Buffalo HS-DGL User Manual

User Manual
LinkStation MultiMedia Home Server
HS-DGL Series
Congratulations on your purchase! Your LinkStation Home Server gives you a central location for storing all your media fi les in your local network. All your computers and media players will be able to access fi les on the LinkStation.
This user manual uses images representative of LinkStation user interfaces and software at time of publication. As time passes, future user interfaces and software may be available for download from: http://www.buffalotech.com (Support Section - Downloads).
Due to the evolving state of the product, the images and text in this manual may vary slightly from the images and text displayed by your LinkStation. These changes are minor and should not affect the ease of setup.
If at any time you have additional questions or seek additional help, please contact our technical support (see Page 80 for technical support contact information).
LinkStation Diagram ......................................... 4
LinkStation Quick Setup ................................... 5
Link Navigator Setup ...................................... 11
Accessing LinkStation Data from a PC .......... 20
Accessing LinkStation Data from a Mac ........ 23
LinkStation Expansion .................................... 26
Transfering Files from your Digital Camera ... 27
Basic Settings ................................................. 28
Network Settings ............................................ 31
Security Settings............................................. 37
USB Settings ................................................... 45
USB Printer Installation ................................. 48
Maintenance Settings ..................................... 53
Restoring LinkStation Backups ..................... 59
PCast/DLNA Settings .......................... ........... 64
PC Backup Utility .......................................... 67
Troubleshooting .............................................. 76
Technical Specifi cations ................................. 79
Technical Support ........................................... 80
FCC and GPL ................................................... 80
Table of Contents
1. Power Button – The Power Button is used to
power the LinkStation on or off. The power on process will take approximately 30 seconds to a full minute to complete. During this time, do not unplug the LinkStation from the wall outlet. To turn the LinkStation off, press and hold the power button for several seconds until the Power LED light begins blinking. At that time, stop pressing the button and shutdown should complete within 30 seconds.
2. Power LED – The Power LED light will blink
during startup or shutdown, but otherwise will remain lit up while LinkStation is powered on.
will light up if an Ethernet Cable is plugged in that is attached to another device such as a router, hub, or PC. Periodically, the LED will blink. This blinking signifi es network activity.
LinkStation Diagram
4. Disk Full LED – When LinkStation’s
internal drive approaches 95% of its capacity, the Disk Full LED will light up in red. For options to increase storage capacity, see LinkStation Expansion section on page 26.
5. Diagnostic LED – The Diagnostic LED
ashes if the LinkStation encounters an error. In this event, please contact our technical support.
6. USB Port (Front & Rear) – LinkStation
offers two USB Ports for adding external drives or USB printers. Please see the LinkStation Expansion section on page 26 to learn more about how to take advantage of the USB Ports on LinkStation.
LinkStation Diagram
Quick Setup
Plug the LinkStation’s power cord into a power outlet.
Also, plug the included Ethernet Cable into LinkStation’s 10/100 Network Port located on the back of LinkStation.
Quick Setup
Connect the other end of the Ethernet Cable into a hub, switch, or router on the network, or connect it directly to a nearby running PC.
NOTE: It is recommended that you connect LinkStation to a hub or switch on your network. Connecting it directly to the back of a PC should only be used if absolutely necessary. Many features, including automatic DHCP IP Addressing, require LinkStation to be connected to a switch or hub. If the LinkStation is connected directly to a PC, you will have to confi gure it manually.
Quick Setup
Turn the LinkStation on by pressing the power button until the green Power LED begins to fl ash.
Quick Setup
Check the LINK/ACT light on the front of the LinkStation. If it is lit, then your LinkStation is connected properly; please turn to page 11 to continue setup. If it is not lit, continue to the next page.
Quick Setup
If the LINK/ACT LED on the front of LinkStation is lit, your LinkStation is connected properly.
If the LINK/ACT LED is not lit, make sure that:
Both LinkStation and the switch or PC are powered on.
The Ethernet Cable is securely fastened to both devices.
The Ethernet Cable is not damaged; verify this by trying another Ethernet Cable.
If problems persist, contact our technical support. Please see page 80 for support contact information.
Link Navigator Setup
Insert the Link Navigator CD into a PC’s CD-ROM drive. Depending on the PC’s confi guration, the EasySetup program may launch. If it does not automatically launch, manually launch it by pressing the Start menu, selecting the Run... option. When the Run dialog opens, type x:
easysetup.exe (where x is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive). Press OK to continue.
Link Navigator Setup
LinkNavigator is now running. Please press the Install IP Setup Utility icon, then press the Start button. The LinkStation IP Confi guration Utility will launch and scan for networks.
Link Navigator Setup
The IP Con guration Utility allows you to easily con gure LinkStation’s network settings. The
Search button will re-scan the network for any and all LinkStations available. The drop down menu lists all available LinkStations. If there are multiple LinkStations on the network, then select the proper LinkStation from the pull down menu. Once the proper LinkStation has been selected, press the Change IP Address button to continue.
