USB 3.0 External HDD
Media Hard Drive for TVs, Recorders, and PCs
Ready to Capture – and Keep–
your Favorite Programs and
Buffalo Technology’s new HDV-SA series enables users to maintain
extensive media libraries while freeing up TVs, TV recorders, and
PCs to keep recording the programs and movies they love.
Buffalo’s external Media Hard Drive is both beautiful and welldesigned. From the outside the drive visually blends with
surrounding devices and cables are placed out-of-the-way, and
held there, to maximize the drive’s convenience. Inside the HDV-SA
series has a special fan-less and floating structure, and vibrationdampening rubber, to assure the quietest possible operation.
Buffalo’s HDV-SA series is compatible with TVs, TV recorders,
and computers; and users will enjoy added speed when paired
with USB3.0 devices. Buffalo’s drive is also energy-saving: Auto
power on and off works in sync with attached devices.
Buffalo’s Media Hard drive is Panasonic-approved and includes
optimized firmware that helps ensure smooth streaming playback
with special AV commands and superior error handling.
Buffalo’s HDV-SA series comes in 1, 2, or 3 TB capacities with factoryconfirmed hard drives tested for both high reliability and durability.
Features and Benefits
Works for everyone, optimized for Panasonic
Ideal for capturing, storing, and sharing your multimedia files
Compatible with TVs, TV recorders, and computers
Specially-designed housing ensures the quietest possible operation
Designed for convenient setup and use near TVs
Auto power on, and off, works in sync with attached devices
Customized and Panasonic-approved firmware helps ensure smooth streaming
playback for Panasonic VIERA TVs and Panasonic DIGA TV recorders
HDV-SA hard drives are factory-tested for durability and high-reliability

USB 3.0 External HDD
Media Hard Drive for TVs, Recorders, and PCs
Internal Hard Drives
HDD interface SATA 3
Capacities 1, 2, 3 TB
Number of drives 1
Standard compliance USB 3.0
Connector type USB 3.0 Micro B
Number of ports 1
Data transfer rate (brutto) 5 Gb/s
Supported OS Windows 10 (64-bit/32-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit/32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit/32-bit)
Dimensions (WxHxD) 207 x 123 x 40.5 mm
Weight 900 g
Operating environment 5-35 °C, 20-80 %
Power consumption 18 W
Power supply External, i/o 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz universal / 12 V, 1,5 A
Special device support
Customized firmware, AV commands, and error handling for Panasonic TVs,
recorders, and video cameras
Product code
About Buffalo
Buffalo Technology is a leading global provider of award-winning storage, network ing and multimedia solutions for the home and small business environments as well as for system builders and integrators. With more than
three decades of networking and computer peripheral experience, Buffalo has proven its commitment to delivering innovative solutions that have put the company at the forefront of infrastructure technology.
© Buffalo Inc. 2016. BUFFA LO logo, AirSt ation, Nfiniti, AOSS, TeraStation, LinkStation, DriveStation and MiniStation are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Melco Holdings Inc. or Buffalo Inc. Microsoft Windows
and Microsoft logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft C orporation in United States and/or other countries. The names and logos of other companies mentioned herein belong to their respective
owners. The information within this datasheet is subjec t to change without notice. All rights reser ved. E & OE.
160051, 02/2016