Cabletron Systems SmartSwitch 9W006, SmartSwitch 9W007 User Manual

Release 7.2
Cabletron Systems
(603) 332-9400 phone (603) 337-3075 fax
2 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
You may post this document on a network server for public use as long as no modifications are ma de to th e do cu ment.
Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice. The reader should in all cases consult Cabletron Systems to determine whether any such changes have been made.
The hardware, firmware, or software described in this manual is subject to change without notice.
©Copyrigh t 1998 by Cablet ron Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cabletron Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 5005 Rochester, NH 03866-500 5
Order Number: 9032490
Cabletron Systems has tested its software with current virus checking technologies. H owev er, because no anti-vir us sy stem is 100% rel iable, we strongly cauti on you to wr ite pro tect and th en verif y that th e Licen sed Sof tware, pr ior to installing it, is virus-free with an anti-viru s system in which yo u have confi denc e.
Cabletron Systems makes no representations or warranties to the effect that the Licensed Software is virus-free.
Copyright © July 1997, by Cabletron Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Only qualified personnel should perform installation procedures.
9W006 and 9W007 3
Cabletron Systems, CyberSWITCH, MMAC-Plus, SmartSWITCH, SPECTRUM, and SecureFast Virtual Remote Access Manager are trademarks of Cabletron Systems, Inc.
All other product names m entioned in this manual are tradema rks or registered trademarks of their re sp e ctive companies.
All of the code for this product is copyright ed by Cable tron System s , Inc.
© Copyright 1991-1997 Cabletron Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America .
Portio ns of the code for this p roduct are co pyrighted by the follow ing corpor ations:
Epilogue Technolo gy Co rporat io n Copyright 1991-1993 by Epilogue Technology Corporation. All rights reserved.
Livingston Enterprises, Inc. Copyright 1992 Livingston Enterprises, Inc.
Security Dynamics Technologies Inc. Copyright 1995 by Security Dynamics Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Stac El e c tronics Stac Electronics 1993, including one or more U.S. Patents No. 4701745, 5016009, 5126739 and 5146221 and other pending patents.
Telenetw orks Copyright 1991, 92, 93 by Telene tworks. All rights reserved.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC r ules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this de vice m a y no t caus e ha r mful interference, and (2) this device must accept any int erference received, includ ing interference that may caus e undesired op e ra ti on.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment uses, generates, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed in accordance with the operator’s manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
4 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
WARNING : Changes or modific ations made to this d evice wh ich ar e not exp ressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This digital apparatus do es not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Co mmunications.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communicatio ns du Cana d a.
This is a Class 1 product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If th is equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be re quired to take corrective actions.
IMPORTANT: Before utilizing this product, carefully read this License Agreement.
This document is an agreement between you, the end user, and Cabletron Systems, Inc. ("Cabletron") that sets forth your rights and obligations with respect to the Cabletron software program (the "Program") contained in this package. The Progra m may be contai ned in fi rmware, ch ips or ot her media. BY UTILIZ ING THE ENCLOSED PRODUCT, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BECOME BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, WHICH INCLUDES THE LICENSE AND THE LIMITATION OF WA RRANTY A ND DISCLAIMER O F LIABILITY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE FOR A FULL REFUND.
9W006 and 9W007 5
Using this Guide 12
Documentation Set 12 Guide Conventions 13
The SmartSwitch Remote Access Module 15
The SmartSwitch Remote Acc e ss M odule Network 15 9W006 and 9W007 Functionality 16
Telco Interfaces 16 Digital Modem 17 Management 17
Additional Sof tware 18 Unique System Featur es 18 Interoperability Overv iew 20
Interoperability Protocols 20
Interoperability Devices 21 Security Overview 21 Network Interface Overview 22 System Compon e nts 23 Remote ISDN Devices 23 Switches Supported 24
Hardware Overvi ew 25
SmartSwitch Remote Access Module Hardware 25
Available Hardwa re Co nfigurations 25
Module Specifications 28
Module Interfaces 28
Module LEDs 28
SMB LED 29 Power LED 29 Ethe rnet 1 & 2 Ac ti vity L ED s 29
Module Ports an d Connectors 30 SmartSwitch 9000 Chassis Support 30 System Management Bus (SMB-1) 31
Software Overview 32
Overview 32 System software 32 System Files 32
Configuration Files 32
Operational Files 33
6 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
Configuration Overview 35
Overview 35 SFVRA Configuration Mana ger 36
Starting the SFVRA-CFG Application 36 CFGEDI T 37
Executing CFG EDIT 37
Saving CFGEDIT Changes 37 Dynamic Management 38
Executing Dynamic Management 38
Utility Dynamic Management Commands 38
Saving Dynamic Managem e n t Changes 39
Orderi n g PRI ISDN Servic e (US Only) 41 Hardware Installat ion 43
Overview 43 Installing the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module 43
Unpacking the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module 43
