Bosch Rexroth IndraControl L25, Rexroth IndraControl L65, Rexroth IndraControl L45, Rexroth IndraControl L85 Instruction Manual

Electric Drives and Controls Pneumatics
Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and l85 Controls
Edition 01
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Type of Documentation
Document Typecode
Internal File Reference
Record of Revision
Published by
Rexroth IndraControl
L25, L45, L65 and L85
Edition Release Date Notes
First edition 01.2012 --
© Bosch Rexroth AG 2012
This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be re‐ produced or given to third parties without its consent.
The specified data is intended for product description purposes only and shall not be deemed to be a guaranteed characteristic unless expressly stipulated in the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this docu‐ mentation and the availability of the product.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 ■ 97816 Lohr am Main, Germany
Phone +49 9352 18 0 ■ Fax +49 9352 18 8400
Development automation systems control platform SR (CS)
This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Bosch Rexroth AG I/65

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 About this Documentation.............................................................................................. 5
2 Product Identification and Scope of Delivery................................................................. 7
2.1 Product Identification.............................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Scope of Delivery.................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Using the Safety Instructions......................................................................................... 9
3.1 Safety instructions – structure................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Explaining Signal Words and Safety Alert Symbol................................................................................. 9
4 Intended Use................................................................................................................ 11
5 Spare Parts, Accessories, and Wear Parts.................................................................. 13
5.1 Connector Set for the L45, L65, L85 Control........................................................................................ 13
5.2 Connector Set for the L25 Control........................................................................................................ 13
5.3 Fan for the L45, L65 and L85 Control................................................................................................... 13
5.4 Battery for the L45, L65 and L85 Control.............................................................................................. 13
5.5 Display Set............................................................................................................................................ 13
5.6 Cap for Compact Flash Slot.................................................................................................................. 13
5.7 Power Supply Unit ............................................................................................................................... 14
5.8 Wear Parts............................................................................................................................................ 14
6 Ambient Conditions...................................................................................................... 15
7 Technical Data............................................................................................................. 17
8 Standards..................................................................................................................... 19
8.1 Used Standards.................................................................................................................................... 19
8.2 CE Mark................................................................................................................................................ 19
8.2.1 Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................................................. 19
8.3 UL/CSA Certified.................................................................................................................................. 19
9 Interfaces..................................................................................................................... 21
9.1 Interface View....................................................................................................................................... 21
9.2 Overview............................................................................................................................................... 22
10 Mounting, Dismounting and Electrical Installation....................................................... 25
10.1 Installation Notes.................................................................................................................................. 25
10.2 Housing Dimensions............................................................................................................................. 26
10.3 Mounting the Control............................................................................................................................ 30
10.4 Mounting the Fan (if Necessary)........................................................................................................... 34
Table of Contents
10.5 Dismounting the Control....................................................................................................................... 34
10.6 Dismounting and changing the Inline terminals.................................................................................... 36
10.7 Electrical Installation............................................................................................................................. 38
10.7.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 38
10.7.2 External Power Supply Unit .............................................................................................................. 38
10.7.3 Voltage Supply for the Control........................................................................................................... 38
10.7.4 24 V Voltage Supply.......................................................................................................................... 40
10.7.5 Grounding
10.7.6 Shielding............................................................................................................................................ 42
10.7.7 Connecting Lines (for Digital Onboard Inputs, Outputs and Voltage Supply) to Tension Spring Con‐
10.7.8 Notice for Use of the Control above 2700 m above MSL.................................................................. 43
10.7.9 Digital Onboard Inputs on Controls L45, L65 and L85...................................................................... 44
10.7.10 Digital Onboard Outputs on Controls L45, L65 and L85.................................................................... 45
10.7.11 Further Interfaces.............................................................................................................................. 46
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
........................................................................................................................................................... 41
nection Points.................................................................................................................................... 42
11 Commissioning............................................................................................................ 47
12 Device Description....................................................................................................... 49
12.1 General Information.............................................................................................................................. 49
12.2 Display Elements.................................................................................................................................. 49
13 Error Causes and Error Elemination............................................................................ 51
14 Maintenance................................................................................................................ 53
14.1 General Information.............................................................................................................................. 53
14.2 Regular Maintenance............................................................................................................................ 53
14.3 Display (LCD Display)........................................................................................................................... 53
14.4 Lithium Battery...................................................................................................................................... 53
15 Ordering Information.................................................................................................... 55
15.1 Accessories and Spare Parts............................................................................................................... 55
15.2 Type Designation Code L25................................................................................................................. 55
15.3 Type Designation Code L45................................................................................................................. 56
15.4 Type Designation Code L65................................................................................................................. 57
15.5 Type Designation Code L85................................................................................................................. 58
16 Disposal....................................................................................................................... 59
16.1 General Information.............................................................................................................................. 59
16.2 Take-Back............................................................................................................................................. 59
16.3 Package................................................................................................................................................ 59
16.4 Batteries and Accumulators.................................................................................................................. 59
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
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Table of Contents
17 Service and Support.................................................................................................... 61
Index............................................................................................................................ 63
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Enginee ring
Design engineer
Mechanic/ electrician
Se rvic e
Pres ales Aftersa le s
Product phases
Target groups
Process specialist
Commissioning engineer
Process specialist
Machine operator
Maintenance technician
Mechanic/ electrician
Disposal company
To select To prepare
To design To construct
To unpack
To mount To install
To parameterize
To program
To configure
To simulate
To optimize
To test
To operate
To maintain
To remove faults
To create the NC program
To dismount
To dispose
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls

1 About this Documentation

Bosch Rexroth AG 5/65
About this Documentation
Overview – target groups and
product phases
The activities, product phases and target groups that refer to the present doc‐ umentation are marked in red color in the following figure.
Example: In the product phase "Mounting (assembly/installation)", the target group "mechanic/electrician" can execute the activity "install" using this docu‐ mentation.
Fig.1-1: Assigning the present documentation to the target groups, product
phases and activities of the target group
This document instructs the technical staff of the machine manufacturer on how to perform the mechanic and electrical installation in a safe way and on how to commission the device.
Required qualifications: Individual who is able to assess the tasks assigned and identify possible safety risks owing to qualification in the subject, knowl‐ edge and experience. The individual should also be familiar with the stand‐ ards and regulations.
This document is part of the present product delivery. This document has to be available to the user at any time. The product has to be passed on togeth‐ er with this document only.
This document is valid for all variants of the control, whose type designation code starts with:
The type designation code specifications are located on the type plate of the device, see also chapter 2 "Product Identification and Scope of Delivery" on
page 7.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
About this Documentation
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Further documents
Title Code (part short text) and
type of documentation
PLC Programming with Rexroth IndraLogic 1.0
(Rexroth-Inline PROFIBUS DP)
RECO Inline PROFIBUS DP Terminal and Module Sup‐ ply
(Rexroth Inline PROFIBUS DP Terminal and Module Supply)
Rexroth IndraWorks xxVRS Engineering
Automation Terminals of the Rexroth Inline Product Range
Operating and Programming Guide
Application Manual
Application Manual
Application Manual
Application Manual
Parts number
Rexroth IndraControl L Function Modules
Rexroth IndraWorks xxVRS IndraLogic 2G
Rexroth IndraControl L25 DOK-CONTRL-IC*L25*****-
Rexroth IndraControl L45, L65, L85
A Lx5 control is required to operate a MLC, IndraLogic, MTX, MLC, XLC or an IndraLogic component. Therefore do also observe the documentation of the relevant system.
Project Planning Manual
Application Manual
Project Planning Manual
Project Planning Manual
Fig.1-2: Further documents
For further documents, please enter the specified parts number under "Docu‐ mentation and Downloads" in the "Rexroth Media Directory" at http://
The documents are updated regularly on the internet.
xx is the placeholder for the relevant edition of the documentation.
IN 3AC 230V 50/60 Hz
OUT 10/7,5/5/5/1,5/1,5 A max.
I-C-B-T-V SW-Vers ion V0,002
MNR: 1070086300 -105 04W03
2 3
13 14
Bosch rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH
D-64711 Erbach Made in Germany
UN IN 3AC 230V 50760Hz IN
OUT 10/7,5/5/5/1,5/1,5A max.
I-C-B-T-V SW-Version V0,002
MNR: 1070170021 -101 03W19
SN: 123456814
Made in Germany
UN: AC 230V / 115V IN: 0,7A / 1,4A
MNR: 1070086255 -101
V-Nr: 1
TYP: PCPNL PEN400J1287 IS110-T
Bosch Rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH D-6471
1 Erbach
SN: 004012652
FD: 05W01
3 4
8 9
13 14
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Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Product Identification and Scope of Delivery

