Bryant 559F User Manual

wiring diagrams
Cancels: New WD 559F.180.1
UNIT PRODUCTION START DATE UNIT SERIAL NUMBER 559F180,240 and 579F180,240 559F216,300 and 579F216,300
Unit Voltage-Phase-Hertz Label Diagram Figure No.
208/230-3-60 50TJ500413 1
460-3-60 50TJ500463 2
208/230-3-60 50TJ500470 3
460-3-60 50TJ500471 4
208/230-3-60 50TJ500466 5
460-3-60 50TJ500467 6
208/230-3-60 50TJ500479 7
460-3-60 50TJ500480 8
208/230-3-60 48TJ500505 9
460-3-60 48TJ500506 10
208/230-3-60 48TJ500498 11
460-3-60 48TJ500499 12
208/230-3-60 48TJ500496 13
460-3-60 48TJ500497 14
208/230-3-60 48TJ500507 15
460-3-60 48TJ500544 16
11/16/98 4798F and later
15 to 25 Tons
Item Fig. No. Power Exhaust Time Guard® II Device Smoke Control/Fire Shutdown*
*Requires both economizer and power exhaust.
Std Min.
Tem p
40 10
40 10
40 25
40 25
Tem p (F )
Acy Kit Part No.
Required (Quantity)
CRWINSTR001A00† (2),
Motormaster® Head Pressure Control Device
MM —
Mild Ambient Control Low Ambient Control
Winter Start Kit
10 F Ambient Kit
Winter Start Kit
10 F Ambient Kit
Winter Start Kit
25 F Ambient Kit
Winter Start Kit
25 F Ambient Kit
Fig. No.
22,23 –20
22,23 –20
22,26 –20
22,26 –20
Tem p (F )
Acy Kit Part No.
Required (Quantity)
CRWINSTR001A00 (2),
CRWINSTR001A00 (2),
CRWINSTR001A00 (2),
Winter Start Kit,
10 F Ambient Kit,
–20 F MM I
Winter Start Kit,
10 F Ambient Kit,
–20 F MM I
Winter Start Kit,
–20 F MM III
Winter Start Kit,
–20 F MM III
*Use the 32LT900301 for 208/230 units. Use the 32LT900611 for 460-v
†Not required on models with the loss-of-charge switch on the liquid
LEGEND (FIG. 1-16, 20 AND 21)
Fig. No.
22,27 28
22,27 28
AHA — BR — BRK W/AT — C— CAP — CB — CC — CH — CLO — CLS — COMP — CPM — CR — CT — DM — DU — EAS
EMC — EQUIP — FL — FLA — FPT — FS — FU — GND — GVR — HC — HPS — HS
Adjustable Heat Anticipator Burner Relay Breaks With Amp Turns Contactor, Compressor Capacitor Circuit Breaker Cooling Compensator Crankcase Heater Compressor Lockout Compressor Lockout Switch Compressor Motor Compressor Protection Module Control Relay Current Transformer Damper Motor Dummy Terminal Economizer Actuator Auxiliary Switch Economizer Motor Contactor Equipment Fuse Link Full Load Amps Freeze-Protection Thermostat Flame Sensor Fuse Ground Gas Valve Relay Heater Contactor High-Pressure Switch Hall Switch
IFM — IFR — IGC — L— LED — LLS — LOR — LPS — LS — MAT — MGV — NEC — NEUT — OAT — OFC — OFM — OP — PL — PRI — QT — RS — SEN, SN — SR
Heater High-Voltage Ignitor Induced-Draft Motor Indoor (Evaporator) Fan Contactor Indoor (Evaporator) Fan Circuit Breaker Indoor (Evaporator) Fan Motor Indoor (Evaporator) Fan Relay Integrated Gas Controller Light Light-Emitting Diode Liquid Line Solenoid Lockout Relay Low-Pressure Switch Limit Switch Mixed-Air Thermostat Main Gas Valve National Electrical Code Neutral Outdoor-Air Thermostat Outdoor (Condenser) Fan Contactor Outdoor (Condenser) Fan Motor Overcurrent Protection Plug Assembly Primary Quadruple Terminal Rollout Switch Sensor Solenoid Relay
SW — TB — TC — TH — TRAN — U— UR
Switch Terminal Block Thermostat Cooling Thermostat Heating Transformer Unloader Unloader Relay
Terminal (Marked)
Terminal (Unmarked)
Terminal Block
Splice (Marked)
Factory Wiring
Field Control Wiring
Field Power Wiring
Accessory or Optional Wirin To indicate common poten-
tial only, not to represent wiring.
Cooling, Units Without Economizer
When thermos tat calls for cool ing, terminals G and Y1 are energized. The indoor (evaporator) fan contactor (IFC) and compressor contactor no. 1 (C1) are energized, and evaporator-fan motor (IFM), compressor no. 1 and condenser fan(s) start. The condenser-fan motor(s) runs continuously while unit is c ooli ng. When t he th e rmo s tat call s fo r a sec on d stage of cooling by energizi ng Y2, comp ressor con tacto r no. 2 (C2) is energized and compressor no. 2 starts.
Heating, Units Without Economizer (579F180-300)
NOTE: The 579F180-300 units have 2 stages of heat.
When the thermostat calls for heating, power is sent to W on the IGC (integrated gas unit controller) board. An LED (light-emitting diode) on the IGC board will be on during normal operation. A check is ma de to ensure that the rol lout switch and limit switch are closed. The induced-draft motor is then energized, and when speed is proven with the hall effect sensor on the motor, the ignition activation period begins. The burners will ignite within 5 seconds.
If the burners do not light, there is a 22-second delay before another 5-second attempt. If the burners still do not light, this sequence is repeated for 1 5 minutes. After the 15 min­utes have elapsed, if the burners still have not lighted, heat­ing is locked out. To reset the control, br eak 24-v power to the thermostat.
When ignition occ urs the IGC board will continue to mo ni­tor the condition of the rollout and limit switches, the hall effect sensor, as well as the flame sensor. If the unit is con­trolled through a room thermostat set for fan auto., 45 sec­onds after ignition occurs, the indoor-fan motor will be energized. If for some reason the overtemperature limit opens prior to the start of the indoor fan blower, on the next attempt, the 45-second delay will b e shortened to 5 seconds less than the time from initiation of heat to when the limit tripped. Gas will not be interrupted to the burners and heat­ing will continue. Once modified, the fan on delay will not change back to 45 seconds unless power is reset to the control.
When additional heat is required, W2 closes and initiates power to the second stage of the main gas valve. When the thermostat is satisfied, W1 and W2 open and the gas valve closes, interrupting the flow of gas to the main burners. If the call for W1 lasted less than 1 m inute, the heating cycle will not terminate until 1 minute after W1 became active. If the unit is controlled through a ro om thermostat set for fan auto., the indoor-fan motor will continue to operate for an additional 45 seconds then stop. If the overtemperature limit
opens after the indoor motor is stopped within 10 minutes of W1 becoming inactive, on the next cycle the time will be extended by 15 seconds. The maximum delay is 3 minutes. Once modified, the fan off delay will not change back to 45 seconds unless power is reset to the control.
An LED indicator is provided on the IG C to monitor opera­tion. The IGC is located by removing the side panel and viewing the IGC through the view port located in the control box access panel. During normal operation, the LED is con­tinuously on.
Heating, Units Without Economizer (559F180-300, If Acces­sory or Optional Heater is Installed)
Upon a call for heating through terminal W1, IFC and heater contactor no. 1 (HC1) are energized. On units equipped for 2 stages of heat, when additional heat is needed, HC2 is energized through W2.
Cooling, Units With Economizer
Upon a call for cooling, when outdoor ambient is above the temperature control setting, the economizer damper moves to VENT position. The co mpres sors an d evapo rator a nd con­denser fans energize.
Upon a first call for cooli ng, when outdoor ambient is be low the temperature control setting, the evaporator fan starts and the economizer opens to maintain 53 F leaving-air tem­perature. The compressors remain off.
Upon a second-stage call for cooling, compressor no. 1 is energized and mechanical cooling is integrated with econo­mizer cooling. If the outdoor-air temperature drops below 50 F, a cooling lockout switch prevents the compressors from running.
When supply-air temperature drops below a fixed set point, the economizer damp er modulate s to maintain the tempera ­ture at the fixed set point.
Freeze protection thermostats (FPT) are located on the evap­orator coil. They detect frost build-up and turn the c ompres­sors off locking them out an d re qu ir ing a man ual res et. Onc e frost has melted, the compressors can be reenergized.
Heating, Units With Economizer
Outdoor-air damper stays at VENT position while evap­orator fan is operating. Refer to Heating, Units Without Economizer (579F180-300) and Heating, Units Without Economizer (559F1 80-300 , If Ac cessor y or O ptio nal He ater i s Installed) sections on this page for remainder of operating sequence.
NOTES FOR FIG. 1, 3, 5, 7
1. Compressor and/or fan motors are thermally protected. Three-phase motors are protected against primary single phasing conditions.
2. If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must be replaced with type 90 C or its equivalent.
3. On 208/230-v unit, TRAN1 is factory wired to ORN lead for 230-v power supply. If unit is to be run on 208-v power supply, TRAN1 must be rewired. Disconnect the BLK wire on TRAN1 and connect wire to 208-v RED wire. Insulate 230-v ORN wire.
5. Indoor fan circuit breaker must trip amps value is equal to or less than 140% FLA.
NOTES FOR FIG. 2, 4, 6, 8
1. Compressor and/or fan motors are thermally protected. Three-phase motors are protected against primary single phasing conditions.
2. If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must be replaced with type 90 C or its equivalent.
3. Jumpers are omitted when unit is equipped with an economizer.
5. Indoor fan circuit breaker must trip amps value is equal to or less than 140% FLA.
NOTES FOR FIG. 9, 11, 13, 15
1. Compressor and/or fan motors are thermally protected. Three-phase motors are protected against primary single phasing conditions.
2. If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must be replaced with type 90 C or its equivalent.
3. Jumpers are omitted when unit is equipped with an economizer.
4. Indoor fan circuit breaker must trip amps value is equal to or less than 140% FLA.
5. On 208/230-v unit, TRAN1 is factory wired to ORN lead for 230-v power supply. If unit is to be run on 208-v power supply, TRAN1 must
6. The CLO locks out the compressor to prevent short cycling on com­pressor overload and safety devices. Before replacing CLO, check these devices.
7. Jumpers are omitted when unit is equipped with an economizer.
8. Number(s) indicate the line location of used contacts. A bracket over 2 numbers signifies a single-pole, double-throw contact. An under­lined number signifies a normally closed contact. A plain (no line) number signifies a normally open contact.
6. The CLO locks out the compressor to prevent short cycling on com­pressor overload and safety devices. Before replacing CLO, check these devices.
7. Number(s) indicate the line location of used contacts. A bracket over 2 numbers signifies a single-pole, double-throw contact. An under­lined number signifies a normally closed contact. A plain (no line) number signifies a normally open contact.
be rewired. Disconnect the BLK wire on TRAN1 and connect wire to 208-v RED wire. Insulate 230-v ORN wire.
6. The CLO locks out the compressor to prevent short cycling on com­pressor overload and safety devices. Before replacing CLO, check these devices.
7. Number(s) indicate the line location of used contacts. A bracket over 2 numbers signifies a single-pole, double-throw contact. An under­lined number signifies a normally closed contact. A plain (no line) number signifies a normally open contact.
NOTES FOR FIG. 10, 12, 14, 16
1. Compressor and/or fan motors are thermally protected. Three-phase motors are protected against primary single phasing conditions.
2. If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must be replaced with type 90 C or its equivalent.
3. Jumpers are omitted when unit is equipped with an economizer.
4. Indoor fan circuit breaker must trip amps value is equal to or less than 140% FLA.
5. If unit is to be run on 460-v power supply, TRAN1 must be wired to BLK wire.
6. The CLO locks out the compressor to prevent short cycling on com­pressor overload and safety devices. Before replacing CLO, check these devices.
7. Number(s) indicate the line location of used contacts. A bracket over 2 numbers signifies a single-pole, double-throw contact. An under­lined number signifies a normally closed contact. A plain (no line) number signifies a normally open contact.
Fig. 1 — Label Diagram — 559F180, 208/230-3-60 Units
Fig. 1 — Label Diagram — 559F180, 208/230-3-60 Units (cont)
Fig. 2 — Label Diagram — 559F180, 460-3-60 Units
Fig. 2 — Label Diagram — 559F180, 460-3-60 Units (cont)
Fig. 3 — Label Diagram — 559F216, 208/230-3-60 Units
Fig. 3 — Label Diagram — 559F216, 208/230-3-60 Units (cont)
Fig. 4 — Label Diagram — 559F216, 460-3-60 Units
Fig. 4 — Label Diagram — 559F216, 460-3-60 Units (cont)
Fig. 5 — Label Diagram — 559F240, 208/230-3-60 Units
Fig. 5 — Label Diagram — 559F240, 208/230-3-60 Units (cont)
Fig. 6 — Label Diagram — 559F240, 460-3-60 Units
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