Install ation 44
Connecting the Module’s Cabling 44
Module to SmartSwitch 9000 Et hernet Cabling 45
Mod-Tap Adapter 45
Module to PRI Service Cabling 45 Resta r t in g the S m a r tS witch Remote Ac ce s s M o d ule 46
Accessing the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module 47
Overview 47 Accessing a New Module 47
Initial Assess Using a PC and a Termina l App lic ation 47
Initial Access Using Telnet 47
Establishing an Administration Session 48
Assigning the Module’s IP Address 48
Accessing th e Re lease Notes 49 Remote Access using Telnet 49
Upgrading System Software 50
Overview 50 Telnet Connection 5 0 Upgrading Software 50 Accessing th e Re lease Notes 51
System Verification 53
Overview 53 Verifying Hardware Resources are Operational 53 Verifying WAN Lines are Available for Use 54
9W006 and 9W007 7
Verifying LAN Connection is Operational 55 Verifying Bridge is Initialized 55 Verifying IP Router is Initialized 56 Verifying a Dedicated Connection 56 Verifying Remote Device Connectivity 57 Verifying IP Routing Over Interfaces 57
Verifying IP Routing Over a LAN Interface 57
Verifying IP Routing Over a WAN Interface 58
Verifying IP Routing Over a WAN Remote LAN Interface 60
Verifying IP Routing Over a WAN UnNumbered Interface 61 Verifying IP RIP 62
Verifying IP RIP is Initialized 62
Verifying IP RIP Output Processing on a LAN Interface 62
Verifying I P RIP I nput Processi ng on a LAN Interface 64
Verifying IP RIP Output Processing on a WAN Interface 65
Verify IP RIP Inpu t Processing Operational on a WAN Interf ace 66 Verifying IPX Router is Initialized 66 Verifying IPX Routing is Operational 67
Verifying IPX Ro uting over a LA N Connection 67
Verifyi ng an IPX Re mote LAN Connection 68
Verifying I P X Rou ting over a WAN Connection 68
Verifying Triggered RIP/SAP 69 Verifying the AppleTalk Routing Feature 69
Verifying AppleTalk Routing is Initialized 69
Verifying AppleTalk Routing is Operational 70
Verifying AppleTalk Routing Operational over the LAN connection 71
Verifying AppleTalk Routing Operation over a WAN connection 71 Verifying SNMP is Operational 72 Verifying the Dial Out Feature 73 Verifying Compressio n is Op erational 7 3 Verifying Reserved Bandwidth is Operational 73 Verifying a Semipermanen t Conne cti on 74
Problem Diagnosis 75
Overview 75 WAN Adap ter 75 LAN Adapter 75 Bridge Initializa tion 76 IP Routing Initialization 76 WAN Line Availability 78 Dedicated Co nnections 80 Remote Device Connectivity 80 LAN Attach ment 82 IP Routing Over Interface Connections 82
IP Routing Over the LAN Interf ace Co nnec tion 8 2 IP Routing Over a WAN Interface Connection 84 IP Routing Over a WAN RLAN Interface Connection 86 IP Routing Over a WAN UnNumbered Interface Connection 87
8 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
IP RIP Initialization 88 IP RIP Output P rocessing on a LAN Interface 88 IP RIP Input Processing on a LAN Interface 90 IP RIP Output P rocessing on a WAN Interface 90 IP RIP Input Processing on a WAN Interface 91
IPX Routing 91
IPX Routing Initialization 91 IPX Routing ove r the LAN Connection 92 IPX Routing ove r the Remote LAN Connection 93 IPX Routing ove r the WAN Connection 95 Triggered RI P /SAP Start Up 95 Triggered RIP/SAP Operation 95
AppleTalk Routing 96
AppleTalk Routi ng Initialization 96 AppleTalk Routing Operational ov er the LAN connection 97
AppleTalk Routing Operational ov er the WAN connection 100 SNMP 101 Dial Out 105 Compression 107
System Messages 109
Overview 109 Informational Messages 109
Initialization Messages 110
Normal Operation Messages 110
Spanning Tree Messages 110 Warning Messages 110 Error Messages 110 System Message Summary 110
Trace Messages 168
Overview 168 Call Trace Messages 168
Call Trace Message Summary 169 PPP Packet Trace Messages 175
Remote Management 179
Overview 179 SNMP 180
Installation and Configuration 180
Usage Instru ctions 181 Telnet 182
Installation and Configuration 183
Usage Instru ctions 183 WIN95 Dial-Up Networking 185
Setting up a New Number 185
Setting Up Server Type 185
Dialing Out 185
9W006 and 9W007 9
TFTP 186
Installation and Configuration 186
Usage Instru ctions 187 Carbon Copy 188
Installation and Configuration 188
Changing CARBON COPY Configuration Parameters 188
CARBON COPY Configuration Parameters for Modem Usage 189
Usage Instru ctions 190
Establishing a Remote Administration Session 190 Terminating a Remot e Admi nistration Session 191
Performing a File Transfer Using CARBON COPY 192
Running without Carbon Copy 193
Remov in g Ca rb o n Co p y 19 3 Null Modem Connection 193 Adding Carbo n Copy 194
System Commands 195
Overview 195 Accessing Admin istration Services 195 Setti n g th e I P Ad d r e s s 1 96 Viewing Operational Inf orm ation 196 Viewing Throughput Information 200
Throughput Monitor Contents 201 Saving Operational Information 202 Clearing Opera tional Inf orm atio n 202 Terminat ing and Restarting the SmartSwi tch Remote Access Module 203 Setti n g the D ate and Ti me 203 Terminating Admin istration Sessions 204 AppleTalk Routing Commands 205 Bridge Commands 209 Call Control Co m ma nd s 210 Call Restriction Commands 213 Compression Information Commands 214 Digita l Modem Commands 214 IP Routing Commands 215 IPX Rou ting Commands 219 ISDN Usage Commands 221 LAN Commands 222 Packet Capture Commands 222 SNMP Co mma nds 225 Spanning Tree Comma nds 225
Spanning Tree Port Information 226
Spanning Tree Bridge Information 226 TCP Commands 228 Telnet Commands 228 Termina l Commands 231 TFTP Commands 232 Trace Commands 233 UDP Command s 2 3 4 WAN Comm an ds 234
10 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
System Statistics 236
Overview 236 Connectivity Statistics 236 Call Restriction Statistics 237 Call Statistics 237 Throughput Monitoring Statistics 237 AppleTalk Statisti cs 238
