Bosch Rexroth EFC 3600 Operating Instructions Manual

Electric Drives and Controls
Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies
Pneumatics Service
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
R912003768 Edition 01
Operating Instructions
Title Rexroth Frequency Converter
EFC 3600
Type of Documentation Operating Instructions
Document Typecode DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P
Internal File Reference RS-9fc09331c365acb30a6846a000d53c8a-1-en-US-19
Record of Revision
Edition Release Date Notes DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P 2013/01 First Edition
Copyright © Bosch Rexroth (Xi'an) Electric Drives and Controls Co., Ltd. 2013
Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the con‐ tents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable for the pay‐ ment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN 34-1).
Validity The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not be deemed to
be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and the availability of the product.
Published by Bosch Rexroth (Xi'an) Electric Drives and Controls Co., Ltd.
Shangji Road 3999, Economic and Technological Development Zone, 710021 Xi'an, P.R. China
Tel. +49 (0) 9352 40 5060 Fax +49 (0) 9352 18 4941
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
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Bosch Rexroth AG
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Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to the Documentation................................... 9
2 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls....... 10
2.1 General Information....................................................................................... 10
2.2 Qualifications of Operating Personnel........................................................... 11
2.3 Declarations on Property Loss and Product Damage................................... 11
2.4 Explanation of Safety Symbols and Degrees of Hazard Seriousness.......... 12
2.5 Hazards by Improper Use............................................................................. 12
2.6 Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers................................................ 13
2.7 Protection Against Electric Shock by Protective Low Voltage (PELV).......... 15
2.8 Protection Against Dangerous Movements................................................... 15
2.9 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Operation
and Mounting................................................................................................. 16
2.10 Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts.................................................... 17
2.11 Protection During Handling and Mounting..................................................... 18
3 Important Directions for Use.......................................... 19
3.1 Appropriate Use............................................................................................ 19
3.2 Inappropriate Use.......................................................................................... 19
4 Delivery and Storage..................................................... 20
4.1 Product Identification..................................................................................... 20
4.2 The Scope of Supply..................................................................................... 21
4.3 Transport of the Components........................................................................ 22
4.4 Storage of the Components.......................................................................... 22
5 Mounting and Installation............................................... 23
5.1 EFC 3600 Dimensions Figure....................................................................... 23
5.2 EFC 3600 Dimensions.................................................................................. 25
5.3 EFC 3600 Mounting...................................................................................... 26
5.4 Block Diagram............................................................................................... 28
5.5 Notes on Main Circuit Wiring......................................................................... 30
5.6 Main Circuit Wiring Diagram.......................................................................... 32
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Table of Contents
5.7 Main Circuit Terminals................................................................................... 33
5.8 Main Circuit Terminals Description................................................................ 33
5.9 Cable and Fuse Dimensions......................................................................... 34
5.10 Main Circuit Wiring Steps.............................................................................. 36
5.11 Notes on Control Circuit Wiring..................................................................... 37
5.12 Control Circuit Terminals............................................................................... 37
5.13 Control Circuit Terminals Description............................................................ 38
5.14 NPN / PNP Switch SW for the Digital Inputs................................................. 39
5.15 NPN and PNP Modes.................................................................................... 40
5.16 Analog Input Terminals(+10 V, Vr1, GND,+I)........................................... 41
5.17 Recommendations on Control Circuit Wiring................................................ 41
5.18 Control Circuit Wiring Steps.......................................................................... 42
6 Operating Panel............................................................. 43
6.1 Figure and Description.................................................................................. 43
6.2 Seven-segment Display................................................................................ 43
6.3 LED Indicator................................................................................................. 44
6.4 Menu Structure.............................................................................................. 45
6.5 Example of Operating Panel Operation......................................................... 46
7 Commissioning.............................................................. 47
7.1 Checking and Preparation before Commissioning........................................ 47
7.2 Commissioning Process................................................................................ 48
7.3 EFC 3600 Basic Parameter Fast Settings..................................................... 50
7.4 Restore Parameters to Factory Defaults....................................................... 51
7.5 Solutions for Simple Faults during Commissioning....................................... 52
8 Parameter Settings........................................................ 53
