Cabletron Systems reserves the right to ma ke changes in specifications and other infor mation
contained in this document without prior notic e. The reader should in all cases consult
Cabletron Systems to determine whether any such changes have been made.
The hardware, firmware, and/or software described in this manual is subject to change w ithout
Copyright 1997, 1998 by Cabletron Systems, Inc. All rights reserve d. Printed in the United
Stat es o f Ameri ca.
VxWorks is a copyright of Wind River Systems, Inc.
IP (Internet Protocol) code is copyright 1982, 1986 by Regents of the Universit y of California.
All rights re served. This Cabletron product includes software developed by the University of
California, Be rkeley, and its contributors. IP softwa re is provided by the rege nts and contributor s “a s is” and any expr ess or i mplied warrantie s, includin g, bu t not limited to, the im plied
warranti es of mer cha ntability a n d fitne ss for a particula r pur p os e, ar e disc lai med. In n o event
shall the regents or contributors be liable for any direct, indirec t, incidental, s pecial, exempla ry, or cons eque n tia l dama ges ( includin g, but n ot limited to, p roc ure me nt o f sub stitute goods
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theory of liability, whether in contr act, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software , even if advised of the possibility of
such dama ge.
About This Manual
R elat e d Docume n t s
Gateway Da emon ( GateD) software, Release 3.5.5, is maintained and developed by Cornell
University and its collabora tors. The vers ion of GateD use d wit h thi s Cable tron produc t has
been modified.
Netlink is a tr ademark of Ca bletron Syst ems, Inc. All other product designations a re the
property of their respective owners.
RevDateReason for Update
01June 1996Initial relea se of document
02Febr uary 1997 Product name change
03Ma rch 1998Product name cha nge
This manual describes how to ac cess the NetView Service Point function in a SmartSwitch
1800, 9W004, FRX4000, or FRX6000 from a NetView host. It is assumed that the user has a
working knowledge of NetView, so this document does not attempt to explain how to use
These a ppropriate pr oduct-specific user guide(s) can be ordered from Cabletron Syst ems:
SmartSwitch 1800 Release 4.0 User Guide, Cabletron number 09-44-06-018.
9W004 Rele ase 4.0 User Guide, Cabl etron number 09-41-06-169.
N etlink FRX4000 & FRX6000 Release 4.0 User G uide, Cabletron number
Supplemental Software User’s Guideiii
ivNetV iew Service Point
NetView suppo rt in Cabletron frame relay access pr oducts provides manag er access
to downstream SDLC devices, and allows the manager to diagnose problems and
change parameters in the node to ov ercome some problems.
The NetView host (focal point) sends commands to the service point in the form o f
NMVTs (net work managem ent vecto r transports). The service point functio n translates in formation from the node into NMVTs and responds to the host.
T he various user guides (F RX4 000/6000, Smart S wit ch 1800, and Fra me Relay
Module) describes the NetView func tion in the related products. The remainder of this
document des cri bes the supported operations on t he NetVi ew hos t.
Installing the C abletron Supplement al Software
It is strongly recommended that the software be installed by
someone familiar with NetView.
To install the Cabletro n software into the h ost device, follow this procedure :
1. Upload the binary/E BCDIC files (all file s without filename ex te nsions) from the
PC to a tempora ry or workin g Partition e d Data Se t (PDS) on the host, as fo llows :
a. Insert the 3.5" (DOS) NetView diskette into the device and edit the f ile
SENDER.BAT, replacing the lower cas e letter s with va lues appropriat e to your
b. Log onto your target host and set it up for a file transfe r.
c. Execute UPLOAD.BAT from the PC.
2. Edit Host PDS member "NSS" as follows:
a. Find the sample name " SAMPLE. "
b. Ent er the name s (as known to V TAM) of the Netw ork Manage me nt P Us that
identify each Netlink node to NetVi ew.
c. Optionally, enter the Data Set Name to record configuration change requests.
3. Copy or move all members whose f o urth character is a "U" or " V" to a NetView
Pan el dataset. Copy or move all other mem bers to a Clist dataset.
Supplemental Software User Guide1
Oper ation
To invoke the program, enter
to the f ollow ing:
SD L C Int e r ne t wo r k St at us P a ne l
PF 1-Help 3-End 4-Ln Status 5-Frm Rly 6-Cfg 7-Pg u p 8-Pg dn 9-Restart 11-Rfsh
– is the Name configured on the first screen of the Cab letron device S NA
Port record, or if that parameter is not config ured, the Name in the NetView Parameters part of the Network Defaults record.
Actual Status
Desired Status
– is the cu rrent status (active or inactive) of the line.
– mat ches the Blo cked Port Flag (N = activ e, Y = inactiv e) config ure d
on the first screen of the SNA Port reco rd.
– i s t he R LP an d port that defines the li ne.
– is alwa ys
Function Key Operations
Pressing one of the fu nction keys listed below will per form the appropriate operation
fr om the Li ne St at us panel :
Moving the cursor to an entry under Line Name and pressing a supported function key
gives you these additional options:
under "P U S tat us P ane l " lat er.
