Lit. #: 91-0224/03-01
target is, what t he prec i s i on t ol erances of a specific mea surement are and when the battery
charge is low (see Fig ure 2). A summary of these f eatures is presented belo w :
2 0 - 0 7 5 0
pro vide m any years of enjoyment. This boo k l e t will h elp you ach iev e optimum perfo rmance by
exp la ining it s adjustments and feat ures as well as how to care for this fine instr ument. To
ensure opt ima l performa nce and lo n g e v i ty, plea se read the se inst ructio ns befo re using yo u r
pul ses. Sophistica ted ci rcuit ry a nd a high speed clock are used to
i n s t a n t a n eously cal culate d istances, by measuring the time it takes for each
puls e to travel from t he rangef inder, t o the target, an d back .
The ranging ac c u r a cy of t he YA RD A GE PRO
one yard / m eter under most circumstances (see description of “Pr ec i s io n ”
ind icator belo w). The max imum range of the instrument depends on the
r e f l ec t i v i ty of the target. The ma ximum distance for m ost obje ct s is
750 yards / m eters wh ile for highly reflective ob jects the ma ximum is
99 9 yards / meters. Note: You will get both longe r and shorter maximum
dis tan ces depending on the reflective properties of the partic ular target and
the envir onmental conditions at the time the obj ect is being distanced to.
The c olor, surface finish, size and shape of t he target all eff ect re fle c t i v i t y and
rang e. The br igh ter the color, the l ong er the range. Red is highly refl ec t i v e ,
for exa mpl e, an d allows longer ranges tha n the col or black, which is the le ast
r e f l ective color . A sh iny finish provides more ran ge th an a dull one. A smal l
targ et is more difficu lt to range than a larger target. The angle to the ta rget
also has an effect. Shoot ing to a ta rge t at a 90 degree angle (where the target
s u r f ace is perpendicular to the flight path of the emitted en erg y pulses)
provid es good rang e while a steep angle on the other hand , provides limited
ranging . I n addition, lighting condit ions (e.g. th e amount of sunli ght ) wi ll affec t
the ra nging capabilities of the unit. The les s light (e.g. ov ercast skies) the
f a rther the uni t’s maximum ran ge will be. Conversely , very su nny day s will
d ecrease t he unit’s max imum r ang e.
mo n ocular, depres s t he fire butt on (se e Figu re 1) (to p right hand si de of unit)
onc e to act ivate the invi ew display system (LCD ). Aim the YA RD AGE PRO
at a tar get at least 21 yards away, d epress and hold the fire button down
unt il ran ge rea ding is displayed. Release the fire button. Not e: O n c e
activated, the YARDAGE P RO
dis tan ce measur emen t for 30 secon ds. You can d epress the fire button again
at any time to distance to a new target . As with any laser devi ce, it is not
rec ommended to directl y vie w the emissions for lon g periods of time with
magnif ied lense s.
s e l ect between various uni ts of m easure and targeting mo des. In additi on, yo u r
YA RD AG E PRO’s LCD i ncorporates ill umi nat ed ind icator s tha t advise you when
the laser is active, what the quality level (a meas ure of ref lec t i v i ty) of the
Your YA RD AGE PRO®750 is a prec i s i on instrument des igned to
750 .
The YA RD AGE P RO®750 emits invisi ble , eyesafe, infr ared ene rgy
750 is plus or min us
While l ooking th rough t he
750’s LCD wi ll remain acti ve an d di spl ay the last
The YA RD AGE PR O’s sop hi sticated circ uitry allows you to
Fig ure 1
Fig ure 2
Mode Button
Figure 3
Figure 4
U n i t o f M e a s u r e O p t i o n s
dista nces in yards or meters. The unit of measure indicators are locate d in the lower right
p o rt ion of the LCD . To selec t bet ween y ards an d m eters look through the mo no cular, depre ss
the “m ode“ button (see Figure 3) (lo wer right hand side of the unit) and hold it down for
approx imately 5 secon ds. If you are changing from yards to me ters, a change in unit of
mea sure will be indi cated by the illumination o f the ME T E R ind icator w hile the YA RD indicator
is turned off. If you are chan ging from meters to yards, the oppo site will occur. Note: T h e
75 0 will return to the last setti ng used, each time th e unit i s t urned -on.
The YARD AGE PRO®750 can be u sed to measure
T a r g e t i n g M o d e s
S TAN DAR D ( LCD Indicator - none) – This set tin g allows most targets to be dista nced up to
750 yar ds. Us ed f or m od eratel y re flective targets that are typica l of mo st distancing situa ti ons.
S C AN ( LCD Indicator - “SCAN”) – This m ode allo ws the r ange to be continuously updated for
10 seconds when the fir e b utton r emains depressed. It can be used to scan an ar ea contai ning
several object s or a single object that is mo ving. No te: Objects f urther a way r equ ire a slower
scanni ng pace than objects at a closer distance. T he minimum dist ance in this mode is the
sam e as in th e standard mode.
I l l u m i n a t i n g I n d i c a t o r s
A C T I V E L A S E R ( LC D Indicator - “LAS ER”) – Located i n the upp er le ft por t ion of LCD. Wh e n
illuminated, i ndicates that energy puls es are being e mitted from un it.