8.1 Group b0: System Parameters...................................................................... 53
8.2 Group b1: Basic Parameters......................................................................... 59
8.3 Group S0: V/F control.................................................................................... 73
8.4 Group S2: Motor and Encoder Parameters................................................... 82
8.5 Group S3: Running Parameters.................................................................... 85
8.6 Group E0: Input Terminal Parameters.......................................................... 91
8.7 Group E1: Output Terminal Parameters...................................................... 100
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Table of Contents
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
8.8 Group E2: Multi-speed and Simple PLC..................................................... 107
8.9 Group E3: PID Control................................................................................ 111
8.10 Group E4: Error and Protection................................................................... 115
8.11 Group H0: Communication.......................................................................... 122
9 Diagnosis..................................................................... 124
9.1 Diagnosis Messages when Booting the Device.......................................... 124
9.2 Diagnosis on Parameter Operation............................................................. 124
9.3 Diagnosis for Power Down/Drop................................................................. 126
9.4 Diagnosis on Warnings............................................................................... 127
9.5 Diagnosis on Errors..................................................................................... 128
10 Technical Data............................................................. 141
10.1 General Technical Data............................................................................... 141
10.2 Electrical Parameter.................................................................................... 144
10.3 Derating of Electrical Data........................................................................... 145
11 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).......................... 147
11.1 EMC Requirements..................................................................................... 147
11.2 Ensuring the EMC Requirements................................................................ 154
11.3 EMC Measures for Design and Installation................................................. 156
12 Accessories................................................................. 166
12.1 Brake Resistor............................................................................................. 166
12.2 Communication Interface............................................................................ 171
12.3 Accessories for Control Cabinet Mounting.................................................. 171
13 Communication Protocols............................................ 172
13.1 Brief Introduction......................................................................................... 172
13.2 ModBus Protocol......................................................................................... 172
14 Maintenance................................................................ 187
14.1 Safety Instructions....................................................................................... 187
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14.2 Daily Inspection........................................................................................... 187
14.3 Periodic Inspection...................................................................................... 188
14.4 Operating Panel Removal and Mounting.................................................... 189
14.5 Fan Removal and Mounting........................................................................ 191
15 Service and Support.................................................... 193
16 Disposal and Environmental Protection....................... 194
16.1 Disposal....................................................................................................... 194
16.2 Environmental Protection............................................................................ 194
17 Appendix...................................................................... 195
17.1 Appendix 1: Abbreviations........................................................................... 195
17.2 Appendix 2: Parameter List......................................................................... 195
17.3 Appendix 3: Type Coding............................................................................ 225
Index............................................................................ 231
Bosch Rexroth AG
Table of Contents
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
1 Introduction to the Documentation
Personal injury and property damage caused by in‐ correct operations of applications, machines and in‐ stallations!
Do not attempt to install or put these products into operation until you have completely read, understood and observed the documents supplied with the product.
If no documents in your language were supplied, please consult your Bosch Rexroth sales partner.
Chapters and Contents
Chapter Title Description
1 Introduction to the Documentation Overview
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Safety cautions
3 Important Directions for Use 4 Delivery and Storage
Product information
5 Mounting and Installation 6 Operating Panel
Actual applications (for operators and repairers)
7 Commissioning 8 Parameter Settings
9 Diagnosis 10 Technical Data 11 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 12 Accessories 13 Communication Protocols 14 Maintenance Maintenance information 15 Service and Support Service information 16 Disposal and Environmental Protection Environmental information 17 Appendix Additional information
Index Index information ‑ Notes Notes section
Fig.1-1: Chapters and contents
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Introduction to the Documentation
Feedback Your experience is important for us to improve products and this Operating Instructions.
We will be pleased to receive your feedback on any mistake or request for variation. Please send your feedback via email to:
2 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Con‐
2.1 General Information
Read and understand these safety instructions and all user documentation prior to working with the device. If you do not have the user documentation for the device, con‐ tact your responsible Bosch Rexroth sales representative or check www.boschrex‐ for available downloads of Safety Notes and
Operating Instructions. If the device is resold, rented and/or passed on to others in any other form, then these safety instructions (official language version of the user) must be delivered with the device.
