Cadillac SRX 2006 Navigation Manual

2006 Cadillac SRX Navigation System M
Features and Controls
Features and Controls
Navigation Audio System
........................................................ 1-1
.................................................. 1-2
..................................... 2-1
................................ 2-2
................................ 3-1
............................ 3-2
Voice Recognition
Voice Recognition
Vehicle Customization
Vehicle Customization
................................................................ 1
........................................... 4-1
...................................... 4-2
..................................... 5-1
................................. 5-2
GENERAL MOTORS, GM, the GM Emblem, CADILLAC, the CADILLAC Crest & Wreath, and the name SRX are registered trademarks of General Motors Corporation.
The information in this manual supplements the owner manual. This manual includes the latest information available at the time it was printed. We reserve the right to make changes in the product after that time without notice. For vehicles first sold in Canada, substitute the name General Motors of Canada Limited for Cadillac Motor Car Division whenever it appears in this manual.
Keep this manual with the owner manual in the vehicle, so it will be there if it is needed. If the vehicle is sold, leave this manual in the vehicle.
Canadian Owners
For Canadian owners that would like to obtain a French language manual, see “Canadian Owners” in the Index of your vehicle’s owner manual.
Litho in U.S.A. Part No. 15275788 B Second Printing
2006 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Section 1 Overview

Overview .........................................................1-2

Navigation System Overview ............................1-2
Getting Started ...............................................1-3


Navigation System Overview

A. BAND Key. See “Finding a Station” under Navigation
Audio System on page 3-2.
B. CD Key. See Navigation Audio System on page 3-2
or CD/DVD Player on page 3-18.
C. DVD Key. See “Playing a DVD” under CD/DVD
Player on page 3-18.
D. TUNE/SEEK Key. See “Playing the Radio” under
Navigation Audio System on page 3-2.
E. Audio/Adjust Key. See “Main Audio Menu” under
Navigation Audio System on page 3-2.
F. Power-Volume Knob. See “Hard Keys” under Using
the Navigation System on page 2-2. G. Navigation System Screen H. RPT (Repeat) Key. See “Hard Keys” under Using
the Navigation System on page 2-2.
I. MAP Key. See “Hard Keys” under Using the
Navigation System on page 2-2.
J. ROUTE Key. See “Hard Keys” under Using the
Navigation System on page 2-2. K. MENU Key. See “Hard Keys” under Using the
Navigation System on page 2-2.
L. TILT Key. See “Hard Keys” under Using the
Navigation System on page 2-2.

Getting Started

Before you begin to operate the navigation system, read this manual thoroughly to become familiar with it and to understand how the system works.
Keeping your mind on the drive is important for safe driving. See “Defensive Driving” in the Index of your vehicle’s owner manual for more information. Get familiar with your vehicle’s navigation system so you can use it with less effort and take full advantage of its features. Your navigation system includes not only navigation, but also audio functions. While your vehicle is parked:
Familiarize yourself with all of its controls: hard keys
on the faceplate and touch-sensitive screen buttons.
Familiarize yourself with its operation.
Set up your audio by presetting your favorite stations,
setting the tone, and adjusting the speakers. Then, when driving conditions permit, you can tune to your favorite stations using the presets and steering wheel controls (if equipped).
Set up the navigation features that can only be done
before you begin driving, such as entering an address or a preset destination.
Entering a destination or alphanumeric text requires many steps, so you can only perform these operations when the vehicle is in PARK (P). You will notice that touch-sensitive screen buttons leading to the alphanumeric keyboard are dimmed out while driving.
Other functions may also be locked out while driving and they too will appear grayed out on the screen — but all functions are available when parked. Some functions can be performed while driving, as long as you can do so without diverting too much of your attention from your driving.
This system provides you with a far greater access to audio stations and song listings. Giving extended attention to entertainment tasks while driving can cause a crash and you or others can be injured or killed. Always keep your eyes on the road and your mind on the drive — avoid engaging in extended searching while driving.
Looking at the moving map on the navigation screen frequently or for too long while driving can cause a crash and you or others can be injured or killed. Keep your eyes and mind on the road and avoid looking too long or too often at the moving map on the navigation screen. Use the voice guidance directions whenever possible.
The navigation system allows you to do the following:
Plan a route with provided turn-by-turn route
and map guidance with voice prompts. See Plan Route on page 2-18 for more information.
Select a destination using various methods and
Receive broadcast announcements on traffic and
emergency alert communications.
The information in the system may not always be complete. Road conditions such as prohibited turns, detours, and construction zones, change frequently. It is important to consider whether you can follow the directions given by the system for the current conditions.
When getting started, you may set the navigation system to your preference using various options. To do so, reference the following topics:
To adjust screen appearance, language, clock,
English/metric measurements, or other options, see “Main Audio Menu” under Navigation Audio System on page 3-2.
To adjust voice guidance volume or other navigation
settings, see Setup Menu on page 2-4.
Section 2 Features and Controls

