Chapter 12 - Shared Folders and the USB Port ............. 129
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Chapter 1 - Product Overview
Professional or User-friendly?
This AirStation wireless router comes with two dierent rmware packages. You may use either the
dd-wrt-based professional rmware or the simple user-friendly rmware. By default, the professional
rmware is preinstalled. Turn to page 15 for instructions on switching between the two rmware
Note : Most of this manual documents the user-friendly version of the rmware. For more
information on the dd-wrt-based professional rmware, consult the help les in its webbased conguration interface or the User Manual for Professional Firmware, available for
download from Bualo Technology.
Package Contents
The following items are included in your AirStation package. If any of the items are missing, please
contact your vender.
To initiate AOSS, hold down this button until the Security
LED ashes (about 1 second). Then, push or click the AOSS
button on your wireless client device to complete the
connection. Both devices must be powered on for this to
Power LED (Green)
On: The AC adapter is connected.
O:The AC adapter is not connected.
Security LED (Amber)
Indicates security status.
O:AOSS or Encryption is not set.
On: AOSS/WPS activated; accessed to exchange
security keys.
Wireless security has been set.
2 blinks:AirStation is waiting for an AOSS or WPS security
Blinking:AOSS/WPS error; failed to exchange security
Note: The Security LED is lit if an security key has been set.
Wireless LED (Green)
Indicates wireless LAN status.
Blinking:Wireless LAN is transmitting.
On:Wireless LAN is enabled but not active.
O:Wireless LAN is disabled.
Router LED (Green)
On: Router functionality is enabled.
O:Router functionality is disabled.
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Chapter 1 Product Overview
Diag LED (Red)This indicates the status of this unit depending on the number of blinks
per cycle.
Note: When the unit is rst turned on or restarted, the Diag LED will blink
for almost a minute during boot. This is normal.
Diag LED
2 blinks *
3 blinks *
4 blinks *
5 blinksIP address setting errorBecause the network addresses of both the Internet port (WAN
Flash ROM errorCannot read or write to the ash memory.
Ethernet (wired) LAN
Wireless LAN errorWireless LAN controller is malfunctioning.
Updating the rmware
Saving settings
Initializing settings
Ethernet LAN controller is malfunctioning.
port) and the LAN port are the same, it is not possible to establish
communication. Change the LAN side IP address of this unit.
Updating the rmware.
Saving the settings.
Initializing the settings.
*1 Unplug the AC adapter from the wall socket, wait for a few seconds, and then plug it again. If the
light still ashes, please contact technical support.
*2 Never unplug the AC adapter while the Diag LED is blinking continuously.
Movie Engine On LED (Blue)
On: Movie Engine functionality is enabled.
Movie Engine O LED (Blue)
On:Movie Engine functionality is disabled.
Movie Engine Switch
On:Enables Movie Engine.
O:Disables Movie Engine.
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Chapter 1 Product Overview
Back Panel
Router Switch
Switches router mode between enabled, disabled, and auto.
On: Router functionality is enabled (router mode).
O:Router functionality is disabled (bridge/AP
Auto:This switches between modes automatically
based on whether or not another router is
detected on the Internet port. The default setting
for this switch is Auto.
USB Eject Button
USB PortConnect the USB drive.
To dismount a USB hard drive, hold down this button until
the USB LED ashes (about 3 seconds). The USB drive can
then be unplugged safely.
USB LED (Blue)
On: The USB drive is connected.
O:No USB drive is connected.
Note: When this LED is blinking, the connected USB drive
cannot be used. Remove the connected USB drive. If
the LED continues to blink even after the USB drive is
removed, restart the AirStation.
Do not remove the USB drive or turn o the
AirStation while the USB LED is on.
LAN PortConnect your computer, hub, or other Ethernet devices to these ports.
This switching hub supports 10 Mbps,100 Mbps, and 1000 Mbps
LAN LED (Green)
On: An Ethernet device is connected.
