Brady 200M-e, 200M-e 300 User Manual

Customer order # 11342L-12 Manufacturer part # 11342LB-12 Rev. 1
This manual contains proprietary information of Bra dy Corporation. It is intended solel y for th e information and use of parties operating and ma in ta ining the equipment describe d herein. Such proprietary inform ation may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to an y oth er parties for any other purpose without th e expressed written permission of Brady Corporation.
Continuous improvemen t of pro duc ts i s a policy of Brady Corporation. All specifi ca tions and signs are subject to change without n otice.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digit a l de vi ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accorda nc e w ith the instruct ions, may cause ha r mful interference to radio comm un ications. Howeve r, there is no guarantee that the int er ference will not occur in a parti c ula r installation. If this equipmen t does cause harmful interference to radio or tele visi on reception, which can be determ i ned by turning the equipmen t off and on, the us er is encouraged to try to corre ct the interference by one or m ore of the following measure s :
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation be tween the equipment an d the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different than that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the de aler or an experience d Radio/TV technici an for help. NOTE: This unit was tested with shielded cables on the peripheral devices. Shielded cables must be used with the
unit to ensure compliance. “The user is cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Brady Corporation could void the
user’s authority to operat e the equipment.”
This digital apparatus does not exc ee d the Cl ass A limi ts for ra di o noi s e em i s sions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
If the accompanying printer displays the CE mark, it also meets EMC directive 89/336/EEC, with amendments effective at the time of manufacture.
Brady Corporation takes steps to a ssu re t ha t its published Engineering Specific at ions and Manuals are correct; however, errors do occur. Brady Corporation reserves the rig ht to correct any such errors and disclaims liability resulting th erefrom.
In no event shall Brady Corpora tion or anyone else involved in the crea ti on, production, or delivery of the accompanying product (inclu ding hardware and software) be liabl e for any damages whatsoever (includin g, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or the results of use of or in ability to use such product, even if Brad y Corporation has been advised of the possibility of such da m ages. Because some states do not allow th e exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
This copyrighted man ual and the label printers described herein are owned by Brady Corp oration. All rights are reserved. Unauthoriz ed re production of this manual or th e software in the label prin ter may r esu lt in imprisonment of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 U.S.C.506). Copyright violators m ay be subject to civil liability.
All products and brand nam es ar e tr ademarks of their respective com pa nies. All rights reserved. © 2002 Brady Corporation. All rights reserved.
ii Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide iii
iv Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
For Technical Support Service, call us directly at 1-800-643-8766 or visit our web site:
This form should be comp leted in full before requesting technical assistance.
SERIAL # _____________________________________________ MODEL # _____________________________________________ (Be specific, include ALL letters and numbers) COMPANY ___________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________ CITY ________________________________________________ STATE, ZIP ___________________________________________ PHONE # (_______) ____________________________________ CONTACT ___________________________________________ Hours available for return call ____________________________ Hardware Interface Type ________________________________ Unit Interfaced with ____________ _____ ____ _______________
Description of problem including actions taken just prior to problem occurring:
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide v
vi Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
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Hello! .......................................................................................................................1
Unpacking and Inspection............................................ ......... ......... ..........................1
Reporting Damage..............................................................................................1
Media and Ribbon Requirements.............................................................................2
Power Cord ..............................................................................................................3
Printer Anatomy 101................................................................................................4
Types of Media ....................................................................................... .................6
Non-Continuous Web Media..............................................................................6
Continuous Media...............................................................................................7
Non-Continuous Black Mark Media ..................................................................7
Choosing the Print Mode .........................................................................................8
Loading the Media...................................................................................................9
Positioning the Media Sensors...............................................................................10
Transmissive Sensor.........................................................................................10
Black Mark Sensor ...........................................................................................12
Loading the Ribbon................................................................................................13
POWER Switch ................................................................................................14
Front Panel........................................................................................................14
Configuring the Printer..........................................................................................15
Configuring the Software or Printer Driver...........................................................16
Media and Ribbon Calibration...............................................................................17
Printing a Test Label ..............................................................................................19
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide vii
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System Considerations ..........................................................................................21
Data Specifications...........................................................................................21
Cabling Requirements...........................................................................................22
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Operator Controls..................................................................................................23
