Morten Jørgensen and Kenneth Jacob, Bose® Professional Systems Division
THE Bose MA12™ modular array takes advantage of the properties of cylindrical
waves to meet customer requirements that until now could only be met with
loudspeakers flown and aimed in more elaborate and expensive designs. With only
two dimensions of dispersion rather than the three of the more common spherical
waves, the sound from cylindrical waves diminishes much more gradually with
distance from the source. As a consequence, listeners experience relatively little
change in sound level from far away from the
same gradual change in sound with distance makes the
feedback from microphones in close proximity. The radiation pattern of the
wedge-shaped: wide from side-to-side but sharply confined to the top and bottom of
the array. The vertical radiation virtually shuts off above and below the speaker. As a
result, much less reverberation is generated because almost no sound is radiated
upwards to distant surfaces in the upper part of the room. The result is noticeably
better clarity and intelligibility. The ultra-thin shape of the
hide; it may be the most unobtrusive speaker yet developed given its exceptionally
high output and full, balanced frequency response. The fact that the
at ear level (so that listeners are confined within its wedge-shaped radiation pattern)
means that it can usually be installed for a fraction of the cost of more elaborate
‘flown’ loudspeakers and loudspeaker clusters. Finally, it can be matched to a low
frequency enclosure (Bose Panaray
needed. Taken together, these features and advantages result in a product that
represents an important new tool for satisfying the most basic and important customer
requirements in a wide range of common applications.
MB4) when extended bass performance is
MA12 to literally right next to it. The
MA12 less susceptible to
MA12 is
MA12 means it is easy to
MA12 is placed
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion
CUSTOMER requirements for a sound system are diverse and cover the areas of acoustics,
architecture, operation and service. Some of the most important requirements include the
-Customers value a system that has the right balance of low, mid and high frequencies –
what is called ‘tonal balance’. Customers hear and complain about sound that is too
‘boomy’ or ‘shrill’ or ‘sibilant’, all examples of tonal balance problems.
-A system that plays at the right level is better than one that is too soft or too loud.
Customers routinely complain about both excessive sound levels or when the desired
impact can not be achieved because the system is unable to play loud enough.
-A system where the sound is perceived to come from the same direction as the action to
which it corresponds is better in many applications. When, for example, a talker is on
stage, a system whose sound is perceived to come from the stage is better than one
where the sound comes from above. Lack of eye-ear correspondence is disconcerting
and distracting.
-A system that delivers music with clarity, and speech with intelligibility, is better than
one where instruments are garbled and speech is hard to understand. No other single
customer requirement generates as many complaints as poor speech intelligibility. It
often impacts the fundamental purpose of a venue – the sermon or lecture at a house of
worship, or the announcement at the airport, for example.
-Customers are understandably concerned about the appearance of a sound system. They
usually value a system that blends into its environment, and is out of the way. And
when the system is visible, customers want it to be elegant yet unobtrusive.
- Finally, customers value a system that works reliably for long periods of time without
degradation or the need for service. But should a problem occur, they want prompt,
cost-effective service. No customer wants to shut down a facility in order to undertake
These customer requirements exist on any given project to one degree or another. For
example, in a place of worship a customer might seek nearly ideal speech intelligibility. But
in another situation, the required speech intelligibility might be set lower – to meet a
government standard for an emergency announcement in a shopping mall, for example.
Therefore, the intensity of need in each dimension on a specific project must be determined
for each project.
Customer satisfaction occurs to the degree that the performance levels in these key areas of
customer requirements are met at a competitive cost. The better system is always the one that
meets customer requirements for the least cost.
The standard design approach for meeting these requirements is unofficially called the
‘hang-and-tilt’ approach. In this approach, speakers with controlled radiation patterns are
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion
hung in the air and tilted down. Hang-and-tilt has become the de facto standard for sound
reinforcement in virtually every kind of venue, from retail spaces, to atriums, churches,
schools, gymnasiums, auditoriums, city halls, airports, and sports facilities.
Manufacturers including Bose offer a wide range of speakers used in the hang-and-tilt
approach, and similarly, offer a wide range of tools to help the designer of these systems. As
a result, dealers, contractors, consulting engineers, and others have learned to deliver systems
that perform well in satisfying the major customer requirements using this approach.