– a re the cur rent states (On, Off) of the modem sign als on the line.
– will display the Help panel (Figure 2).
– w ill return yo u to the M ain Statu s pan el (Figure 1).
– w ill display th e PU Status panel for that line, as describ ed
to change the values of some parameters. See "Line Configuration
Panel" later.
– will activate the line.
– will displa y a sc reen of parameter s for that line, and allo w you
– will de-activate the line.
4NetV iew Service Poin t
PU Status Panel
Service Point: BD0NV SPPU S tatus Pan elVersion: 3200|
Line name: LIN E4
– will displa y a sc reen of parameter s for that line, and allo w you
to change the values of some parameters. See "Line Configuration
Panel" later.
– will activate the line.
– will de-activate the line.
F igur e 5 Line C onfigur ation Pa nel
Configurable Parameters
will caus e the line to be enabled (if
undergoes IPL. The line will remain in that state until either an on-line port disable or
enabl e is perform ed on the Cabletron device (as described in the User Guide) or a
is sent f rom the NetVIEW manager.
is the inverse of the parameter NRZ in the SNA Port record in the Cabletron device.
The setting determine s the level of data encoding:
= NRZ, wh ich means that 1 r epres ents high -lev el e ncodin g and 0 is low-level.
= NRZI, which means that 1 rep resents no change in level and 0 is a change.
is equivalent t o the C abletron de vi ce parameter
whether the port will generate the clock necessary to synchronize traf fic ove r the link.
6NetV iew Service Poin t
= Yes,
= No.
) or disabled (if
Generate Clock
) the next time the node
, which speci fies
is th e line speed. Valid line speeds are:
is the activity timer (Ti).
is equivalent to the Cabletron device parameter
the clock to be looped back from th e D TE using the term inal timi ng signal. Valid
valu es are
is eq ui v a le nt to t he C abl et ron de vi ce paramet er
between poll s by the Cabletron device TPA D of its PU when the PU has no data to
send. Valid values are
is equivalent to th e Cabletron d evice par ameter
the maximum numb er of times the SNA port will attempt to se nd a frame after expiration of the
No Response Poll Period
spec ifies the version of LPDA (1 or 2) that will be used.
Function Key Operations
Pressing one of the function keys listed below will perform the appropriate operation
from the Line Configuration panel:
up date th e Ca bl et ron de vi ce d a ta base v a l ues . After yo u s el e ct
you will be r e turned to the M ain Statu s pan el (Figure 1).
Maximum Retransmissions
. Valid values are
, which is
– w ill display the Help panel (Figure 2).
– w ill return you to the Line Status panel (Figure 3).
– will ask whether you want to commit the change s, which will
or No,
Supplemental Software User Guide7
M oving the curs or to a paramet er and pres si ng a s upported func t ion key gi ves you
these additional options:
SDLC AddressC3Response Time r (T1)10
I STATUSACTIVAck Timer (T2)100
MAXDATA265Inactivity Timer (Ti)30
MAX OUTSe e Line Con figLANI N (N3)001
MO DUL OSe e Li ne Con f igLANO UT ( Tw)001
DATMODEHALFretries (N2)008
REPLYTO1.0Bandwidth Allocation (BAG)00
R E TRIE SSe e Li ne Con f ig
Auto Retry Tout60Local MAC Address4000000000C3
Auto Retry Ct00PU TypeLLC 2
Local S ub1123
Remote Sub2223
– will allow yo u to change the configure d values of the
parameter, if the parameter is display ed in gr e en.
– will activate the line.
– will de-act ivate the line.
– will display output from the r uncmd.
– wil l re-display the screen with update d values.
Figure 6 PU Configura tion Panel
Configurable Parameters
will cause the PU to be enabled ( if
is activated. T he PU will remain in that state until either an on-line SDLC PU disable
or enable is perform ed on the Cabletron device (as described in t he User Guide) or a
is sent from the NetVIEW manager.
is equivalent to the Cabletron device parameter
valu es are
is equivalent to the Cabletron device parameter
between polls by the TPAD port of its PU when the PU is not responding. The TPAD
will continue to poll at this interval up to the number of times specified by
8NetV iew Service Poin t
) or disabled (if
) the next time the line
Maximum Bytes per Frame
No Resp Poll Period
, which is the time
. Va lid
(Cabletron device parameter
is the LPDA Resource ID, which d efin es LUs on the PU. The v a lue m ust match the
LOCADDR defined on VTAM. Valid values are
caus es auto matic calling between SNA ports when the controlle r becom e s active. Th e
valid val ue s are
Aut o Ret r y Tout
is equivalent to the Ca bletron devi ce paramet er
between autocall retries. Valid v alu es are 15-255 (seconds).
Auto Retry Ct
is equivalent to th e Cabletron d evice par ameter
maxim um number of tim e s an autocall will be sent. Valid values are
a valu e of
Local S ub
is th e subscriber ad dress of the local (to the Cabletron device) end of an SNA connection.