POWER Switch ................................................................................................23
Front Panel Display..........................................................................................24
Front Panel Keys .............................................................................................25
Front Panel Lights............................................................................................ 26
Roll Media Loading...............................................................................................27
Tear-Off Mode ................................................................................................. 27
Peel-Off Mode..................................................................................................28
Rewind Mode................................................................ ......... ..........................30
Cutter Mode......................................................................................................32
Peel-Only Mode ............................................................................................... 33
Fanfold Media Loading............................................................... ......... .................35
Removing the Label Backing Material..................................................................36
Ribbon Loading.....................................................................................................37
Ribbon Removal....................................................................................................39
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Entering the Setup Mode.......................................................................................41
Changing Password-Protected Parameters............................................................42
Leaving the Setup Mode........................................................................................43
Configuration and Calibration Sequence ..............................................................44
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Cleaning the Exterior .......................................................................................64
Cleaning the Interior.........................................................................................64
Cleaning the Printhead and Platen Roller ........................................................64
Cleaning the Sensors........................................................................................65
Cleaning the Snap Plate....................................................................................66
Cleaning the Cutter Module.............................................................................68
viii Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
Fuse Replacement..................................................................................................68
Adjustments ...........................................................................................................6 9
Toggle Positioning............................................................................................69
Printhead Pressure Adjustment.........................................................................70
Media Sensor Position Adjustment ..................................................................70
LED Error Conditions and Warnings ....................................................................71
Print Quality Problems...........................................................................................74
Wrinkled Ribbon....................................................................................................75
Printer Diagnostics.................................................................................................77
Power-On Self Test...........................................................................................77
Additional Printer Self Tests ............................................................................77
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Media Handling .....................................................................................................83
Zebra Programming Language (ZPL II®).............................................................84
Bar Codes...............................................................................................................84
General Specifications................................................. ......... ......... ........................85
Printing Specifications...........................................................................................86
Ribbon Specifications............................................................................................86
Font Specifications...........................................................................................87
Media Specifications..............................................................................................88
Power Line Cord Specifications ............................................................................89
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Printer Interface Technical Information.................................................................97
RS-232 Serial Data Port....................................................................................97
Parallel Data Port ............................................................................................102
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PCMCIA Card Installation ..................................................................................103
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide ix
x Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
This manual provides all of the information you need to operate your Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300. In addition, the maintenance manual contains the information necessary to maintain your printer.
Carefully unpack and inspect the printer for possible damage incurred during shipment.
• Check all exterior surfaces.
• Raise the media access door and inspect the media compartment. In case shipping is required, save the carton and all packing material.
Contact your authorized Brady distributor for instructions.
If you discover shipping damage:
• Immediately notify the shipping company and file a report with them.
Brady Corporation is not responsible for any damage incurred during shipment of the equipment and will not repair this damage under warranty.
• Keep the carton and all p acking materi al for inspect ion.
• Notify your authorized Brady distributor.
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 1
If you are not placing the printer into operation immediately, repackage it using the original packing materials. The printer may be stored under the following conditions:
• Temperature: –4° to +140° F (–20° to +60° C)
• Relative humidity: 5% to 85% non-condensing
Since print quality is affected by media and ribbon, printing speeds, and printer operating modes, it is very important to run tests for your applications.
We STRONGLY RECOMMEND the use of Brady-brand supplies for continuous high-quality printing. A wide range of paper, polypropylene, polyester, and vinyl stock has been specifically engineered to enhance the printing capabilities of the printer and to ensure against premature printhead wear.
• Continuous roll media, fanfold media, or card stock with optional perforations and registration holes may be used.
