Co ng ratulations on choosing our appliance, which yo u wi ll find de pendable and easy to
us e. We r ec om me nd t ha t yo u re ad t hi s ma nu al f or b es t pe rforma nc e an d to e xt en d th e
li fe of your appliance. Thank you .
1. close -u p vi ew
1. Temper ed glass to p
2. T bur ner pan sup port
3. Triple ring b urne r cap centr e
4. Triple ring b urne r cap outsi de
5. Triple ring b urne r
6. T bur ner wa ter pan
7. Ignit ion pi n
8. Saf ety de vice
9. Kno b
10. Se mi-rapid burn er pan s upport
11. Semi -rap id burner c ap
12. Semi -rap id burner
13. Semi -rap id burner water p an
14. Au x burner pa n supp ort
15. Aux bu rner cap
16. Aux bu rner
17. Aux bu rner water pan
Clos e-up view . .... ....... ........... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ..........1
Prod uct speci fica tions 2
Inst allatio n inst ruction s for bu ilt- in.. ....... .... ....... ........... ....... .... ....... .... ...3
How to u se you r applian ce..... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... .5
Practica l advice. .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ........... ....... .... ....... .... .....6
How to k eep yo ur cookin g hob in s hape... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ...7
Is the re a pro blem....... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ...7
Cust omer serv ice........ ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ........... ....... ....7
.... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ........... ....... .... ....... .... .......
1. Please read this manual caref ul ly b ef or e op er at in g th e ap pl ia nc e.
2. Please ke ep t hi s ma nu al f or f ut ur e re fe re nc e.
3. Kindly ke ep t he o ri gi na l in vo ic e an d wa rr an ty card for f ut ur e re fe re nc e fo r se rv ic e.
4. This appliance has been designed for home use only.
5. The infor ma ti on c on ta in ed i n th es e in st ructions is essential fo r th e co rr ec t op er at io n
of t he a pp li an ce a nd , mo re i mp or ta nt ly, fo r yo ur s af et y. The m an uf ac tu re r is e xe mp t
from all responsibility if this the require me nt s of t hi s ma nu al are n ot c om pl ie d wi th .
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