The purpose of this paper is to show that the Bose
MA12™ modular array represents a
significant and important extension to the hang-and-tilt approach. To do this, our strategy
relies on an explanation of the speaker’s unique sound radiation pattern, and how that
radiation pattern, and the thin line-shaped source necessary to produce it, often allows
designers to meet customer requirements better and at a lower cost than before. The argument
begins with a review of the fundamental assumption that first led the industry to the hangand-tilt approach and then moves on to explain the approach’s strengths and remaining
Original assumption
WHAT led the industry to embrace the hang-and-tilt method and dedicate decades of research,
development and marketing effort to perfect it? Why do so many speakers end up in the air
and tilted down?
The answer can be traced to a fundamental property of the speakers used – specifically,
that the sound waves they radiate spread in all three dimensions: up and down, left and right,
in and out. These are called spherical waves because the sound radiates in all directions, like
a sphere. As a result, the sound intensity, or sound pressure level from spherical wave sources
decreases by 6 dB whenever the distance is doubled, as shown in Figure 1. (To be exact, this
is true beyond a certain distance from the speaker. At very close distances the behavior is
For example, if a listener is four meters from the speaker and the level is 78 dB-SPL, then
when the listener is eight meters away – twice the distance – the level is 6 dB less, or 72 dBSPL. And while a speaker often has different intensity levels at different angles (as is the case
with any directional speaker), no matter what angle is chosen, when the distance is doubled
along that same angle, the level decreases by 6 dB.
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion
Figure 1. Sound from spherical waves radiates in all three dimensions:
up and down, left and right, and front and back. As a result, the sound
level decreases by 6 dB whenever the distance is doubled. The reason
for a 6 dB drop (and not something else) is readily understood, and is
contained in a footnote on page 16.
If the 6 dB per doubling of distance behavior is ignored for the moment, and the only
consideration were convenience, the easiest place to put a speaker in a typical room would be
a position in the front of the room with the speaker aimed toward the audience, as shown in
Figure 2a.
This placement, however, has a problem. In the example shown in the figure, the closest
listener is one meter from the speaker, and the farthest listener is twenty meters, a ratio of
twenty to one. This corresponds to a 26 dB difference in sound level, a very large level
difference corresponding to a perception that the sound at the farthest location is perhaps four
or more times softer than the front.
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion
Figure 2a. A traditional speaker producing spherical waves and
mounted at ear height in the front of the room results in a 26dB
difference in direct field level when the distance ratio of near to far is
1:20. A listener in the back would report the loudness to be four or
more times softer than the front.
Thus while localization is good because the speaker is placed close to the visual activity,
the system does poorly in creating the desired sound level in the audience area. No matter
what volume setting is used, the sound is either too loud or too soft in most of the audience
area – it is simply impossible to establish the correct level for the audience with such a big
difference from front to back.
To achieve less variation in speaker-to-listener distances, and therefore less variation in
sound level, the speaker can be hung in the air and tilted down at the audience as shown in
Figure 2b. This is what is referred to unofficially as the ‘hang-and-tilt’ approach. The ratio in
this example is 2:1, corresponding to a sound level variation of only 6 dB. The hang-and-tilt
approach largely solves the level variation problem, which is why it was vigorously pursued
as a way to satisfy customer requirements.
Figure 2b. When the same speaker is mounted in the air and tilted
down, the level variation is reduced significantly – in this case to only 6
dB – which corresponds to a near-to-far distance ratio of 1:2.
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion
Of course, as with any engineering solution, the hang-and-tilt approach is not perfect. It has
its strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the goal of cost effectively satisfying the major
customer requirements. The details of these strengths and weaknesses are the subject of the
next section.
Strengths of the hang-and-tilt approach
THE strengths of a good hang-and-tilt system are that with it, excellent tonal balance,
consistent sound level, and speech intelligibility can be achieved. Moreover, because the
speakers are located up and out of the way, they rarely interfere with sightlines.
Over the years, Bose and others have developed a number of technological solutions
specifically designed to improve the quality of hang-and-tilt systems. For example, Panaray
LT speakers are designed with very narrow sound radiation patterns so that designers can
carefully aim them only onto audience areas and avoid reflective walls and ceilings that can
produce the excessive reverberation responsible for diminished speech intelligibility. These
speakers also exhibit a very sharp rolloff of sound outside their primary radiation angles,
making it easier to combine two or more in such a way that they exhibit a minimum of the
inter-speaker interference that can lead to dropouts in sound.
Similarly, the Bose Panaray 502
A loudspeaker represents an important contribution to the
field of hang-and-tilt speakers because it delivers consistent coverage over substantially a full
range of frequencies using very natural sounding cone-type drivers in a very small package.
