Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in specific ations and
other inf ormation c ontained in this document without pri or notice. The
reader should in all cases consult Cabletron Systems to determine whether
any such changes have been made.
The hardware , firmware, and/or sof tware des cribed in this manual is subj ect
to cha nge without notice.
Copyright 1997, 1998 by Cabletron Syste ms, I nc. All rights rese rved.
Printed in the U nite d St ate s o f A meric a. O rde r Num b er: FRX6 -MNT - D OC.
Al so se e third- party soft ware copyr ights in the Netlink FRX4000 & FRX6000 User Gui de .
Netlink is a tr ademark of C able tron S ystems, Inc. All other product designations a re the property of their respective owners.
Statements of Compliance
United States (FCC)
The equi pment provided by Cabletron Systems, I nc. and documented in t his
manual has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
digital dev ice, pu r suant to Part 15 of the F CC Rule s . These limit s ar e
designed to provide rea sonable prote ction aga inst harmful inte rfere nce
when the equipment is operated in a commer cial envi ronment.
This equipment generate s, uses , and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed a nd used in a ccordance with the insta llation manual, may
cause harmf ul interfere nce to radio com munications. O peration of this
equ i p m en t in a res iden ti al ar ea is l i k ely to cau s e h arm fu l in t erfer en ce, in
which ca se th e use r w ill b e r equir ed to, a t h is/her ow n exp e ns e , ta ke the ne c es sary meas ur es to eli min a te the int erf er enc e.
To ensu r e complianc e wi th the Cl ass A FCC limits, use on ly sh ielde d c ables
with thi s equipment. Any cabl e installed above a ceiling or below a floor
mus t be of a material and construct ion approved by UL for that application.
Canad a
This d igital ap p arat u s does not exce ed the Class A limits f or radio no ise
emissions from digital appa ratus set out in the Radio Interference Re gulations of the Canadi an Department of Communications.
Le pre se nt appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radioe lectriques
de passant le s limits applica bles aux a p par ei ls n umeriq ues de la cla ss A pre scrites dans le R eglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministe re des Communications du Canada.
About This Man ua l
This manual is intended for use by field service personnel eit her dire ctly
employed by or c ontracted by Cable tron Systems, Inc. The ma nual provides
information that will a id i n troubleshooting and ma intaining an FRX6000.
You should also have a Netlink FRX4000 & FRX6000 User Guide for re f-
Some of the operations described in this manual c an lead to
d a ma g e to the hardware an d/ o r s o ftwa re if no t p erformed
c o rrectly. Thi s man ual s ho u ld be us ed on ly by qualif ied
serv i ce pers o nnel .
Revision History
RevDateRe ason for Update
01Decembe r 1996 Initi al releas e
02March 1997C D-ROM
03March 1998R elease 4.0
Terminology and Conventions
This typefa c e repr esents general text. This typefac e represents computer
input and output.
In on-scr een versions of the docume nt, cross references that are links to
other places in the docume nt are shown in bl ue.
ivFRX6000 Maintenance Guide, Rev 03
Thi s symbol points to an informational note relating to the te xt,
ta ble, or figure that immediately prece des or follows it.
This s y mb o l and text identi fi es a ca u tionary note, th e
conte nt of wh ic h is m ore crit ical to heed t han an in for mation al note.
Thi s symbol and text identifie s a warnin g, intended to
prevent either injury to the user or major damage to
har dware, software, or system operation.
References to these ke yboard keys appear in the manual and/or on the
is a reference to a key on your keyboa rd (wher e “N” is the key).
"Enter"—me ans that you should type in the information, then press the
[Enter] key.
"Ty pe"—is similar to "Enter", except that the word “[Enter]” fo llow s
the information to be typed ( e.g., "type n [Enter ]").
"Press"—means press (hit , strike) the key once. Pre ssing the[Enter]
key af terwards is not necessa ry.
followed by one or two other key designations, must be struck
simultaneously with the other keys shown.