T A R G E T Q U A L I TY G AU G E ( LCD Indicator - “TA RG ET QU A L I T Y”) – Located in the upp er
middle port ion of LCD. Gauge indicatin g amount of energy pulses being receive d back from
the target. Gau ge is calibra ted to fill squares from left to right. The higher the number of
ret urning en erg y pulses, the greate r the number of squa res tha t w ill fill with il lum inat ion. Th i s
gau ge can be used to scan ac r oss a target that is dif fic ult to acquire to find the mos t
Fire B utton
( LCD )
r e f l ective point f or ranging (see Trouble Shooting Ta b l e ) .
P R E C I SI O N P AR A M E T ER I N D IC AT O R ( LCD Indicator - “PRE C IS ION”) –
When i lluminate d, ind icates the dis tan ce measurement is within plus or minus 1
yar d or met er. If i t is not illuminated after obtaining a m eas urement, the d ist ance
measur eme nt is wi thi n plus or minus 3 yard s or me ters.
L O W B AT T E R Y C H A R G E ( LCD Indicator - “BATT”) – When illuminated,
ind ica tes the bat ter y charge is low an d battery should be replac e d .
R o l l D o w n E y e c u p
with a rub ber eyecup d esigned for your comfor t and to ex clu de extrane o u s
ext ernal light . If yo u we ar sun / e yeg lasses , roll down the eye cup. This will
brin g yo ur eye c loser to the ocular lens, thus providin g improved field of view.
The YA RD AG E PRO’s mo noc ular is equi pped
S P E C I F I C A T I O N S :
O p t i c a l D e s i g n
mo nocular optical system for viewing your target. A liquid cry s t al display (LCD) is
mounted within the optic al system and when activat ed, displ ays a reticle for
targ eti ng, yard / meter and mode designations, a target quality gauge, as wel l a s
p r ec i s ion and low battery i ndicators. Inherent in the manufa cturing pro cess are
small bla ck spo ts that appear i n t he optical sys tem. Thes e a re a natural
ch a r ac teristic of the LCD, cannot be fully eliminated in the manufact uri ng p roc e s s
and do n ot af fect the di stancing per fo rmance of t he unit.
M a g n i f i c a t io n . . . . . . . 6 x Fie ld of Vi e w . . . . . . . 5 . 7
Eye Re lief.. .....25mm Exi t Pu p i l . . . . . . . 4 . 2 m m
P o w e r S o u r c e
alkaline batte ry. (Use only high quality alkaline batteries. Do not use heavy duty or
lithium batteries).
a soft lens brush). To remove dirt or finger pri nts, clean with a soft cotton cl o t h ,
rubb ing in a circular mo t ion. Use of a coarse cl oth or unne c e s s a ry rubbing may
s c r a t ch the lens surfa ce and eventually cause per man ent damage. For a mo r e
t horo ugh clea ning, pho t ogr aph ic lens tissue and pho t og r a p h i c - t ype lens cleanin g
flu id or iso pro pyl alcohol may b e used. Always appl y the fluid to the cleaning
c loth - n ever directly on the lens .
The YA RD AGE PRO®750 features a Perma Foc u s
The YA RD AGE PRO®750 is powered by one 9-vo l t
Gently blow away any d ust or debris on the lense s (or use
Continued o n page 2
Unit does not turn on - LCD does not illuminate or L CD contrast has decreased:
• Depress fire button (top right hand side of unit).
• Check and if necessary, replace battery.
There is no reset button to clear last range reading before ranging another target:
• The last range reading does not need to be cleared before ranging another target. Simply aim at the new target using the
LCD’s reticle, depress the fire button and hold until new range reading is displayed.
There are black spots in the optical system:
• These are a natural characteristic of the LCD and can not be fully eliminated in the manufacturing process.
Target range cannot be obtained:
• Make sure LCD is illuminated.
• Make sure that the fire button is being depressed (as opposed to mode button).
• Make sure that nothing, such as your hand or finger, is blocking the objective lenses (lenses closest to the target) that
emit and receive the laser pulses.
• Make sure unit is held steady while depressing fire button.
• A less reflective target will require you to scan its surface to find the most reflective point in order to obtain a distance. To
do this, hold the fire button and scan LCD reticle across the target’s surface to try and register a “hit” on the target quality
meter. When the target quality gauge registers a hit (indicated when the first square illuminates), stabilize the unit in place
and hold the fire button until a range reading is displayed.
For further assistance, please contact a customer service representative at 800-423-3537.
Your Bushnell®Laser Rangefinder is warranted to be free of defects in
materials and workmanship for one year after the date of purchase. In the
event of a defect under this warranty, we will, at our option, repair or replace
the product, provided that you return the product postage prepaid. This
warranty does not cover damages caused by misuse or improper handling,
installation or maintenance of the product.
Any return made under this warranty
must be accompanied by the items listed below:
1) A check in the amount of $15.00 to cover the cost of handling
2) Name and address for product return
3) An explanation of the defect
4) Product should be well packed in a sturdy outside shipping
carton to prevent damage in transit and return postage prepaid
to the address listed below:
IN U.S.A. Send To:
Bushnell Performance Optics
8500 Marshall Drive
Lenexa, Kansas 66214
For products purchased outside the United States and Canada please contact
your local dealer for applicable warranty information. This warranty gives you
specific legal rights. You may have other rights which vary from country
to country.
©2001 Bushnell Performance Optics
Bushnell Performance Optics
25A East Pearce Street, Unit 1
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 2M9