Improper use of these devices, failure to follow the safety instructions in this document or tampering with the product, including disabling of safety devi‐ ces, may result in material damage, bodily harm, electric shock or even death!
Read these instructions before the initial start-up of the equipment in order to eliminate the risk of bodily harm or material damage. Follow these safety instructions at all times. Bosch Rexroth is not liable for damages resulting from failure to observe the warnings provided in this documentation.
● The devices have been designed for installation in industrial machinery.
● Proper and correct transport, storage, assembly and installation as well as care in operation and maintenance are prerequisites for optimal and safe operation of this device.
● Only use spare parts and accessories approved by the manufacturer.
● The information given in the documentation of the product with regard to the use of the delivered components contains only examples of applications and suggestions.
● Follow all safety regulations and requirements for the specific application as prac‐ ticed in the country of use.
● The ambient conditions given in the product documentation must be observed.
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Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
● The machine and installation manufacturer must – make sure that the delivered components are suited for each individual applica‐
tion and check the information given in this document with regard to the use of the components.
– make sure that this application complies with the applicable safety regulations
and standards and carry out required measures, modifications and complements.
● Start-up of the delivered components is only permitted after the machine or installa‐ tion in which they are installed complies with the national standards, safety instruc‐ tions and application standards.
● Operation is only permitted if the national EMC standards for the application are met.
● The machine or installation manufacturer is responsible for compliance with the limit‐ ing values as prescribed in national standards.
Technical data, connections and operational conditions are specified in the product documentation and must be followed at all times.
2.2 Qualifications of Operating Personnel
● Only assign trained and qualified persons to work with electrical installations.
● Only persons who are trained and qualified for the use and operation of the device may work on this device or within its proximity. They need to have adequate knowl‐ edge in product assembly, mounting and operation. They are capable of understand‐ ing all warning messages marked in the instructions and respective prevention measures.
● Furthermore, they must be trained, instructed and qualified to switch electrical cir‐ cuits and devices on and off in accordance with technical safety regulations and to mark them according to the requirements of safe work practices. They must have adequate safety equipment and be trained in first aid.
2.3 Declarations on Property Loss and Product Damage
● Safety-relevant are all such applications which can cause danger to persons and material damage.
● Only use safety-relevant applications that are clearly and explicitly approved in the Operating Instructions. If this is not the case, they are excluded.
● Read the operating, maintenance and safety instructions in your language before starting up the machine. If you find that you cannot completely understand the docu‐ mentation for your product, please ask your supplier to clarify.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
2.4 Explanation of Safety Symbols and Degrees of Hazard Se‐ riousness
The safety instructions describe the following degrees of hazard seriousness. The de‐ gree of hazard seriousness informs about the consequences resulting from non-compli‐ ance with the safety instructions.
Safety Symbols Degree of Hazard Seriousness
Death or severe bodily harm will occur.
Death or severe bodily harm may occur.
Minor or moderate injury or property damage may occur.
Fig.2-1: Safety symbols and degree of hazard
2.5 Hazards by Improper Use
High electric voltage and high working current! Risk of death or severe bodily injury by electric shock!
Dangerous movements! Danger to life, severe bodi‐ ly harm or material damage by unintentional motor movements!
High electric voltage because of incorrect connec‐ tion! Risk of death or bodily injury by electric shock!
Health hazard to persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids in proximity to elec‐ trical equipment!
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Hot surfaces on device housing! Danger of injury! Danger of burns!
Risk of injury by improper handling! Risk of bodily injury by bruising, shearing, cutting, hitting, or im‐ proper handling of pressurized lines!
2.6 Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers
Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts
This section only concerns devices and drive components with voltages of more than 50 V. Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 V can cause personal danger and electric shock. When operating electrical equipment, it is unavoidable that some parts of the devices conduct dan‐ gerous voltage.
High electrical voltage! Danger to life, electric shock and severe bodily injury!
● Only those trained and qualified to work with or on electrical equipment are permit‐ ted to operate, maintain and repair this equipment.
● Follow general construction and safety regulations when working on electrical power installations.
● Before switching on the device, the equipment grounding conductor must have been non-detachably connected to all electrical equipment in accordance with the connec‐ tion diagram.
● Do not operate electrical equipment at any time, even for brief measurements or tests, if the equipment grounding conductor is not permanently connected to the mounting points of the components provided for this purpose.
● Before working with electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than 50 V, the de‐ vice must be disconnected from the mains voltage or power supply unit.
● With electrical drive and filter components, observe the following: – Wait for 10 minutes after switching off power to allow capacitors to discharge be‐
fore beginning to work.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
– Measure the voltage on the capacitors before beginning to work to make sure that
the equipment is safe to touch.
● Never touch the electrical connection points of a component while power is turned on.
● Install the covers and guards provided with the equipment properly before switching the device on. Before switching the equipment on, cover and safeguard live parts safely to prevent contact with those parts.
● A residual-current-operated circuit-breaker cannot be used for electric drives! Indi‐ rect contact must be prevented by other means, for example, by an over current pro‐ tective device according to the relevant standards.
● Secure built-in devices from direct touching of electrical parts by providing an exter‐ nal housing. For example: a control cabinet.
Always observe the above requirements, in accordance with relevant inter‐ national standards.
With electrical drive and filter components, observe the following:
High housing voltage and large leakage current! Risk of death or bodily injury by electric shock!
● Before switching on, the housings of all electrical equipment and motors must be connected or grounded with the equipment grounding conductor to the grounding points. This is also applicable before short tests.
● The equipment grounding conductor of the electrical equipment and the units must be non-detachably and permanently connected to the power supply unit at all times.
● Over the total length, use copper wire of a cross section of a minimum of 10 mm2 for this equipment grounding connection!
● Before start-up, also in trial runs, always attach the equipment grounding conductor or connect with the ground wire. Otherwise, high voltages may occur at the housing causing electric shock.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
2.7 Protection Against Electric Shock by Protective Low Volt‐ age (PELV)
High electric voltage by incorrect connection! Risk of death or bodily injury by electric shock!
● To all connections and terminals with voltages between 0 and 50 V, only devices,
electrical components, and conductors may be connected which are equipped with a PELV (Protective Extra-Low Voltage) system.
● Connect only voltages and circuits which are safely isolated from dangerous voltag‐
es. Safe isolation is achieved for example by isolating transformers, safe optocou‐ plers or battery operation without mains connection.
2.8 Protection Against Dangerous Movements
Dangerous movements can be caused by faulty control of connected motors. Some common examples are:
● Improper or wrong wiring of cable connections
● Incorrect operation of the equipment components
● Wrong input of parameters before operation
● Malfunction of sensors, encoders and monitoring devices
● Defective components
● Software or firmware errors
Dangerous movements can occur immediately after equipment is switched on or even after an unspecified time of trouble-free operation.
The monitoring in the drive components will normally be sufficient to avoid faulty opera‐ tion in the connected drives. Regarding personal safety, especially the danger of bodily harm and material damage, this alone cannot be relied upon to ensure complete safety. Until the integrated monitoring functions become effective, it must be assumed in any case that faulty drive movements will occur. The extent of faulty drive movements de‐ pends upon the type of control and the state of operation.
Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, severe bodily harm or material damage!
● For the above reasons, ensure personal safety by means of qualified and tested
higher-level monitoring devices or measures integrated in the installation. They have to be provided for by the user according to the specific conditions within the installa‐ tion and a hazard and fault analysis. The safety regulations applicable for the instal‐
DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
lation have to be taken into consideration. Unintended machine motion or other mal‐ function is possible if safety devices are disabled, bypassed or not activated.
To avoid accidents, bodily harm and/or material damage:
● Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion and moving parts. Possible measures to prevent people from accidentally entering the machine’s range of mo‐ tion:
– Use safety fences – Use of safety guard (cover) – Use of protective coverings – Install light curtains or light barrier
● Fences and coverings must be strong enough to resist maximum possible momen‐ tum.