AppleTalk Protocol Statistics 238
AppleTalk Data Delivery Protocol (DDP) Statistics 238 AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP) Sta ti stics 239 AppleTalk Rou ting Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP) Statistics 240 AppleTalk Zone Informati on Protocol (ZIP) Stati stics 240 AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol (NBP) Statistics 241 AppleTalk Transaction Protocol (ATP) Statistics 241
AppleTalk Port Statistics 242 Bridge Statistics 243 Compression St atistics 243
Compression Related Statistics 244
Decompressi on Related Statistics 244 Digital Modem Statistics 245 LAN Stati st ics 245 IP Statistics 245
IP Group Statistics 246
ICMP Group Statistics 247 IPX Statistics 249
IPX General Statistics 249
IPX Basic System Table Statistics 249
IPX Advanced System Table Stati stics 250 IPX RIP Statis tics 251 IPX Triggered RIP Statisti cs 251 IPX Route Statistics 252 IPX SAP Statistics 252 IPX Triggered SAP Statistics 253 IPX Service Statistics 253
RIP Statist ics 254
RIP Global Stati stics 254 RIP Interface Statistics 254
SNMP Statistics 255 TCP Statistics 257 TFTP Statistics 258
Statistics for Serve r or Rem o te initia ted TF TP Ac tiv ity 258 Statistics for Loca l or Clien t Initia ted TFTP Ac tiv ity 259 Statistics for all TFTP Activity 259
UDP Statistics 260 WAN L1P Statistics 260
PRI S/T (T1/E1) Interface Statistics 260 Layer 1 PRI Error Stat istics 261 Layer 1 General Stati stics 262
WAN Statistics 262
9W006 and 9W007 11
Routine Maintena nce 26 4
Overview 264 Installing/Upgrading System Software 264 Configuration Backup and Rest ore 264 Obtaining System Custom Information 264
Getting Assistance 266
Reporting Problems 266 Contacting Cablet ron Sy stems 266
Administrative Console Commands Table 268 Cause Code s Ta ble 273
The User’s Guide is divided into the following parts:
We begin with an overv iew of bridgi ng, lay er 3 swi tchi ng, a nd speci fic Sma rtSwi tch Remo te Ac cess Module features. Next, we provide an overview for the system software, the system hardware, and configuration tools. Finally, we provide an overview describing the available methods for configuring your module.
In this sec tio n of the User’s Guide we provide guidelines for ordering ISDN service in the US, and a step-by-step descr iption of installi ng hardw a re and upgrading software.
Troubleshooting begins with information for verifying your system installation, and continues with steps to take if there are problems with the installation. Next, it includes a description of system messages and trace messages. Each message listing in these chapters provides the message itself, a message definition, and where appropriate, possible corrective actions.
In this section, we provide informa tion to help you mai ntain your Sma rtSw it ch Remo te Acces s Module once it is operating. System maintenance information includes information regarding remote mana gement, a chapter on both the syste m commands and the syst em statisti cs, and routin e maintenance procedures.
The User’s Guide provides the following appendices:
This appendix provides information for getting assistance if you run into problems when
installing your system. A FAX form is included. You can print this form, fill out the information
requested, and FAX it to Cabletron Systems, using the provided FAX number.
Provide s a tab ular list ing of the system administration console commands and th e ir uses.
Provides a tabular listing of Q.931 Cause Codes and their meanings. These cause codes may
appear in call trace messages.
This guide, the User’ s Gu ide, provides information to install and configure your system. It also provides information you may need to refer to keep your system running efficiently after it is up and running. For example, it provides a li sting of system messages. Eac h message l i sting provides a definition of w hat the message means, and where appropriate, corrective action you can take. Many other subjects are covered, including routine maintenance, hardware information, system verifi cation, and problem diagnosi s.
9W006 and 9W007 13
Guide Conventions
This gu ide is one in teg ral part of th e e n t i re do cu m e n t a tion set. Pl ease refer to th e do cuments described below for additional information.
The Qu i c k St art provides abbr evia ted installa ti on and configuration instructions for expe r ienced users. Specific instructions for setti ng u p various types of remote dev ices are also i nc luded.
The SFVRA Configuration Manager User’s Guide provides detailed info rm ation f or insta lling, configuring, and using the SFVRA Configuration Manager (SFVRA-CFG). SFVRA-CFG is a separate softwar e product th at is prov ides a GUI i nterfac e for conf igurin g the SmartSw itch Rem ote Access Module. Through the SFVRA-CFG, the network administrator can deploy and maintain an entire n e tw o rk through a centrally located devi ce . The net work administrator can genera te each
system’ s configuration files separatel y , with the system’s view of the network, then transfe r the configuration files electronically to the system. This guide is included on the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module CD.
The SFVRA Connection Manager Use r’s Guide provides detailed information for installing,
configuring, and using the SFVRA Connection Manager (SFVRA-CONN). SFVRA-CONN is a separa te software prod u ct that offe rs state of the art policy-based management system f or large central site dial-in networks. This software provides a rich set of ne twork configuration, management, and reporting capabilities. This guide is included on the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module CD.
