Bosch Rexroth HAB-4X Operating Instructions Manual

Operating instructions
RE 50170-B/10.08
Material no. R901200926
Bladder-type accumulator
Type HAB..-4X
The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statement concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from their own judgment and obligation of verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.
© This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.
The cover page shows a sample configuration. The delivered product may differ from the picture shown.
The original operating manual was drawn up in the German language.
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BG: Пускането в експлоатация на този продукт може да се извърши едва тогава, когато разполагате с това
упътване за употреба на Вашия език и сте разбрали неговото съдържание. Ако това не е така, обърнете се към Вашия партньор Bosch Rexroth или към компетентен сервиз.Ще го намерите в
CS: Tento výrobek smí být uveden do provozu jedině tehdy, máte-li k dispozici tento návod k obsluze ve své jazykové verzi a rozumíte celému jeho obsahu. Pokud tomu tak není, obraťte se na svou kontaktní osobu u firmy Bosch Rexroth nebo na příslušné servisní středisko. To naleznete také na internetové adrese
DA: Dette produkt må først tages i brug, når du har modtaget og læst driftsvejledningen på dit sprog og har forstået indholdet. Hvis det ikke er tilfældet, bedes du kontakte din kontaktperson hos Bosch Rexroth eller den ansvarlige kundeserviceafdeling. Den kan du finde på hjemmesiden
DE: Die Inbetriebnahme dieses Produkts darf erst dann erfolgen, wenn Sie diese Betriebsanleitung in Ihrer Sprachversion vorliegen und den Inhalt verstanden haben. Ist dies nicht der Fall, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Bosch Rexroth Ansprechpartner oder die zuständige Servicestelle. Diese finden Sie auch unter
EL: Το προϊόν επιτρέπεται να τεθεί σε λειτουργία μόνο εάν διαθέτετε τις παρούσες οδηγίες χρήσης στη γλώσσα σας και εφόσον έχετε κατανοήσει το περιεχόμενό τους. Εάν δεν πληρούνται αυτές οι προϋποθέσεις, απευθυνθείτε στους κατά τόπους αντιπροσώπους της Bosch Rexroth ή σε κάποιο εξουσιοδοτημένο σέρβις. Για τα σχετικά στοιχεία επισκεφτείτε την ιστοσελίδα
EN: This product may only be commissioned if these operating instructions are available to you in your language version and if you have understood its content. If this is not the case, please contact your Bosch Rexroth contact partner or the responsible service point. You can also find them under
ES: La puesta en servicio de este producto únicamente podrá realizarse cuando disponga de las instrucciones de servicio
en su idioma y haya entendido su contenido. En caso contrario, diríjase a su persona de contacto de Bosch Rexroth o al
servicio técnico competente, que podrá encontrar también en la dirección
ET: Toodet tohib kasutada ainult siis, kui teil on käesolevast kasutusjuhendist oma emakeelne versioon ja te saate selle sisust aru. Kui see nii ei ole, pöörduge oma Bosch Rexrothi esindaja või vastava teeninduse poole. Nende kontaktandmed leiate aadressilt
FI: Älä ota tuotetta käyttöön ennen kuin olet saanut käyttöohjeen omalla kielelläsi ja ymmärrät sen sisällön. Ota muussa tapauksessa yhteyttä Bosch Rexroth -yhteyshenkilöösi tai valtuutettuun huoltoliikkeeseen. Yhteystiedot löydät osoitteesta
FR: Ce produit ne doit être mis en service que lorsque vous disposez des présentes instructions de service en votre langue et que vous avez compris son contenu. Si cela n‘est pas le cas, veuillez vous adresser à votre interlocuteur Bosch Rexroth ou au service compétent. Vous trouvez les coordonnées également sur le site
HU: A terméket csak akkor helyezheti üzembe, ha rendelkezik magyar nyelvű használati útmutatóval, és annak tartalmát megértette. Egyéb esetben forduljon a Bosch Rexroth kapcsolattartójához vagy az illetékes szervizhez. Ezeket is megtalálja az alábbi címen:
IT: La messa in servizio di questo prodotto può essere eseguita solo se si dispone del presente manuale d‘uso nella propria
lingua e se ne è stato compreso il contenuto. In caso contrario rivolgersi al referente Bosch Rexroth o al punto di assistenza competente. Questi sono anche riportati sul sito
LT: Pradėti naudoti šį produktą leidžiama tik turint šią vartotojo instrukciją Jums suprantama kalba. Jei instrukcijos nesuprantate, prašome kreiptis į savo Bosch Rexroth konsultantą arba atsakingą aptarnavimo tarnybą. Informaciją apie juos
rasite adresu
LV: Šīs ierīces ekspluatāciju drīkst sākt tikai tad, ja šī ekspluatācijas instrukcija Jums ir pieejama Jūsu valodā un Jūs esat izpratis tās saturu. Pretējā gadījumā lūdzam vērsties pie attiecīgās „Bosch Rexroth“ kontaktpersonas vai kompetentā servisa dienestā. Nepieciešamā informācija ir pieejama arī mūsu mājas lapā internetā
NL: U mag het product pas in bedrijf stellen, nadat u de bedieningshandleiding in uw taal in handen en de inhoud daarvan begrepen heeft. Is dit niet het geval, neem dan a.u.b. contact op met uw Bosch Rexroth contactpersoon of de servicepartner. Deze vindt u ook op
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NO: Dette produktet må ikke tas i bruk før du har mottatt og lest bruksanvisningen på ditt språk, og forstått innholdet. Hvis
dette ikke er tilfellet, ta kontakt med din kontaktperson hos Bosch Rexroth eller ansvarlig kundeserviceavdeling. Den kan du finne på
PL: Przed uruchomieniem niniejszego produktu należy zapoznać się z instrukcją obsługi w odpowiedniej wersji językowej. W przypadku, gdy nie dołączono instrukcji w danym języku, należy zwrócić się z zapytaniem do osoby kontaktowej Bosch Rexroth lub do odpowiedniego punktu obsługi. Listę takich punktów można znaleźć na stronie
PT: A colocação em funcionamento deste produto apenas pode ser efectuada, quando tiver o manual de instruções na sua língua e se tiver compreendido o conteúdo do mesmo. Se não for esse o caso, dirija-se à sua pessoa de contacto da Bosch
Rexroth ou ao respectivo ponto de assistência. Encontra-os em
RO: Aveţi voie să puneţi în funcţiune acest produs, doar după ce aţi primit acest manual de utilizare în limba dumneavoastră şi aţi înţeles conţinutul său. Dacă aceste condiţii nu sunt îndeplinite, adresaţi-vă persoanei dumneavoastră de contact de la Bosch Rexroth sau la service-ul Bosch Rexroth competent. Găsiţi aceste service-uri la
RU: Ввод в эксплуатацию данного продукта разрешен только тогда, когда это руководство по эксплуатации будет получено Вами на русском языке и усвоено Вами. Если у Вас нет руководства по эксплуатации, обратитесь, пожалуйста, к ответственному за Ваш регион представителю Bosch Rexroth или в соответствующий сервисный центр. Его Вы найдете на сайте
SK: Tento výrobok sa smie uviesť do prevádzky až vtedy, keď ste dostali tento návod na prevádzku k dispozícii vo vašej jazykovej mutácii a obsahu ste porozumeli. V opačnom prípade sa, prosím, obráťte na vašu kontaktnú osobu v Bosch Rexroth alebo na zodpovedné servisné miesto. Nájdete ich tiež na
SL: Z uporabo tega izdelka lahko pričnete šele, ko ste prebrali ta navodila za uporabo v vašem jeziku in razumeli njihovo vsebino. Če navodila za uporabo niso na voljo v vašem jeziku, vas prosimo, da se obrnete na kontaktno osebo podjetja Bosch Rexroth oz. pooblaščeni servis. Te lahko najdete tudi na
SV: Denna produkt får inte tas i drift förrän du har mottagit en bruksanvisning på ditt språk och förstått innehållet i den. Om detta inte är fallet ber vi dig kontakta din kontaktperson på Bosch Rexroth eller ansvarig kundservice. Dessa hittar du också på
ZH: 使用该产品前,请您确保已拥有一份贵国语言版使用说明书并已理解其内容。如果尚未拥有,请向博世力士乐合作伙伴或 相关服务部门索取,也可登录 下载。
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1 About this manual ...........................................................................................6
1.1 Related documentation .............................................................................6
1.2 Abbreviations used ...................................................................................6
1.3 Signs and symbols used ...........................................................................6
2 Principle safety instructions .......................................................................... 7
2.1 Intended use ............................................................................................. 8
2.2 Non-intended use......................................................................................8
2.3 Qualification of staff ..................................................................................8
2.4 You have to observe the following ............................................................9
2.5 Obligations of the operator......................................................................11
3 Scope of delivery .......................................................................................... 12
4 Product description ......................................................................................12
4.1 Performance and device description.......................................................12
4.2 Identification of the bladder-type accumulator ........................................ 14
5 Transport and storage .................................................................................. 15
5.1 Transport of the bladder-type accumulator .............................................15
5.2 Storage of the bladder-type accumulator ................................................ 16
6 Installation .....................................................................................................16
6.1 Unpacking ...............................................................................................16
6.2 Installation conditions..............................................................................17
6.3 Required tools .........................................................................................17
6.4 Installation of the bladder-type accumulator ........................................... 18
7 Commissioning .............................................................................................22
7.1 Preparation of the commissioning...........................................................23
7.2 Initial commissioning ............................................................................... 23
7.3 Recommissioning after non-operational periods.....................................24
8 Operation .......................................................................................................25
9 Maintenance and servicing ..........................................................................25
9.1 Maintenance ...........................................................................................25
9.2 Servicing ................................................................................................. 27
9.3 Spare parts list ........................................................................................28
10 Decommissioning .........................................................................................28
11 Disassembly and replacement ....................................................................28
11.1 Required tools .........................................................................................28
11.2 Preparation of the disassembly...............................................................29
11.3 Realization of the disassembly ...............................................................29
12 Disposal .........................................................................................................30
12.1 Environmental protection ........................................................................30
13 Extension and transformation .....................................................................31
14 Fault finding and troubleshooting ...............................................................31
14.1 Fault finding procedure ...........................................................................31
14.2 Fault table ...............................................................................................32
15 Technical data ...............................................................................................33
16 Appendix ........................................................................................................33
16.1 Address register ......................................................................................33
16.2 Accessories.............................................................................................33
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About this manual