If a statement ends with a reference to a key—f or example, “ ....then pr ess
[Enter].”—t he period is not part of the data t o be enter ed. If a pe riod should
be entere d, it will be shown as "[.]." The same a pplies to all other punctuation.
W h en i n s t ru cted t o , fo r ex ample, “p res s [A], [B] from th e Main Menu,” thi s
means press [A], t h en [B], not [A] comma [B].
Scre en displays are provided to show the general appe arance of
ac t u al sc reen s . Th ey are only exa mples—they do not neces-
sarily re pr ese n t an oper a tion a l sys tem .
Related Documents
The Netli nk FRX4000 & FRX6000 User Guide is sh ipped with eac h
FRX6000. Additional copi es of t his and othe r Cabletron docume nts can be
ordered from Cabl etron Systems, Inc., or your local dis tributor of Cabletron
The NetlinkTM FRX600 0 is used to provide concentration and access
to re mote device s . Ea ch FRX6000 supports up to sixty- four serial
interfaces, and can function as central-site devices for remote
FRX4000s, Smar tSw itch 1800s, a nd/ or 9W004s . The FRX 6000 provides local and remote switching, and (on devices with video interfaces ) feature an intuiti ve, menu-b ased management structure that
allo ws com plete local a nd remote contro l of oth er Cabletro n fram e
relay devices.
Detailed pro duct descriptions can b e found in the Netlin k FRX40 00 & FRX6000 User Guide.
Figure 1-1 FRX6000 Chassis
The RLP, an i960 RISC-based line processor, provides serial interfaces on the FRX6000.
RLP Cables
I/O Box
I/O Cables to Modems
and User Devices
Figure 1-2 RLP with I/O Box and Cables
1-2FR X6000 Maintenance Gu i de, Rev 03
LAN Adapters
An FRX6000 ca n contai n one or two LA N c ards (T wo E the rne t, or
one Et hernet an d one To ken Ri ng).
Token Ring
F igure 1-3 La n Car ds
Operator Interfaces
The FRX6 000 does not requir e any operator in terv entio n for normal
oper ation . However, a keyboard an d VGA monitor are neces sary f or
local software installation , and a local monitor or local/remote asynchronous terminal (via the COM1 port) are necessary for configuration and monitoring.
The as ync term inal’ s keyboa rd must h ave
well as
function keys as
Ha r dwar e O ver v i ew1- 3
St a n da r d P C keyboa r d functi on ke y s ar e r epresen t ed as fol lows o n a
VT100. (
, and th e fol lowing ch aracte r is an u ppercase l etter
Each FRX6000 is shipped with cables to allow connection to the
device f rom an ASCI te rminal or from a PC with term inal emulation.
(See Figure A-9 thro ugh Figure A-11. )
A keyboa rd and video device c an also be c onnec t ed vi a one of t hese
me thods:
ASCII terminal/key bo ard (or PC with terminal emula tion)
connected to an async PAD port in t he local FRX6000.
ASCII terminal/key bo ard (or PC with terminal emula tion)
connected to an async PAD port in a remote Cabletron frame
rel ay de vice (FRX6000, FRX4000, Smart Switch 1800, or
9W0 04 ) , through a network, into an X.25 p ort in th e local
Ke yb oa r d a n d v i de o device o n a remote Ca b l et ron fr ame r el a y
Remote monitoring and configuration of any FRX6000
with IP and SNMP co nfigur ed can be performed via
Cabletron’s Spectrum network management platform, or
via a Hewlett Pack ard® workstation with HP OpenView
an d Netlink OmniV iew.
1-4FR X6000 Maintenance Gu i de, Rev 03
Chapter 2
Diagnostic Procedures
All of the procedures in this chapter require an attached
VGA monitor. You should a lso have a diagnost ic diskette
(such as Ch eckIt ®) and a bo otable 1.4 MB blank d iskette,
t o analyze the system config uration.