The Release Notes provide release highlights and important information related to this release. The Release Notes may be disp layed durin g software installati on (or upgrade) . They may also be displayed after the system is operatin g by issuing the
list rel_note.txt
console command.
The following conven tions are used throughout the documentation:
Syste m Commands All system comma nds (A dm inist rati on and Mana ge Mo de com mand s) are italic iz ed, and in a different font than the general text. For example, if you are instruct ed to enter the command to test for proper LAN connections, the command would appear as follows:
lan stats
MONITOR DISPLAYS Any messages or text that is displayed on your monitor w ill be shown in the style be low:
LAN Port <port #> is now in the LISTENING state
WAN Port <port #> is now in the FORWARDING state
LAN Port <port #> is now in the LEARNING state
LAN Port <port #> is now in the FORWARDING state
All references to SmartSwitch Remote Access Module documentation titles will use the same font
as normal text, but will be italicized. For example, all references to the User’s Guide will appear as:
User’s Guide
We inc l u de th e f ollowin g ch a p te rs in the Syst em Overv i ew segment of the User’s Guide.
The SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
Provides th e “big pic ture” view of a SmartSwitch Remote Acce ss Module net work. We in clude
an overview of unique system feature s, inter oper abilit y, security , interfaces , syste m
components, remote devices, and switches supported.
Hardware Overvie w
A description of the 9W006 and 9W007 Sm artSwitch Remote Access Modules.
Software Overview
A description of the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module’s system and administrative
software. We also include a descrip tion of syste m files.
Configuration Overview
A description of the different tools that can be used for configuration of the SmartSwitch
Remote Access Module.
Because of the strong personal computer presence in the business environment, a move to graphical user interfaces, and the need to make the best use of available resources, there is a growing demand for high speed LAN access for remote devices. PC users need to be part of a work­group or ente rprise LAN, and remote access from home , field offices, and other remote locations has become a necessity.
With the de mand for remote LAN access, the remote device’s requirem e nt for bandwidth has exceeded the capabilities of traditional analog modems. High-speed digital dedicated lines can certainly provide su fficie nt band wi dt h for LAN inter con n ect ion . How ever , beca use of the high monthly charges associated with dedicated services, the costs are prohibitive for individual users.
New forms of networking are now possible and affordable using the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) . ISDN is being deploy ed by majo r teleco mmunications companie s world- w ide.
With ISDN ser vices, t he costs o f LAN inte rconnect ion are b ased on ac tual usa ge — the user gets the bandwidth of dedicated digital service at dial-up prices.
Our products offer internetworking solutions for small businesses as well as large corporations.
The SmartS witch Remote Access Modules are versatile wide area networking products design e d for the SmartSwitch 9000. They provide SmartSwitch 9000 user s with an integrated solution for both LAN and WAN access. Their capabilities and performance match the requirements that high­end network connectivit y users expect. The 9W006 and 9W007 expand the SmartSwitch archit e ct ure t o p r ovid e I SDN an d ana lo g mode m ac ces s. Th e a na log mode m ac ce ss i s p ro vid ed v ia digital modem techno lo gy, and can b e suppo rte d over ISD N or channe li zed T1 lines.
The 9W006 and 9W007 SmartSwitc h Remote Access Modules are installed directly in to the SmartSwitch 9000. They include four flexible WAN interfaces provid ing ISDN, analog modem (via digital modem), and T1/E1 or channelized T1 access. The 9W006 can support up to 96 simultaneous swit ched digital connection s, and up to 48 simultaneous switched digital/analog modem co nnec tions. T he 9W007 can su pport up to 120 si mul ta neous swi tched d igit al conne cti ons, and up to 60 simultaneous switched digital/analog modem connecti ons.
The SmartS witc h Remote Acces s Modul e can b e used with a mix of br idges, r outers, hos ts, PCs, and workstation s. These com bina t ions pro vi de inter netwo rk ing cap ab ilitie s that will allo w dev ices to carry out LAN-to-LAN ap plicat ions such as teleco mmut ing, electron ic mail, mult i-m edia transmissi on, Imaging, and CAD. Devices “dial up” in to a single system using a multi-line hunt group to extend the capabilit ies o ffere d by an enter prise LAN .
16 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
The telco interf aces provide the 9W006 and 9W007 SmartSwitc h Remote Access Modules with an interface to telephone company-supplied ISDN PRI lines, or with unchannelized or channelized T1/E1 lines.
Depending on the country where the PRI service is offered, each PRI li ne supports either the 23 or 30 64Kbps B-channels for data, plus on e 64Kbps D-channel for signaling.
File Server
Remote ISDN Bridge
Silicon Graphics INDY
Sun SPARCstation
(with BRI ISDN TA)
Remote ISDN Bridge
BRIs or
SW 56
MMAC-Plus with SmartSWITCH Remote Access Module
9W006 and 9W007 17
9W006 and 9W007 Functionality
The 9W006-220 (the 9W006 with two PRI interfaces and two digital modem interfaces) allows channelize d T1 ser vic e with rob bed -bit si gn ali ng f or use rs wan tin g t o suppor t anal og mod em ca lls without concurrent ISDN support.
The module’s digi tal modem ca pa bilit y allow s analo g mode m s to be intermix e d with ISD N as required to best fit specific user situations.
Up to sixty 56Kbps digital modem connections are supported. The digital modem is connected internally to the telco interface (ISDN PRI or channelized T1) eliminating the need for separate analog telco connections.
