Model 1800-V Professional Stereo Power
Amplifier EQ PCB Assemblies
The frequency response for the Panaray® LT 9702™ II has changed. Also the gain response
for the 3202™ II and the 9702 II has changed. The new frequency and gain response tables
are listed below. Refer to the Test Procedures in the 1800-V supplement manual 181812-S2.
Insert this supplement into the 1800-V supplement manual part number 181812-S2.
3202 II 4402™ II 9702 II LT II
+7.0 dB + 5.0 dB + 2.6 dB + 2.7 dB
Gain Response Table
Frequency Output Tolerance
50 Hz -23 dB ±3 dB
100 Hz -2.4 dB ±1.5 dB
180 Hz +5.2 dB ±2 dB
550 Hz -1.5 dB ±1 dB
700 Hz 0 dB
1,100 Hz +2.3 dB ±1 dB
1,800 Hz +3.8 dB ±1 dB
3,000 Hz +4.8 dB ±1 dB
6,500 Hz +4.5 dB ±1.5 dB
11,500 Hz +3.8 dB ±1.5 dB
30,000 Hz -22 dB ±3 dB
9702 II Frequency Response Table
1998 Bose Corporation
Part Number 181812-S6 Rev 00