Once an FRX6000 is opera tiona l, much diagnostic in for matio n is
avai lable through menu- level operatio ns (des crib ed in the Netlink FR X40 00 & F RX600 0 Us er Guid e). Howev er, some probl ems might
arise that do not readily id entify themselves thro ugh system error
m ess ages or ob vious ch anges in o perati on. Thi s chapt er des cribes the
procedures for veri fying correct config uration and operation of an
FRX6000. It also provides some gu idelines for pursuing a solution if
there is a problem.
When an FRX6000 is switched o n, the following should oc cur :
The fan(s) and the power light on the front panel will come on.
BIOS identifying informatio n will be displayed.
There will be a short beep as me mory is tested , and the sc reen
will display the memory being counted.
Each disk drive’s access light will come on as the disks are
searched for the necessary DOS boot files.
As the softwa re i s l oa ded, me ssa ge s will be displa ye d.
If there are problems during boot-up, e rror messages will be displayed, and the process will c ontinue after the message has be en displayed for a short time (so watch the screen carefully).
Once the software has correctly loaded, a screen similar to the following will be displayed.
Port S tatus Display (Page 1)
L P Type PPS Conn# StateL P Type P PS Conn# State
0 0 X 25 62 4Operational 0 1 X25 127 12Operational
0 2 X25 1127Operational 0 3 X25 60 6Operational
0 4 SNA 110 3Operational 0 5 X25 87 5Operational
1 0 A SY 00Link_disab le 1 1 X25 88 4Oper ational
F1: C ontinue
Nod e Name =node 10
F igure 2-1 Port Status Dis play
From this screen, you shoul d be able to lo g in to the Main Menu
(Figure 2-2) , w hich is the starting point for configuratio n and operat i o n proc edures.
2-2FR X6000 Maintenance Gu i de, Rev 03
Node Na m e = nod e 10
Softw are V ersion 4.0
A Configuration
B O peration
C Status Displays
D Events
E Statistic s
F Reports
Se ke ct:
Figure 2-2 Main Menu
It can probably be asssumed that if you are reading this chapter, the
node did not boot corr ec tly as desc ri bed. The re mainder of t his
chapter describes steps for identifying and fixing some problems.
Certain problems may be easy to track down; for example:
If there seems to be no power at all, check to make sure the
power cor d is secure ly conn ected at b oth ends and th at ther e is
power (of the appropriate voltage) at the receptacle.
If there is power but the hardwar e does not see m to be functioning properly, verify the correct settin g of the AC vo ltage
selector swit ch. ( S ee Chapter 3.)
If t here is an ob vious problem with one or m ore ha rdw are
components, go to Chapter 3.
If the node appears to boot correctly but there is a communication problem with an async terminal, go to
COM Por t
Interface Controls" on page 2-20.
Diagnostic Procedures2-3
If the problem is less clear , follow thi s plan:
Power on and
monitor sc reen
software starting?
(should see boot
Reboot with diagnostic
diskette and
run diagnostics
Monitor boot
e 2-5
there still a
Fix, then
Run BIOS setup
then reboot
Can you
identify the
Contact Cabletron Systems
Technical Support at:
Phone: 603-332-9400
FAX: 603-337-3075
you fix the
e 2- 17
BIOS setup
e 2-17
fix it?
Can you
identify the
2-4FR X6000 Maintenance Gu i de, Rev 03
Review in g Boot Messages
As an FRX6000 boots, screen information tracks the loading of
cards, verifies configurati on file format, and displays any errors.
This data is displayed only until the FRX6000 software is running;
however, it is save d in a file named BOOTRP T.TXT , an d the op erator
can later display it in a report. Th is can b e used as a tool to verify that
startu p of the n ode proceed ed with out errors , or to remi nd the u ser of
the number and types of RLPs in the node. If th ere is an error
reported, the data may aid in fixing the problem.