When the modules identify that a call is coming from an analog modem, the associated ISDN B­channel or channelized T1 SD0 data st ream is th en assign ed to one of th e digital mod ems. A ll of the operati ons of a 56Kbps modem are pe rf ormed just as if the call had gone to an analog modem through an analog phone line (although at the higher speeds available with digital modem technology).
Similarly, data coming into the modules (typically from the LAN) is converted to Async-PPP, sent to the digital modem fo r modulation, and sent ou t the ISDN B-ch annel or T1 DS0 on th e telco line.
The K56flex digital modem protocol provides automatic rate detection/negotiation such that lower baud rates are fully supported. The digital modem also supports MNP4 and V.42 error control protocols, and MNP5 and V.42bis data compressi on protocols.
The SmartS witch Remote Access Module inc ludes SFVRA-CFG, a mana ge me nt software with flexible bandwidth management designed to keep performance up and cost down. Network manager s can configure a varie ty of par a me ters to control co nn e ctions being established and terminated including restrictions by packet type, time of day, and maximum calls per day.
The management capabilities included allow great flexibility. Each B channel can be used to connect to one or mo re si ngle remo te lo cat i ons, or thr oug h inv ers e mu lti pl ex ing h igh er band wid th can be provided to users in multiples of 64Kbps.
Users ca n als o config u re the module s to se nse data traffic nee ds and au to m a ti cally in itiate or terminate calls. This provides bandwidth-on-demand resulting in high performance with minimal associated cost. The management of these calls is extremely important for minimizing ISDN phone charges.
Remote managem ent capab ilitie s are also suppo rted for centraliz ed adm inis tration of dece ntralize d n e tw orks incl uding th e us e of sta ndards such as SN MP and Tel n e t.
The 9W006 and 9W007 modules provide numero us network management features . Internally , Call Detail Recording will log data to a local file. Using Syslog users can capture essential data regarding remote users connection time. Also supported is Telnet with password, host and terminal server as well as tftp for the ability to upload and download log files. CDR files provide tracking and
18 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
troubleshooting capabilities while the system is up and running. The modules also support SNMP with both MIB II, private extensions, and a container MIB indicating the current configur ation.
Cabletron also supplies two separate software products that are used in conjunction with the SmartSwitch Remote Access Modules: SFVRA Config u ration Manager (SFVRA-CFG ) and SFVRA Connection Manager (SFVRA-CONN).
SFVRA-CFG provides a GUI interface for configuring the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module. Through the SFVRA-CFG, the netw ork administrator can deploy and maintain an entire CyberS WI T CH network through a cen tr al l y located devi ce . The net work adm in is trator can
generate each system’s configuration files separately, with the system’s view of the network, then transfe r th e configuration files elec tronically to the system.
SFVRA-CONN offe rs st at e of th e a rt poli cy-base d ma nagem ent sy st em fo r lar ge ce ntr al si te dial-i n networks. This sof tware provides a rich set of network config uration, management, and reporting capabilities. The functionality of SFVRA-CONN software includes policy-based connectivity management, virtual networking that spans multiple modules (including multiple SmartSwitch 9000 chassis, and even includ ing multi p l e geo graph i c si tes) with audit/account i ng ca pabi lities.
The SmartS witch Remote Access Module co mbines unique fe atures that improve cost­effectiveness, reliability, and performance for wide area network connections to remote devices. These features include:
Authentication Servers Provide a central database for networks with more than one SmartSwitch Remote Access Module. The central database consists of manageable, informational data (referred to as the Device List or Device Table). This data is accessed and used for authentica tion when a new connection is estab lished to the system.
Bandwidth Agility The system dynamically controls the bandwidth in use between itself and other PPP devices. This is accomplished by estab lishing a nd dis c onn ecting calls . The num be r of calls is limited only by the types and number of lines available. The system monitors the connections for utilization and will add an d remove the connec tions based on use r- configurable throughput parameters. As network ba ndw id th requirem ent s increa se or decrea se, the system will automati cally adju st th e nu mber of ne twork con nect ion s. Thus, your n et work costs w il l ref lec t the actual bandwidth being used.
Data Compression Allows the system to negotiate compression algorithms with another device on the network. After successfully negotiating com p re ssion, data is compressed by the remote device and transmi tte d to the system. The system deco mp resses the data, processes the information contained in the user data, and forwards the data as required. The system can receive data coming over a WAN or a LAN, and compress the data before transmitting it to another device on the network. The net ef fect is to i ncrease int erconnect bandwidth by decrea sing transmi ssion time. If negotiati on for compre ssion fails, data is transmitted uncomp ressed.
9W006 and 9W007 19
Unique System Features
Dial Out Capability The system will dial out to remo te dev ices . Th is featur e allows the sy st em to accep t user data receiv e d on the Ethernet LA N or I S DN network and initiate a data connectio n to the remote device specified in the user data. This allows devices on the local LAN to initiate connections to networks connected to the syste m over the switched digital network . Th e system monitors the connection for utilization and will rem ove the connection when it becomes idle.
Digital Modem The system becomes an analog modem pool through its digital modem option. The system supports analog modem calls for high density channelized T1 lines using Robbed-Bit Signaling. It also supports 56Kbps digital modem technology (K56flex) with auto negotiation to automatically adapt to various modem speeds. The digital modem adapter consists of both hardware and software ele ments to support up to 48/60 analog and/or digital connections in each dua l- s lo t mo dule.
