B&R ETAL310.1C05-1 User Manual


User's manual

Version: 1.00 (December 2020)
Order no.: User's manual
Translation of the original documentation
B&R reserves the right to make changes to the content without prior notice. B&R assumes no liability for typo­graphical errors or for any other information in this document as far as legally possible. Liability claims against B&R regarding the content of delivery and documentation of third-party components used in the product are excluded in any case. The user is responsible for compliance with all relevant and professionally pertinent safety measures as well as the intended use. B&R points out that the software and hardware designations and brand names of the respective companies are subject to the legal protection regulations of intellectual property law.
ETAL310.1C05-1 user's manual V1.00 1

Table of contents

Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................................................................3
1 Manual history....................................................................................................................................................3
2 Note regarding additional documentation..........................................................................................................3
3 Organization of notices...................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2 Intended use............................................................................................... 4
1 Protection against electrostatic discharge......................................................................................................... 4
2 Regulations and measures................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Transport and storage....................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Operation............................................................................................................................................................ 5
5 Security concept.................................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 3 Safety notices............................................................................................. 7
1 Safety notices.....................................................................................................................................................7
2 Usage................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3 Electronics.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
4 Responsibilities of the operator......................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 4 System characteristics.............................................................................. 8
1 General information............................................................................................................................................8
2 Order data..........................................................................................................................................................8
3 Content of delivery.............................................................................................................................................9
Chapter 5 Technical data.......................................................................................... 10
Chapter 6 Commissioning.........................................................................................11
1 Topology...........................................................................................................................................................11
2 Operation..........................................................................................................................................................11
3 Construction..................................................................................................................................................... 11
4 Safety............................................................................................................................................................... 13
5 Power supply....................................................................................................................................................14
Chapter 7 Maintenance..............................................................................................15
1 Cleaning........................................................................................................................................................... 15
2 Repairing B&R products.................................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 8 Accessories.............................................................................................. 16
1 Required accessories.......................................................................................................................................16
2 Optional accessories........................................................................................................................................ 19
Chapter 9 Environmentally friendly disposal.......................................................... 21
1 Separation of materials.................................................................................................................................... 21
2 ETAL310.1C05-1 user's manual V1.00
Introduction • Organization of notices

Chapter 1 • Introduction

1 Manual history

Version Date Change
0.10 May 2019 First internal version

1.1 INFOBOX: Current user's manual

B&R makes every effort to keep documents as current possible. The most current versions can be downloaded from the B&R website (www.br-automation.com).

2 Note regarding additional documentation

This documentation describes the entire product and its intended use in addition to safety guidelines for using the product.
For information about the components used in the product, see the documentation of the individual components on our website. For an overview of the components used, see the technical data of this product.
Chapter 1

3 Organization of notices

Safety guidelines
Contain only information that warns of dangerous functions or situations.
Signal word Description Danger! Failure to observe these safety guidelines and notices will result in death, severe injury or substantial damage to property. Warning! Failure to observe these safety guidelines and notices can result in death, severe injury or substantial damage to property. Caution! Failure to observe these safety guidelines and notices can result in minor injury or damage to property. Notice! Failure to observe these safety guidelines and notices can result in damage to property.
Contain useful information for users and instructions for avoiding malfunctions.
Signal word Description Information: Useful information, application tips and instructions for avoiding malfunctions.
European dimension standards apply to all dimension diagrams.
All dimensions in millimeters.
Unless otherwise specified, the following general tolerances apply:
Nominal dimension range General tolerance per
Up to 6 mm ±0.1 mm Over 6 to 30 mm ±0.2 mm Over 30 to 120 mm ±0.3 mm Over 120 to 400 mm ±0.5 mm Over 400 to 1000 mm ±0.8 mm
DIN ISO 2768 medium
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Intended use • Regulations and measures

Chapter 2 • Intended use

These products are developed and produced exclusively for training and development in the area of automation. Any use beyond this is not permitted, in particular the integration of these products or parts thereof in machines, systems or other devices and processes. B&R does not assume liability for damages of any kind that occur when using the products outside of training and development or for harm that results from modifying the products. Ex­pansions using products from the ETA system or ETA light system series are permitted.
In addition, the products are only permitted to be used in closed rooms (such as laboratories, offices and class­rooms) that do not require separate protective equipment. Trainers shall inform the trainees of the relevant safety guidelines and precautions before using the product.