Remote Sub
is th e address of the remo te (to the Cabletron device) end of an SNA connection.
Maximum Retransmissions
allows indefinit e retries .
). Valid valu es are
Autocall Retry Time
Autocall Retry Count
, which is the time
, which is the
. Note that
Response Ti mer (T1 )
is used to detect the failure to receive a required acknowledgment or resp onse from
the remote link station . The valid values are
station will start the timer when it transmits one of these:
an Information LPDU.
a Command LPDU with the P bit set to B'1.' (If this LPDU is sent while the timer
is already running, the link station will reset and restart it.)
The link statio n will reset T1 when it receives one of these:
A REJ LPDU, provided a Command L PDU with P bit set to B'1' is not outstanding.
A Respons e LPDU with the F bit s et to B '1.'
An Information or Supervisory LPDU with an N(R) greater than the last N(R)
received and less than or equ al to the line station's V(S), provided a Command
LPDU with P bit set to B'1' is not outstanding.
If additional LPDUs are set from the remote link station after the local station has reset
T1, the timer will be restarted if acknowledgments of or responses to those LPDUs are
outstandin g. If no acknowledg men ts/re spons es are outstanding, the link station will
start the inactivity time r. (See "Ti" later.)
If T1 expires and acknowledgme nts /responses ar e still outsta nding , the link station
will send one of the following, then restart T1:
(x 100 milliseconds).The link
Supplemental Software User Guide9
A Su per visory LPDU with the P bit s et to B'1,' to so lic it rem ote lin k station
An y Unnumbered LPDUs that wer e not responded to the first time they were
If a cknowledgments/response s are still outstanding after N2 tries (see that entry), the
link station will decla re the link inoperative.
Ack Timer (T2)
is used by the link station to delay sending an acknowledgment o f a received Information LPDU. Valid values are
The timer is started wh en the LPDU is received and reset when the acknowledgment
is sent. If the timer expires before the acknowledgment is sent, it must be sent as soon
as possible.
Inactivity Timer (Ti)
is used by the link station to detect an inoperative conditi on in either th e rem ote link
station or the transmission medium. Vali d values are
The timer will be sta rted if T1 has been reset (for one of the reasons listed under "T1"
earlier), and additional LPDUs have been sent by the remote link station, and there are
no o uts ta nding acknowle dg ment s or re sp on ses from th e local link station.
If the local station does not receive an LPDU before Ti expires, th e station must send
an LPDU with the P bit set to B '1' to solicit the re mote station's status. Recovery then
proceeds as described under "T1 " earlier.
(millis econds).
is the number of Information LPDUs that will be received befo re sending an ackn owledgment. Valid values are
This par a meter is us ed in conjunction with T2 to allow stati ons to reduce traffic. A
counter is initialize d to N3, and will be dec r e men te d by one each tim e a valid
sequential Informati on LPDU is received . When the counter reaches
edgm en t is sent.
N3 is res et wh enever an Inform ation or Supervisory acknowled gmen t LPDU is sent
by th e local statio n.
is the max imum number of sequentially numbered Inform ation LPDUs that the link
station can have outstanding . Valid values are
Ret r ie s (N 2)
is the maximum number of times that an LPDU (including Information LPDUs resent
after a checkpoint operation) will be sent following expiration of T1. Valid values are
Ban dwidt h Allocati o n (BAG)
assigns the host to one of sixteen groups whose parameters regulate bandwidth usage.
See " Band width Allocatio n Groups " in the C abletr on devi ce User Gu ide. Val id values
ar e
an a ckn ow l -
Local SA P
is the rem ote SAP address used to connect the PU to the host. This parameter is relevant only in a connection to a 317 4 or AS/400-ty pe setup where a specific source
10NetV iew Service Poin t
SAP addres s is required. If the LLC2 session wi ll be run over a native LLC2 frame
rela y interface, the parameter will be ignored.
Local MAC Address
identif ie s the PU to the host. Like the local SA P add ress, this parameter is releva nt
only in a connection to a 3174 or AS/400-type setup where a specific sourc e MAC
addr ess is required. If the LLC2 session will be run over a native LLC2 frame relay
interface, the paramet er will be ignore d.
PU Typ e
is SDLC or LLC 2.
Function Key Operations
Pressing one of the function keys listed below will perform the appropriate operation
from the PU Status panel:
– w ill display the Help panel (Figure 2).
– w ill retu rn you to the PU Status panel (Figu re 4 ).
– will ask whether you want to commit the change s, which will
up date th e Ca bl et ron de vi ce d a ta base v a l ues . After yo u s el e ct
or No,
you will be r e turned to the M ain Statu s pan el (Figure 1).
M oving the curs or to a paramet er and pres si ng a supported functi on ke y gives you
these additional options:
– will allow you to change the configure d values of the
param eter, if the paramet er is displayed in green.
– will activate the line.
– will de-activate the line.
– will display output from the r uncmd.
– w ill re-display the sc reen with updated values.
Supplemental Software User Guide11
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