2 Product Identification and Scope of Delivery

2.1 Product Identification

The type plate is located on the back side.
1 Logotype 2 Division or plant number 3 Type code (type designation code) 4 Parts number 5 State of revision 6 Date of manufacture (yyWww) 7 Nominal voltage 8 Nominal current 9 Test marking 10 Version number 11 CE marking 12 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. mark 13 Barcode 14 Serial number 15 Designation of origin 16 Company address
Fig.2-1: Type plates, example

2.2 Scope of Delivery

Fan (only included in the scope of delivery of control L85)
Power connector (only included in the scope of delivery of control L25)
End clamp
EMI shielding
Female connector strip (already mounted)
Antistatic bag
Lithium battery (already inserted)
Not included in the scope of delivery of the controls with parts numbers R911170827 and R911170899.
Only included in the scope of delivery of control L85 and the controls with parts numbers R911170827 and R911170899.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Burns and chemical burns due to wrong battery treatment!
Safety alert symbol Signal word
Consequences and source of danger
Avoiding danger
Do not open the batteries and do not heat them over 80 °C.
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls

3 Using the Safety Instructions

3.1 Safety instructions – structure

The safety instructions are structured as follows:
Fig.3-1: Safety instructions – structure
Bosch Rexroth AG 9/65
Using the Safety Instructions

3.2 Explaining Signal Words and Safety Alert Symbol

The safety instructions in this documentation contain specific signal words (danger, warning, caution, notice) and, if necessary, a safety alert symbol (according to ANSI Z535.6-2006).
The signal word is meant to draw the reader's attention to the safety instruc‐ tion and signifies the degree of danger.
The safety alert symbol (a triangle with an exclamation point), which pre‐ cedes the signal words danger,warning and caution is used to alert the read‐ er to personal injury hazards.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury will occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury can occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, minor or moderate in‐ jury could occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, property damage could occur.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls

4 Intended Use

The control may only be used with the accessories and mounting parts listed in this documentation. Components that are not expressly mentioned must neither be attached nor connected. The same is valid for cables and lines.
Operation must only be carried out with the hardware component configura‐ tions and combinations that are expressly specified and with the software and firmware indicated and specified in the respective documentation and func‐ tional descriptions.
Typical fields of use of the controls are:
Handling systems and assembly systems
Packaging and food processing machines
Printing machines and paper converting machines
Machine tools
Woodworking machines
The controls may only be operated under the mounting and installation condi‐ tions, the position, and the ambient conditions (temperature, degree of pro‐ tection, humidity, EMC etc.) specified in this documentation.
Bosch Rexroth AG 11/65
Intended Use
Danger of destruction of the device if not ex‐ pressly stated accessories, mounting parts and other components, cables, lines, soft‐ ware and firmware are used.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Spare Parts, Accessories, and Wear Parts
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5 Spare Parts, Accessories, and Wear Parts

5.1 Connector Set for the L45, L65, L85 Control

Order code Parts number Description
R-IB IL CML S01 PLSET R911299856 2 input, 2 output and 1 power con‐
R-IB IL CML S04 PLSET R911172193 2 input, 2 output and 1 power con‐
nector, continuously numbered
Fig.5-1: Connector set for the L45, L65 and L85 control

5.2 Connector Set for the L25 Control

Order code Parts number Description
R-IB IL SCN-PWR IN PWR R911171765 -
Fig.5-2: Power connector for the L25 control

5.3 Fan for the L45, L65 and L85 Control

Order code Parts number Description
CAL01.1-F2 R911171153 -
Fig.5-3: Fan for the L45, L65 and L85 control

5.4 Battery for the L45, L65 and L85 Control

Order code Parts number Description
CAP01.1-B2 R911170806 3 V lithium battery for onboard
Fig.5-4: Battery for the L45, L65 and L85 control

5.5 Display Set

Order code Parts number Description
CAL03.1-D1 R911172142 Display exchange set for the con‐
Fig.5-5: Display set for the control

5.6 Cap for Compact Flash Slot

Order code Parts number Description
CAL02.1-S1 R911171617 Cap for Compact Flash slot
Fig.5-6: Cap for Compact Flash slot
Spare Parts, Accessories, and Wear Parts
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P

5.7 Power Supply Unit

Order code Parts number Description
VAP01.1H-W23-024-010-NN R911171065 24 V power supply unit
Fig.5-7: Power supply unit