Dynamic Management Provides a “real- time” manageme nt mechan ism that allows many sys t e m p a rameters to be changed with out interrupti ng the current execution state of the system software. Th is feature consists of a series of console comman ds that enable a user to displa y current system paramet ers , c ha ng e man y par ame ter s d yna mica lly , and wri t e cha ng es t o d isk f il es s o th at the y remain permanent.
High Speed Digital Connections The system supp orts 56Kbps and 64Kbps co nnections to remote locatio ns. These dial- up digital connections provide re liable high throughpu t connections for efficient data transfer for the same cost as analog connections. If any r e mote devices conn e cted to the system support multi­link PPP, up to 32 parallel connections can be made at either 56Kbps or 64Kbps.
Hot Swappable Modules SmartSwitch Remote Access Modules are hot swapp able. SFVRA Co nfiguration Manager (VRA-CFG) can retai n the confi guration and setup of the module and auto maticall y download the required information to a replacement module.
Inverse Multiplexing The modules provide inv ers e mult iple xin g for bo th ISDN a nd ana lo g mo dem con nect ion s supporting an aggregated bandwidth in multi pl e s of 56/ 64K bps.
Layer 3 Switching Support The SmartS witch Remote Access Modules provide layer 3 switching support for IP, IPX, and AppleTalk. Also provided is multiprotocol layer 2 switching.
•Packet Capture In order to monitor incoming LAN data, the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module packet capture feature will allow you to capture, display, save, and load bridged or routed data packets.
Proto col Discrimination It is possible for multiple types of remote devices to use the same line. The system can determine the device type and the protocol encapsulation used by remote devices.
20 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
•Security Security is a key issue for all central site network mana gers and is a priority with the SmartSwitch Remote Access Modules. The modules provide high level features that help prevent unauthorized or i nadvertent ac cess to criti cal data and r esources. The modules suppor t extensive security levels includ ing:
User na me a nd p a ss w or d
Calling Line ID (CLID)
Ethernet Address
User Authentication
Device Authentication
SecureFast Virtual Remote Access (SFVRA)
Simultaneous Connections The system supp orts simultaneo u s connectio n s to multiple l o ca t i ons. Thes e lo ca tions can connect by using different channels on the same line, or they can connect on different lines. This pooling of lines among many poten tial loc ations is more cost effective than alternative point­to-point lines.
“Interoperability” is the ability to operate and exchange information in a heterogeneous network. The SmartS witch Remote Access Module supp orts interoperability with many diff erent remote devices over ISDN.
In ord e r to communicate with various remote devices over ISDN, the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module mus t id e ntify the device type and th e pr otocol it is using.
The SmartSwitch Remote Acc e ss M odule supports the following l ine p rotocols:
HDLC Ethernet Frames
Ordered Protocol for Ethernet Frames
RFC1294 Based Encapsulation for IP Datagrams
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Encapsulation for IP Datagrams
The SmartSwitch Remote Acc e ss M odule supports the following P PP protocols:
Link Control Protocol (LCP)
Multilink Protocol (MLP)
Authentication Protocols
Challenge Handshake Authen tication Protocol (CHAP) Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
Netwo rk Control Protocols (NCP)
Interne t P rotocol Control Protocol for TCP/IP (IPCP) Intern e t work Packet Exchange Co ntrol Protocol for IPX (I PXCP) Bridge Control Pro toc ol for bridg es (BCP)
Compression Control Protocol (CCP)
AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP)
The SmartSwitch Remote Acc e ss M odule supports the following Appl e Talk protocols:
EtherTalk Link Access Protocol (ELAP)
9W006 and 9W007 21
Security Overview
AppleTalk Ad dress Resoluti on Protocol (AARP)
PPP AppleTalk/AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP)
Datagram Delivery Protocol (DD P)
Routin g Ta b le Maintenance P rotocol (RTMP)
AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP)
Name Binding Protoco l (NBP)
Zone Information Protocol (ZIP)
Remote devi ces t hat may conne ct to th e SmartS witch Re mote Acce ss Modul e inclu de the fol lowin g:
MAC Laye r Br idge s
•IP Host Devices
IP Router Devices
IPX Routers
AppleTalk Routers
MAC layer bridge s connec t to the syste m using the HD LC bridge encap sula tion line p rotoc ol . These devi ces send transpar ently bridged E therne t frames to the sy stem. MAC layer br idges do not process ne twork layer protocols. The y forward all packets based on source and destinati on MAC addresses.
IP Host devices are single workstations or PCs that co nne ct to the system at the IP network layer. These devices use either the RFC1294 based protocol or PPP to communicate with the system.
IP router devices are single devices that represent many ot her IP hosts and ro uters to the syste m. They must use the CHAP or PAP protocol to identif y themselves to the system. IP routers usually provide IP network address information at connection time (and use PPP to send user data to the system).
IPX routers are single devices that perform network layer tasks (addressing, routing, and switchin g) to move packet s from one location on the network to anot her. IPX ro u te rs use the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol, typical of the NetWare environment.
AppleTalk routers route AppleTalk datagrams based on address information. They support the following protocols: RTMP, NBP, and ZIP.
The system provides se veral options for valid ating remote devices and for managing network security. The security options available are dependen t on the remote device type, type of access , and the level of security required.