Features and Controls ......................................2-2

Using the Navigation System ...........................2-2
Setup Menu ...................................................2-4
Maps ..........................................................2-10
Symbols ......................................................2-13
Plan Route ..................................................2-18
Edit Memory Point ........................................2-19
Edit Waypoint ...............................................2-23
Edit Avoid Point/Area ....................................2-25
Enter Destination ..........................................2-27
Route Preference ..........................................2-36
Remote Keyless Entry System ........................2-38
Global Positioning System (GPS) ....................2-39
Vehicle Positioning ........................................2-40
Problems with Route Guidance .......................2-41
If the System Needs Service ..........................2-42
Ordering Map DVDs ......................................2-42
Database Coverage Explanations ....................2-42
System ...........................................2-39

Features and Controls

Using the Navigation System

This section presents basic information you will need to know to operate the navigation system.
Use the keys located on each side of the navigation screen, as well as the available touch-sensitive screen buttons, to operate the system. See Navigation System Overview on page 1-2 for more information on location.
Once the vehicle is moving, various functions will be disabled to reduce driver distraction.
Hard Keys
The following hard keys are located to the left of the navigation screen:
BAND: Press the BAND key to access the band screen and switch between AM, FM1, FM2, XM1, XM2, and WX, if equipped. See “Finding a Station” under Navigation Audio System on page 3-2.
CD: Press the CD key to play a CD. The CD screen will be displayed. See Six-Disc CD Changer on page 3-23 or CD/DVD Player on page 3-18.
DVD: Press the DVD key to play a DVD. The DVD screen will be displayed. See CD/DVD Player on page 3-18.
yTUNE/SEEK z: Press the TUNE/SEEK up or down
arrows to go to the next or previous radio station and stay there. See “Finding a Station” under Navigation Audio System on page 3-2.
e/ z: Press the audio/adjust key to view the main
audio menu. See “Main Audio Menu” under Navigation Audio System on page 3-2.
PWR-VOL (Power/Volume Knob): Press the power/volume knob to turn the audio and navigation systems on and off. Turn the knob to increase or decrease the volume to the audio system.
The following hard keys are located to the right of the navigation screen:
RPT: Press the repeat key to repeat the current voice guidance navigation prompt.
MAP: Press the MAP key to view the map screen showing current vehicle position.
The map screen can also display the following information:
North or Heading Up symbol. See Symbols on
page 2-13.
Map scale. See Maps on page 2-10.
Distance to destination.
GPS symbol if GPS signal is not being received.
See Global Positioning System (GPS) on page 2-39.
Options you have selected for reaching your current
Driver Information.
Radio band and presets.
ROUTE: Press the ROUTE key to display the PLAN ROUTE menu. See Plan Route on page 2-18.
MENU: Press the MENU key to display the SETUP MENU. See Setup Menu on page 2-4.
X: Press the TILT key to open the navigation
system faceplate for loading or removing the map DVD, a video DVD, or an audio CD. This key can only be used while the vehicle is in PARK (P).
Alpha-Numeric Keypad
Letters of the alphabet, symbols, punctuation, and numbers, when available to you, will be displayed on the navigation screen as an alpha or numeric keypad. The alpha keypad will be displayed when the system needs you to input a city or street name. You can also touch Char at the bottom of the alpha keypad to access the numeric keypad when inputting a house address, punctuation mark, or other character. Touch A - Z to return to the alpha keypad.
All characters are touch-sensitive screen buttons. Touch a character to select it.
Select the space symbol to enter a space between characters or the words of a name.
V : Select the backspace symbol if you have
selected an incorrect character. To make your name selections easier, the system will
only allow you to select a character which can follow the last one entered. For example, if you enter Z, you would not be allowed to follow it with T. The system will highlight the available characters and darken the unavailable characters.
If you are unsuccessful when inputting a name, it may need to be selected differently. It is also possible that the map DVD database may not contain that information or the correct search area has not been selected. See Database Coverage Explanations on page 2-42 for more information.
Touch Sensitive Buttons
Touch-sensitive buttons, or screen buttons, are located on the screen. When you have successfully selected a screen button, a beep will be heard. These buttons will be highlighted when a feature is available and dim when they are unavailable. There are some toggle screen buttons that will be light blue when active and dark blue when inactive.

