. As you record
or play back a project, the Now time shows your current location in the
project. When you create a project, the Now time is set to the beginning
of the project. The current Now time is saved with your project.
You control recording and playback using tools on the Transport toolbar,
which work a lot like the ones on your tape deck or CD player:
PlayRecordGo to Beginning
Go to EndStop
As you work with a project, you can use Pro AudioÕs mute and solo
features to choose which tracks are played, or you can create loops to
play a particular section over and over again. You can also create
markers, which are named time points you add to your project to make
it easy to jump to a particular location.
PlayRecordGo to Beginning
Go to EndStop
Other Types of Files
Pro Audio lets you create and work with several other types of Þles, in
addition to the work Þles that store your songs and other projects:
File type…Purpose…
Play ListTo play a series of Pro Audio projects
and standard MIDI files, one after
CALTo write, edit, and run CAL programs
that extend the capabilities of Pro Audio
StudioWareTo control external MIDI devices from
Pro Audio
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