Link Navigator Setup
This section of the program changes LinkStation’s IP Address. Check the check box that states Acquire IP Address Automatically. This will give LinkStation an IP Address from the network’s router/DHCP server. A fi xed (static) IP Address and Gateway can be set if preferred. The Administrator Password fi eld sets an administrator password for the web-based confi guration. If desired, type a password in the fi eld. When fi nished, press the OK button. LinkStation will set the IP Address and Password settings.
NOTE: If LinkStation was plugged directly into a PC, then the DHCP function will timeout and give LinkStation the default IP Address of You will need to adjust your PC’s IP Address to an IP Address on the same subnet (e.g., or give the LinkStation a xed IP address on the same subnet as your PC.
Link Navigator Setup
LinkStation is now ready to be con gured. The login prompt will appear. The user name is root. There is no password by default. If a password was speci ed on the previous step, then type that
password in, otherwise leave the password fi eld blank. Press the OK button when fi nished.
User name: root Password: default password is blank.
Only enter a password if you have confi gured one.
In the future, LinkStation can be accessed by typing http://LINKSTATION_NAME into a Web browser (where LINKSTATION_NAME is the name of your LinkStation set on page 17).
Link Navigator Setup
Congratulations, you have logged into LinkStation. These are the main confi guration menus. Please bookmark this page for easy access. For detailed explanations of each menu and setting, please refer to the Settings section (starting on page 28) of this manual. To continue setup, click on the Basic link. Then, click on the LinkStation Name Setup link to continue.
Link Navigator Setup
This section allows you to change the name of your LinkStation. This name will be required to access LinkStation data. A friendly, easy name is recommended. Please enter an appropriate name in the LinkStation Name fi eld. The name cannot contain any spaces or special characters. Alphanumeric characters including hyphen and underscore are allowed.
A short description of the LinkStation can be created in the LinkStation Description fi eld. This description will be shown while browsing through Network Neighborhood on Windows machines. Once the fi elds have been completed, press the Apply button.
Link Navigator Setup
By default there are two shared folders on LinkStation. One is for Windows and Mac machines, while the other is for Macs only. Windows machines will only see one share. If you would like to create additional shares for specifi c users or specifi c types of data, then click on the Security tab on the left. Then click on the Shared Folder Settings link to continue. From this screen you can add new shares/folders or edit existing shares/folders. Press the Add a New Folder button to begin creating a new share/folder.
Link Navigator Setup
To begin setting up a new share, enter an appropriate share/folder name in the Shared Folder Name eld. Set the remaining settings to the desired function. Access Restriction will turn on
security features. Please refer to the Settings section (starting on page 28) of this manual before using the Access Restriction function. Press the Apply button when fi nished. A new shared folder has been set up. Please repeat this step to set up more shared folders. Note: OS X Macs work best with “Win” shares. Use “Mac” shares only with older Macs, as AppleTalk entails a 2 GB lesize limitation.
Accessing LinkStation Data from a PC
Accessing LinkStation data is performed using the following steps:
Press the Start menu, select the Run... option. When the Run dialog opens, type \\LinkStation_ Name (where LinkStation_Name is name of the LinkStation set on page 17). Press the OK button to continue.
Accessing LinkStation Data from a PC
LinkStation’s root directory will appear. You will see all of the confi gured shares. All users can read and write to all folders unless otherwise confi gured. To set up security and password protection, please refer to the Settings section (starting on page 28) of this manual. To setup a printer see the LinkStation Expansion section found on page 26. LinkStation can be accessed by multiple PC’s simultaneously by following this step. A drive letter can also be mapped to the LinkStation; see the next page for more information.
Accessing LinkStation Data from a PC
From the previous step’s Root Directory screen, use the pull down menu and click Tools and then select Map Network Drive. The Map Network Drive program will run. Select the drive letter you would like LinkStation to assume from the Drive: pull down menu. Enter the \\LinkStation_ Name\share_name in the Folder: fi eld (where LinkStation_Name is the LinkStation Name set on page 17 and share_name is the Shared Folder Name set on page 19). You can also browse for the shared folder by pressing the Browse button and searching through the Entire Network and then the Microsoft Windows Network. Check the Reconnect at logon checkbox to create this mapped drive everytime Windows starts. Once complete, press the Finish button. LinkStation is now mapped to a drive letter.
NOTE: If errors occur while mapping multiple drive shares, see page 76 for help.
Accessing LinkStation Data from a Mac
If your Mac does not automatically detect your LinkStation’s Share folder and put it on your desktop, you will need to add the LinkStation to the Mac’s server list. Begin by clicking Go, and then choose Connect to Server.
Enter your LinkStation’s IP address in the Server Address fi eld and click Connect.
If you don’t know your LinkStation’s IP address, see page 25.
Accessing LinkStation Data from a Mac
Select Guest and click on Connect. Note: If you have confi gured share permissions on your TeraStation, select Registered User and enter your Registered User credentials.
Select the volume that you want to mount, such as share or share-mac, from the list of folders on the LinkStation.
The share will open. A link to the shared folder will appear on your desktop.
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