22 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
The network i nterface is th e p hysical conn e ction of the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module to a data network . Fo r example , the Ether net res ou rce in th e system provi des a net work inter face to an Ethernet LAN. The ISDN lines in the syste m provide network interfaces to multi ple remote networks. Because of their sw itched nature, the IS DN lines provide virtual network interfaces. That is, the same physical ISDN line can actually connect to different remote networks by dialing a different phone number.
The SmartSwitch Remote Access Module provides a set of network interfaces that give you a wide range of flexibility. The network interfaces provided by the system are:
LAN IP Network Interface
LAN IPX Network Interface
WAN IP Network Interface
WAN RLAN IP Network Interface
WAN RLAN IPX Network Interface
WAN (UnNumbered) Network Interface
The variety of ne twork interfaces allows the instal lation of a wide range of de vices at remote sites. As illustrated below, you can simultaneously choose bridges, routers, or host devices based on the speci f ic re mote si te re qu i r e ments.
ISDN Host Host Host
(or Router)
WAN Direct Host
LAN Interface
MMAC-Plus with
Remote Access Module
B5 B7
B6 B8
B1 B3
B2 B4
9W006 and 9W007 23
System Components
In the diagram above, t he LAN Interface 128.1. 1.1 is attach ed to the IP network 128. 1.0.0. The WAN Direct Host Int erface represent s LAN Interface 128. 1.1.1 and all ows the remote IP h osts to share the network address space of The WAN Interface is logically attached to the IP network The RLAN Interface is logically attached to the IP network
The major components of th e SmartSwitch Remote Access Module are:
System h ar dware con sis tin g of a module an d an a dmini st rati on p ort p rovi de d by the p latf orm .
System software specific to the SmartSwitch Remote Access Modul e , adapter modules, and administration functions.
Administration software that provides configuration, diagnostics and maintenance on the system.
System files containing configuration and operational information.
Remote ISDN devices which interoperate with the system an d allow device access to network resources.
More deta iled desc ripti ons of sy stem so ftware an d hardwar e are included in the nex t two chap ters . The following section describes remote ISDN devices.
The SmartS witch Remote Access Module provides a centralized concentrator function for remote ISDN devices. Th e devices can be separated into the following categories:
remote ISDN bridge devices
PC based terminal adapters
ISDN enabled workstations
other ISDN routers
Typical remote ISDN bridges provide one Ethernet port and one basic rate ISDN port. The basic rate port is connected to the switched digital network and is used to make connections to the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module. The Ethernet port is used to connect to a remote LAN. The remote br idge device sends Ether net frames from devices on the remote LA N over the switched network.
PC-based terminal adapte rs connect to a remote personal compute r an d us e the switche d d igital network to con nect to the system. The termi nal adapter sends network protoc ol specific f rames from the host PC device over the switched network.
Workstat ion-based terminal adapters connect to a workstation and us e the switched digi tal network to con nect to the system. The termi nal adapter sends network protoc ol specific f rames from the wor kstation over the switched network .
24 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
The SmartS witch Remote Access Modules support the following ISDN PRI switch types:
AT&T D efinity
TSO 14
The SmartS witch Remote Access Modules are versatile wide area networking products design e d for the SmartSwitch 9000. T hey are installed directly into the SmartSwitch 9000, expanding the SmartSwitch 9000 architecture to provide ISDN and analog modem access.
This chapter provides a description of the fol lowing:
module hardware
SmartSwitch 9000 chassis support for the modules
System Management Bus (SMB)
For installation instructions, refer to Hardware Installation.
This section provid e s an overview of the module’s hardware by descr ibing the SmartSwitch Remote Access Module’s:
availab le h ardware conf iguration s
hardware charac teristics
ports and connectors
There are two families of SmartSwitch Remote Access Modules: the 9W006 modules for countries using T1 lines, and the 9W007 modules for countries using E1 lines. Each module family consists of three possible configurations for remote access connectivity. We summarize the possible configurations for each modu le family be low.
The 9W006 module configured for T1 countries and is available in the following configurations:
9W006-200 This model provides an interface for two ISDN PRI or T1 lines (either unchannelized or channelized) supporting up to 46 or 48 connections.
9W006-400 This model provides an interface for four ISDN PRI or T1 lines (either unchannelized or channelized) supporting up to 92 or 96 connections.
9W006-220 This model provides an interface for two PRI or T1 lines (channelized), and two digital modems (24-port) supportin g up to 46 or 48 digit al or analog connections.
The 9W007 module is configured for E1 countries and is available in the following configuratio ns :
9W007-200 This model provides an interface for two ISDN PRI or E1 lines (either unchannelized or channelized) supporting up to 60 connections.
26 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
9W007-400 This model provides an interface for four ISDN PRI or E1 lines (either unchannelized or channelized) supporting up to 120 connections.
9W007-220 This model provides an interface for two PRI or E1 (channelized), and two digital modems (30­port) supporting up to 60 digital or analog connections.
The following graphic illustrates the 9W006-400 module. Note that the 9W007-400 has identical physical features (connectors, ports, etc.). The remaining modules have the same physical features with the excepti on o f the configura tion o f the WAN inte rface po rts. The 9 W006- 200 and t he 9W0 07­200 have two PRI interfaces, as does the 9W006-220 and 9W007-220 (their modem interfaces ar e internal).
