Cabletron Systems SPECTRUM TRMMIM User Manual

Portable Management Application
for the
User’s Guide
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Order Number: 9031130-E6 October 1996
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Chapter 1 Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
The TRMMIM................................................................................................................ 1-1
Using the TRMMIM User’s Guide............................................................................. 1-1
What’s NOT in the TRMMIM Guide... ............................................................... 1-2
Conventions................................................................................................................... 1-3
Screen Displays ......................................................................................................1-3
Using the Mouse ....................................................................................................1-5
Getting Help ..................................................................................................................1-6
TRMMIM Firmware .....................................................................................................1-7
Chapter 2 Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Using the Hub View ..................................................................................................... 2-1
Navigating Through the Hub View ....................................................................2-2
Hub View Front Panel...........................................................................................2-3
Using the Mouse in a Hub View Module........................................................... 2-6
Hub View Port Color Codes................................................................................. 2-8
Port Display Form.................................................................................................. 2-8
FNB Display.......................................................................................................... 2-10
Monitoring Hub Performance................................................................................... 2-11
Checking Device Status and Updating Front Panel Info ............................... 2-13
Checking Module Status.....................................................................................2-14
Checking Port Status ........................................................................................... 2-16
Checking Station Status ......................................................................................2-17
Configuring Station Name, Location, or Priority..................................... 2-20
Checking Ring Port Status..................................................................................2-20
Checking Statistics............................................................................................... 2-22
Managing the Hub...................................................................................................... 2-24
Managing the Hub at the Device Level ...................................................................2-24
Find MAC Address.............................................................................................. 2-24
Setting the Polling Intervals ............................................................................... 2-25
Managing the Hub at the Module Level.................................................................. 2-28
Controlling Token Ring FNB Multiplexer Connections................................. 2-28
FNB Bypass States ........................................................................................2-29
Manipulating the FNB in the Hub View................................................... 2-29
Using the Module FNB Configuration Window...................................... 2-29
Clearing the Module FNB Configuration Window Selections............... 2-31
Controlling Token Ring Speed...........................................................................2-31
Controlling Token Ring MIM Management Mode......................................... 2-32
Enabling All Ports on Token Ring Modules..................................................... 2-32
Managing the Hub at the Port Level ........................................................................ 2-33
Converting a Station Port to a Ring-out Port...................................................2-33
Enabling and Disabling Station and Ring Ports ..............................................2-33
Removing a Station from the Ring ....................................................................2-34
Chapter 3 Ring Map
Launching the Ring Map..............................................................................................3-2
Selecting a Ring to Map................................................................................................ 3-3
Viewing Station-specific Information.........................................................................3-6
The Quick Info Popup Window...........................................................................3-6
Setting a Station Name..........................................................................................3-8
Setting a Station Drop............................................................................................3-9
Viewing Management Station Configuration....................................................3-9
Viewing Ring-level Information ...............................................................................3-13
Setting the Statistics Calculation Mode ............................................................3-13
Viewing the Error Table ......................................................................................3-14
Changing the Station Labels............................................................................... 3-18
Viewing Device Information..............................................................................3-19
Setting the Map Poll Interval..............................................................................3-20
Viewing Beacon History......................................................................................3-21
Beacon Configuration..........................................................................................3-23
Using the Find Options ..............................................................................................3-25
Searching for a Station’s Nearest Active
Upstream or Downstream Neighbor .........................................................3-26
Searching by Station Name, MAC Address, Board/Port, or Drop...............3-26
Searching for the Active Monitor, Ring Management Station,