Flashing:An Ethernet device is communicating.
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Chapter 1 Product Overview
Internet Port10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1000 Mbps connections are supported.
Note: In bridge/AP mode (router switch o), the Internet port becomes a
regular LAN port, for a total of 5 usable LAN ports.
Internet LED (Green)
On:The Internet port is connected.
Flashing:The Internet port is transmitting data.
DC ConnectorConnect the included AC adapter here.
Reset ButtonTo reset all settings, hold down this button until the Diag LED comes on
(about 3 seconds). Power must be on.
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Chapter 2 - Placing Your AirStation
Vertical Placement
If the AirStation is to be placed vertically, attach the stand as shown.
Horizontal Placement
The stand is not used if the AirStation is placed horizontally.
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Chapter 2 Placing Your AirStation
Wall Mounting
To wall-mount the AirStation, attach
the stand to the wall with the two
screws (included).
8.6 cm
(~3.4 inches)
Snap the center of the AirStation to the stand
as shown.
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Chapter 3 - Installation
Initial Setup
To congure your AirStation, follow the procedure below.
Verify that you can connect to the internet without the AirStation, then turn o your modem
and computer.
2) disconnect
Unplug the LAN cable which connects
your computer and modem.
Make sure the mode switch on the back of
the AirStation is in the “auto” position.
Conrm that the
switch is positioned to
Plug one end of the LAN cable into your modem and the other end to the AirStation’s
Internet (WAN) port. Turn on the modem.
1) connect
LAN cable
2) connect
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Chapter 3 Installation
Connect your computer to one of the AirStation’s LAN ports with the LAN cable.
1) connect
2) connect
LAN cable
Turn on the AirStation, wait one minute, then turn on your computer.
power outlet
1) Connect the power supply
Once your computer has booted, the AirStation’s LEDs should be lit as described below:
Power Green LED on.
Wireless Green LED on or blinking.
Router Green LED on or o depending on your network.
Diag O
LAN Green LED on or blinking.
Internet Green LED on or blinking.
For LED locations, refer to chapter 1.
- 13 -
Chapter 3 Installation
Launch a web browser. If the home screen is displayed, setup is complete.
If username and password elds are displayed, enter “admin” for the username and
“password” for the password, then click [OK]. Step through the wizard to complete setup.
You’ve completed initial setup of your AirStation. Refer to Chapter 4 for advanced settings.
- 14 -
Chapter 3 Installation
Changing Firmware
To change between the professional rmware (dd-wrt) and the user-friendly rmware, follow the
steps below.
Open the conguration Interface of the AirStation.
To replace the professional rmware with the user-friendly rmware, click [Administration] >
[Firmware Upgrade].
To replace the user-friendly rmware with the professional rmware, go to [Easy Setup] and
click [Update AirStation Firmware].
Click [Browse...] to select the rmware le, and click [Upgrade] or [Apply].
Note: The rmware les are contained in the “Firmware” folder of the utility CD.
Professional rmware (dd-wrt) update screen:
- 15 -
Chapter 3 Installation
User-friendly rmware update screen:
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Chapter 4 - Conguration
The web-based conguration tool lets you change advanced settings for the AirStation. Don’t
change these settings unless you know what you’re doing.
Accessing the Web-based Conguration Interface
To congure the AirStation’s advanced settings manually, log in to the web-based conguration
interface as shown below.
Launch a web browser.
Enter the AirStation’s LAN-side IP address in the
address eld and press the Enter key.
Note: · The AirStation’s default LAN-side IP address depends on the position of the mode switch.
In router mode:
In bridge mode:
Note: If the router switch is set to auto and the unit is in bridge mode, then the AirStation’s IP
address was assigned by an external DHCP server.
· If you changed the IP address of the AirStation, then use the new IP address.
Enter “admin” for the username and
“password” for the password and click [OK].
Note: If you forget your password, hold down the
Reset Button (page 9) to initialize all settings.