About this manual1
This manual contains information about the safe and appropriate transport, installation, commissioning, maintenance, disassembly and independent troubleshooting of simple malfunctions of the HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator.
Please read this manual thoroughly, particularly chapter 2 on "Principle safety instructions", before working with the HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator.

Related documentation1.1

The HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator is a machine and system component.
Please also observe the manuals of the other machine and system f
components as well as the documentation provided by the machine or system manufacturer.
Please also observe the following documentations: f
Related documentationTable 1:
Documentation Content
Data sheet RE 50170 Technical data, operating conditions, limits of performance,
project planning information concerning HAB..-4X bladder-type
accumulators Data sheet RE 07008 General information on hydraulic products Data sheet RE 07900 General information on the installation, commissioning and
maintenance of hydraulic systems Data sheet RE 90220 General information on hydraulic fluids on mineral oil basis
You can find this operating manual as well as the related documentation in the media directory under\various\utilities\mediadirectory.
Please also observe the generally valid legal and other relevant provisions f
of the European and/or national legislation as well as the provisions on the prevention of accidents and on environmental protection valid in your country.

Abbreviations used1.2

AbbreviationsTable 2:
Abbreviation Meaning
Type HAB..-4X HAB bladder-type accumulator, series 4X RD Rexroth document in the German language Rx Rexroth document in a different language

Signs and symbols used1.3

This manual uses the following signs and symbols:
Activity symbol: The text following this sign describes activities that can be f
performed in any order.
Numbered activities: The text following this sign describes activities that are to 1.
be performed in the order indicated.
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Principle safety instructions

The indented text given after activities/an activity describes their/its result.
1st category bullet point
2nd category bullet point
This pictogram is used to mark important information and remarks. The text contains useful information you should particularly observe, since it improves
the operating sequence or is required as background information!
In this manual, warning notices can be found before an instruction if there is a risk for personal injuries or material damage. The measures described for the prevention of danger have to be complied with.
Warning notices are structured as follows:
Type of danger
Prevention measure f
Warning sign (warning triangle): Draws attention to the danger Signal word: Indicates the severity of the danger Type of danger: Indicates the type or source of the danger Consequences: Describes the consequences in case of non-compliance Prevention measure: Indicates how the danger can be avoided
The signal words have the following meanings:
Meaning of signal wordsTable 3:
Signal word Application
Marks an immediately threatening great danger which will cause severe injuries or even death, if it is not prevented.
Marks a potential danger which may cause severe injuries or even death, if it is not prevented.
Points out to a potentially dangerous situation which may cause
moderate and minor injuries or material damage, if it is not prevented.
If this information is not observed, this may lead to deteriorations in
the operating sequence.
Principle safety instructions2
The HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator was manufactured according to the state of the art. Nevertheless, there is a risk of personal injuries and material damage, if you do not observe the following principle safety instructions and the warning notices given before instructions in this manual.
Warning notices
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Principle safety instructions
Read this manual thoroughly and completely, before working with the f HAB..- 4X bladder-type accumulator.
Keep the manual so that it is accessible for all users at all times. f

