Bulletin Part Number: 264563-B7
Product: AV28 Media Center sold with Lifestyle® 28 Home Entertainment System and Lifestyle® 35 Home
Entertainment System.
Subject: 240V, 50Hz regions only: The AV28 Media Center 240V power packs may over heat and shut down.
This is not a safety issue. The protection circuit is tripping and shutting the power pack off.
Disposition: Replace the power pack with an improved power pack part number 256764-007 for units exhibiting
the symptom below.
Symptom: After a period of time the AV28 media center will shut down and then return to normal operation if
the power pack is unplugged and allowed to cool.
Reason: The AV28 power pack is heating up and tripping the thermal protection circuit within the power pack. If
allowed to cool, the power pack will operate again.
Solution: Replace the power pack with an improved power pack part number 256764-007.
FRACAS - 394
Date Issued: 02/2003
Bose Corporation; The Mountain, Framingham, Ma. 01701-9168
For Technical Assistance Call 1-800-233-4408
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