1 Protection against electrostatic discharge

Electrical assemblies that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD) must be handled accordingly.

1.1 Packaging

Electrical assemblies with housing:
Do not require special ESD packaging but must be handled properly (see "Electrical assemblies with hous­ing").
Electrical assemblies without housing:
Are protected by ESD-suitable packaging.

1.2 Regulations for proper ESD handling

Electrical assemblies with housing
Do not touch the connector contacts of connected cables.
Do not touch the contact tips on circuit boards.
Electrical assemblies without housing
The following applies in addition to "Electrical assemblies with housing":
All persons handling electrical assemblies and devices in which electrical assemblies are installed must be grounded.
Assemblies are only permitted to be touched on the narrow sides or front plate.
Always place assemblies on suitable surfaces (ESD packaging, conductive foam, etc.). Metallic surfaces are not suitable surfaces!
Assemblies must not be subjected to electrostatic discharges (e.g. due to charged plastics).
A minimum distance of 10 cm from monitors or television sets must be maintained.
Measuring instruments and devices must be grounded.
Test probes of floating potential measuring instruments must be discharged briefly on suitable grounded surfaces before measurement.
Individual components
ESD protective measures for individual components are implemented throughout B&R (conductive floors, shoes, wrist straps, etc.).
The increased ESD protective measures for individual components are not required for handling B&R products at customer locations.

2 Regulations and measures

Electronic devices are generally not failsafe. If the programmable logic controller, operating or control device or uninterruptible power supply fails, the user is responsible for ensuring that connected devices (such as motors) are brought to a safe state.
4 ETAL310.1C05-1 user's manual V1.00
Intended use • Security concept
When using programmable logic controllers as well as when using operating and monitoring devices as control systems in conjunction with a Soft PLC (e.g. B&R Automation Runtime or similar product) or Slot PLC (e.g. B&R LS251 or similar product), the safety measures that apply to industrial controllers (protection by protective equip­ment such as emergency stops) must be observed in accordance with applicable national and international regu­lations. This also applies to all other connected devices, such as drives.

2.1 Dual use

Servo drives, inverter modules and frequency inverters from B&R are not dual-use goods per appendix I of Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009 | 3A225, amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2420.

3 Transport and storage

During transport and storage, devices must be protected against undue stress (mechanical stress, temperature, humidity, aggressive atmosphere, etc.).
Devices contain components sensitive to electrostatic charges that can be damaged by improper handling. It is therefore necessary to provide the required protective measures against electrostatic discharge when installing or removing these devices.

4 Operation

4.1 Protection against contact with electrical parts

Before switching on programmable logic controllers, operating and monitoring devices and uninterruptible power supplies, it must be ensured that the housing is properly connected to ground potential (PE rail). The ground connection must also be made if the operating and monitoring device and uninterruptible power supply are only connected for testing purposes or only operated for a short time!