● Mount the emergency stop switch in the immediate reach of the operator. Verify that the emergency stop works before start-up. Don’t operate the device if the emergen‐ cy stop is not working.
● Isolate the drive power connection by means of an emergency stop circuit or use a safety related starting lockout to prevent unintentional start.
● Make sure that the drives are brought to a safe standstill before accessing or enter‐ ing the danger zone.
The standard equipment motor brake or an external brake controlled directly by the drive controller are not sufficient to guarantee personal safety!
● Disconnect electrical power to the equipment using a master switch and secure the switch against reconnection for:
– Maintenance and repair work – Cleaning of equipment – Long periods of discontinued equipment use
● Prevent the operation of high-frequency, remote control and radio equipment near electronics circuits and supply leads. If the use of such devices cannot be avoided, verify the system and the installation for possible malfunctions in all possible posi‐ tions of normal use before initial start-up. If necessary, perform a special electro‐ magnetic compatibility (EMC) test on the installation.
2.9 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields
During Operation and Mounting
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors and per‐ manent magnets in motors represent a serious personal danger to those with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids in proximity to elec‐ trical equipment!
● Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not permitted to enter the following areas:
– Areas in which electrical equipment and parts are mounted, being operated or
– Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are being stored, re‐
paired or mounted
● If it is necessary for somebody with a pacemaker to enter such an area, a doctor must be consulted prior to doing so. The interference immunity of present or future implanted heart pacemakers differs greatly, so that no general rules can be given.
● Those with metal implants or metal pieces, as well as with hearing aids must consult a doctor before they enter the areas described above. Otherwise health hazards may occur.
2.10 Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts
Hot surfaces at motor housings, on drive controllers or chokes! Danger of injury! Danger of burns!
● Do not touch surfaces of device housings and chokes in the proximity of heat sour‐ ces! Danger of burns!
● Do not touch housing surfaces of motors! Danger of burns!
● According to operating conditions, temperatures can be higher than 60 °C, 140 °F during or after operation.
● Before accessing motors after having switched them off, let them cool down for a sufficiently long time. Cooling down can require up to 140 minutes! Roughly estima‐ ted, the time required for cooling down is 5 times the thermal time constant specified in the Technical Data.
● After switching drive controllers or chokes off, wait for 15 minutes to allow them to cool down before touching them.
● Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces.
● For certain applications, the manufacturer of the end product, machine or installa‐ tion, according to the respective safety regulations, has to take measures to avoid injuries caused by burns in the end application. These measures can be, for exam‐ ple: warnings, guards (shielding or barrier), technical documentation.
DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
2.11 Protection During Handling and Mounting
In unfavorable conditions, handling and assembling certain parts and components in an improper way can cause injuries.
Risk of injury by improper handling! Risk of bodily injury by bruising, shearing, cutting, hitting, or im‐ proper handling of pressurized lines!
● Observe the general construction and safety regulations on handling and assembly.
● Use suitable devices for assembly and transport.
● Avoid jamming and bruising by appropriate measures.
● Always use suitable tools. Use specific tools in different circumstances.
● Use lifting equipment and tools in the correct manner.
● If necessary, use suitable protective devices (for example safety goggles, safety shoes, safety gloves).
● Do not stand under hanging loads.
● Immediately clean up any spilled liquids because of the danger of skidding.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
3 Important Directions for Use
3.1 Appropriate Use
Bosch Rexroth products represent state-of-the-art developments and manufacturing. They are tested prior to delivery to ensure operating safety and reliability.
The products can only be used in the appropriate way. Otherwise, situations resulting in property damage and personal injury may occur.
Bosch Rexroth as manufacturer is not liable for any damages resulting from inappropriate use. In such cases, the guarantee and the right to pay‐ ment of damages resulting from inappropriate use are forfeited. The user alone carries all responsibility of the risks.
Before using Bosch Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for appro‐ priate use of the products are satisfied.
● Personnel that in any way or form use our products must first read and understand the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with appropriate use.
● If the products take the form of hardware, they must remain in their original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted.
● It is not permitted to decompile software products or alter source codes.
