FCC 13-Dec.-2011 Ver.1.7
Document constituent list
Control name Control No. Document Page
General Items HD-AG-A 1/1
Absolute maximum ratings HD-AM-A 1/1
Electrical characteristics HD-AE-A 1/3-3/3
Circuit schematic HD-MC-A 1/1
Outline / Appearance HD-AD-A 1/1
Outline / Appearance HD-AD-B 1/1
Pin Descriptions HD-BA-A 1/1
Regulatory Information
Rev. record
16-Nov-2009> Ver.1.0: Newly Issued
10-Dec-2009> Ver.1.1: 11n Draft -> 11n, Add note (g) on Page 3,
Add Pin Descriptions (HD-BA-A) on Page 11.
16-Dec-2009> Ver.1.2: Correct the error on Page 12.
28-Jan.-2010> Ver.1.3: Add Tx Power condition “Average Power “ on Page 6 and 7.
03-Mar.-2010> Ver.1.4: Add Mexico “Cofetel ID” on page 13.
26-Mar.-2010> Ver.1.5: Add Taiwan “NCC ID” on page 13.
20-Apr.-2011> Ver.1.6: Add USB2.0 Specification on page5.
Change Indication Label size and design on page 10.
13-Dec.-2011> Ver.1.7 Change FCC/IC Regulatory Information
FCC 13-Dec.-2011 Ver.1.7
Control No.
HD-AG-A (1/1)
This specification (“Specification”) applies to the hybrid IC “WYSAGBUX7” for use WLAN Module
1. Model name: WYSAGBUX7
2. Brand name :
4. Function: Radio frequency transfer Module. (IEEE802.11b/g/n standard conformity)
5. Application: Printer
6. Structure: Hybrid IC loaded with silicon monolithic and GaAs semiconductor
7. Ability of lead free mounting at customer's assembly (Heat resistance of this Product) : Yes
Containment of hazardrous substance in this Product
*This product conforms to RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC).
8. Outline: 6-pin Connector
9. Marking: Model name, Brand name, Type Approval number, MAC address, Lot number
10. Features:
-IEEE802.11b/g/n standard conformity
Transmit speed: 11n(20MHz) 6.5/7.2/13/14.4/19.5/21.7/26/28.9/39/43.3/52/57.8/58.5/65/72.2Mbps
Modulation: 11g/n (OFDM): BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM 11b (DSSS): BPSK, QPSK, CCK
Channel Number: 1 to 11 channels
Interface: USB2.0
OSC (30MHz), Pattern Antenna (Monopole antenna), Connector
11. Security: WEP (64/128bit), TKIP (WPA), AES (WPA2)
12. Packing: Packaging method: Trey
13. Notes:
a. Any question arising from this Specification shall be solved through mutual discussion by the parties
b. This Product is not designed for radiation durable and should not be used under the circumstance of
c. The operating conditions of this Product are as shown in this Specification.
This Product mentioned in this Specification is manufactured for use in Printer.
This Product shall not be used in any special equipment (such as medical equipment, space equipment, air craft,
disaster prevention equipment), where higher safety and reliability are duly required. Also, evaluation of the
safety function of this Product even for use in general electronics equipment shall be thoroughly made and when
necessary, a protective circuit shall be added at design stage, all at the customer’s sole risk.
e. Communication between this Product and others might not be established nor maintained depending
upon radio environment or operating conditions of this Product and other ISM band at 2.4GHz
f. This Product operates in the unlicensed ISM band at 2.4GHz. In case this Product is used around the
other wireless devices which operate in same frequency band of this Product, there is a possibility that
interference occurs between this Product and such other devices. If such interference occurs, please stop
the operation of other devices or relocate this Product before using this Product or do not use this
Product around the other wireless devices.
g. Please note that this users manual should not be provided to end-users.
11g 54/48/36/24/18/12/9/6Mbps 11b 11/5.5/2/1 Mbps
Control name
General Items
FCC 13-Dec.-2011 Ver.1.7
Control No.
HD-AM-A (1/1)
Absolute maximum ratings
Item Symbol
Supply voltage 1 VCC3V3 -0.3 4.1 V
Storage temperature range Tstg -30 85 Degrees C
Operation temperature range Topr -5 25 55 Degrees C
Recommendation operating range
Item Symbol
Supply voltage 1 VCC3V3 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
Control name
Absolute maximu m ratings
Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Min. Typ. Max. Unit
FCC 13-Dec.-2011 Ver.1.7
Control No.
HD-AE-A (1/3)
Control name
Electrical characteristics
DC Specifications
The Specification applies for Topr.= 25 degrees C, Supply voltage=Typical voltage
No. Parameter Condition Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark
1 Operating Voltage 1
2 Peak Current1 Ip1 - - 800 mA
3 TX Current1 Burst Tx (11g/54Mbps) TC1 - 145 371 mA Duty 15.4%
4 RX Current1 Burst Rx (11g/54Mbps) RC1 - 124 142 mA
5 TX Current2 Burst Tx (11b/11Mbps) TC2 - 236 446 mA Duty49.2 %
6 RX Current2 Burst Rx (11b/11Mbps) RC2 - 122 140 mA
7 TX Current3 Burst Tx (11n/72.2Mbps) TC3 - 140 343 mA Duty13.6 %
6 RX Current3 Burst Rx (11n/72.2Mbps) RC3 - 125 143 mA
- 3.3 - V
USB2.0 Specifications
The Specification applies for Topr.=25 degrees C, Supply voltage=Typical voltage
No. Parameter Condition Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark
D+ / D-
Input low voltage
D+ / D-
Input high voltage
D+ / D-
Output low voltage
D+ / D-
Output high voltage
D+ / D-
Squelch Detection
D+ / D-
Differential input
Signaling levels
D+ / D-
Output High Voltage
D+ / D-
Output Low Voltage
Full-Speed VIL 0 0.8 V
Full-Speed VIH 2.0 3.6 V
Full-Speed VOL 0 0.3 V
Full-Speed VOH 2.8 3.6 V
100 mV Squelch detected
High-Speed VHSSQ
High-Speed -
High-Speed VHSOH 360 440 mV
High-Speed VHSOL -10 10 mV
150 mV No squelch detected
See Receiver Eye Diagram Template Section o
USB 2.0 Specifications.