or Last Beaconing Station ............................................................................3-27
Finding the Active Monitor on the Network............................................3-27
Finding the Management Station on the Network ..................................3-28
Finding the Last Beaconing Station............................................................ 3-28
Searching by Highest or Lowest Occurrence of a
Performance Parameter................................................................................3-28
Accessing Other SPMA Applications.......................................................................3-30
Chapter 4 Alarm Configuration
Setting and Viewing Ring Alarms ..............................................................................4-3
Setting a Ring Level Alarm................................................................................... 4-5
Setting and Viewing Station Alarms ..........................................................................4-5
Setting a Station Level Alarm............................................................................... 4-9
Chapter 5 Statistics
Using Statistics............................................................................................................... 5-1
Viewing the Ring Station List......................................................................................5-2
Using the Reverse MAC Button...........................................................................5-4
Refreshing the Station List.................................................................................... 5-4
Monitoring Ring and Station Statistics ...................................................................... 5-4
Creating a Pie Chart ..............................................................................................5-5
Creating a Graph or Meter ...................................................................................5-6
Ring and Station Variables........................................................................................... 5-8
General ....................................................................................................................5-8
Frame Sizes ............................................................................................................. 5-9
Isolating Errors.......................................................................................................5-9
Non-Isolating Errors............................................................................................ 5-10
Chapter 6 Ring Security Configuration
About Ring Security .....................................................................................................6-1
Launching the Security Configuration Window...................................................... 6-2
Configuring Security ....................................................................................................6-7
Building the Allowed List Automatically .......................................................... 6-7
Adding New Stations to the Allowed or Disallowed Stations List................ 6-7
Deleting Stations from the Allowed or Disallowed Lists.................................6-8
Moving a Station Between the Allowed and Disallowed Stations List..........6-9
Clearing All Entries in the Allowed or Disallowed List................................... 6-9
Changing the Ring Security Mode .................................................................... 6-10
Appendix A TRMMIM MIB Structure
IETF MIB Support........................................................................................................ A-1
TRMMIM MIB Structure............................................................................................. A-1
A Brief Word About MIB Components and Community Names.................. A-3
Chapter 1
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
The TRMMIM; how to use the TRMMIM User’s Guide; manual conventions; contacting Cabletron Technical Support; TRMMIM firmware versions supported by SPMA
The TRMMIM used in a mid-chassis slot of a Cabletron Systems Multi-Media Access Center (MMAC supports Cabletron’s backplane protocol (currently the EMME EMM-E6 manage both Token Ring and Ethernet networks coexisting in the same chassis.
is an intelligent Token Ring management module designed to be
) chassis, with a TRMM
) residing in the management slot. The latter case allows you to fully
or an Ethernet intelligent repeater that
Using the TRMMIM User’s Guide
Your SPECTRUM Portable Management Application (SPMA) for the TRMMIM consists of a number of different applications, each of which provides a portion of the overall management functionality. Each of these applications can be accessed from the icon menu (if you are using a management platform), from the Hub View (which is a graphical display of the TRMMIM-managed hub), and from the command line (if you are running in stand-alone mode).
The TRMMIM User’s Guide describes how to use many of the applications included with the module; note that the instructions provided in this guide apply to the TRMMIM module regardless of the operating system or management platform you are using. Instructions for launching each individual function from the command line (stand-alone mode) are also included in each chapter.
or the
Following are descriptions of the applications detailed in this guide; while we provide as much background information as we can, we do assume that you’re familiar with Token Ring networks and general network management concepts.
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
Chapter 1, Introduction , describes the TRMMIM User’s Guide and the conventions used in this and other SPMA manuals, explains where to find information about the TRMMIM, and tells you how to contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support.
Chapter 2, Using the TRMMIM Hub View , describes the visual display of the Hub and explains how to use the mouse within the Hub View. Also described are some basic functions available only from within the Hub View (changing the Hub View display, opening menus and windows, enabling and disabling ports, checking device and module status, and so on).
Chapter 3, Ring Map , describes how to graphically display all stations inserted into your TRMMIM-managed Token Ring network. Using the Ring Map application, you can display stations and perform station searches according to various parameters, view and compare errors detected on the ring, configure the ring management station, set station drops or station names, view summary information about station configuration and ring performance, view ring history information, and launch other SPMA Token Ring applications.
Chapter 4, Alarm Configuration , describes how to set thresholds and enable or disable alarms at the ring and station levels.