5.8 Wear Parts

Wear parts are not subject to any warranty.
3 V lithium battery
The service life of the display is limited. A progressive deterioration takes place after the service life has been exceeded.
Service life:
60,000 hours at a temperature of 23℃ (± 5°C) and a relative air humidi‐ ty of 60% RH (± 20% RH).
Service life: At least five years.
Fans are mechanical components subject to wear. The service life of the fan depends particularly on the temperature.
Service life of the fan:
95,000 hours at 24 °C.
The fan operating hours counter can be read via the control.
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls

6 Ambient Conditions

In operation Transport Storage
Bosch Rexroth AG 15/65
Ambient Conditions
Max. surrounding air temperature
Relative humidity RH -2; 5 % to 95 %
Air pressure Up to 2,700 m
Mechanical strength
+5 ℃ to +55 ℃ -25 ℃ to +70 ℃ -25 ℃ to +70 ℃
according to DIN EN 61131-2,
above MSL accord‐ ing to DIN 60204.
Above 2700 m above MSL, see
chapter 10.7.8 "Notice for Use of the Control above 2700 m above MSL" on page 43.
Max. vibration:
Frequency range: 10 Hz to 150 Hz
0.075 mm
at 10 Hz to 57 Hz
Acceleration: 1 g
at 57 Hz to 150 Hz
acc. to EN 60068-2-6
RH -2; 5 % to 95 % according to DIN EN 61131-2,
Up to 3000 m above MSL accord‐ ing to DIN 60204.
Above 2700 m above MSL, see
chapter 10.7.8 "Notice for Use of the Control above 2700 m above MSL" on page 43.
Max. shock:
15 g acc. to EN 60 068-2-27, no disturbance of the function.
RH -2; 5 % to 95 % according to DIN EN 61131-2,
Up to 3000 m above MSL accord‐ ing to DIN 60204.
Above 2700 m above MSL, see
chapter 10.7.8 "Notice for Use of the Control above 2700 m above MSL" on page 43.
Max. shock:
15 g acc. to EN 60 068-2-27, no disturbance of the function.
Notice for control L25
Fig.6-1: Ambient conditions
The surrounding air must be free from acids, alkaline solutions, corrosive agents, salts, metal vapors, and other electrically con‐ ductive contaminants in high concentrations.
The ambient air must be dust-free. Housings and installation com‐ partments must at least comply with degree of protection IP 54 according to DIN VDE 0470-1.
Production failure possible due to control fail‐ ure resulting from overheating.
Operation is allowed up to 55 ℃ and if the air recirculates. If the air does not recirculate, the fan has to be used.
If the internal temperature is 87 ℃ or higher, the display indicates the "Temp !!!" warning.
If the internal temperature reaches approx. 92 ℃, the control switches off au‐ tomatically.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
Ambient Conditions
Notice for control L45, L65 and
Notice for control L85
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Use the "IH_Temperature" function to read out the internal control tempera‐ ture in the "RIH_CMLx.library" library of the "IndraWorks" application program (from version 11), see also documentation Rexroth IndraWorks 12VRS Basic Libraries IndraLogic 2G, ( DOK-IL*2G*-BASLIB**V12-LI01-EN-P, parts num‐ ber R911333835).
Production failure possible due to control fail‐ ure resulting from overheating.
Operation is allowed up to 55 ℃ and if the air recirculates. If the air does not recirculate, the fan has to be used.
If the internal temperature is 70 ℃ or higher, the display indicates the "Temp !!!" warning.
If the internal temperature reaches approx. 80 ℃, the control switches off au‐ tomatically.
Use the "IH_Temperature" function to read out the internal control tempera‐ ture in the "RIH_CMLx.library" library of the "IndraWorks" application program (from version 11), see also documentation Rexroth IndraWorks 12VRS Basic Libraries IndraLogic 2G, ( DOK-IL*2G*-BASLIB**V12-LI01-EN-P, parts num‐ ber R911333835).
With the IndraControl L85 control, the fan is included in the scope of delivery and is imperatively necessary for its operation. Infor‐ mation on the fan assembly is contained in chapter 10.4 "Mount‐
ing the Fan (if Necessary)" on page 34.
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls

7 Technical Data

Processor Control L25: Renesas SH7785 with 576 MHz (CPU CLK)
RAM Controls L45, L65 and L85:
Interface to function modules
Bosch Rexroth AG 17/65
Technical Data
Control L45: AMD LX800 with 500 MHz
Control L65: Intel Celeron M with 1.0 GHz
Control L85: Intel Core2Duo with 1.2 GHz
Min. 256 MByte DRAM and min. 256 kByte RDS
8 or 16 MByte SRAM battery buffered
Control L25:
Min. 128 MByte DRAM and min. 256 kByte RDS
Rexroth PC104
Interface to I/O terminals
Communication interfa‐ ces
(on L45, L65 and L85)
Communication interfa‐ ces
(on L25)
Ready Contact 1 × single-pin ready contact
Rexroth Inline interface
1 × Ethernet connection (RJ 45, 10Base-T, 100Base-TX)
1 × third generation sercos master/slave interface
1 × PROFIBUS DP master/slave interface
2 × Ethernet connection (RJ 45, 10Base-T, 100 Base-TX) for TCP/IP or RT Ethernet (PROFINET RT or EtherNet/IP)
1 × Ethernet connection (RJ 45, 10/100 base-T)
1 × third generation sercos master/slave interface
Alternative option to the sercos master/slave inter‐ face
- 1 × PROFIBUS DP master/slave interface or
- 2 × Ethernet connection (RJ 45, 10Base-T, 100 Base-TX) for TCP/IP or RT Ethernet (PROFINET RT or EtherNet/IP)
Digital inputs and out‐ puts (only on L45, L65 and L85)
Weight 1.8 kg
RDS - Remanent Data Storage
8 × electrically isolated digital inputs
8 × electrically isolated digital outputs
Remanent data is automatically written to the Compact Flash card after loss of voltage and is restored after rebooting the control.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P
Technical Data
Voltage supply and current, power
Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls
Degree of protection IP 20
Dimensions See chapter 10.2 "Housing Dimensions" on page 26
Fig.7-1: Technical data
The control is supplied with 24 V. The following values according to DIN EN 61131-2 apply to the operating voltage:
Nominal voltage DC 24 V
Tolerance -15 %, +20 % (without residual ripple)
Residual ripple ±5 %
Power consumption of the controls from ULS at nominal voltage and all connected
function modules and Inline terminals
Current consumption of the controls from UM and U
Power consumption (typically) of the con‐ trols (without connected I/O and function modules)
30 V
19.2 V
Control L25: 2 A max.
Control L 45: 2.6 A max.
Control L65: 3.0 A max.
Control L85: 3.0 A max.
Max. 8 A in total
Control L25: 8.7 W
Control L45: 14 W
Control L65: 18 W
Control L85: 21 W
Fig.7-2: Operating voltage and current, power consumption
Three operating voltages (segment voltage US, the supply voltage ULS and the main voltage UM) are to be applied to the control, see also chapter 10.7.4
"24 V Voltage Supply" on page 40.
Possible production failures due to malfunc‐ tions caused by feed backwards due to un‐ connected ground terminal.
Ensure that a ground terminal is always connected. In this way malfunctions that are caused by feed backwards via I/O signals can be avoided.
DOK-CONTRL-IC*LX5*****-IT01-EN-P Rexroth IndraControl L25, L45, L65 and L85 Controls

8 Standards

8.1 Used Standards

Standard Description
DIN EN 60 204-1 Electrical equipment of machines
DIN EN 61 131-2 Programmable logic controllers
DIN EN 60 529 Degrees of protection (including housings and installa‐
UL 508 Industrial Control Equipment
Fig.8-1: Used standards

8.2 CE Mark

Bosch Rexroth AG 19/65
Equipment and tests requirements
tion compartments)

8.2.1 Declaration of Conformity

The electronic products described in these instructions comply with the re‐ quirements and targets of the following EU Directive and with the harmonized European standards:
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
The electronic products described in the present instructions are intended for operation in industrial environments and comply with the following require‐ ments:
Standard Title Issue
DIN EN 61000­6-4
(VDE 0839-6-4 )
DIN EN 61000­6-2
(VDE 0839-6-2 )
Fig.8-2: Standards on the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Part: 6-4: Generic standards – Emission standard for industrial environments (IEC 61000-6-4:2006)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Part: 6-2: Generic standards – Noise immunity for industrial environments (IEC 61000-6-2:2005)
September 2007
March 2006

8.3 UL/CSA Certified

The devices are certified according to
UL508 (Industrial Control Equipment) and
Loss of CE conformity due to changes to the device.
The CE marking is only valid for the device in its delivery status. After having modified the device, the CE conformity is to be veri‐ fied.
+ 47 hidden pages