I f a node is shut down, then re booted , t he exist ing BOOTRPT.TX T
file w ill be renam ed BOOTBAK.TXT, and a n ew BOOTRPT.TXT will
be creat ed. B OOTR PT.TXT and BOOTBAK.TXT can be u sed as
1. Display and re vi ew the data from the “c urre nt ” boot of the node .
2. Addr ess any report ed problems.
3. Re-boot the node. (This copies the previous boot data to a
backup file.)
4. Display the new boot data, and compare it to the previous dat a.
This will show whether the problem was fixed . Also, a problem
tha t occurred during the previou s boot-up will often be cleared
up by re-booting.
To display the data f rom the curren t b oot-u p, press
Menu (or
from the Main Menu). T o display the data from
at th e Re ports
the previous boot-up (s aved in a file calle d BOOTBAK.TXT), press
at the Reports Menu (or
Diagnostic Procedures2-5
[F], [D]
from the Main Men u).
Boot Messag es
Ma ny boot messa ges are “normal ” messages, an d are desc ribed here
simply for information. Others are err or messages, and include recomm ended actio n. Af ter takin g the reco mmended actio n for an error
message, reboot the node. If the problem has not been corrected,
contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support at:
Meanin g: These values denote the numbers and sizes of the
pre-fetch buffers u sed by the LAN in terface.
C a n’t I nit ia lize Me m ory , “NNN”.CMP
Meanin g: There is n ot enoug h me mory in the FRX6000 to
load the RLP software (if “
the VxWorks software (if “
” is "
” is "
") or
An FRX6000 has 1 MB of me mory, but onl y the
640 KB of base memory is needed to load and run
the software. If one of these messages is displa yed,
some of that base memory is faulty.
Actio n:Check all the installed memory for proper seatin g.
If it is all securely installed, replace each module
and r eboot, one at a time.
Can’t ope n CO FF f ile , “NNN”.CMP
Meani ng: Either th e co mpres sed boo t (if “
or VxWorks (if “
” is "
” is "
") file handle
could not be found during RLP software loading.
2-6FR X6000 Maintenance Gu i de, Rev 03
Actio n:Re-in stall the FRX600 0 software (as describe d in
Appendix C).
Checking configuration files
Meani ng: Self- explanato ry. Th e sof tware ch eck s to m ake su re
all files are valid.
Action:No ne.
Community Table file Read Error, System may not Boot Correctly
Meani ng: There is a e rror in the datab ase file C OM PAR. D AT.
Actio n:Boot the n od e with a DOS diskette and delete the
file, then reboot without the DOS disk and co nf igure new SNMP C ommuni ty T able records
(described in the User Guide).
Configured for Async Console: COM1 test failed/passed
Meanin g: During installation, the FRX6000 softwar e was
configured to use an async terminal for its video
interface. When the node boots , the software looks
for interrupts from the COM1 port.
Actio n:If the test fa ile d, r un a diagnostic utilit y to
dete rmine whether ther e is a n interrupt conflict, and
to test the COM port. (This requires a loopback connector on the COM port.) If the port fails, replace
the card that contain s it.
Conversion Error
Meanin g: T he datab a se file specified in the message dis-
played before this one (see
) was not successfully converted to the new
file ...
Converting (FILENAME)
rel e a se of F RX6 000 so f tw are.
Action:If the file is X25REC.DAT (node paramet ers), a n e w
default f ile will automatically be created. If an error
occurs in any other file, boot the node with a DOS
diskette and delete the file, th e n reboot without the
DOS disk and con figure a n ew file ( describ ed in the
User Guide).
Diagnostic Procedures2-7
Conversion Successful
Meanin g: The database file specified in the message dis-
played before this one (see
) was succ essfull y converted t o the new
file .. .
Converting (FILENAME)
release of FRX6000 software.
Converting (FILENAME) file ...
Meanin g: The software is converting the specified file from
the earlier release of FRX6000 software to the new
release. (This happens during migration to a new
releas e.) The number of database files that exist
depends on the configuration in the earlier release.