Setup Menu

MENU: Press the MENU key located to the right of the
navigation screen to access the SETUP MENU.
The SETUP MENU allows you to adjust such things as map appearance, navigation settings, and voice guidance volume.
Navigation Settings
This menu allows you to change the following options for the navigation system.
Restore Default Settings
This feature will automatically reset the system to the default values.
To restore the default settings, do the following:
1. Touch the Restore Default Settings screen button.
2. Touch Enter.
3. Touch Return to exit this menu.
System Configuration
This feature allows you to reconfigure the navigation system. If you begin to drive your vehicle during this procedure, the system will not be able to adjust the position or direction of your vehicle.
Touch the System Configuration screen button to view the following choices:
Adjust Vehicle Position: To correct the position of your vehicle on the map or to change vehicle position, do the following:
1. Touch the Adjust Vehicle Position screen button. The system will display Position Adjustment. The vehicle location symbol and the scroll symbol will appear on the map.
2. Use the scroll symbol and the zoom in/zoom out feature to locate the vehicle position on the map.
3. Touch Enter to set the vehicle position. The system will display Position Adjustment and two arrows will appear on the map screen.
4. Touch the arrows to adjust the direction of the vehicle. As you touch the arrows, you will see the vehicle symbol direction changing.
5. When you have set the vehicle to the correct direction, touch Enter. Relocation Complete will be displayed.
6. Touch Return to exit this menu.
Calibrate Vehicle Speed Signal: If there are tire pressure differences or if a spare tire is installed, the navigation system will automatically recalibrate the system. You may also choose to calibrate it yourself by doing the following:
1. Touch Start to begin calibration.
2. Touch Return to exit this menu.
Time to Destination
This feature allows you to view the estimated time to travel from your current position to the destination, and to reset the average speed to factory default settings. Estimated travel time is based on calculated route information and the vehicle’s average speed. Touch ON to turn this feature on, OFF to turn this feature off, or Reset to restore vehicle speed default settings. With this feature on, the estimated travel time to destination will display along with the distance to destination.
Quick POI (Point of Interest) Selection
This menu allows you to choose a point of interest (POI), such as gas stations, restaurants, hotels, etc. to be displayed on the map screen. You can also set a destination to a specific POI.
Setting the Quick POI Menu
To set the Quick POI list displayed on the map screen, do the following:
1. Select the category you would like to replace.
2. Select a Quick POI category from the Quick POI selection menu list. The system will return to the Quick POI selection screen when a POI is selected.
3. Touch Return to save the setting and return to previous menu.
Displaying Quick POI Icons
To display POI icons of a category on the map screen, do the following:
1. Touch the map screen once.
2. Touch the POI button. The Quick POI Selection list will be displayed.
3. Select a category type or touch List Categories Or All Local POIs to display the icons of the selected category on the map screen.
Removing Quick POI Icons
To remove POI icons from the map screen, do the following:
1. Touch the map screen once.
2. Touch the POI OFF screen button. The current POI icons will be removed from the map screen.
Setting a Destination Using Quick POI
This feature will allow you to choose a POI as your destination. To set a destination using a POI, do the following:
1. Touch the POI icon on the map screen that you wish to set as a destination.
The selected icon will be surrounded by a blinking box, and the name of the icon will be displayed. You may also touch INFO to view the POI name, address, city, and phone number, if available.
2. Touch the ENT DEST screen button. If a final destination has already been entered, you
can add the POI as a waypoint. See Edit Waypoint on page 2-23 for more information.
3. Touch Enter to start planning your route.
4. To start route guidance, touch Start or begin driving the vehicle. Route guidance will automatically begin after a short distance.
If you wish to cancel the route you have just set, do the following:
1. Press the ROUTE hard key.
2. Touch the Route Preference screen button.
3. Touch the Cancel Route screen button.
4. Select YES to cancel or NO to continue.
Guidance Appearance
This menu allows you to set the guidance appearance screen options. This screen is displayed on the map while on a planned route. The current settings will appear as light blue.
Split Map: Select this feature to display the guidance screen on the map at all times.
Full Screen: Select this feature to display the guidance screen on the map when approaching a maneuver.
Turn List: Select this feature to have the guidance screen display several upcoming turns. Directional arrows, street name, and distance to the next turn will be displayed. As you approach the next turn, the system will display a closer view of the upcoming maneuver.
Arrow: Select this feature to have the guidance screen display the next turn. A directional arrow, street name, and distance to the turn will be displayed. As you approach the turn, the system will display a closer view of the upcoming maneuver.
2D: Select this feature to display the guidance screen as a two-dimensional view.
3D: Select this feature to display the guidance screen as a three-dimensional view.
Map Appearance
This menu allows you to set the map appearance screen options. The current setting will appear as light blue.
2D: Select this feature to display the map as a two-dimensional view.
3D: Select this feature to display the map as a three-dimensional view.
Set 3D Viewing Angle: This feature allows you to adjust the 3D viewing angle. To do so, do the following:
1. Touch 3D on the MAP APPEARANCE menu.
2. Touch Set 3D Viewing Angle. The map screen with the 3D viewing angle bar will
be displayed.
3. Touch the up or down arrows to set the viewing angle.
4. Touch Return to save your settings and to exit this menu or touch Reset to restore the viewing angle to the default setting.
Voice Guidance Volume Settings
This feature allows you to set the voice prompt volume level or to turn voice prompts on or off.
Set the voice prompt volume level by touching the numbered buttons to increase or decrease the volume level. You may also choose to turn the voice prompts off. Then touch Return to save your setting and to return to the SETUP MENU.
If a voice prompt is active while the audio system is on, the audio system volume will decrease and the voice prompt will be heard through the driver’s side front speaker.
Voice prompts will not be heard while using voice recognition.