Chapter 5, Statistics , describes how to use the statistics windows to view ring and station-specific information, including traffic counts, total error counts, and error type breakdowns.
Chapter 6, Ring Security Configuration , describes how to remotely configure security for the TRMMIM. The Ring Security application allows you to control access to your TRMMIM-managed Token Ring network, and specify a security mode for stations illegally attempting to enter the ring.
Appendix A, TRMMIM MIB Structure , lists the individual components that collectively compose the TRMMIM’s MIB.
What’s NOT in the TRMMIM Guide...
The following standard SPMA tools are available through the TRMMIM module and are explained in the SPECTRUM Portable Management Application Tools
Guide :
Charts, Graphs, and Meters
Community Names
Global Find MAC Address Tool
1-2 Using the TRMMIM User’s Guide
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
TFTP Download
Trap Table
The Charts, Graphs, and Meters application is accessible from the Hub View and the command line; the Global Find MAC Address Tool is accessible from the platform console window Tools menu; the MIBTree application is accessible from the platform console window Tools menu, the Stand-alone Launcher window, and the command line; the Telnet application is available from the command line; the rest of the tool applications are available only from the icon menu or the command line.
Graphing capabilities are provided by an application that is included in HP Network Node Manager and IBM NetView; therefore, graphs are only available when SPMA is run in conjunction with one of these network management platforms. If you are running SPMA in a stand-alone mode or in conjunction with SunNet Manager, no graphing capabilities are available and no graph-related options will be displayed on buttons or menus. Note that the screens displayed in this guide will include the graph-related options where they are available; please disregard these references if they do not apply.
Instructions on discovering Cabletron devices, creating icons, and accessing the icon menus within your management platform are included in your Installing
and Using SPECTRUM for... guide. If you are using SPMA for the TRMMIM in
stand-alone mode (without benefit of a specific network management system), instructions for starting each application from the command line are included in each chapter, both in this guide and in the SPMA Tools Guide .
The family of SPECTRUM Portable Management Applications can work with a number of different network management systems running on several different operating systems and graphical user interfaces. This versatility presents two documentation problems: first, there is no standard terminology; and second, the appearance of the windows will differ based on the graphical interface in use. For the sake of consistency, the following conventions will be followed throughout this and other SPMA guides.
Screen Displays
SPMA runs under a variety of different operating systems and graphical user interfaces. To maintain a consistent presentation, screen displays in this and other SPMA guides show an OSF/Motif environment. If you’re used to a different GUI, don’t worry; the differences are minor. Buttons, boxes, borders, and menus displayed on your screen may look a bit different from what you see in the guide, but they’re organized and labelled the same, located in the same places, and perform the same functions in all screen environments.
Conventions 1-3
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
Some windows within SPMA applications can be re-sized; those windows will display the standard window resizing handles employed by your windowing system. Re-sizing a window doesn’t re-size the information in the window; it just changes the amount of information that can be displayed (see Figure 1-1). When you shrink a window, scroll bars will appear as necessary so that you can scroll to view all the information that is available.
Use the scroll bars provided to choose what to display in a window that’s been resized
Click here to display footer message history
Figure 1-1. Window Conventions
Some windows will also contain a button; selecting this button launches a History window (Figure 1-2) which lists all footer messages that have been displayed since the window was first invoked. This window can help you keep track of management actions you have taken since launching a management application.
1-4 Conventions
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
Using the Mouse
The UNIX mouse has three buttons. Procedures within the SPMA document set refer to these buttons as follows:
Figure 1-2. The History Window
Button 1
Button 2
Button 3
Figure 1-3. Mouse Buttons
If you’re using a two-button mouse, don’t worry. SPMA doesn’t make use of mouse button 2. Just click the left button for button 1 and the right mouse button when instructed to use mouse button 3.