Note that all other settings will also revert to
their default values.
- 17 -
Chapter 4 Conguration
This is the conguration
interface, where most
AirStation settings can be
Help is always displayed on
the right side of each screen.
Refer to the Help screens for
more information on using the
conguration interface.
- 18 -
Chapter 4 Conguration
Conguration Interface Menus in Router Mode
The menu structure for the AirStation in router mode is as follows. Please refer to the pages listed at
right for explanations of each item.
Main screenDescriptionsPage
InternetCongure Internet side port and settings.Page 25
PPPoEPPPoE settings (DSL login).Page 26
DDNSDNS settings.Page 29
VPN ServerVPN server settings.Page 31
LANLAN side port conguration.Page 33
DHCPDHCP lease settings.Page 35
NATNetwork address translation settings, used to connect LAN side devices
to the Internet.
RoutingCongure the AirStation’s IP communication route.Page 37
WPSWPS settings and status.Page 38
BasicCongure basic wireless settings.Page 39
AdvancedCongure advanced wireless settings.Page 42
WMMSet priorities for Wireless Multimedia Extensions (Wi-Fi Multimedia).Page 43
MAC FilterLimit access to specic devices.Page 45
WDSCongure communication between AirStations.Page 46
AOSSAOSS (AirStation One-touch Secure System) settings and status.Page 48
Multicast ControlCongure limits on sending unnecessary multicast packets to the
wireless LAN port.
FirewallProtect your computer from outside intruders.Page 51
IP FilterIP lters for packets passing through the LAN side and the Internet side.Page 53
Congure IPv6 passthrough, PPPoE passthrough, and PPTP passthrough.Page 54
Page 36
Page 50
Port ForwardingCongure port translation and exceptions for games and other
DMZCongure a destination to transfer communication packets without a
LAN side destination.
Page 55
Page 56
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Chapter 4 Conguration
UPnPCongure UPnP (Universal Plug and Play).Page 57
QoSCongure priority for packets that require a guaranteed data ow.Page 58
Movie EngineCongure options for the Movie Engine feature.Page 60
Disk ManagementView the status and congure of attached USB disks.Page 62
Shared FolderSet the USB disk to use as shared folders.Page 64
UsersCongure users to access shared folders.Page 66
SharingCongure shared folder access.Page 67
WebAccessCongure Web Access.Page 68
Media ServerCongure a Media Server.Page 70
BitTorrentCongure a BitTorrent client.Page 71
NameCongure the AirStation’s name.Page 73
PasswordCongure the AirStation’s login password for access to the conguration
Page 74
Time/DateCongure the AirStation’s internal clock.Page 75
NTPCongure the AirStation to synchronize with an NTP server to
Page 76
automatically set the AirStation’s internal clock.
ECOCongure the AirStation’s ECO Mode.Page 77
Network-USBCongure Network-USB from this screen.Page 79
AccessCongure access restrictions to the AirStation’s conguration interface.Page 80
LogCongure a syslog server to manage the AirStation’s logs.Page 81
Save/RestoreSave or restore the AirStation’s conguration from a conguration le.Page 82
Initialize/RestartInitialize the AirStation or reboot it.Page 83
UpdateUpdate the AirStation’s rmware.Page 84
System InfoView current system information for the AirStation.Page 85
LogsCheck the AirStation’s logs.Page 87
Packet InfoView all packets transferred by the AirStation.Page 88
Client MonitorView all devices currently connected to the AirStation.Page 89
PingTest the AirStation’s connection to other devices on the network.Page 90
Click this to log out of the AirStation’s conguration interface.
Manuals & Utilities
Click this to display download pages for Manuals and Utilities.
- 20 -
Chapter 4 Conguration
Conguration Interface Menus in Bridge Mode
The menu structure in bridge mode is as follows. Please refer to the pages listed at right for
explanations of each item.
