Bosch VIDEOJET decoder 3000 Specifications

Video | VIDEOJET decoder 3000
VIDEOJET decoder 3000
u HD 1080p30/i60 or 720p60 decoding in single view
u Quad-view option for SD video up to 960H
u HDMI or composite video output
u Alarm inputs and relay output
VIDEOJET decoder 3000 displays H.264 encoded video at up to 60 images per second from PAL, NTSC, or HD sources over IP networks. Establish the video connections automatically from the camera, encoder, decoder, or Bosch’s comprehensive video management system. VIDEOJET decoder 3000 is capable of decoding a single HD video stream, or up to four SD video streams at the same time in quad-mode. Control the viewing mode remotely via a management system. It can drive an HD monitor via HDMI directly, thus is ideally suited for applications like flat-screen monitor walls. Alternatively, it can connect to an analogue monitor using its composite video BNC output. VIDEOJET decoder 3000 provides one-channel bidirectional audio communication in parallel to video. Ultra-compact in size, VIDEOJET decoder 3000 is perfect for any application that depends on space­saving solutions.
Access security
VIDEOJET decoder 3000 offers various security levels for accessing the network, the unit, and the data channels. As well as password protection with two levels, it supports 802.1x authentication using a RADIUS server for identification. You can secure Web
browser access by HTTPS using a SSL certificate that is stored in the unit, providing total data protection with AES or 3DES encryption, according to the client's encryption capabilities. Alternatively, each communication channel—video, audio, or serial I/O— can be independently AES encrypted with 128‑bit keys, once the encryption site license has been applied.
High performance
Transmit IP video to a high-performance VIDEOJET decoder 3000 and present it with ultimate clarity on an analog CCTV monitor or on a large, flat­screen display. VIDEOJET decoder 3000 can handle up to four SD H. 264 video streams with full resolution and frame rate and display them in quad-view. When in single-view, it can display an HD video stream up to 1080p30 or 720p60.
With its connection page in the web browser, the optional IP Matrix license, the support of IntuiKey keyboard and integration into Video Clients and Video Management Systems, VIDEOJET decoder 3000 enables solutions in varieties from the smallest stand­alone up to large or distributed but centrally controlled applications.
Keyboard support
VIDEOJET decoder 3000 allows direct connection of an IntuiKey keyboard to its serial interface. Controlled by and communicating to a video management system this allows to set up PC-less operator desks, ideal for remote locations like doorman's offices.
IP Matrix system
IP Matrix can be used to control IP-based monitoring systems of up to 32 cameras and up to ten monitors via an IntuiKey keyboard without the use of a computer. In normal operation, the system works only via the network connections between IP cameras, encoders and decoders, controlled via the IntuiKey. As part of a larger CCTV system, IP Matrix can be used as a satellite system. The higher-ranking system can access IP Matrix for control purposes. Otherwise, IP Matrix works independently and is completely self-sufficient.
Easy upgrade
Remotely upgrade the decoder whenever new firmware or software becomes available. This ensures up-to-date products, thus protecting investment with little effort.
Decoding performance
Encoding Streams Resolution Max. bit rate
H.264 HD 1 1080p30 10 Mbps
H.264 HD 1 1080i60 10 Mbps
H.264 HD 1 720p60 10 Mbps
H.264 SD 4 960H/4CIF/
6 Mbps
Certifications and approvals
Region Number
IEC 60950-1
Region Number
IEC 62676-2
EN 50132-5-2
Electromagnetic compatibility
Region Number
EU EN 55022 ITE
EN 55024 ITE
EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-3
EN 50130-4 Alarm systems
EN 50121-4 Railway
Region Number
AUS/NZ AS/NZS 3548 Class B
US FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B Class B
Region Certification
Europe CE VIDEOJET decoder 3000
USA UL VIDEOJET decoder 3000
UL Bosch UL online certifications directory
Installation/configuration notes
Dimensions (front view / side view)
Dimensions in mm (in)
Front connectors and indicators
VIDEOJET decoder 3000 front view
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