Conventions 1-5
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
Whenever possible, we will instruct you on which mouse button to employ; however, menu buttons within SPMA applications will operate according to the convention employed by the active windowing system. By convention, menu buttons under the Motif windowing environment are activated by clicking the left mouse button (referred to as mouse button 1 in SPMA documentation), and there is no response to clicking the right button (mouse button 3). Under OpenWindows, menu buttons can be activated by clicking the right button, and convention dictates that the left button activates a default menu option; within SPMA, that default option will also display the entire menu. Because of this difference, references to activating a menu button will not include instructions about which mouse button to use. All other panels from which menus can be accessed, and all buttons which do not provide access to menus, will operate according to SPMA convention, as documented.
Getting Help
If you need additional support related to SPMA, or if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions related to this manual, contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support. Before calling, please have the following information ready:
The product name and part number
The version number of the program that you need help with. SPMA is modular, which means each application will have a specific revision number. Where applicable, an INFO button provides the version number; you can also view the version number for any application by typing the command to start the application followed by a -v .
You can contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support by any of the following methods:
By phone: Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 8 PM
Eastern Standard Time at (603) 332-9400.
By mail: Cabletron Systems, Inc.
PO Box 5005 Rochester, NH 03866-5005
By CompuServe
By Internet mail:
: GO CTRON from any ! prompt
By BBS: (603) 335-3358
Modem Setting 8N1: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity
1-6 Getting Help
anonymous your email address
For additional information about Cabletron Systems products, visit our World Wide Web site:
TRMMIM Firmware
SPMA for the TRMMIM has been tested against firmware versions 3.00.10 and
3.01.01; if you have an earlier version of firmware and experience problems running SPMA contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support for upgrade information.
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
TRMMIM Firmware 1-7
Introduction to SPMA for the TRMMIM
1-8 TRMMIM Firmware
Chapter 2
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Navigating through the Hub View, monitoring hub activity; managing the hub at the device, module, and port levels
The heart of the SPECTRUM Portable Management Application (SPMA) for the TRMMIM is the Hub View, a graphical interface that gives you access to many of the functions that provide control over the TRMMIM-managed hub.
Note that the Hub View application only allows you to control boards and ports in the
domain of a single management module. If you have another management module installed in the chassis to the left of the monitored TRMMIM, boards that are under the domain of that module (i.e., Media Interface Modules – or MIMs – to its left) will still display in the Hub View of the monitored TRMMIM; however, only boards within the domain of the monitored TRMMIM can be correctly controlled. Flexible Network Bus (FNB) connections across the MMAC chassis will be displayed regardless of modules installed; however, only FNB connections within the domain of the monitored module can be controlled. For example, if you had a TRMMIM and a TRBMIM installed in the same chassis with the TRBMIM to the left of the TRMMIM, and you were modeling the TRMMIM in a Hub View, you would have to create a separate Hub View for the TRBMIM to control the FNB connections and manage MIMs to the left of the TRBMIM. However, even while modeling the TRMMIM, you would still be able to view the boards and FNB connections across the entire MMAC.
Using the Hub View
There are two ways to open the Hub View: if you are working within a network management system, you can select the Hub View option from the icon menu; specific directions for creating a TRMMIM icon and accessing the icon menu can be found in the appropriate Installing and Using SPECTRUM for... guide. If you are running the TRMMIM module in a stand-alone mode, type the following at the command line:
spmarun e5hub <IP address> <community name>
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
The community name you use to start the module must have at least Read access; for full management functionality, you should use a community name that provides Read/Write or Superuser access. For more information on community names, consult the appropriate Installing and Using SPECTRUM for... guide, and/or the Community Names chapter in the SPMA Tools Guide.
The spmarun script invoked first in the above command temporarily sets the environment
variables SPMA needs to operate; be sure to use this command any time you launch an application from the command line. This script is automatically invoked when you launch an application from the icon menu or from within the Hub View.
If you wish to configure your Token Ring hub in any way, be sure to use a community name with at least Read/Write access. If you only wish to view current settings, a community name with Read access will be sufficient.
If there is a hostname mapped to your TRMMIM’s IP address, you can use <hostname> in place of <IP address> to launch this application. Please note, however, that the hostname is not the same as the device name which can be assigned via Local Management and/or SPMA; you cannot use the device name in place of the IP address.
