MiniStation Thunderbolt™ Portable HDD
World’s first ThunderboltTM storage solution
Buffalo Technology’s MiniStation Thunderbolt™ Portable HDD
is world’s first portable Thunderbolt™ with an USB 3.0 dualinterface external drive solution. The Thunderbolt™ (10 GBps)
Interface is twice as fast than USB 3.0 while preserving backward
compatibility with existing devices that support USB 2.0 or USB 3.0.
The MiniStation Thunderbolt™ Portable HDD can be formatted
to support both PC and Mac® making it a great portable storage
solution for any device. Native compatibility with Mac OS X Time
Machine also makes it an ideal solution for backup with Mac
Bus-powered, the MiniStation Thunderbolt
requires no additional power supply and is easy to carry. Just
plug the portable HDD body with the included Thunderbolt
Cable* onto your Mac. Enclosed in a sleek aluminum body with
a transparent frosted top, the design feels luxurious. MiniStation
Thunderbolt™ Portable HDD features an indirect disk access LED
indicator on the underside that tastefully illuminates its supporting
With the MiniStation Thunderbolt
you can transfer digital content faster, simplify connections
between devices, maintain compatibility with most devices and
enjoy the ultra-fast speeds of the market’s latest portable storage
* No AC adapte r is required
Portable HDD on the move,
Portable HDD
Features and Benefits
• Ultimate speed – Thunderbolt (10 GBps) Interface. Two times faster
Interface speed than USB 3.0
• Dual-interface - Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 for the best possible
• Cables included – Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 cables in the box
• Bus powered – No additional power input required
• Apple friendly – Ready for use for Mac immediately and works for
Mac Time Machine (HFS+ formatted)
• Design – Sophisticated design

MiniStation Thunderbolt™ Portable HDD
Internal Hard Drives
HDD interface SATA
Capacities 500GB, 1TB
Standard compliance Thunderbolt
Connector type Thunderbolt (Mini DisplayPort)
Number of ports 1
Data transfer rate 10 GBps
Standard compliance USB 3.0
Connector type Micro-B
Number of ports 1
Data transfer rate 5 GBps
Thunderbolt - Mac OS
Supported OS
Dimensions (WxDxH) 80.5 × 130 × 22.5 mm
Weight 260 g
Operating environment 5-35ºC, 20-80% (Non-Condensing)
Power supply Bus powered
USB - Mac OS
7 (64-bit/32-bit) / Vista (64-bit/32-bit) / XP (32-bit)
X 10.6 or later
X 10.5 or later,
About Buffalo
Buffalo Technology is a leading global provider of award-winning storage, networking, and multimedia solutions for the home and small business environments as well as for system builders and integrators. With more
than three decades of network ing and computer peripheral experience, Buffalo has proven its commitment to delivering innovative solutions that have put the company at the forefront of infrastructure technology.
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to their respective owners. The information within this datasheet is subject to change without notice. All rights reserved. E & OE.