Main screenDescriptionsPage
LAN Cong
LANCongure LAN side ports and devices.Page 33
RoutingCongure the AirStation’s IP communication route.Page 37
WPSWPS settings and status.Page 38
BasicCongure basic wireless settings.Page 39
AdvancedCongure advanced wireless settings.Page 42
WMMSet priorities for Wireless Multimedia Extensions (Wi-Fi Multimedia).Page 43
MAC FilterLimit access to specic devices.Page 45
WDSCongure communication between AirStations.Page 46
AOSSAOSS (AirStation One-touch Secure System) settings and status.Page 48
Multicast ControlCongure limits on sending unnecessary multicast packets to the
wireless LAN port.
Movie EngineCongure options for the Movie Engine feature.Page 60
Disk ManagementView the status and congure of attached USB disks.Page 62
Shared FolderSet the USB disk to use as shared folders.Page 64
UsersCongure the name to access shared folders.Page 66
SharingCongure the name to access shared folders.Page 67
WebAccessSet to use the Web Access function.Page 68
Media ServerSet to use the Media Server function.Page 70
BitTorrentSet to use the BitTorrent function.Page 71
NameCongure the AirStation’s name.Page 73
Page 50
PasswordCongure the AirStation’s login password for access to conguration
Time/DateCongure the AirStation’s internal clock.Page 75
Page 74
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Chapter 4 Conguration
NTPCongure the AirStation to synchronize with an NTP server to
Page 76
automatically set the AirStation’s internal clock.
ECOCongure ECO Mode.Page 77
NTPetwork-USBCongure Network-USB from this screen.Page 79
AccessCongure access restrictions to the AirStation’s conguration interface.Page 80
LogCheck the AirStation’s logs.Page 81
Save/RestoreSave or restore the AirStation’s conguration from a conguration le.Page 82
Initialize/RestartInitialize the AirStation or reboot it.Page 83
UpdateUpdate the AirStation’s rmware.Page 84
System InfoView current system information for the AirStation.Page 85
LogsCheck the AirStation’s logs.Page 87
Packet InfoView all packets transferred by the AirStation.Page 88
Client MonitorView all devices currently connected to the AirStation.Page 89
PingTest the AirStation’s connection to other devices on the network.Page 90
Click this to log out of the AirStation’s conguration interface.
Manuals & Utilities
Click this to display download pages for Manuals and Utilities.
- 22 -
Chapter 4 Conguration
Setup is the home page of the conguration interface. You can verify settings and the status of the
AirStation here.
WAN/LANDisplays the conguration screen for the Internet port and LAN
WirelessClick this button to display the conguration screen for wireless
FirewallClick this button to display the conguration screen for security.
Games/AppsClick this button to display the conguration screen to open ports
for games and applications.
- 23 -
Chapter 4 Conguration
NASClick this button to display the conguration screen for NAS
AdminClick this button to display the conguration screen for
administration settings.
DiagnosticClick this button to display the status of the AirStation.
Easy SetupEnables you to easily congure the AirStation’s network settings
ModeThis indicates the operation mode of the AirStation.
Internet ConnectionDisplays WAN-side system information for the AirStation.
Check ConnectionClick this button to check if the AirStation is connected to the
Internet properly.
RefreshClick this button to refresh the current screen.
WirelessDisplays the current wireless settings.
AOSS SetupClick this button to display the AOSS conguration screen.
WPS SetupClick this button to display the WPS conguration screen.
ECO ModeThis indicates the operating status of ECO Mode.
Network ServicesDisplays the list of the network devices for which information is
provided from the network on the LAN-side.
Media ServerDisplays the status of the media server.
Download ManagerDisplays the list of BitTorrent les downloading.
LanguageEnables you to select the language you use.
LogoutLog out of the conguration interface. If the AirStation does not
communicate for 5 minutes, it will log out automatically.
Link to Manuals & UtilitiesClick to display download pages for Manuals and Utilities.