• Printhead life may be reduced by the abrasion of exposed paper fibers when using perforated media.
• The ribbon MUST be as wide as or wi der tha n the media being used. If the ribbon is narrower than the media, areas of the printhead are unprotected and subject to premature wear. (When printing in direct thermal mode, ribbon is not used and should not be loaded in the printer.)
2 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
The power cord connector must be plugged into the mating connector on the rear of th e printer.
Make sure that the POWER on/off switch (located at the back o f the printer) is in the off position before connecting the power cable to an electrical outlet.
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 3
Figure 1 outlines the basic components of your printer. However, depending on the opti ons you have s elected, y our printer ma y look slig htly different.
Figure 1
4 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
This chapter of the user’s guide is so important that we’ve printed it on a different color paper! That way, it will be easy for you to find when you must calibrate (set up) the printer for your particular application.
• To calibrate the printer.
• To verify that the printer is properly set up by printing a test label.
To calibrate the printer, perform the following procedures:
• Determine the type of media (labels) being used.
• Choose the print method.
NOTE: This procedure must be performed when the printe r is firs t installed or if it cannot properly detect the top of the label.
• Position the media sensors (if necessary).
Configure the prin ter and s oftware or driv er based o n the l abel bein g
• Perform a media and ribbon calibration.
•Print a test label.
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 5
Non-continuous web media (refer to Figure 2) refers to individual labels that are separated by a gap, notch, or hole. When you look at the media, you can tell where one label ends and the next one begins.
Figure 2
6 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
Continuous media (refer to Figure 3) is one uninterrupted roll of material that allows the image to be printed anywhere on the label.
Figure 3
Non-continuous black mark media has black marks printed on the back that indicate the start and end of each label (refer to Figure 4).
Figure 4
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 7
•In Tear-Off mode, each label (or a strip of labels) can be torn off after it is printed.
•In Peel-Off mode, backin g material is peeled away from the labe l as it is printed. After this label is removed from the printer, the next one is printed.
•In Cutter mode, t he pr int er a utoma tical ly c uts t he label afte r a s pec ifie d number of labels has been printed.
•In Rewind mode , the media and backin g are rewou nd onto a cor e as the labels are printed.
8 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
Figure 5 illustrates one method of media loading. For more detailed instructions, as well as information about how to load the dif ferent type s of media and the various printing modes, refer to the instructions that begin on page 27.
Figure 5
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 9
The correct positioning of the media sensors is important — it can make the difference between a perfect label and a call to Technical Support!
The web or gap sensor (transmissive sensor) detects the gap between labels.
The transmissive sensor actually consists of two sections: a light source (the lower media sensor) an d a light sensor (the upper medi a sensor). The media passes between the two.
The upper media sensor must be positioned:
• Directly over the hole or notch, or
• Anywhere along the width of the media if there is a gap between labels.
NOTE: If you are using continuous media, position the upper media sensor over the media so that the printer can detect an out-of-paper condition.
10 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
Refer to Figure 6. (For clarity, not all printer parts are shown.)
1. Remove the ribbon (if it is installed).
2. Locate the upper media sensor. The upper media sensor “eye” is directly below the adjustment screw head.
3. Slightly loosen the upper media sensor adjustment screw (use a Phillips-head screwdriver).
4. Using the tip of the screwdriver, slide the upper sensor along the slot to the desired position.
5. Secure the upper media sensor adjustment screw.
Figure 6
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 11
Position the lower media sensor (refer to Figure 7) by sliding it in its slot until the lower media sensor is positioned under the upper media sensor.
Figure 7
The black mark sen sor is in a fixed p osition and en abled via the fr ont panel (refer to “Configuring the Printer” on page 15 for details).
12 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
To load the ribbon, refer to Fi gure 8. For more detailed information, refer to the instructions that begin on page 37.
Figure 8
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 13
The POWER switch is located at the back of the printer above the power cord. Turn on the printer.