9W006 and 9W007 27
SmartSwitch Remote Access Module Hardware
1 2
Ejector Tabs
External Floppy Drive Connector
RS232 Console Connector
Ethernet Ports
VGA Video Ports
Ethernet 1 & 2
Activity LEDs
Keyboard Connector
Power LED
Parallel Port
Ejector Tab
The 9W006-400
PRI Ports
28 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
Physical Char acteristics
Height: 45.72 cm (18 in) Width: 13.97 cm (5.5 in) Depth: 44.45 cm (17.5 in) Weight: 10.35 kg maximum (23 lb.)
Environmenta l Characterist ics
Operating Temp: 5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F) Operating Humidi ty: 20 to 95% non-condensin g
Regulatory Compliance
Meets or exceeds the following: Safety: UL 1950, CSA C22.2 No. 950, EN 60950, IEC 950,
and 72/23/EEC
EMI: FCC Part 15, EN 55022, CSA 108.8, EN 50082-1,
VCCI V-3, and 89/336/EEC
The SmartSwitch Remote Access Module includes the possibility of four flexible WAN interfaces providing ISDN, analog modem (via digital modem), and T1/E1 or channelized T1 access. As described earlier, depending on the model, the module may have one of the following interface configurations:
•four PRI interfaces
•two PRI interfaces
two PRI interfaces and two digital modems
PRI interfaces provide the module with an i nterface to telephone c ompany-supplied ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) lines, or with unchannelized or channelized T1/E1 lines. Each PRI interface supports up to 23 B channels for data and a 64Kbps si g naling D channel (for countries using T1 lines), or up to 30 B channels for data and a 64 Kbps signaling D channel (for countries using E1 lines). The module uses the B channels for switched connections to carry device data. PRI interfaces have an external port for connecting to the Telco interface.
Digital modem interfaces allow the SmartSwitc h Remote Access Module to recei ve calls from asynchronous PPP remote devices connected by modem. Each digital modem interface supports up to 24 56Kbps modem connections (for countries using T1 lin e s), or up to 30 56Kbps mod e m connections (for countries using E1 lines). Digital modem interfaces are connected internally to the PRI interface eliminating the need for separate analog telco connections.
The 9W006 and 9W007 has LEDs for the following functions: SMB, power, and Ethern et activity. Refer to the illustration of the 9W0006-400 for LED locations. We describe these LEDs in the following sections.
9W006 and 9W007 29
SmartSwitch Remote Access Module Hardware
The SMB LED is an indicator for th e System Manage me nt Buses (SMB-1). This is a 1Mbps management bus located within the SmartSwitch 9000. It is utilized by al l diagnostic controllers in the system. These include connectivity modules, power supply modules, and the environmental modu le . T he S M B-1 tran sp o r ts inter-c h a s si s i nf ormatio n b e tw e e n system compone nts, such as power and environmental information, as well as diagnostic messages. Periodic loop-back tests are performe d by all modules that share this bus (which includes the SmartSwitch Remote Acces s Modules) to ensure the validity of SMB-1.
The functi ons of the SMB LED are listed in the following table.
The power LED pr ovides information rega rding the module power sta tus. The functions of the power LED are listed in the following table.
The Ethernet 1 and 2 LEDs illuminate when the integrated Ethernet controller has activity on either the transmitting or receiving lines for that channel.
The functions of the Ethernet 1 and 2 LEDs are listed in the fol lowing table.
LED Color Description
green fully operational
red normal power-up reset
off module powere d o ff
LED Color Description
green powered on
off module powere d o ff
LED Color State
green activity on the indicated Ethernet line (1 or 2)
off no activity on the i ndicated Ethernet line (1 or 2)
30 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
The SmartSwitch Remote Access Module’s front panel h as the following ports and connectors (refer to the illustration of the 9W0006-400 for locations):
RS232 console connector
You may use this connector to attach a lap top computer to the module. The lap top can then provide you with an administration console. The administra tion console is simply a communication path between you and th e module; you can use this consol e to help you manage the module. For example, through the console you m ay enter sy stem commands such as
to display the current report log messages (a valuable diagnostic tool), or
br stats
one of the other statisti cs commands) to display system statistics.
external floppy dr ive connector
Software upgrades are possible through an external floppy drive connected to the m odule v i a this connector. The Cabletron external IDE drive (#EAP-EXT3.5-FD) is compatible with this connector.
keyboard connector, VGA video port
Using these connectors, you can attach a keyboard and a VGA monitor to provide a local administration console.
paral lel port
This port is currently disabled.
dual ethernet ports
Using these connectors and the provided Ethernet cables, you can connect the module to the
SmartSwitch 9000’ s Ethern et connec tion, giving the mo dule pres ence on the LAN.
•PRI ports
Used for WAN (telco) connection access to support ISDN PRI, T1/E1, and digital modem service (the digital modem interfaces connect internally to the PRI interfaces; there are no external ports for the digital modems).
The SmartSwit ch 9000 chas sis p rovid es red und an cy for a high availa bilit y system des ign. Th e 9W006 and 9W007 SmartSwitch Remot e Ac cess Modules are hot swappable. The SFVRA Configuration Manage r can retain the configu rati on and setup of the module and automa tically download required information to a replacement module. The module identity "9W000 Remote Access Module" is conveyed to th e Smar tSwi tch 9000 management module al ong with serial number, MAC addresses and other identifying information.
The 9W006 and 9W007 modules co nnect to the SmartSwitch 9000 System Management Bus (SMB-
1) and SmartSw itch 9 000 Po wer Bus . They additio nally i nc lude the ir own pro cessor , 32 MB DRAM
memory, and allow local management capability in addition to remote management. Software upgrades will be supported through a Telnet or remote console connection.
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