Alarm flow
1. An alarm occurs in the system.
2. Alarm notifications appear in the Alarm Lists of all users configured for this alarm. Alarm
video is immediately displayed on configured monitors. If it is an automatically displayed
alarm (auto pop-up), the alarm video is also automatically displayed on the
Operator Client workstation’s alarm monitors.
If the alarm is configured as an auto-clear alarm, the alarm is removed from the Alarm List
after the auto-clear time (configured in the Configuration Client).
On analog monitors, any quad views from VIP XDs are temporarily replaced by full-screen
3. One of the users accepts the alarm. The alarm video is then displayed on this user's
workstation (if it is not already displayed via auto pop-up). The alarm is removed from all
other Alarm Lists and alarm video displays.
4. The user who accepted the alarm invokes a workflow that can include reading an action
plan and entering comments. This step is optional - requirements for workflow can be
configured by the administrator.
5. Finally, the user clears the alarm. This removes the alarm from his Alarm List and alarm
On an analog monitor group, the monitors return to the cameras that were displayed
before the alarm occurred.
Alarm Image window
1. To display alarm video, the Alarm Image window replaces the Live or Playback Image
window on the monitor that has been configured for alarm display.
2. Each alarm gets a row of Image panes. Up to 5 Image panes can be associated with each
alarm. These Image panes can display live video, playback video, or maps.
On an analog monitor group, each alarm can call up cameras on a row of analog monitors.
The number of cameras in the row is limited by the number of columns in the analog
monitor group. Monitors in the row that are not used for alarm video can be configured to
either continue with their current display or to display a blank screen.
3. Higher priority alarms are displayed above lower priority alarms on both analog monitor
rows and the Operator Client workstation display alarm rows.
4. If the Alarm Image window is completely full of Alarm Image rows and an additional alarm
must be displayed, the lowest priority alarms "stack up" in the bottom row of the Alarm
Image window. You can step through the stacked alarms with the controls at the left side
of the alarm row.
You can step through the alarm stacks on analog monitor groups with control buttons in
the Monitors window of the Operator Client workstation display. Analog monitors in
alarm are indicated by red icons with blinking "LEDs".
The alarm title, time, and date can be optionally be displayed on all analog monitors, or
only the first monitor in the alarm row.
5. For equal priority alarms, the administrator can configure the order behavior:
– Last-in-First-out (LIFO) mode: in this configuration, new alarms are inserted above
older alarms of the same priority.
– First-in-First-out (FIFO) mode; in this configuration, new alarms are inserted below
older alarms of the same priority.
6. An alarm's Image row can appear in the Alarm Image window in one of two ways:
– When it is generated (auto pop-up). This occurs when the alarm priority is higher
than display priority.
– When the alarm is accepted. This occurs when the alarm priority is lower than
display priority.
en | Concepts Bosch Video Management System
2013.07 | V1 | Operator Client Operator's Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH