Bryan Boilers Tube Steel Boilers User Manual

Form No. 5900-1
Bryan “Flexible Water Tube”
Boiler Comparison Guide
Firetube Steel Boilers
Cast Iron Boilers
(Rev. 7/08)
Originators of the “Flexible Water Tube” design
Boiler Comparison Guide
steel boilers
Bryan fl exible water
tube steel boilers
Minimal assembly required for new building installations x x x x Will pass through standard doorway in existing buildings x x Right hand or left hand construction x
35 Estimated years of service life to 25 35 ? 40
Full 5 sq ft heating surface per boiler HP or more x ? ? ?
Cast iron boilers
Competitive water
tube boilers
Space Requirements Minimal fl oor space needed to set and service x ? x ?
No major disassembly required for cleaning x No welding or rolling required to remove and replace tubes x x No repairs to damage caused by thermal shock x 25 year non-prorated warranty x
Effi ciency
Highest operating effi ciency based on combustion effi ciency x ? ? ? and burner motor horsepower Close match to specifi c load based on numerous sizes available x ? ? ? Size range from 6 HP through 500 HP x x ? ?
Oil, gas or gas/oil x x x x Atmospheric gas x x Each of above available with electric if desired x
Specialty applications
Large buildings x x x x High-rise buildings regardless of boiler location x x x Process steam, high pressure x x x Process steam, low pressure x x x x Low temperature return water application not requiring external pump x
Replacement of sections requires extensive labor and downtime.
Boiler Comparison Guide
Selecting the Proper Boiler
If you’re an engineer, an architect, a mechanical contractor or a building owner, selecting or specifying the right boiler is probably one of your many concerns. Steel? Cast iron? Watertube? Firetube? With all the confl icting opinions, reports and literature in circulation, it’s no easy task.
Installation costs. Because cast iron boilers come as
sectional units, substantial time-consuming assembly is required. Steel boilers are shipped completely fi nished and may require that walls be opened in existing buildings or new buildings which have already been enclosed. Bryan fl exible water tube steel boilers, however, are prepackaged units that may be easily disassembled (“Knockdown™”) to precisely the degree necessary.
Service life. The best estimates we have on boiler life expectancy are thirty-fi ve years for cast iron units and twenty-fi ve years for fi retube steel models. With many boilers still on the job after forty to fi fty years of service, Bryan’s fl exible water tube steel design has demonstrated longevity equal to or better than that of either alternative.
At Bryan, we understand the problem. That’s why we’ve put together this guide. It’s a summary of how our fl exible water tube boilers compare to fi retube, cast iron and other water tube boilers in several important areas. We think you’ll fi nd it helpful.
40 years
fl exible
35 years
25 years Firetube
Boiler Longevity*
*Competitive fl exible tube boilers not shown
due to inadequate experience.
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