You can create banners with your PosterPrinter using a variety of software, such as the GalaRio™ Template
Gallery application. To print a banner of a specific size, you need to first set up that size in the Plus3000/XL3000
print driver. Once you set up a size, it is stored in the custom size list—when you want to use the size in the future,
you just need to select it from the list in the driver before printing.
Banner Sizes
When you set up the banner size in the driver, the length you select needs to be shorter than the actual length of the
banner you’re going to print. The following chart lists some typical banner sizes and the corresponding length you
should choose in the Plus3000/XL3000 driver when using the GalaRio™ Template Gallery application.
GalaRio™ Banner Sizes Compatible Banner Length
Setting in the Driver
17" x 4 ft. 45.5 inches
17" x 5 ft. 57.5 inches
17" x 6 ft. 69.5 inches
17" x 8 ft. 93.5 inches
23" x 5 ft. 57.5 inches
23" x 6 ft. 69.5 inches
23" x 8 ft. 93.5 inches
29" x 6 ft. 69.5 inches
29" x 8 ft. 93.5 inches
36" x 6 ft. 69.5 inches
36" x 8 ft. 93.5 inches
Note: These sizes have been tested and verified with the GalaRio™ application. You can try using these lengths in
the driver when printing with other applications, but you may have to make some adjustments.
Setting the Banner Size in the Driver
Follow these steps to set up a banner size in the Plus3000/XL3000 printer driver. Keep in mind that you only need
to do this once for each banner size you want to use:
1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, highlight Settings and select Printers.
2. Right click the FujiFilm PP3000/PP3000WIDE printer icon, and choose Properties from the menu that
3. On the FujiFilm PP3000/PP3000WIDE properties sheet, select the Paper tab.
4. Click the Edit button next to the Print Paper Size field. In the Edit Print Paper Size List dialog box that
appears, click the User Custom Size button to display the dialog box shown below.
5. Select options as follows:
• Choose the paper width from the Roll Paper Size list.
• Type a name for the banner size in the Paper Name field. You can enter any name you’d like. This is the
name that will appear in the print driver dialog box to represent this banner size.
•Enter the banner’s dimensions in the Width and Length fields. Note that the length must be entered in
inches, rather than in feet (as in the table shown on the previous page).
6. Click the Register button to save the setting.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each banner size you want to set up. Then click the Close button to close the User
Custom Size dialog box.
8. In the Edit Print Paper Size List dialog box, select the name of the banner size you set up in the User Custom
Size List. Click the Add button next to the list to move the entry to the Paper Size list area.
9. Click OK to close the two open dialog boxes.
Printing a Banner from a Windows
To print a banner, first be sure the Plus3000/XL3000 is selected as your system’s printer. Choose Print from the
File menu and click the Properties button. From the Print Paper Size list, choose the size of the banner you want
to print.
Using the GalaRio Template Gallery with Your PosterPrinter
The GalaRio™ Template Gallery application, packaged with your ProImagePlus3000/XL3000 System Interface
Kit, can be used to create any type of poster or banner that you need. The application provides pre-designed
templates for the posters and banners you need to create most often, which you can then print on your
PosterPrinter. All you need to do is choose a template, type your text and print!
The GalaRio™ application comes with a Quick Start guide, that covers the basics of creating posters and banners.
A complete online help system within the application provides additional information. Refer to the previous section
in this document for details on setting up banners and printing the m with your PosterPrinter.
Using Common Windows
or the ProImage
This section describes how to use some common Windows® applications to create effective, eye-catching posters
and banners with your Po ster Pr inte r . We’ve developed these tips to help you get the best possible output from
your system.
We recommend that you change the Document Size option for your printer before using the printer with a Windows
application. Some unusual print errors may occur if you do not make this change. Follow these steps:
1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, highlight Settings and select Printers.
2. Right click the FujiFilm PP3000 or the PP3000WIDE printer icon and choose Properties from the menu that
appears. The FujiFilm PP3000 or the PP3000WIDE properties sheet displays.
3. Select the Paper tab. In the Document Size field, select the US Letter option.
4. Click OK to close the properties sheet.
Printing with Microsoft
1. Select Print from the File menu. The Print dialog box appears.
2. Select FujiFilm PP3000 or the PP3000WIDE and click Properties. The FujiFilm PP3000 or PP3000WIDE
properties sheet appears.
3. Configure the Paper tab as follows:
• Roll Paper Size: Select the roll width that matches the installed pape r.
• Print Paper Size: Select the standard page size or create a custom page size.
• Gaps Between Pages: Check this option.
Note: Standard pages are indicated by an asterisk (*) following the page size.
page sizes, see the FujiFilm PosterPrinter 3000/3000Wide Interface Kit User’s Guide.
• Document Size: Select US Letter.
• Processor Speed: Select Middle.
• Orientation: Select Portrait or Landscape.
See “Print Driver Reference” in Chapter 3 of the
more details on selecting options.
4. Click OK. The Print dialog box reappears.
5. Click Close.
Note: Clicking OK will send the job to the printer.
6. Select Page Setup from the File menu. The Page Setup dialog box appears.
7. Click the Margins tab, if necessary. To use the full printable area, set the bottom margin at 0.6 and set all other
margins to 0 (zero).
8. In the Page Setup dialog box, click the Paper Size tab.
9. Select the Document size you selected in Step 3, and click OK.
10. Select Print from the File menu. The Print dialog box appears.
11. Click OK to begin printing.
•If you are creating multiple pages, make sure that all pages have the same document size se lected before
• The maximum document size is 22
• This application is not well suited for making banners.
Word 95, 97 and 2000
FujiFilm PosterPrinter 3000/3000Wide Interface Kit User’s Guide for