Instructions for BROLIB.DLL functions
© 2020 Brother Industries, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Version 02
Prior to use the Dynamic Link Library, please make sure the Brother Seagull
printer driver is installed on your PC.
1. Int openport(a)
Description: Start the Windows printer spool.
a: String,
(1). Please specified the printer driver name.
Make the printer driver name the same as the name indicated on the
device and printer of the control panel.
Example: Brother TD-4750TN
For network printer, please specified the UNC path and printer name.
Example: \\server\TD-4750TN
(3). For Centronics interface directly, please specify LPT1 to LPT4.
Example: LPT1
(4). For USB interface directly, please specify USB.
Example: USB
Return value:
1: Success
0: Fail
2. Int closeport()
Description: Close Windows printer spool.
Parameter: None
Return value:
1: Success
0: Fail
3. Int setup(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
Description: Set up label width, label height, print speed, print density,
sensor type, gap/black mark vertical distance、gap/black mark
shift distance
a: String, set label width; unit: mm
b: String, set label height; unit: mm
c: String, set print speed, (selectable print speeds vary on different printer
1.0: Set print speed at 1.0"/sec
1.5: Set print speed at 1.5"/sec
2.0: Set print speed at 2.0"/sec
3.0: Set print speed at 3.0"/sec
4.0: Set print speed at 4.0"/sec
6.0: Set print speed at 6.0"/sec
8.0: Set print speed at 8.0"/sec
10.0: Set print speed at 10.0"/sec
d: String, set print density
0~15,the greater the number, the darker the printing
e: String, set the sensor type to be used
0: Vertical gap sensor
1: Black mark sensor
f: String, set vertical gap height of the gap/black mark. Unit: mm
g: String, set shift distance of the gap/black mark. Unit: mm.
Return value:
1: Success
0: Fail
4. Int clearbuffer()
Description: Clear image buffer
Parameter: None
Return value:
1: Success
0: Fail
5. Int barcode(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I)
Description: Cerate barcode
a: String, the starting point of the bar code along the X direction, given in
(203 DPI, 1 mm=8 dots, 300 DPI: 1 mm=12 dots)
b: String, the starting point of the bar code along the Y direction, given in
(203 DPI, 1 mm=8 dots, 300 DPI: 1 mm=12 dots)
c: String
Barcode Description
128 Code 128, switching code subset A, B, C automatically
128M Code 128, switching code subset A, B, C manually
EAN128 Code 128, switching code subset A, B, C automatically
25 Interleaved 2 of 5
25C Interleaved 2 of 5 with check digits
39 Code 39
39C Code 39 with check digits
EAN13+2 EAN 13 with 2 digits add-on
EAN13+5 EAN 13 with 5 digits add-on
EAN8+2 EAN 8 with 2 digits add-on
EAN8+5 EAN 8 with 5 digits add-on
CODA Codabar
POST Postnet
UPCA+2 UPCA with 2 digits add-on
UPCA+5 UPCA with 5 digits add-on
UPCE+2 UPCE with 2 digits add-on
UPCE+5 UPCE with 5 digits add-on
d: String, set up bar code height, given in points
e: String, set up whether to print human recognizable interpretation (text)
or not.
0: prints no interpretation
1: prints interpretation
f: String, set up rotation degrees