You must ensure that you follow these instructions carefully and correctly. If this seat is not fitted
securely and your child is not strapped in correctly, your child and other passengers are at serious
risk of injury in the event of an accident
Please read this User Guide carefully BEFORE trying to install your child car seat
The Hampshire Trading Standards Authority
and Britax advise that child car seats should
not be bought or sold second-hand. Please
dispose of your child seat safely. Do not sell
or pass it on.
After an accident, the child seat and your car
seat belts should be replaced. Although they
may look undamaged, if you were to have
another accident the child seat and your car
seat belts may not be able to protect your
child as well as they should.
No child seat is escape proof
Belt restraint systems cannot be designed to
be completely “child proof” and yet comply
with the legal requirements of European
Standard ECE R44.
Looking after your child seat
The child seat and its cover have been
carefully designed, manufactured and tested
to high safety standards.
Cleaning the cover
Please read the labels on the cover for
washing instructions.
DO NOT tumble dry the cover – short spin
and drip dry only.
Cleaning the shell
Sponge clean ONLY using hand soap and
warm water.
DO NOT use solvents, detergents or washingup liquid as these may weaken the seat.
Pull-out tray and cup holder
IMPORTANT – DO NOT place pencils or
other sharp pointed objects into the pull-out
tray or cup holder.
NEVER put hot liquids into the pull-out tray
or cup holder.
Small items held in the tray may fall into the
casing of the booster section from time to
time. In this case simply tip the seat forward
to allow them to fall out through the user
guide slot.
In some vehicles seat shape and interior
design may prevent use of the pull out tray
and cup holder.
IMPORTANT – The cover is a safety feature.
NEVER use the child seat without it. Don’t
put your child’s safety at risk by using other
makes of replacement cover, they could stop
the child seat from protecting your child as
well as it should.
A replacement cover is available from your
Britax stockist or contact Britax Customer
Service Department on 01264 386034.
All Britax products are carefully designed,
manufactured and tested. However, should
this product prove faulty within 12 months of
purchase due to a materials or manufacturing
fault please return it to the original place of
purchase. We will then, at our discretion,
either repair it free of charge or replace it with
the same or a similar product.
For guarantee purposes proof of purchase
will be required. We recommend that you
retain your receipt and attach it to this user
guide. They should be kept in a safe place.
Britax does not accept liability for damage
arising from abuse, misuse or negligence.
This guarantee is not transferable and
therefore does not apply to second-hand
Your statutory rights are not affected by this
Britax Excelsior Limited
1 Churchill Way West
Hampshire SP10 3UW
United Kingdom
A Britax Childcare company
Customer Service Helpline: 01264 386034
Email: helpline@uk.britaxeurope.com
Switchboard: 01264 333343
Fax: 01264 334146
Britax, whilst taking into account child car
seat contact with vehicle seats throughout
the development of new products, cannot accept
responsibility for damage occurring to vehicle
seats or seat belts.
IMPORTANT – The child seat MUST only
be used with a lap and diagonal seat belt
(approved to UN/ECE Regulation no. 16 or
other equivalent standards).
DO NOT use the child seat on
a passenger seat fitted with an
active front airbag unless your
vehicle manufacturer confirms that it is safe.
DO NOT use the child seat on side or rearward
facing vehicle seats.
DO NOT use anything, such as a cushion or coat,
to raise the child seat off the passenger seat.
DO NOT attempt to dismantle, modify or add
to any part of the child seat or change the way
your car seat belts are made or used.
DO NOT use the child seat without the cover
DO NOT leave loose objects, such as luggage
or books, in the back of your car. They must be
properly secured.
DO NOT leave folding passenger seats
unlatched. If you have to stop your car suddenly
a loose seat back could injure your child.
DO NOT leave children alone in your car, even
for a short time.
DO NOT allow children to play with or adjust
the child seat.
DO NOT place hot liquids or sharp objects in
the cup holder.
DO cover the child seat if your car is left in
direct sunlight. Fittings can become hot to
touch in sunny weather and the cover may
become faded.
DO keep this user guide safe for future
reference in the storage slot (under seat).
DO make sure that the child seat does not
become trapped by a folding passenger seat or
in the door of your car.
DO store the child seat in a safe place when it
is not being used. Avoid placing heavy objects
on top of it and do not store near direct heat
DO always keep the child seat secure, even if it
is not being used by your child.
