CASA Contro l l e r
Product Summary
The controller is the brain of the Casa system. Typically placed unseen alongside player
units, it permits simple plug & play system expansion for up to 32 zones (or rooms). Source
distribution is fully independent. The controller transforms the mains-voltage power for the
full Casa system of low-voltage loudspeakers; allows for input of source equipment; and
executes full command and control from all keypads and hand-held units.
Technical highlights
Casa’s CPU, based on a powerful 16MHz RISC processor, features;
Multiple timers to generate IR data streams (for control of source equipment).
0.5Mb Flash EPROM (to enable software re p rogramming without removing the card ) .
B a t t e ry-backed real-time clock synchronising all alarm and timer functions.
On-chip networking capability (allowing multiple controllers to talk to each other).
Upgradeable slot, to encompass up-coming home automation technology.
D e s c r i p t i o n
Total power output
Audio inputs
Audio outputs
Power outputs
Keypad outputs
Expandable 4 zone, 4 source (+ Local
sources), audio control, distribution and
power supply
400W @ +/- 24V
Unbalanced 2VRMS, switchable to
700mV for inputs 3&4
Balanced, 10ohm source, 150mARMS
audio signal drive capability
Maximum draw 100W per output
power supply, electronically current
limited and polyswitch
Maximum 3 keypads per output, daisy
D i m e n s i o n s
N e t We i g h t
IR Reception &
The Casa system was award e d
Innovations Aw a rd 1998
CES/Las Vegas USA
P roduct of the Year 1998
Hi-Fi Grand Prix Aw a rd
Audio Video International USA
P roduct of the Year 1999
Hi-Fi Grand Prix Aw a rd
Audio Video International USA
Height: 110mm
Width: 430mm
Depth 370mm
9 pin D female (supports external system
Expandable to 8 controller network over
Daisy chain IR input and output, RC5
wired output. 5 current-source outputs to
stick-on IR senders
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.