This speaker is used in literally thousands of venues around the world where customers say it
meets their needs elegantly and unobtrusively.
As a final example of the types of innovations that have led to better hang-and-tilt systems,
until very recently it was thought to be difficult or impossible to include control of the lower
frequencies in hang-and-tilt designs. This lack of control meant that bass sound waves were
more or less allowed to go anywhere within a venue, causing a lack of clarity in music and
some masking of speech (and therefore a reduction of speech intelligibility). Today solutions
exist to control bass frequencies in hang-and-tilt designs with very nearly the same degree of
precision as the higher frequencies, including a comprehensive technique developed by Bose.
These solutions, which employ advanced array theory, have led to noticeable improvements
in the sound quality of systems in which they have been used.
Weaknesses of the hang-and-tilt approach
THE hang-and-tilt approach also has some weaknesses. For example, the designer must
ensure that the sound radiation pattern from the speaker being considered is appropriate for
the purpose of covering the audience area. However, the choice of speakers is limited to only
a few, which differ according to their radiation patterns. It is purely coincidence and therefore
rare for the designer to find a perfect match between the available radiation patterns and the
audience area. In general, the speaker being considered will have more or less coverage than
what is needed.
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion
If the speaker’s radiation pattern is too wide for the audience, there is over-coverage as
shown in Figure 3a. In these situations, sound radiates to areas other than the audience where
it reflects off of surfaces and arrives at the ears of the listeners as reverberation, which causes
degradation in clarity and intelligibility.
Figure 3a. The effect of choosing a speaker with a radiation pattern
wider than the audience is shown. Sound striking surfaces other than
the audience causes unwanted reverberation and reduced musical
clarity and speech intelligibility.
If, on the other hand, the speaker’s radiation pattern is too narrow for the audience, as
shown in Figure 3b, people outside the main beam will hear a serious degradation in tonal
balance, level and clarity.
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion
Figure 3b. The effect of choosing a speaker with a radiation pattern
narrower than the audience is shown. People outside the main beam get
poor sound quality.
In situations where the radiation pattern from a single speaker is too narrow, another
speaker is usually added. When that is done, however, the same set of challenges is repeated.
Will the added speaker be able to just cover the area that was uncovered before? If it does, it
is coincidental. In general, the added speaker will again have coverage that is too wide or too
Regardless, when two or more speakers are used to cover an audience area, their individual
radiation patterns must be overlapped in order to avoid a coverage hole between their
patterns. This interference zone, shown graphically in Figure 4, can result in significant and
audible dropouts of sound at some frequencies. Without careful selection of speakers, their
locations, and aiming angles within a cluster, there can be as much as 20-30 dB of energy
missing in the middle of the frequency range crucial for speech. These dropouts caused by
interference have a significant impact on clarity, intelligibility and tonal balance.
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion
Figure 4. The interference zone caused by the overlap of two speakers
is shown. Inter-speaker interference can result in major sound dropouts
– as severe as 20-30 dB – which harms tonal balance, clarity, and
For these reasons and others, hang-and-tilt systems require a significant investment in
design time to achieve good coverage without excessive interference. To aid in this effort, the
designs are usually created using computer modeling programs, where creating the room
model, then selecting, positioning, and aiming speakers, and optimizing the design can take
anywhere from a day to weeks, or even months in the case of large projects.
Once designed, sophisticated rigging is often needed to ensure that the speakers are
properly and attractively installed. A professional engineer is often employed to implement
the exact aiming angles dictated by the design and to ensure mechanical integrity and safety.
Then the rigging hardware has to be purchased or fabricated and shipped to the site. The
installation requires a lift or scaffolding to hang the speakers in the right place. And finally
the installation often has to be reviewed by the local engineer to ensure that it meets code and
safety requirements. Rigging and installation costs can climb into the thousands of dollars.
Once the system is installed, another significant investment in engineering time is required
for system tuning and adjustment. Level matching the low to the mid and high frequencies
and setting time delays in a cluster takes time and requires a skilled field engineer. So does
setting time delays and matching levels from cluster to cluster and deciding on the overall
room equalization.
Thus designing, installing, and tuning a hang-and tilt design is time consuming and requires
a high level of skill in a variety of areas. These factors mean that hang-and-tilt systems are
often expensive to create.
Hang-and-tilt systems also suffer from compromised performance in the area of sound
localization. The visual activity is usually to the front of the listener, but the sound comes
from above where the speakers are located. This lack of eye-ear correspondence is
Bose® MA12™ Modular Array: Technical Foundation & Discussion