- 24 -
Chapter 4 Conguration
Congure the WAN-side port (“Internet port”).
Method of Acquiring IP AddressSpecify how the WAN-side IP address is obtained.
Default GatewayCongure an IP address for the default gateway.
DNS Name Server AdressSpecify an IP address for the DNS server.
Internet MAC AddressCongure the Internet side MAC address.
MTU Size of Internet PortCongure the MTU value of the Internet port. Values of 578 to 1500
Note: Conguring an improper MAC address may make the AirStation
unusable. Change this setting at your own risk.
bytes may be entered.
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Chapter 4 Conguration
Congure PPPoE settings.
Default PPPoE ConnectionIf you have registered multiple connection destinations in the
PPPoE Connection List, connection destinations selected here
have priority. You need to congure the route to which PPPoE is
connected to if you don’t use the default settings.
IP Unnumbered PPPoE ConnectionSelect the destination from the PPPoE Connection List which is
used when “Use IP Unnumbered” is chosen for the Method of
Acquiring IP Address (page 25).
PPPoE Connection ListEdit PPPoE destination. You can register up to 5 sessions.
Edit Connection ListClick this button to edit destination settings.
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Chapter 4 Conguration
PPPoE Connection No.This is displayed when [Edit Connection List] is clicked.
Name of Connection
Enter the name to identify the connected destination. You may
enter up to 32 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Enter the username specied by your ISP for PPPoE certication.
You may enter up to 64 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Enter the password specied by your ISP for PPPoE certication.
You may enter up to 64 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Service Name
Fill in this eld only if your ISP species a Service Name. Leave
blank otherwise. You may enter up to 64 alphanumerical
characters and symbols.
Connection Type
Species the timing for the AirStation to connect to your
Automatic Disconnection
Set time to disconnect after communication is stopped when
the connection method is set to [Connection on Demand] or
[Manual]. You can enter up to 1440 minutes.
Congure an authorization method with a provider.
MTU Size
Congure the MTU size for PPPoE. Values of 578 to 1492 bytes
may be entered.
MRU Size
Congure MRU (Maximum Receive Unit) for PPPoE. Values of 578
to 1492 may be entered.
Keep Alive
If Keep Alive is enabled, then the AirStation will issue an LCP
echo request once a minute in order to maintain the connection
with the PPPoE. If the server does not respond for more than
6 minutes, the line is recognized as disconnected and the
AirStation will terminate the connection. Enabled by default.
- 27 -
Chapter 4 Conguration
Preferred ConnectionsDisplays information you have set regarding to the connection
destination route.
Edit Preferred ConnectionsClick to edit the connection destination route settings.
Preferred PPPoE ConnectionClick [Edit Preferred Connections] to display.
This will be the name of the connection in the PPPoE connection
Destination Address
The AirStation will always use this connection to send data to this
Source Address
The AirStation will always use this connection to receive data
from this address.
- 28 -
Chapter 4 Conguration
Congure Dynamic DNS settings. Many settings are only available when the appropriate Dynamic
DNS service is enabled.
Dynamic DNS ServiceSelect a provider (DynDNS or TZO) for Dynamic DNS.
UsernameEnter the Dynamic DNS username. You may enter up to 64
alphanumerical characters and symbols.
PasswordEnter the Dynamic DNS password. You may enter up to 64
alphanumerical characters and symbols.
HostnameEnter the Dynamic DNS hostname. You may enter up to 255
alphanumerical characters, hyphens, and periods.
Email AddressEnter the email address which is registered to the Dynamic DNS
service. You may enter up to 64 alphanumerical characters and
TZO KeyEnter the TZO Key which is registered to the Dynamic DNS service.
You may enter up to 64 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
Domain NameEnter the domain name which is registered to the Dynamic DNS
service. You may enter up to 255 alphanumerical characters,
hyphens, and periods.
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+ 101 hidden pages
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1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.