4.2 Ambient conditions - Dust, moisture, aggressive gases

The use of operating and monitoring devices (e.g. industrial PCs, Power Panels, Mobile Panels) and uninterruptible power supplies in dusty environments must be avoided. This can otherwise result in dust deposits that affect the functionality of the device, especially in systems with active cooling (fans), which may no longer ensure sufficient cooling.
The presence of aggressive gases in the environment can also result in malfunctions. In combination with high temperature and relative humidity, aggressive gases – for example with sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine components – trigger chemical processes that can very quickly impair or damage electronic components. Blackened copper surfaces and cable ends in existing installations are indicators of aggressive gases.
When operated in rooms with dust and condensation that can endanger functionality, operating and monitoring devices such as Automation Panels or Power Panels are protected on the front against the ingress of dust and moisture when installed correctly (e.g. cutout installation). The back of all devices must be protected against the ingress of dust and moisture, however, or the dust deposits must be removed at suitable intervals.
Chapter 2
Intended use

4.3 Programs, viruses and malicious programs

Any data exchange or installation of software using data storage media (e.g. floppy disk, CD-ROM, USB flash drive) or via networks or the Internet poses a potential threat to the system. It is the direct responsibility of the user to avert these dangers and to take appropriate measures such as virus protection programs and firewalls to protect against them and to use only software from trustworthy sources.

5 Security concept

B&R products communicate via a network interface and were developed for integration into a secure network. The network and B&R products are affected by the following hazards (not a complete list):
Unauthorized access
Digital intrusion
Data leakage
Data theft
A variety of other types of IT security breaches
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Intended use • Security concept
It is the responsibility of the operator to provide and maintain a secure connection between B&R products and the internal network as well as other networks, such as the Internet, if necessary. The following measures and security solutions are suitable for this purpose:
Segmentation of the network (e.g. separation of the IT and OT networks)
Firewalls for the secure connection of network segments
Implementation of a security-optimized user account and password concept
Intrusion prevention and authentication systems
Endpoint security solutions with modules for anti-malware, data leakage prevention, etc.
Data encryption
It is the responsibility of the operator to take appropriate measures and to implement effective security solutions.
B&R Industrial Automation GmbH and its subsidiaries are not liable for damages and/or losses resulting from, for example, IT security breaches, unauthorized access, digital intrusion, data leakage and/or data theft.
Before B&R releases products or updates, they are subjected to appropriate functional testing. Independently of this, the development of customized test processes is recommended in order to be able to check the effects of changes in advance. Such changes include, for example:
Installation of product updates
Notable system modifications such as configuration changes
Deployment of updates or patches for third-party software (non-B&R software)
Hardware replacement
These tests should ensure that implemented security measures remain effective and that systems behave as expected.
6 ETAL310.1C05-1 user's manual V1.00
Safety notices • Responsibilities of the operator

Chapter 3 • Safety notices

1 Safety notices

Observe safety notices
Disregarding safety notices can result in serious damage to property and personal injury.
The safety notices on the product and in the documentation must be observed.
Products that cannot be ensured as safe due to damage, for example, are not permitted to be started up under any circumstance. Disturbances that impair general safety must be eliminated immediately.

2 Usage

This product is designed and manufactured for training and development. General safety guidelines must be ob­served at all times.
Chapter 3
Safety notices
Risk of injury
Disregarding safety notices can result in serious damage to property and personal injury.
The data sheets of components and the safety notices contained therein must be observed. For a list of the components used, see the technical data of this product.

3 Electronics

The product is prewired and prepared for use. No additional wiring examples are required. The power supply and communication, e.g. Ethernet, are implemented via cables with standard connector systems such as RJ45.
Electric shock
Incorrect or faulty supply elements can result in damage to property and personal injury.
Only power supply unit 0TP650.07, which is available as an accessory, is permitted to be used for the power supply.
Connecting or disconnecting connectors and elements is only permitted in a voltage-free state.

4 Responsibilities of the operator

The operator is the person who operates the product or who provides it for use/application by a 3rd party while carrying legal product responsibility for the protection of the user, personnel or other 3rd parties.
The operator is obliged to know and implement the applicable industrial safety regulations.
The operator is obliged to know and implement national, local and plant-specific regulations.
The operator is obliged to clearly define and manage responsibilities for installation, operation, fault cor­rection, maintenance and cleaning.
The operator is obliged to ensure that responsible personnel have read and understood this user's manual.
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+ 15 hidden pages