IRT 2000 KURTZ DESIGN 28.01.05
IRT 3020 CO
Type 6026
IRT 2000 KURTZ DESIGN 11.01.06
English 3, 16
Polski 8, 16
Manufactured by:
Braun GmbH
Frankfurter Str. 145
61476 Kronberg / Germany
Printed in Germany

The Braun ThermoScan thermometer has been
carefully developed for accurate, safe and fast
temperature measurements in the ear. The shape
of the thermometer probe prevents it from being
inserted too far into the ear canal which can hurt
the eardrum.
However, as with any thermometer,
proper technique is critical to
obtaining accurate temperatures.
Therefore, read the use instructions
carefully and thoroughly.
• The operating ambient temperature range for
this thermometer is 10 – 40 °C (50 – 104 °F).
• Do not expose the thermometer to temperature
extremes (below –20 °C / –4 °F or over 50 °C /
122 °F) or excessive humidity (> 95 % RH).
• This thermometer must only be used with
genuine Braun ThermoScan Lens Filters. Other
lens filters can lead to inaccuracy.
• To avoid inaccurate measurements always use
this thermometer with a new, clean lens filter.
• If the thermometer is accidentally used without
a lens filter, clean the lens after use (see «Care
and cleaning»).
• Keep lens filters out of reach of children.
• This thermometer is intended for household
use only.
• Use of this thermometer is not intended as a
substitute for consultation with your physician.
Body temperature
Normal body temperature is a range. The following
table shows that this normal range also varies by
site. Therefore, measurements from different sites
should not be directly compared.
Normal temperature ranges of different sites
in the body:
: 34.7 – 37.3 °C 94.5 – 99.1 °F
Oral1: 35.5 – 37.5 °C 95.9 – 99.5 °F
Rectal1: 36.6 – 38.0 °C 97.9 – 100.4 °F
• A person’s normal temperature range tends to
decrease with age. The following table shows
normal ThermoScan ranges by age.
Normal ThermoScan ranges by age2:
0 – 2 years 36.4 – 38.0 °C 97.5 – 100.4 °F
3 – 10 years 36.1 – 37.8 °C 97.0 – 100.0 °F
11 – 65 years 35.9 – 37.6 °C 96.6 – 99.7 °F
> 65 years 35.8 – 37.5 °C 96.4 – 99.5 °F
Everyone has their own normal temperature range,
and this range also varies throughout the day. It is
easy to determine normal temperature range using
the Braun ThermoScan. Practice taking temperatures on yourself and healthy family members to
determine your normal temperature ranges.
Note: When consulting your physician, communicate that the ThermoScan temperature is a
temperature measured in the ear and if possible,
quote the individual’s normal ThermoScan
temperature range as an additional reference.
: 35.8 – 38.0 °C 96.4 – 100.4 °F
1. Chamberlain, J.M., Terndrup, T.E., New Light on Ear Thermometer
Readings, Contemporary Pediatrics, March 1994.
2. Chamberlain, J.M., et al., Determination of Normal Ear
Temperature with an Infrared Emission Detection Thermometer,
Annals of Emergency Medicine, January 1995.

Product description
1 Protective cap
2 Lens filter
3 Probe
4 «start» button
5 Lens filter detector
6 Display
7 Battery door
How to use your Braun ThermoScan
1. To achieve accurate
measurements, make sure a
LF 20
new, clean lens filter (2) is in
place before each measure-
2. To turn the thermometer on,
push the «start» button (4).
During an internal selfcheck, the display shows
all segments. Then the last
temperature taken will be
displayed together with
As soon as this ready
symbol appears, you can
start the measuring
3. Perform an ear tug to straighten the ear canal.
This gives the thermometer a clear view of the
34.6 °C
An ear tug is best performed by using your free
hand to grasp the outer edge of the top half of
the ear. To take your own temperature, wrap
your free hand around the back of your head
and tug your ear from behind.
36.8° C
Children under 1
Pull the ear straight back.
Children aged 1 year to
Pull the ear up and back.
4. While tugging the ear, fit the
probe (3) snugly into the ear
canal, then push the «start»
button (4). A short beep will
signal the start of the
measuring process.
After one second a longer
beep will signal the end
of the measuring process.
The result is shown on the
display (6).

5. For the next measurement,
remove the used lens filter
and put on a new, clean lens
filter. Clear the display by
pushing the «start» button
once. Fit the probe snugly
into the ear canal, then push
the «start» button.
The Braun ThermoScan ear thermometer turns off
automatically after 60 seconds of inactivity.
Temperature taking hints
• A measurement taken in the right ear may differ
from the measurement taken in the left ear.
Therefore, always take the temperature in the
same ear.
• The ear must be free from obstructions or
excess earwax build-up to take an accurate
• External factors may influence ear temperatures, including when an individual has:
– been lying on one ear or the other
– had their ears covered
– been exposed to very hot or very cold
temperatures, or
– been recently swimming or bathing.
In these cases, remove the individual from the
situation and wait 20 minutes prior to taking a
• If ear drops or other ear medications have been
placed in the ear canal of one ear, take the
temperature in the untreated ear.
Care and cleaning
The probe tip is the most delicate part of the
thermometer. It has to be clean and intact to
ensure accurate readings.
If the thermometer is accidentally used without a lens filter,
clean the probe tip as follows:
Very gently wipe the surface
with a cotton swab or soft cloth
moistened with alcohol.
Once the alcohol has dried completely, a new lens
filter can be put on and a temperature measurement taken. If the probe tip is damaged, contact
Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the thermometer
display and product exterior. Do not use abrasive
cleaners. Never submerge this thermometer in
water or any other liquid.
Store the thermometer and lens filters in a dry
location free from dust and contamination and
away from direct sunlight.
Additional lens filters (LF 40) are available at most
stores selling Braun ThermoScan.
Situation Solution
No lens filter
is attached.
is not within
the allowed
10 –40 °C or
50 –104 °F).
Attach new, clean lens
Allow the thermometer
to remain for 30 minutes in a room where
the temperature is between 10 and 40 °C
or 50 and 104 °F.