Introducing your new child car seat
Sliding headrest
Lower belt
guides (red)
Booster section
Pull-out cup holder
User Guide storage slot
(under cover)
Upper belt guides
(dark red)
Pull-out tray
BB0-651-00 1/5
User Guide

Children weighing 15-36kg (approx 4-11 years)
1 Adjusting the child seat
1a 1b 1c 1d
IMPORTANT – You must check
that the headrest is in the correct
position for your child before each
With the seat supported, squeeze
the headrest adjuster at the back of
the headrest (dia 1a).
Move the headrest up or down so
that the head is positioned centrally
as in the picture (dia 1b).
When the headrest is in the correct
position let go of the headrest
adjuster and ensure it has locked
into place.
To adjust the backrest, place one
hand on the seat section and push
firmly on the backrest until you
feel and hear a click (dia 1c). The
backrest will now pivot freely and
does not need to click into another
Push the child seat back until it is
touching the car’s seat back (dia 1d).
The cars seat backrest can be moved
to a desired angle.
IMPORTANT – The backrest of
the child seat MUST always be in
contact with the cars seat back AND
the base section of the child seat
MUST always be in contact with the
car’s seat base.
2 Installing the child seat in your car
IMPORTANT – This child seat MUST only be used with a lap and diagonal seat belt (approved to UN/ECE regulation no. 16 or equivalent standards).
If one or both sections of the child
seat are not in contact with both
sections of the car’s seat you MUST
angle the car seat more upright
(dia 1e).
IMPORTANT – Have you adjusted
the headrest to the correct position
for your child and ensured that the
seat has an appropriate recline angle?
2a 2b 2c 2d 2e
the child seat for a child weighing
more than 36kg.
Place the child seat forward facing in
your car, ensuring it is pushed firmly
into the car seat. Feed the diagonal
section of the seat belt through the
dark red upper belt guide on the
OPPOSITE side to the buckle (dia 2a).
IMPORTANT – When installing
the child seat, the vehicle seat
must be kept in a normal upright
position at all times. Reclining the
vehicle seat will adversely affect the
performance of the seat in a crash.
Fasten the seat belt across your child.
The lap section of the seat belt should
rest on the red lower belt guides on
each side of the child seat (dia 2b).
2g 2h
IMPORTANT – The lap section of
the seat belt should rest as forward
and as low as possible over your
child’s pelvis.
Remove as much slack as possible
from the seat belt and make sure it
is fitted comfortably, but tightly and
is not twisted (dia 2c).
IMPORTANT – You must use the
upper belt guide at all times.
IMPORTANT – Ensure that the
diagonal section of the belt lays over
the shoulder of the child and NOT
against the neck.
Tighten the seat belt by pulling the
diagonal section in the direction of
the arrow
If your vehicle has an adjustable seat
belt upper anchorage, adjust its
height so that the seat belt passes
(dia 2d).
through the centre of the upper belt
guide on the child seat and pull the
seat belt to tighten
IMPORTANT – The child seat must
not be installed in a position where
the seat belt anchorage point is level
with, or forward of, the upper belt
guide (dia 2e).
Correct buckle position
IMPORTANT – Once you have installed the child seat it is
important that you check the position of the seat belt buckle
to ensure a secure installation.
If the seat belt buckle looks like this then the seat belt buckle
position is correct (dia 2f).
If the seat belt buckle looks like this, where the buckle is being
pulled around the shell into the red lower belt guide (dia 2g),
try another seating position in the car.
IMPORTANT – Do not leave your child seat loose. Always
fasten the seat belt across the child seat when it is not being
used by your child to prevent the seat being hurled forward in
the event of an accident.
3 Looking after the child seat
3a 3b
Removing the cover
Unhook the elastics which hold the main cover section in place
(dia 3a). The red spots show their location.
Unhook the elastic from the
hook at the front of the seat
(dia 3b).
If the seat belt does not lie within the red lower belt guides
then the seat is not properly installed (dia 2h).
If you are in any doubt contact Customer Services on
01264 386034.
To release your child simply undo the seat belt.
3c 3d
Unhook the elastics from the
hooks on the underside of the
seat (dia 3c).
Unhook the elastics which hold the headrest cover section in
place (dia 3c). The red spots show their location. The edges
of the headrest cover section can now be pulled away from
the seat.