CCM 746S
See nothing, hear everything
The combination of convenience and performance that is a feature of the entire Custom Installation range is no better
demonstrated than by the CCM 746S ceiling speaker. It marries a woven Kevlar® coned twin voice-coil 165mm (6½ in)
bass/midrange driver with an offset array of two high performance 25mm (1 in) aluminium dome tweeters. Thanks to its highly
accurate and natural sound, Kevlar® features on our most advanced high performance hi-fi speakers and it brings the same
qualities to the CCM 746S. The twin voice coils and tweeters combine the stereo signal to enable the use of just one ceiling
speaker in an installation zone without the loss of one audio channel. The CCM 746S also includes three-way switchable high
frequency equalisation.
Technical Specification
Techn ic al f ea tu res
Descr ip ti on
Drive units
Fre qu en cy r an ge
Fre qu en cy respon se
Sensi ti vi ty
Nomin al imped an ce
Cro ss ov er f reque nc y
Two adjustable aluminium dome tweeters
Woven Kevlar® cone mid/bass
Three-position EQ switch
2-way dual channel in-ceiling speaker system
2x ø25mm (1 in) aluminium dome high-frequency
1x ø165mm (6.5 in) woven Kevlar® cone mid/bass
-6dB at 40Hz and 22kHz
50Hz-20kHz ±3dB on reference axis
86dB spl (2.83V, 1m)
8Ω (minimum 3.0Ω)
Recom me nd ed
Frame size
Cut-out size
Min depth req
Net weight
am pl ifier power
20W - 130W continuous into 8
Diameter: 232mm (9.1 in)
Diameter: 205mm (8.1 in)
101mm (3.9 in) from ceiling surface
1.6kg (3.5lb)
Semi-matt white suitable for customising or pre-painting
(paint mask included)
Pre-mount kit for new construction (PMK c65)
on unclipped programme
©2005 B&W Group Ltd.

CCM 746S
Architectual and Engineering Specifications
The loudspeaker system shall be of the dual-amped 2-way type comprising of a single flush mountable circular enclosure
containing one, twin voice coil, 6.5in bass-mid driver with woven Kevlar cone and two, off set mounted, 1in aluminium
dome tweeters, with 3 position EQ switch.
Performance specifications of a typical production unit shall meet or exceed the following:
Frequency response shall be 50 – 20kHz ± 3dB. Nominal impedance shall be 8 Ohm. Total power handling shall be
130W continuous into 8 Ohm on unclipped programme. Sensitivity measured with 2.83V at 1-meter distance on axis,
mean averaged between 50 – 20kHz shall be 86dB.
External dimensions shall be 232mm (9.1in) diameter x 105mm (4.1in) depth. Total weight shall be 1.6kg (3.5lb).
The loudspeaker system shall be the B&W CCM 746S. No other system shall be acceptable unless the above combined
performance are equalled or exceeded.
Polar Response Horizontal
Polar Response Vertical
Frequency Response
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Copyright © B&W Group Ltd. E & OE.
B&W Group Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications
without notice in line with technical developments.