Navigating Through the Hub View
Within the Hub View (Figure 2-1), you can click mouse buttons in different areas of the window to access various menus and initiate certain management tasks. The following describes the information displayed in the Hub View and shows you how to use the mouse to display the Device, Module, and Port menus.
2-2 Using the Hub View
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Hub View Front Panel
In addition to the graphical display of the Media Interface Modules (MIMs), the Hub View gives you device-level summary information. The following Front Panel information appears to the right of the module display in the Hub View:
Contact Status is a color code that shows the status of the connection between SPMA and the device:
Green indicates a valid connection.
Blue means that SPMA is trying to reach the device but doesn’t know yet if the
connection will be successful.
Red means that SPMA is unable to contact or has lost contact with the device.
Figure 2-1. TRMMIM Hub View
Using the Hub View 2-3
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
The time that the device has been running without interruption. The counter resets to 0 days 00:00:00 (days HH:MM:SS) when one of the following occurs:
Power to the MMAC chassis is cycled.
The device is reset manually.
Time and Date
The date and time are taken from the device’s internal clock.
Device Name
A text field that you can use to help identify the device.
Device Location
A text field that you can use to help identify the device.
If the TRMMIM you are modeling is installed in an MMAC-3 chassis, its window titles
will be truncated. If you have assigned a device name or location that contains more than 19 characters, only the first 19 will be displayed in the Hub View. Check the Device Status window for the complete name and/or location, if necessary. See Checking Device
Status and Updating Front Panel Info, on page 2-13, for details.
IP Address
The device’s Internet Protocol (IP) address. You can’t change the TRMMIM’s IP address from SPMA.
MAC Address
The device’s factory-set hardware address. The MAC address cannot be changed from SPMA.
Clicking on the Device button displays the Device menu, Figure 2-2.
2-4 Using the Hub View
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Figure 2-2. The Device Menu
The Device menu lets you perform the following:
Open the Device Status window.
Change the Port Display Form.
Change the FNB display for all modules in the chassis.
Open the Find MAC Address window.
Open the Polling Intervals window.
Launch the Ring Map application, which graphically displays all stations
inserted into the TRMMIM-managed ring network. The Ring Map also provides an Error Table, a Ring History Information window, a Management Station Configuration window, and powerful sort and find capabilities. Refer to the Ring Map chapter for complete information on this application.
Launch the Alarm Configuration application. This application is described
thoroughly in the Alarm Configuration chapter.
Launch the Statistics application, which lets you graphically view statistical
information via pie charts, graphs, and meters. Details on this application are provided in the Statistics chapter.
Using the Hub View 2-5
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Graphing capabilities are provided by an application that is included in HP Network
Node Manager and IBM NetView; therefore, graphs are only available when SPMA is run in conjunction with one of these network management platforms. If you are running SPMA in a stand-alone mode or in conjunction with SunNet Manager, no graphing capabilities are available and no graph-related options will be displayed on buttons or menus. Note that the screens displayed in this guide will include the graph-related options where they are available; please disregard these references if they do not apply.
Launch the Security application, so that you can establish safeguards against unauthorized stations attempting to insert into the ring. This application is described thoroughly in the Ring Security Configuration chapter.
The IP Address Table option in the Device menu (shown in Figure 2-2, grayed out) is not
supported for the TRMMIM.
If you need to call Cabletron’s Technical Support about a problem with the Hub View application, you’ll need the information provided in the Info window:
Figure 2-3. Hub Information Window
Clicking mouse button 1 on the Hub View Quit button closes all Hub View application windows; any open applications which can also be accessed from the command line will remain open.
Using the Mouse in a Hub View Module
Each MIM installed in the TRMMIM-controlled hub will be displayed in the Hub View; use the mouse as indicated in the illustrations on the following pages to access Module and Port menus and functions, as well as to configure the multiplexers which connect the module to the MMAC chassis Flexible Network Bus (FNB).