Intended use2.1

Rexroth bladder-type accumulators are intended to be built in hydraulic drive systems for the purposes of energy storage, shock and vibration absorption, compensation of leakage losses or volume compensation.
Bladder-type accumulators are pressure equipments in the sense of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
The HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator is exclusively intended to be built in a machine and/or system or to be assembled with other components to form a machine and/or system.
For the project planning, the principles of the Pressure Equipment Directive and
the Machinery Directive, within the EU, as well as other local provisions, outside the EU, are to be observed.
The bladder-type accumulator must only be put into operation, if it is built into the machine/system it is intended for and after it was confirmed that the machine/
system complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive, the Pressure Equipment Directive and other locally applicable provisions.
Observe the technical data, operating conditions and limits of performance indicated in the data sheet RE 50170.
Repair works must only be carried out by the manufacturer or by authorized dealers and agencies. If this condition is not complied with, the warranty expires.
The HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator is a technical working device and not intended for any private use.
The intended use also includes that you have completely read and understood
this operating manual and particularly chapter 2 "Principle safety instructions".

Non-intended use2.2

Non-intended use is any use of the HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator other than
the use described in the chapter "Intended use".
The bladder-type accumulator must not be modified in any way whatsoever;
otherwise the warranty expires! This is particularly true for welding and soldering
works, mechanical machining or the installation or addition of non-original replacement or other accessory parts. The operating pressure of the bladder-type accumulator must not exceed the maximum operating pressure indicated in the technical data sheet. The bladder-type accumulator must not be charged with a gas other than nitrogen
99.99 percent by volume. The bladder-type accumulator must not be operated with group 1 hydraulic fluids (explosive, inflammable, fire-accelerating, toxic) or with corrosive fluids.

Qualification of staff2.3

The installation, commissioning, disassembly and servicing (including
maintenance and care) require basic mechanical and hydraulic knowledge as well
as knowledge of the corresponding technical terms. In order to ensure operational
safety, these activities may therefore only be carried out by qualified skilled or
instructed persons or under the guidance of a skilled person.
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Principle safety instructions
Persons are regarded as skilled if, due to their professional training, their know-
how and their experience as well as their knowledge of the relevant provisions, they can assess the works assigned to them, recognize possible dangers and take suitable safety measures. A skilled person has to observe the relevant specific professional provisions.