This section includes basic information you need to know about the map database.
Regional Maps
The maps are stored on a DVD-ROM. The 48 contiguous United States and portions of Canada are contained on one disc. The U.S. map database includes interstate freeways, state highways, country roads, and major and general streets.
Refer to the “Navigation System Map Disc” manual to view the explanation of map coverage and detailed city lists in each region. The map disc manual will be in your map DVD case when the vehicle is delivered from the factory.
When your vehicle is delivered from the factory, the dealer may have installed the map DVD. If the map DVD was not installed in your vehicle when first purchased, do the following:
1. Turn the ignition on.
2. With the vehicle in PARK (P), press and hold the TILT key until a beep is heard. The system’s faceplate will open.
3. If already loaded, the map DVD or a CD will eject from the slot.
4. Load the map DVD into the slot by inserting it partway. The system will pull it in.
5. Press and release the TILT key to close the faceplate.
Notice: Shifting out of PARK (P) with the system’s faceplate open will cause the faceplate to close automatically. This could cause damage to a CD, DVD or the system if it is partially loaded. Before shifting out of PARK (P), make sure that the DVD or CD is loaded properly. The vehicle must be shifted back into PARK (P) to close the faceplate.
Once the map DVD is inserted correctly, you will have the following two choices:
You can change the language at this time. See “Language” under Navigation Audio System on page 3-2 for more information on choosing a language. Once a language has been selected, touch I AGREE to plan a route. The map will appear showing your current vehicle position.
Setting the Search Area
To determine or change the system’s search area, do the following:
1. Press the ROUTE key.
2. Touch the Enter Destination screen button.
3. Touch Change under the Search Area heading. The system will display a map with each region represented.
4. Select the desired region by touching the appropriate screen button to the left of the U.S. map. The name of the states or the country included in the selected region will be displayed at the bottom of the screen and the region will be highlighted.
5. Touch Enter to set the region as the search area.
6. Touch Return to go back to the previous screen.
Map Adjustments
The system allows you to adjust the scale of view on the map. The map will scroll automatically based on the direction you are traveling.
Map Scales
To view a larger or smaller scale of the map, touch the map scale arrows.
You may also adjust the scale of the map by touching the scale on the bar. The scale of a map can range from 1/32 of a mile (0.05 km) to 128 miles (256 km).
Scrolling the Map
Touch anywhere on the map screen twice to display the scroll symbol.
Place your finger on the map screen in any direction outside of the scroll symbol to scroll in that direction. The map will continue to scroll until you remove your finger.
If your vehicle is in PARK (P), the system will initially scroll at a slower rate. The rate will increase if you continue to touch the map screen.
If your vehicle is in motion, there is one scroll speed and a limited distance to scroll. You must keep touching the map screen to scroll a longer distance.
If your vehicle icon becomes lost while scrolling, press the MAP key to show the vehicle’s current location.
You may also use the scroll feature to set a destination. See “Set by Map” under Enter Destination on page 2-27.