Token Ring Device Hub View program version
Token Ring Device firmware revision
2-6 Using the Hub View
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Module Index
Displays the index of the Module in the MMAC chassis. Click mouse button 1 to open the Module Status window. Click mouse button 3 to displa y the Module menu.
Module Type
Displays the type code for the module. Click mouse button 1 to open the Module Status window. Click mouse button 3 to displa y the Module menu.
Port Index
Displays the interface index of the port on the MIM. Click mouse button 3 on the port to display the Station Port menu.
Ring Ports
Ring In Ring Out
FNB Bypass State
Indicates the bypass state of the Module with respect to the displayed FNB. Click mouse button 1 to toggle the MIM to INS (inserted) or BYP (bypassed). Click mouse button 3 to displa y the Module menu.
FNB Index
Indicates the index of the currently displayed FNB. Change the displayed FNB using the FNB Display command from the Device menu.
FNB Status/Control
Displays the state of the module with respect to the currently displayed FNB. Click mouse button 1 in the bo x to display the Module Status window. Click mouse button 1 on a connection symbol to change connection status. Click mouse button 3 in the bo x to display the Module menu.
Click mouse button 1 on the status area to enable or disable the ring port. Click mouse button 3 on the index or status area to display the Ring Port menu.
Module Management Mode
Displays whether the MIM is set to operate via hardware defaults or has been configured via management. Click mouse button 1 to toggle the mode between AUT (hardware defaults) or MGT (management).
Module Ring Speed
Indicates the current operating speed of the board. Click mouse button 1 to toggle ring speed between 4 or 16 Mbps.
Figure 2-4. Mousing Around a Module
Port Display Form
Using the Device menu, you can change the port display form shown in the Module Status box es to display several different port display types. Click mouse button 1 to open the Module Status window. Click mouse button 3 to display the Module menu.
Port Status
Displays port Admin/Link status, or a variety of statistics. Click mouse button 1 to toggle the port between ENB (enabled) and BYP (bypassed). Click mouse button 3 to display the Station Port menu.
Using the Hub View 2-7
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Hub View Port Color Codes
The Port Status boxes on each MIM in the Hub View are color-coded to indicate the port’s connection status. There are two color-coding schemes: one which is associated with port Admin/Link status, and another associated with port Admin status (these modes are described in the Port Display Form section, following). The default color scheme is the one which indicates port Admin/Link status; that is, for any Port Display Form except port Admin status, the colors will indicate the status conditions described below.
Green indicates that the port is active; that is, the port has been enabled by management, has a valid Link signal (if applicable), and is able to communicate with the station at the other end of the port’s cable segment.
Blue indicates that the port has been disabled or bypassed through management.
Yellow indicates that the port is enabled but does not have a valid connection. This usually indicates that the device at the other end of the segment is turned off, or that there is no cable attached to that port; stations which remove themselves from the ring for self-testing will also display as yellow.
When Admin is the selected Port Display Form, there are only two status conditions and colors:
Green indicates that the port is enabled. This does not indicate whether or not there is any cable connected to the port, or whether communication has been established with the device at the other end of an attached cable.
Blue indicates the port has been disabled or bypassed through management.
If an intelligent MIM (e.g., the TRBMIM) is inserted in the MMAC chassis to the left of
the TRMMIM, its module status box will be colored purple and labeled “Special” for clear identification. To manage another intelligent MIM (and any boards in its domain), a separate Hub View must be created for it. For example, if you had a TRMMIM and a TRBMIM installed in the same chassis, with the TRBMIM to the left of the TRMMIM, and you were modeling the TRMMIM in a Hub View (the TRBMIM would bear the “Special” module status box mentioned above), you would have to create a separate Hub View for the TRBMIM in order to control the FNB connections and manage MIM ports to its left. However, even while modeling the TRMMIM, you would still be able to view the boards and FNB connections across the entire MMAC.
Port Display Form
You can change the type of information displayed for each port in the hub by using the Port Display Form option on the Device menu. Changing the port display form via the Device menu will affect all manageable ports in the hub.
