Brandt TG1120B Manual For Installation And Use

Cooking hob
Using your hob in complete safety 4
What your hob looks like? 6
Installing your hob in all simplicity 6
Fitting recommendations 7 Electrical connections 9 Connecting the gas supply 10 Changing the type of gas supply 12
Using your hob in all simplicity 15
How to use your gas burners? 15 Which pans are best adapted for use on the gas burner 16
How to look after your hob? 17
Minor troubleshooting 18
Gas-cooking guide 20
In this Manual,
displays safety instructions
displays tips and hints
DDeeaarr CCuussttoommeerr,,
YYoouu hhaavvee jjuusstt aaccqquuiirreedd aa BBRRAANNDDTT hhoobb aanndd wwee wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo tthhaannkk yyoouu..
WWee hhaavvee iinnvveesstteedd aallll oouurr ddeeddiiccaattiioonn aanndd kknnooww--hhooww iinn tthhiiss aapppplliiaannccee ssoo tthhaatt iitt wwoouulldd bbeesstt mmeeeett yyoouurr nneeeeddss.. WWiitthh iinnnnoovvaattiioonn aanndd ppoowweerr,, wwee ddeessiiggnneedd iitt ttoo bbee aallwwaayyss eeaassyy ttoo uussee..
IInn tthhee BBRRAANNDDTT pprroodduucctt lliinnee,, yyoouu wwiillll aallssoo ffiinndd aa wwiiddee rraannggee ooff oovveennss,, mmiiccrroowwaavveess,, vveennttiillaattiioonn hhooooddss,, rraannggeess,, ddiisshhwwaasshheerrss,, wwaasshheerrss,, ddrriieerrss,, ffrriiddggeess aanndd ffrreeeezzeerrss,, tthhaatt yyoouu ccaann ccoooorrddiinnaattee wwiitthh yyoouurr nneeww BBRRAANNDDTT hhoobb..
OOff ccoouurrssee,, iinn aann oonnggooiinngg eeffffoorrtt ttoo bbeesstt ssaattiissffyy yyoouurr ddeemmaannddss wwiitthh rreeggaarrdd ttoo oouurr pprroodduuccttss,, oouurr aafftteerr--ssaalleess sseerrvviiccee ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt iiss aatt yyoouurr ddiissppoossaall aanndd rreeaaddyy ttoo lliisstteenn iinn oorrddeerr ttoo rreessppoonndd ttoo aallll ooff yyoouurr qquueessttiioonnss aanndd ssuuggggeessttiioonnss ((ccoonnttaacctt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aatt tthhee eenndd ooff tthhiiss bbooookklleett))..
VViissiitt oouurr wweebbssiittee wwwwww..BBrraannddtt..ffrr wwhheerree yyoouu wwiillll ffiinndd aallll ooff oouurr pprroodduuccttss,, aass wweellll aass uusseeffuull aanndd ccoommpplleemmeennttaarryy iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn..
BBRRAANNDDTT NNooww,, II ssaayy BBrraannddtt
As part of our commitment to constantly improving our products, we reserve the right to make changes to them based on technical advances to their technical and functional features and appearance.
: Before installing and using your appliance, please carefully read this
Guide to Installation and Use, which will allow you to quickly familiarise yourself
with its operation.
We have designed your hob for private
domestic use.
With a view to the constant
improvement of our products, we reserve the right to make any changes in their technical, functional or aesthetic characteristics as a result of technical evolution.
These hobs are designed exclusively for
the cooking of drinks and foodstuffs.
These products do not contain any
asbestos-based component parts.
You must always keep an eye on your
Read the instructions before installing
and using the apparatus.
Never leave any CLEANING or
INFLAMMABLE products in the cupboard
beneath your hob (aerosols or other pressurised cans, papers, recipe books, etc.).
Using a gas-powered hob produces
both heat and humidity in the room where it is used. Make sure your kitchen is well ventilated.
Keep all natural ventilation inlets open
or install a mechanical ventilation device. Intensive and prolonged use of this appliance may require additional ventilation, (for example by opening the window), or more effective ventilation (for example by increasing the power of the mechanical ventilation if this exists).
Disconnect your hob from both
electrical and gas supplies before carrying out any maintenance operations.
For safety reasons, do not forget to
close the main gas valve for built in gas lines.
Your hob in complete safety
The connector pipe should remain
accessible along its entire length and must be replaced before its expiration date (marked on the pipe). Regardless of the means of connection chosen, ensure that this is totally free of leaks following installation using soapy water.
If a knob is difficult to turn, DO NOT FORCE
. Call up your installer.
Do not press the control knob for more
than 15 seconds, release the control knob and open the door or wait for at least 1 minute before making a new ignition attempt.
Should a crack appear on the glass,
disconnect your appliance immediately and contact your After­Sales Service.
Using your hob in complete safety
This appliance's packaging material is recyclable. Help recycle it and protect the environment by dropping it off in the municipal receptacles provided for this purpose.
Your appliance also contains a great amount of recyclable material. It is marked with this label to indicate the used appliances that should not be mixed with other waste. This
way, the appliance recycling organised by your manufacturer will be done under the best possible conditions, in compliance with European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Contact your town hall or your retailer for the used appliance collection points closest to your home. We thank you doing your part to protect the environment.
Your hob in complete safety
Using your hob in complete safety
Utensils should always be placed centrally on the pan supports and over the burners. Flames which extend beyond the bottom of utensils are wasteful and can damage or
overheat handles. Large diameter utensils (greater than 200mm in diameter) must not be allowed to protrude beyond the perimeter of the domino, as this could cause overheating or damage to the adjacent bench.
Do not place anything, e.g. flame
tamer, asbestos mat, between pan and pan support as serious damage to the appliances may result.
Locate pan centrally over burner so
that it is stable and does not overhang the appliance.
Do not remove the pan support and
enclose the burner with a wok stand as this will concentrate the flame and deflect the heat onto the domino.
Do not use large pots or heavy
weights which can bend the pan support or deflect the flame onto the domino.
Use only wok support supplied or
recommanded by the manufacturer of the appliance.
Installing your hob in all simplicity
What your hob looks like?
Standard cutout
26,5 cm
48 cm
5.1 cm
Outside dimensions above the work surface
31 cm
51 cm
5 cm
Outside dimensions below the work surface
26 cm
47 cm
5.1 cm
Semi-fast burner
1.60 kW
Extra-fast burner
3.00 kW
(*Powers in Hong Kong town gas)
Fitting recommendations
This appliance should be installed by a qualified technician / installer.
Prior to installation, ensure that the local distribution conditions (nature of the gas and gas pressure) and the adjustment conditions of the appliance are compatible.
This appliance must be installed and connected in compliance with the regulations in force, and used only in a well-ventilated area. Consult the instructions before installing and using this appliance.
Since this appliance is not connected to a combustion products evacuation device, particular attention should be given to the relevant requirements regarding ventilation.
On this subject, combustion can take place only if oxygen from the air is present, so this air must be constantly renewed and the combustion products must be evacuated (a minimum air input of 2 m
/hour per kW of gas energy is
E.g. : for a 30 cm hob with 2 gas-rings
Total power: 4.6kW
4.6 kW x 2 = 9.2 m3/h
minimum flow-rate.
+ 14 hidden pages