Could not register with FRX6000 LAN driver
Meani ng: There is a LAN card co nfigurat ion error.
Action:Check the CONFIG.SYS and PROTOCOL. INI files
to make sure the information shown in Appendix B
is in the files. ( If not, edit the file(s) using a DOS
editor .)
Creating X25rec.dat file ...
Meanin g: This message will follow
Conversion Error
erro r occurs during conversion of the node parameters file (X25REC.DAT).
Action:None—a new X25 RE C.DAT will be created auto-
if that
Database Error: ERRMSG.TXT Invalid Size
Meani ng: The ev ent message file (ERR MSG .TXT) w as cor-
Actio n:Boot the node with a DOS dis kette, then copy
2-8FR X6000 Maintenance Gu i de, Rev 03
rupted during migration to a new release.
ERRMSG.TXT from the FRX6000 System Disk
(part of the installation set) to the directory
omni4000 on the hard di sk.
Database Error: X.25REC.DAT Not Present, Expects (current release)
Meanin g: T he datab a se is missing the node parameters fil e
(X25REC.DAT). During bo ot-up, if this f ile is
missing, a new one is normally created automatically. Failure to cre ate this file indicates a serious
failure in the migration software.
Actio n:For an FRX6000, re-install the softwar e (as
described in Appendix C).
Database Initialization Error: ERRMSG.TXT not found
Meanin g: The file ERRMSG.TXT contains all the event mes-
sage s, and mu st be present in the s oftw are, but it is
Action:Boot the node with a DOS diskette and copy
ERRMSG.TXT fro m the FRX6000 System Disk
(part of the install ation set) to the d ir ectory
omni4000 on the hard disk.
Database Release “n” Matches Software Release, No Conversion
Meanin g: Self -explan atory.
Action:No ne.
Database Validation Error: Version “n.nn”, Expected (current release)
Meanin g: T he versio n o f the database is incompatible with
that of the operatin g sy stem.
Action:Check all database records (accessible under
Database o per ation s from the FRX6000 Main
Menu, and described in the User Guide) for proper
configuration, and reconfigure where necessary.
Database Validation OK: Version “n.nn”
Meanin g: T he versio n of the database is co mpatible with that
of the operating system.
Action:Non e.
Diagnostic Procedures2-9
Database Write Error: X.25REC.DAT
Meaning : The node parameters file (X 25 REC.DAT ) could not
be written to the d a ta base during mig ration. This is
a severe error in hard disk operation.
Actio n:Run a diagnostic utility, then verify that the BIOS
(page 2-17) is correc tly s et u p. If ne cessary, replac e
the ha rd di s k dri ve .
Data Error: SubID “n” Skipped
Meanin g: A subscriber ID in the SNA PU file
(SDLCPU.DAT) do es not e xist in the SVC Subscriber file (SVCSUB.DAT), and the remote subscriber record will not be cop ie d to the new
Action:Create a new PU record (described in the User
Disk Error cannot create new (FILENAME)
Meani ng: There was an error in conv ertin g the fil e to the new
release . This is a severe error in ha rd d isk operation.
Actio n:Run a diagnostic utility, then verify that the BIOS
(page 2-17) is correc tly s et u p. If ne cessary, replac e
the ha rd di s k dri ve .
Disk Error, must create new X25REC.DAT
Meanin g: There was an error in converting the node param-
eters file (X25REC.DAT) to the new release, and a
new default file will be cr ea te d. This is a severe
error in hard disk opera t ion.
Actio n:Run a diagnostic utility, then verify that the BIOS
(page 2-17) is correc tly s et u p. If ne cessary, replac e
the ha rd di s k dri ve .
Disk Write error
Meanin g: There was an error in updating the file b e ing con-
verted to the new release. This is a severe error i n
hard disk operation.
2-10FRX6000 Maintenance Guide, Rev 03
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