To change the port display form:
1. Click on to display the Device menu.
2-8 Using the Hub View
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
2. Drag down to Port Display Form, then right to select one of the port display
options. The current selection will be displayed in the Port Display Form text box(es) on the module display.
Port display form options are:
Shows the total number of frames transmitted by the port, in a frames/second format.
Total Bytes
Shows the total number of bytes transmitted by the port, in a bytes/second format.
Shows port traffic errors as a rate (errors/second). You can display any one of the following types of errors:
Total errors
Isolating errors
Non-isolating errors
Line errors
Burst errors
AC errors
Abort Sequence errors
Internal errors
Lost Frame errors
Rx Congestion errors
Frame Copied errors
Token errors
Frequency errors
For error type descriptions, see Checking Statistics, page 2-22.
When a device is reset, statistics windows and/or statistics displays in the Hub View may
display very large numbers for one polling interval. This is due to the resetting of the counters.
Port T ype
Provides the following administrative information about the port:
Admin/Link Status indicates the Administrative and Link connection status
of the ports:
- ENB (Enabled) indicates that the port has been enabled by management, but there is no station linked to the port.
- BYP (Bypassed) indicates the port has been disabled by management.
Using the Hub View 2-9
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
- INS (Inserted) indicates the port has been enabled by management, and
- ACT indicates a ring port is active and passing data.
- WRAP indicates data communications have been terminated at the ring
- “---” for ring ports without a connection, or for any port with an unknown
Admin Status displays either ON or OFF, an indication of whether management has the port enabled or disabled. A port can be ON but not operational. Under the Admin display, ports that are enabled but not linked are shown as ON.
Media Type applies only to selectable-media ring ports and indicates the type of cabling supported by the port:
- On a module with media-selectable ring ports, the ring ports will display
- On a module without selectable ring ports, the ring ports will display
there is a station linked to the port.
port, and it has wrapped so that the ring’s back-up path is in effect.
connection status.
the current selection: FO (Fiber Optic) or STP (Shielded Twisted Pair).
FNB Display
- Ring ports that do not have media selection will display “---”.
- Station ports will display “---”.
Active Ports displays the following information about statistics for the port:
-Yes if a linked (green with INS Admin/Link status) port on the
TRMMIM-managed ring has recorded statistics since the statistical counters were last reset.
-No if a linked (green with INS Admin/Link status) port on the
TRMMIM-managed ring has not recorded statistics since the statistical counters were last reset.
- “---” for non-TRMMIM-managed ports (i.e., ports that are not
on the managed ring), regardless of their status.
The FNB Display option is meant for use with multi-Token Ring management modules (e.g., the TRMM-2 and TRMM-4) and port switching MIMs (e.g., the TRXMIM and TDRMIM) in order to view the FNB connection status of the port switching MIMs. Since the TRMMIM is a single-Token Ring management module, only the FNB 1 display selection (which is the default display for your Hub View) is applicable.
2-10 Using the Hub View
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Using the FNB Display option from the Device menu, you can change the FNB index (see Figure 2-4 ) for all boards in the Hub View. By default, all boards in the Hub View initially display FNB 1. When you change the FNB Display, the Hub View will change to show each board’s relationship with the selected FNB. Hub View features that will change include:
The FNB index, which will display the index for the selected FNB.
The FNB Bypass State, which will change to show the bypass state (INS, BYP,
or ---) for each module with respect to the selected FNB. If FNB 2, 3, or 4 are selected, non-port switching modules in the chassis will display ---, indicating that no connection is possible with the selected FNB. To change the FNB Bypass State, see Controlling Token Ring FNB Multiplexer Connections, on
page 2-28.
The FNB Status/Control symbols, which will display each module’s
relationship with its neighbors with respect to the selected FNB. If FNB 2, 3, or 4 are selected, no FNB Status/Control symbols will be present for non-port switching modules in the chassis. For information on manipulating the FNB Status/Control symbols, see Controlling Token Ring FNB
Multiplexer Connections, on page 2-28.
