Bose SE-5 User Manual

The Bose" Acoustimass® SE-5
Owne r’ s Gui de
Before You Begin ...
We would like lo thank you for purchasing ihe Bose' AcouSimass - SE-5 speaker system. This product combines iwo Bose technologies to create a versatile ^siem that wilt allow you to experience the full realism and impact available trom the most demanding sound sources. irKluding com pact discs. Patented Acoustimass speaker technology otters ihe benelits ol purer sound and virtual invisihility, while
Direct/Retlecting' speaker design allows you lo hear full balanced stereo throughout your listening room. We are confident that these advanced technologies and the quality construction of the SE-5 system vrill provide you v/ilh many years ol Irouble-lree listening pleasure.
The operating principles and wiring contiguration of the SE-5 system are signiiicanily difterent from those ol conventional speakers. This not only allows the SE-5 system lo provide you with great sound, but also oilers placement flexibility not available from conventional speakers. For best results, and easy installation, please take Ihe lime to read this own er's guide
Please Note: The Acoustimass speaker technology used in the SE-5 system signi(ic3nfiyK<S\ice$ audible distortion. Because oi this, you may be less likely to notice the distinc tive distorted sounds produced v/hen a speaker is driven beyond its limits. Exercise caution when playing the SE-5 system at high volume levels.
Unpacking the SE-'S System
Alter opening Ihe carton, remove all packing material and caretuliy lift out the components ol the SE-5 system. Save all Ihe cartons and packing material in case the system needs to be transported at a later time. If any of the components appear damaged, do not attempt lo use the system Instead, ropack the system in its original canon and notily your authorized Bose dealer immediately.
Setting Up the System
Before you can install and adjust the ^stem's components, lake a minute to famiiiariK yourselt with them, 'ibur system should include:
2 Stereo largeiing^ arrays
1 Acoustimass' module (the larger black cabinet)
4 wires
The SE-5 system oilers many advantages not available Irom
a conventkir^al speaker system, among them, remarkable freedom of placement. Acoustimass speaker technology allows you lo place the Acoustimass module almost any­v/here. even under furniture. The compact Stereo Targeting arrays can also be positioned in your listening mom wher ever they create the best balance ol higher frequency sound. Below are some guidelines lor setting up your system.
A. Seieci the locaiion wtiere you intend to place Ihe tell and
right Stereo Targeting arrays. Note lhal wires from the arrays connect to the Acoustimass module, so you should locate the Stereo Targeting arrays so lhal the wires will reach the location you have chosen lor the
module. Note: White Ihe wires provided are adequate lor most instal lations, you may increase the distance between the Stereo Targeting' arrays and the Acoustimass module by splicing in additional wire, tl you do so, use similar gauge (16 or 18 gauge) or thicker vnre, and make sure you maintain the cor rect phase (" -r- ’’ lo “ ’ and " to “ -"). and properly con nect the wires.
6. Position the Stereo Targeting - arrays vnth your audio or video system to suit your musical taste and location preferences. In average si¿ed listening rooms, the best slereophortic effects result when the left and right Stereo Targeting arrays are spaced 6 to 12 leet apart (appmxi-
maieiy 1.8-3.6 m). However, you can slill achieve excel' kit results with separation as great as 15 feel ppproximalely 4.5 m).
Note: For video applications, separation will vary to allov/ the Stereo Targeting • arrays lo be located on each side of a TV or monitor. For more information on video applications, see Part Dot this section.
C. The Acou^imass' module can be located virtually any
where in your listening room (Figure 1)in either a vertical or horizontal position. Its unique Acoustimass speaker technology delivers room filling bassirom almost any where. Feel tree to hide the Acoustimass module under a bed or table, or even behind a sofa. JusI remember not to block the two round openings in the end of the unit. \bu should allow at least 2 inches (approximately 5 cm) of open space between these openings and the v/all or olher surface.
Unlike conveniional itoorsianding or bookshelf speakers, you can line lune the bass response oi your SE-6 system wilhoul compromising accurate stereo imaging. Just change the location ol the Acoustimass module within your listening room. For typical listening environments, positioning the module along a v/all 3 lo 5 leet (appmxi­mately 1 to 1.5 meters) Imm a corner provides a normal balance of frequencies from your SE-5 system. Moving the module closer lo the walls andfor corners ol your room will increase bass response, while moving il lov/ard the center of your mom will decrease it. In most rooms, it should be reasonably easy to choose a location which is convenient, yet provides fusing bass response.
|ie Stereo Targeting arrays ol your S€-5 system are mag
Iriicaiiy shielded for use with video systems. This allovrs you to position the arrays close lo your TV or monitor without adversely alfecling the picluie quality (as hap pens with conveniional. nonshi^ded speakers). Refer loFrgure2.
Note: The Acou^imass module itsell is nol magnetically shielded and should be placed at least three leet away from your monitor lo avoid inierlerence.
Connecting the SE-5 System to Your Stereo
Caution: Before attempting to connect the SE-5 system, unplug your receiver or amplifier from the wall outlet.
Note: While the SE-5 astern is rated at 6 ohms the
speaker’s impedance actually averages helween 6 and 9
ohms over most of its operating range.
A. Locale the wires which were packed with the system. Vbu
will lind four identical sets. Two sets connect the Stereo Targeting arr^s lo the Acoustimass module, v/hile the other two sets connect the Acoustimass module to your receiver or amplilier.
B. Examine the ends of the wires. For each set. one wire
will have a red marker. For each connection you make, always connect the wire with the red marker to the "-I-'terminal.
¡Locale the terminals on the rear o< the left Stereo Target­"itj array. Depress the red +") lab. insert the lead wiih
Ihc red mark^ (Figure 3). and release Ihe tab. The lead Should be held snugly in place by the terminal. Repeat
the process for the black terminal and the other lead.
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