AXIS Camera Companion
Deploying the Buffalo
TeraStation 5200DS NVR.

Documentation Deploying the Buffalo TeraStation 5200DS NVR
This document is a quick guide to show how to prepare the Buffalo TeraStation NVR
with AXIS Camera Companion.
Before you start make sure the latest firmware for your NVR has been installed
(visit www.buffalo-technology.com to download the latest firmware) and that you have
obtained the latest version of Axis Camera Companion from Axis websites.
Please refer to the Buffalo User documentation to learn how to access the TeraStation web
interface and do the recommended best practices below (before setting up Axis Camera
Best Practices
(Suggested for Optimal Reliability and Security):
• Change the default password to secure the TeraStation. This is done from the default
“File Sharing” section of the administration UI. Under the “Users” area, you can click on
the admin user and change the password.
• Set the Buffalo TeraStation NVR with a static IP address on the same network as used
for the cameras. By default, TeraStation products will obtain an IP address via DHCP.
For long term reliability, a static IP address will ensure that the cameras always record to
the right IP address. A static IP address can be easily set in the TeraStation UI through the
Network Menu and then the IP Address settings area.
• Secure the share intended to be used for recordings on the TeraStation NVR with Access
Restrictions. This is done from the default “File Sharing” section of the administration UI,
under Folder Setup. Select and edit the share that will be used to store recordings and
enable Access Restrictions. Select the admin account and specify Read/Write access by
selecting the Radio button under “W/R” associated with the admin account (or any other
account that will have access to the raw recordings).

Step 1: Login
First you need to access the NVR by inputting the IP Address or HOSTNAME of the NVR
(both shown on the display in front of the TeraStation) into a web browser, login to the
Setup Administration Interface. It is recommended to review the Best Practices list above
and apply the three bullet points configuration changes.
Note: for surveillance tasks SMB protocol only is needed. The management software Axis
Camera Companion can be installed on any administrative PC running in the same network.
Documentation Deploying the Buffalo TeraStation 5200DS NVR