To change the FNB display for all boards in the Hub View:
1. Click on to display the Device menu.
2. Drag down to FNB Display, then right to select FNB 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Monitoring Hub Performance
The information displayed in the Hub View can give you a quick summary of a device’s activity, status, and configuration. SPMA can also provide further details via its four-level menu structure. The Device, Module, Station Port, and Ring Port menus (Figure 2-5, below) give you control over the hub at these four levels and give you access to the tools, menus, and windows which let you monitor specific aspects of hub performance, change hub display options, and set TRMMIM operating and notification parameters. Some of the same functions are available at all four levels; keep in mind, however, that functions accessed from the device menu will provide information about and control all the modules in a hub or in the first ring detected by the management board, while the functions accessed from the module or port menus provide information about and control a single module or port.
Monitoring Hub Performance 2-11
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Figure 2-5. The Device, Module, Station Port, and Ring Port Menus
Note that the Hub View application only allows you to control boards in the domain of a single management module. If you have another management module installed in the chassis to the left of the monitored TRMMIM, boards that are under the domain of that module (i.e., Media Interface Modules – or MIMs – to its left) will still display in the Hub View of the monitored TRMMIM; however, only boards within the domain of the monitored TRMMIM can be correctly controlled. Although you can display Module menus for MIMs outside of the domain of the monitored TRMMIM, you cannot use these menus to correctly control those MIMs.
Hub performance data available through these menus includes:
Device, Module, Port, Station, and Ring Port Status windows.
Note that information displayed in the Status windows is static; that is, it is only gathered at the instant the Device, Module, Port, Station, or Ring Port Status window is opened. To receive updated information in one of these windows, you must exit the window and re-open it.
Device and Station statistics, which provide a complete breakdown of ring activity.
Device pie-charts, graphs, and meters, as graphic representations of the types and levels of traffic passing through the hub. (For more information about pie charts, graphs, and meters, see the Charts, Graphs, and Meters chapter in the SPMA Tools Guide.)
2-12 Monitoring Hub Performance
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
Graphing capabilities are provided by an application that is included in HP Network
Node Manager and IBM NetView; therefore, graphs are only available when SPMA is run in conjunction with one of these network management platforms. If you are running SPMA in a stand-alone mode or in conjunction with SunNet Manager, no graphing capabilities are available and no graph-related options will be displayed on buttons or menus. Note that the screens displayed in this guide will include the graph-related options where they are available; please disregard these references if they do not apply.
Checking Device Status and Updating Front Panel Info
The Device Status window is where you change the information displayed on the Hub View Front Panel and where you can see summary information about the current state of the hub.
To open the Device Status window:
1. Click on to display the Device menu.
2. Drag down to Status and release.
Name and Location
These text fields help identify this TRMMIM. The information you enter in the Name and Location boxes is set at the TRMMIM and appears on the Hub View front panel.
Monitoring Hub Performance 2-13
Figure 2-6. The Device Status Window
Using the TRMMIM Hub View
This text field allows you to enter the identity of the network administrator responsible for the TRMMIM. The information you enter in the Contact text box is set at the TRMMIM.
Date and Time
Cabletron’s intelligent devices incorporate an internal clock. The Front Panel Date and Time display is a real-time presentation of the device clock.
To change the name, location, contact, date, or time:
1. Highlight the appropriate field and type the new values.
2. Press Return on the keyboard to save each change before moving on to another field. Each change will appear on the front panel as soon as Return is pressed.
Total Rings
Indicates the number of ring networks resident on the TRMMIM-controlled MMAC chassis.
Total Ports
Indicates the number of ring and station ports currently detected on the TRMMIM-controlled MMAC chassis.
Checking Module Status
You can open a Module Status window (Figure 2-7) for any module in a hub. To open the Module Status window:
1. Click mouse button 1 in the Module T ype box.
1. Click mouse button 3 in the Module T ype or Module Index box to display the Module menu.
2. Drag down to Status and release.
2-14 Monitoring Hub Performance
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