The step-by-step instructions in this section tell you which keys to press a nd what appears on the liquid crystal display (LCD) during the calibration procedure.
For a more detailed explanation of the front panel keys and lights (as shown in Figure 9), refer to the instructions that begin on page 24.
Figure 9
14 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
The configuration procedure in Table 1 contains the information you need to get your printer up and running, but it is not comprehensive. Refer to page 41 for more information.
• Enter the configuration mode by pressing the
SETUP/EXIT key at the “PRINTER READY” display.
NOTE: You need to press the NEXT/SAVE key more than once to advance to some of the displays.
• To increase the value, answer “yes,” indicate “on,” or
move to the next selection, use the (+) key.
• To decrease the value, answer “no,” indicate “off,” or
return to th e previous se lection, use the (–) key.
NOTE: When changin g parameters, an asterisk (*) in the upper left-hand corner of the display indicates that you have changed this setting from the setting that is currently stored in memory.
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 15
Table 1
Press Display Shows Action/Explanation
PRINTER READY Normal printer operation.
Press the (+) or (–) keys to increase or decrease the print darkness setting. (You may need to change this setting when you print your label.)
Press the (+) or (–) keys to select tear-off, peel-off, cutter, or rewind mode.
Press the (+) or (–) keys to select continuous or non-continuous media type. (If you choose continuous media, you must also include a label length instruction in your label format.)
Press the (+) or (–) keys to select transmissive or black mark sensing mode. Unless your media has black marks on the back, leave your printer at the default setting (web).
Press the (+) or (–) keys to select thermal transfer (if you are using ribbon) or direct thermal (no ribbon).
Press the (+) or (–) keys to set the value that is closest to, but not less than, the length of the label you are using.
PRINTER READY You have exited the configuration mode and are now ready to
Press the (+) or (–) keys to select: PERMANENT — saves changes when the power is turned off. Press SETUP/EXIT to accept the selection.
calibrate the printer.
Many printer settings may also be controlled by your printer’s driver or label prepar ation software. Please refer to the driver or software documentation for more information.
16 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
NOTE: All steps must be performed in the following procedure, even if only one sensor needs to be adjusted.
1. Press the SETUP/EXIT key.
2. Press the NEXT/SAVE key until “MEDIA AND RIBBON CALIBRATE” displays.
3. To start the calibration procedure, press the (+) key. “LOAD BACKING CANCEL CONTINUE” displays.
4. Open the printhead. Remove approximately 8" (203 mm) of labels from the media roll, enough so that only the backing material is threaded b etween the media sensors when the me dia is loaded (refer to Figure 10).
Figure 10
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 17
5. Press the (+) key. The front panel display shows “ REMOVE RIBBON CANCEL CONTINUE.”
6. Either remove the ribbon or slide it as far from the printer frame as possible.
7. Close the printhead, trapping the ribbon in this position.
8. Press the (+) key. The front panel shows “CALIBRATING PLEASE WAIT.”
9. When this part of the calibration process is completed, the display reads “RELOAD ALL CONTINUE.”
10. Open the printhead. Pull the backi ng material until a label i s positioned between the media sensors.
11. Either load the ribbon or return the ribbon to its proper position.
12. Close the printhead. Press the (+) key to perform the next part of the calibration sequence. “MEDIA AND RIBBON CALIBRATE” displays. The printer is calibrated when the media stops feeding.
13. Press the SETUP/EXIT key to leave the programming mode. Choose “permanent” when SAVE CHANGES displays.
18 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
To print a test label:
1. Turn of f the printer.
2. Press and hold the CANCEL key
while turning on the printer.
A configuration label showing the printer’s currently stored parameters prints (similar to the one shown in Figure 11).
If you encounter any problems while you are configuring or cali brati ng the printer or printing a test label, refer to “Troubleshooting” beginning on page 71. Otherwise, refer to “Establishing Communication” beginning on page 21 to set up the communication parameters.
Figure 11
Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide 19
20 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
+ 88 hidden pages