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SSIM-T8-04 Token Ring
SmartStack Interface Module
The SmartStack SSIM-T8-04 provides four additional Token
Ring ports for the base SmartStack STS16-20RM or FRM
Token Ring Switch. These ports are IEEE 802.5J compliant.
Figure 1. SmartStack SSIM-T8-04 Front Panel
The SSIM-T8-04 ports support Token Ring multimode fiber
media via dual ST-compatible optical receptacle s. Each port
provides either shared (half-duplex), 4 or 16 Mbps
connections to 802 .5j c omplia nt ports (like TRF OT-2), or fu llduplex 32 Mbps connections to another S martSta ck SSIM-T804 Interface Module. In addition to the Token-Ring
connectors , there are ten LEDs on the SSIM-T8-04 front
panel. These LEDs in dicate the operationa l stat us of the SSIMT8-04 and the ports.
SSIM-T8-04 Module Package Contents
Your interface module package contains the following items:
One SSIM- T8 - 0 4 Sm ar t Stack Interfac e M od u l e for th e
SmartStack Token Ring Switch
One SSIM- T8 -0 4 Sm ar t S ta ck Int er f ac e M od u l e
Installation Guide (this document)
1. Power off the base switch by unplugging it.
2. Remove the plate covering the expansion sl ot on the front
of the base switch by unscrewing the two retaining
thumbs c rew s. Keep th e pl at e f o r u se in th e even t th at the
interface module is ever removed.
3. Carefully insert the SSIM-T8-0 4 into the rails on ea ch side
of the expansion s lo t, s liding it back unt il the conne ctor on
the module is seated into the connector at the back of the
slot. When the SSIM-T8-04 is fully seated, its faceplate
will be flush with the fro nt of the base switch.
4. Secure the interface module with the two attached
For backbone cabling, 62.5/125 micron, multimode optical
fiber cable that meets the ISO/IEC 11801 standard or the EIA/
TIA 568A standard, is recommended. The recommended
maximum cable length is 2000 m (1.2 mi). Eac h port is
terminated in an ST fiber connection. The correct cable
connection is Fiber Transmitter to Fiber Receiver.
The ST connectors marked TX/RX send/receive 850 nm
infrared light to an attached device.
Table 1 lists the two status LEDs on the left front of the
interface module and their meanings. Table 2 lists the port
LEDs on the right of the interface module and their meanings.
Both status LEDs are on for several seconds after a
reset. The LEDs go off before the start of diagnostics.
Table 1. Status LEDs and their Meanings
Tab le 2. Port LEDs and their Meanings
Testing the Interface Module
1. Power on the base switch to start diagnostics. The
SmartStack Token Ring switch indicates that diagnostics
are in progress by turn ing on its DIA G L ED. After about a
minute, the interface module DIAG LED will also be
turned on.
2. Verify that the base switch diagnostics have been
completed successfully. On the SmartStack Token Ring
switch th is is indicated when its DIAG LE D is tu r ned off,
and the ERR LED stays turned of f. Diagnostics can take up
to four minutes to complete.
3. Verify that the ERR LED on the interface module is off. If
it is off, diagnosti cs ha ve bee n successf ully comp leted, and
the SSIM-T8-04 is ready for configuration.
The SSIM-T8-04 ports can be config ured just like the base
switch ports. They wil l appear as additional ports on any
configuration panel where ports are listed. The port numbers
will begin where the numbers of the bas e switch stop.
If for example the base switch has 20 ports and an int erfa ce
module in the left front pane l slot, the module por ts will appear
after Port 20 on the various port configuration panels and be
designated 21, 22, 23 and 24. If the module is in the right front
panel slot, the ports will be designated 25, 26, 27 and 28.
Follow the instructions contained in the
SmartStack STS1620RM/STS16-20FRM Token Ring Swit ch, Installation and
User Guide
for configuring the interface module ports.
When connecting one STS16 -20RM switc h to anot her S TS1620RM switch using the SSIM-T8-04 Interface Module, one
end of the fiber connection must be manually configured as
“ADAPTER”, and the other end as “PORT”. Use the
SmartStack Token Ring Switch Port Configuration menu.
When connecting ports on the SmartStack SSIM-T8-04
Interface Module to non IEEE 802.5 j compliant devices, the
Interface Module fiber ports must be manually set to RI/RO
port mode to ensure that a connec tion can be established.
When connecting ports on the SmartStack SSIM-T8-04
Interface Module to other fiber equipment that supports FDX
(full-duplex) connections, the interface module fiber ports
LED Position State Meaning
Top On Diagnostics are in
Off The interface module is
working co rrectly.
Bottom On A interface module
failure has occurred.
Off The interface module is
working co rrectly.
LED Position State Meaning
Top On The attached de vice is
connected to th e inter face
module port.
Bottom On or
Data is being transmitted
or received by t he port.