ENG -2
This produ ct is d esigned for use in mo derate climate. Do not use or i nstall this unit where it would be
expos ed to d irect sunlight or in e xtremely hot temperat ures, or n ear a r adiato r, stove or a ppliance that
produ ces heat.
Do not ta ke this unit in to the bathro om, or ne ar a swim ming poo l. Do not use it w here it w ould be e xposed t o
water, moi sture, dr ipping or sp lashing.
No objec ts filled wi th liquids, such as va ses, placed on the pro duct.
No naked fl ame sourc es, such as lighted ca ndies on the produc t.
If water ge ts inside th e unit, Unpl ug the power cord from th e suppl y socket and co nsult your deale r.
Do not han dle the power cord with we t hands . To avoid electric shock, NEVER touch a ny inte rnal pa rts.
Repai rs/ser vicing should be le ft to qualified ser vice personne l.
When connectin g or disconne cting from th e mai ns supply, hold the plug b ut no t the c ord. Pulling the c ord
may dama ge it and is dange rous.
Do not drop th e unit, spil l liqui d into it or allow ob jects to fal l in it.
When plugge d in, a very small curr ent will f low. To save electrici ty and for safe, it is reco mmende d that the
produ ct is comple tely disconne cted with the AC mains soc ket after th e unit not used fo r a long time .
Consu lt your near est dealer when dam age, disconne ction or contact fa ilure is found with th e cord.
Do not bend th e cord sharp ly, pull or twis t it.
Do not modi fy the power co rd in any man ner.
Do not inse rt any metal lic objec t in the unit .
Unplu g the power cor d when the re is the possi bility of li ghting.
Mains plug is used as th e disconn ecting devi ce. It shall remai n readil y ope rable and shoul d not be
obstr ucted duri ng inten ded used.
To be co mplete ly discon nected the appa ratus fro m suppl y mains , the mains plug of th e a pparat us
shall be disc onnected from the mai ns socket out let completel y.
In case of mal functi on due to elect rostatic disc harge, just res et the produ ct recon nect of powe r sourc e
may be requir ed to resum e normal oper ation.
A minimum dis tance of 6 INCHES must be ke pt to provide suffi cient ventila tion.
Do not place the pro duct in closed bo okcase s or racks withou t proper venti lation.
Allow adeq uate ventil ation for the unit ventila tion. It should not be impeded by coverin g the ventil ation
openi ngs with ite ms such as newspape rs, table cloths , curta ins etc .
Do not s tand it on a t hick pi le carp et, ins tall it in a th ick pile car pet, or instal l it in a plac e with i nadequ ate air
flow. Plac e the unit on a flat eve n surfa ce.
Do not use the un it in excess ively hot, cold, du sty, damp or hum id place.
Conde nsatio n may form in side th e CD pla yer if t he unit is le ft anyw here wa rm and damp, or if yo u move t he
unit fr om somew here cold to a wa rm room. In thi s case, l et the uni t stand for 1-2 h ours or g radual ly incre ase
the room te mperat ure that the un it will be dry before use .
ENG -3
Do not plac e it where it coul d be subje ct to vibrat ion.
Do not pla ce it where it cou ld be magn etised b y a magnet or s peaker. Since th ere are magnet s, do not pl ace
tapes as re corded da ta could be erased.
When th is unit is us ed near a TV, the TV pict ure coul d be disto rted. If t his happ ens, mov e the unit a way form
the TV. If the situa tion could not be solv ed, avoid using the un it when the TV is turned on.
Keep the CD do or closed so th e lens is not co ntamin ated by dust . Do not touc h the lens.
Mains plu g is used as the disconne ct devic e. It shall rema in readily ope rable and should not be
obstr ucted duri ng inten ded use. To be complete ly disconn ected the apparat us from supply mai ns, the
main plug of the app aratus sha ll be discon nected fr om the mains socke t outlet com pletely.
Batte ries shall not be exp osed to exces sive heat such as sun shine, fi re or the like.
Warnin g: exces sive sound pr essure fro m earphon es and headpho nes can cause hearing los s.
Atten tion shoul d be drawn to the envir onment al aspec ts of battery dis posal.
This un it incorpor ates a sa fety in terloc k mecha nism tha t switches th e laser beam on a nd off, whe n the disc
holde r is open, the las er baser beam stops au tomaticall y.