The following symbols are the most common that appear on a map screen.
Your vehicle is shown as this symbol. It indicates the current position and heading direction of your vehicle on the map.
You will see this type of symbol on the map when a waypoint has been planned.
The waypoint symbol will be numbered from 1 through 5 depending on how many waypoints have been set. See Edit Waypoint on page 2-23 for more information on adding waypoints.
This symbol will appear on the map to show your destination after a route has been planned.
See Enter Destination on page 2-27 for more information on planning a route.
This symbol indicates the distance to your final destination.
This symbol indicates the distance and estimated travel time to your final destination. The Estimated Travel Time feature must be on for estimated travel time to be displayed.
This symbol indicates the map with North up.
While in North up mode, North will always be at the top of the map screen regardless of which direction the vehicle is traveling.
This symbol indicates the distance to your final destination in a straight line.
This symbol will appear before route guidance begins or if you are on a road where route guidance is not available.
This symbol indicates the map with the vehicle travel direction up, or Heading up.
The shaded triangle indicates North. While in Heading up mode, the direction your vehicle is traveling will always be at the top of the map screen.
Touch either the North Up heading symbol or the vehicle Heading Up symbol to alternate between settings.
This symbol will appear when the navigation system is unable to receive the GPS signal.
This symbol indicates the position of the next turn instruction.
See Global Positioning System (GPS) on page 2-39 for more information.
When a point of interest (POI) or street address name is too long to be displayed, an arrow will appear.
Touch the right or left arrow to scroll through the entire name.
While on a planned route, touch this symbol to display the DEST MAP, WHOLE, and TURN LIST options.
With these options, you can do the following:
Dest (Destination) Map: This option allows you to view the final destination location. The destination’s name or address will be displayed on the map screen. Touch Return when finished.
Whole: This option allows you to view the entire planned route. The distance to destination will be displayed on the map screen. Touch Return when finished.
Turn List: This option allows you to view a step-by-step listing of upcoming street names, the distance that you will travel on the road, and turns you will need to make during your planned route.
After touching Turn List, the system may take some time to create the list. The length of time will vary depending on the length of your route and the planning methods you have selected.
The turn list will read from bottom to top. The bottom street name is the street you are currently on. The system automatically updates this screen as you make each turn. You may also touch the scroll up and down arrows providing scroll is available. Touching the down arrow will bring you to your current location. Touching the up arrow will give you upcoming streets. At times, there may not be names available for entrance or exit ramps.
To avoid a turn, touch AVOID next to the turn you want to avoid. You can use REDUCE or ENLARGE to edit the avoided point. Touch Reroute or press the MAP key to calculate your new route.
Touch Return to view your current position and to turn the turn list screen off.
Touch REROUTE or press the MAP key to calculate a new route.
Auto Reroute
When your destination is set and you travel off of the planned route, the system will automatically begin to reroute you. You will see the new route highlighted on the screen.
Traveling Across Regions
If you plan to drive across several states, you may have to change the selected region to represent the area you are traveling to.
There are two ways you can plan a destination when traveling across regions.
The following method is suggested and provides the most route guidance and map display functions:
1. Change the selected search area region when you get closer to the area you are traveling to. See “Setting the Search Area” under Maps on page 2-10.
2. Enter your destination and route settings. See Enter Destination on page 2-27 for more information.
If you do not want to use the first method, keep your currently selected search area region and enter your destination. This method allows you only to select a destination from the easy planning route method or from the All Points of Interest (POI) categories with the “All Search Areas” comment for US Only. For example, Tourist is a category that features this comment. See Enter Destination on page 2-27 for more information.
If you are traveling in or to Canada and you cross the regional border, the only map scale views available are 4 mi, 8 mi, 31 mi, and 128 mi (8 km, 16 km, 64 km and 256 km).
Change the selected search area region when you get closer to the area you are traveling to. See “Setting the Search Area” under Maps on page 2-10 for more information.

Plan Route

To plan a route, press the ROUTE key. The PLAN ROUTE menu will be displayed.
You may use one of several destination entry methods to plan a route. See Enter Destination on page 2-27 for more information.