You have to observe the following2.4

• Observe the provisions on accident prevention and environmental protection
valid in your country and at the workplace. Only use Rexroth products, when they are in a technically perfect condition. Check the product for obvious defects. You may principally not modify or reconstruct the HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator. Only use the HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator in the performance range
which is specified in the technical data sheet RE 50170 and on the type cap. Persons who install, operate, disassemble, or maintain Bosch Rexroth products
must not be under the influence of alcohol, other drugs or medications that could affect their ability to react.
The HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator may strongly heat up during operation. Let cool down the bladder-type accumulator before touching it. If this is not possible, protect yourself by means of heat-resistant protective clothing, e.g. gloves.
The warranty only applies to the delivered configuration. In case of incorrect installation, non-intended use and/or improper handling, the
warranty expires. Make sure at all times that the bladder-type accumulator is positioned safely
and secured against unintended rolling or falling. Never load the product mechanically in an improper way:
Do not place any objects on the product. – Never use the product as a handle or step. – Do not apply further loads.
Bladder-type accumulators may fall during transport. Due to their weight, this is
associated with a risk of considerable injuries. When bladder-type accumulators with a capacity of 10 l or more are lifted, there
is a risk of personal injuries due to their weight. Use appropriate lifting gear for the transport of bladder-type accumulators.
• Always depressurize and de-energize the relevant part of the system prior to
installing a bladder-type accumulator. Secure the system against restarting. For
this, always observe the operating manual and other technical documentation relating to the system.
Never carry out any welding, soldering or mechanical works on the bladder-type accumulator.
Before installing the bladder-type accumulator, check it for transport damage. Make sure that the sealing and the sealing surface of the fluid connection are intact. During installation, ensure utmost cleanliness in order to avoid that dirt may
penetrate the hydraulic lines and lead to wear and tear, malfunctions or a complete failure.
General remarks
During transport
During installation
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Principle safety instructions
Allow the product to acclimatize for some hours prior to installation, since otherwise condensed water may be generated.
Secure the bladder-type accumulator against unintended rolling or falling during installation in order to avoid any personal injuries or material damage to the bladder-type accumulator.
Fasten the bladder-type accumulator safely by means of mounting clamps according to RE 50170 in order to relieve the pipe union and in order to avoid loosening or damage due to vibrations.
Immediately wipe off any oil leaking during installation in order to avoid a slip hazard.
• Make sure that the system is depressurized before charging the bladder-type
accumulator with nitrogen. Only charge the bladder-type accumulator with nitrogen 99.99 percent by
volume. If the bladder-type accumulator is charged with different gases ­particularly with air or oxygen -, the bladder-type accumulator might explode.
Always use the charging and test device according to RE 50170 for charging the bladder-type accumulator.
Do not put into operation the product, unless it is completely installed. Always observe the operating manual of the machine/system.
• Within the framework of the intended use of the hydraulics system, only authorized
personnel may operate the adjustment elements of components and parts. Restrict the access to the direct operating area of the system to persons
authorized by the operator. This is also valid, when the system is at standstill. Make sure that the type cap is always installed and legible. Otherwise, further
operation is not allowed. In case of an emergency, an error or other irregularities, switch off the system
and secure it against restarting. The bladder-type accumulator must not be operated with corrosive fluids.
Otherwise, there is a risk of reduction of the wall thickness and thus a danger of bursting for the pressure vessel.
Make sure that no forces are applied to the bladder-type accumulator. The effects of external forces may lead to damage on the oil connection and the uncontrolled release of pressurized fluids.
Make sure that the ambient temperature of the bladder-type accumulator does not exceed or fall short of the ambient temperature indicated in the technical data or on the type cap.
• Close the fluid connection and cover the gas port by means of the cover cap
provided. Never use solvents or aggressive cleaning agents. Only clean the bladder-type accumulator with a dry non-fiber cloth. Do not use pressure washers to clean it.
• The operator is obliged to submit the bladder-type accumulator to regular
inspections according to the locally applicable provisions. Check which provisions or ordinances are to be complied with in your country and/or for your application.
Repair works on the HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator must only be carried out by the manufacturer or by authorized dealers and agencies. If this condition is not complied with, the warranty expires.
During commissioning
During operation
During cleaning
During maintenance and
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Principle safety instructions
Carry out the maintenance works prescribed at the intervals stipulated in the operating manual of the entire system. If no other instructions are given, we
recommend maintenance intervals according to chapter 9.1 “Maintenance”.
Make sure that the hose lines, connections and components are not loosened as long as the system is pressurized and energized or that the bladder-type accumulator is
not still under hydraulic pressure. Secure the system against restarting. Secure the bladder-type accumulator against unintended falling or rolling.
For the discharging of the bladder-type accumulator, always use the charging and test device according to RE 50170. The uncontrolled release of charging gas results in a risk of suffocation and a risk of injury due to entrained components. During discharge, make sure that the working space is sufficiently ventilated.
Always use the charging and test device according to RE 50170 for the charging of the bladder-type accumulator.
Only charge the bladder-type accumulator with nitrogen 99.99 percent by volume. If the bladder-type accumulator is charged with a gas not complying with the intended use, the bladder-type accumulator might explode.
After the servicing works are completed, make sure that the fluid connection is correctly connected again and the gas port is covered.
• Make sure that the hose lines, connections and components are not loosened
as long as the system is pressurized and energized or that the bladder-type
accumulator is not still under hydraulic pressure. Secure the system against
restarting. For the discharging of the bladder-type accumulator, always use the charging
and test device according to RE 50170. The uncontrolled release of charging gas results in a risk of suffocation and a risk of injury due to entrained components. During discharge, make sure that the working space is sufficiently ventilated.
When bladder-type accumulators with a capacity of 10 l or more are disassembled, there is a risk of personal injuries due to their weight. Use appropriate lifting gear for the disassembly of bladder-type accumulators.
Put down the bladder-type accumulator safely and secure it against unintended rolling or falling in order to avoid any injuries or damage.
If a bladder-type accumulator can no longer be used, make the housing unserviceable by drilling through the vessel wall in the cylindrical area in order to thus avoid that the pressure vessel be reused.
• Dispose of the hydraulic fluid according to the provisions valid in your country
as well as according to the safety data sheets of the hydraulic fluids.

Obligations of the operator2.5

The bladder-type accumulator is supplied ex works with a primer coat. The operator is responsible for assuring a sufficient corrosion protection
corresponding to the ambient conditions and requirements.
The operator of the Bosch Rexroth products must instruct their staff at regular
intervals regarding the following subjects:
Observation of and compliance with the operating manual as well as legal provisions Intended use of the product Compliance with instructions of the company safety policy and the operating
instructions from the manufacturer
During decommissioning
During disposal
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