Edit Memory Point

This feature allows you to store, delete, and edit memory points. Touch the Edit Memory Point screen button from the PLAN ROUTE menu to access the EDIT MEMORY POINT screen.
You can store memory points in four different categories, personal, business, entertainment, and marked point.
Memory points are stored when you select either START or MARK when setting a destination on the map or when you are storing destinations in memory.
A total of 60 locations can be stored. The last 10 destinations entered will be stored under Previous Destination. In addition, one memory point can be stored under the Home category.
If all 60 stored points are entered, the system will notify you that there is no available storage left in memory points. A memory point must be removed before storing additional memory points.
Registering Memory Points
To store a memory point, do the following:
1. Select a category from the EDIT MEMORY POINT menu.
2. Touch REGISTER.
3. Select a method for entering a destination. A map will appear displaying the memory point’s location.
4. If available, touch INFO to view the address information for the memory point.
5. Touch Enter to store the point.
Editing Memory Points
This feature allows you to edit the contents stored in memory. The following options are available:
Icon Editing of a Memory Point
Each memory point is displayed with a default icon. To edit an icon, do the following:
1. Select the category of the memory point.
2. Select the item you want to edit.
3. Touch the icon. The EDIT MEMORY POINT icon screen will appear.
4. Touch the icon you would like to use. The system will then return to the EDIT MEMORY POINT menu.
5. Touch Return to go back to the previous screen.
You will see the new memory point icon on the map.
When selecting an icon, you can choose from 18 different icons, three of which are sound icons. The same icon may be used for other memory points as well.
Name Editing of a Memory Point
To modify the name of a stored memory point, do the following:
1. Select the category of the memory point.
2. Select the item you want to edit.
3. Touch the NAME screen button and use the alpha keypad to edit the name. Names may contain up to 15 alpha and/or numeric characters.
4. Touch Return to go to the previous screen.
Moving Memory Points
To move a memory point from one category to another, do the following:
1. Select the category of the memory point.
2. Select the memory point you want to edit.
3. Touch CATEGORY. A list of categories will appear. The current category for the item will be highlighted and cannot be selected.
4. Touch the screen button for the category you want the memory point placed in. A pop-up window will appear displaying the change in category.
5. Touch Return to go back to the previous screen.
Adjusting a Memory Point
To relocate a memory point’s location, do the following:
1. Select the category of the memory point.
2. Select the memory point you want to edit.
3. Touch POSITION. A map screen with the position of this memory point will appear.
4. Touch anywhere on the screen to activate the scroll feature and relocate the memory point. See Maps on page 2-10.
5. Touch Enter to save the memory point’s new location.
6. Touch Return to go back to the previous screen.
Changing the Phone Number of a Memory Point
To edit or add the phone number of a memory point, do the following:
1. Select the category of the memory point.
2. Select the memory point you want to edit.
3. Touch PHONE and use the numeric keypad to edit or add the number.
4. Touch the RETURN button to take you back to the previous screen when you have finished.
Deleting Single Memory Points
To delete a single memory point, do the following:
1. Press the ROUTE key.
3. Select the category of the memory point.
4. Touch DELETE.
5. Select the memory point you want to delete. A confirmation window will appear.
6. Touch YES to delete the memory point or NO to return to the previous menu.
7. Touch Return to go back to the previous screen.
Deleting All Memory Points
To delete all of the memory points in a category, do the following:
1. Press the ROUTE key.
3. Select the desired category.
4. Touch the DELETE ALL screen button. A confirmation window will appear.
5. Touch YES to delete the memory points or NO to return to the previous menu.
6. Touch Return to go back to the previous screen.
Edit Category
To edit the name of a category, do the following:
1. Press the ROUTE key.
3. Select the category you want to edit.
4. Touch the EDIT CATEGORY screen button and use the alpha keypad to edit the category name.
The name can consist of up to 15 alpha and/or numeric characters.
5. Touch Return to go back to the previous screen.
Marked Point
A marked point is a memory point which has been stored by selecting the MARK screen button while traveling on a planned route. You can also use the scroll feature to plan a destination on the map after reaching the destination, or by moving a memory point to a marked point category. See “Editing Memory Points” earlier in this section for more information.
Previous Destination Memory
Each time you select Start from the map screen, that destination will be stored as a memory point under PREVIOUS DESTINATION. This category will store up to 10 destinations.
When the Previous Destination category contains more than 10 destinations, the system will remove the oldest destination stored and add the most recent one selected to the list.
If you do not want a previous destination to be lost, you must move the destination into a memory point category. See “Moving Memory Points” earlier in this section for more information.
Home Memory
This memory point is stored by selecting Home from the EDIT MEMORY POINT screen. See “Registering Memory Points” earlier in this section and “Home” under Enter Destination on page 2-27 for more information.
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