● Do not mount damaged or faulty products or use them in operation.
● Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner described in the rele‐ vant documentation.
3.2 Inappropriate Use
Using the frequency converters outside of the operating conditions described in this manual and outside of the indicated technical data and specifications is defined as "in‐ appropriate use".
Frequency converters shall not be used under following conditions:
● They are subject to operating conditions that do not meet the specified ambient con‐ ditions. These include, for example, operation under water, extreme temperature fluctuations or extremely high temperatures.
● Furthermore, the frequency converters shall not be used in applications which have not been expressly authorized by Rexroth. Please carefully follow the specifications outlined in the general Safety Instructions!
DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Bosch Rexroth AG
Important Directions for Use
4 Delivery and Storage
4.1 Product Identification
4.1.1 Checking Information on Packing Nameplate
Check if the model information on the packing nameplate is the same as you ordered immediately after receipt/unpacking. If the model is wrong, please contact Bosch Rexroth distributor for replacement.
Fig.4-1: Packing nameplate
For the meaning of the typecode, please refer to chapter 17.3 "Appendix
3: Type Coding" on page 225.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Delivery and Storage
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
4.1.2 Checking Information on Frequency Converter Nameplate
Check if the model information on the frequency converter nameplate is the same as you ordered immediately after unpacking. If the model is wrong, please contact Bosch Rexroth distributor for replacement.
Fig.4-2: Frequency converter nameplate
4.1.3 Visual Inspection of the Frequency Converter
Check the unit for transport damages, e.g. deformation or loose parts, immediately af‐ ter unpacking. In case of damage, contact the forwarder at once and arrange for a thor‐ ough review of the situation.
This is also applicable if the packaging is undamaged.
4.2 The Scope of Supply
Standard model
● Frequency Converter EFC 3600, protection class of IP20 (Control cabinet mounting)
● Integrated brake chopper
● Operating panel
● Safety notes
Optional accessories
● Operating instructions
● Brake resistor
● RS232/485 adapter
● Adapter interface connection cable
DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Bosch Rexroth AG
Delivery and Storage
● Operating panel cable for cabinet mounting
4.3 Transport of the Components
Ambient and operating conditions-Transport
Description Symbol Unit Value
Temperature range
-25…70 Relative humidity % 5…95 Absolute humidity
1…60 Climate category (IEC 721) 2K3 Moisture condensation not allowed Icing not allowed
Fig.4-1: Transport conditions
4.4 Storage of the Components
Damage to the components caused by long storage periods!
Some components contain electrolytic capacitors which may deteriorate during storage. When storing these components for a long period of time, remember to operate them
once a year:
● Run frequency converter EFC 3600 under power ULN for at least 1 hour.
● For more information of electrolytic capacitors, please contact service.
Ambient and operating conditions-Storage
Symbol Unit Value
Temperature range
-25…55 Relative humidity % 5…95 Absolute humidity
1…29 Climate category (IEC 721) 1K3 Moisture condensation not allowed Icing not allowed
Fig.4-2: Storage conditions
Bosch Rexroth AG
Delivery and Storage
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
5 Mounting and Installation
5.1 EFC 3600 Dimensions Figure
Fig.5-1: EFC 3600 figure of model A, B and C
DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mounting and Installation
Fig.5-2: EFC 3600 figure of model D
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mounting and Installation
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
5.2 EFC 3600 Dimensions
EFC 3600
type code
Dimensions [mm]
weight [kg]
B b H h h1 Ød D T t
A 0K40-1P2-MDA 90 80 135 125 146 4.5 113 105 5 M4 0.96
95 85 145 135 156 4.5 128 120 5 M4
1.18 0K75-1P2-MDA 1.24 0K75-3P4-MDA 1.26
95 85 185 175 196 4.5 133 125 5 M4
1.61 1K50-3P4-MDA 1.52
120 110 210 200 221 4.5 138 130 5 M4
2.35 2K20-3P4-MDA 2.25 4K00-3P4-MDA 2.36
Fig.5-1: EFC 3600 dimensions
: The complete type code for frequency converter is: EFC3600-xKxx­xPx-MDA-7P-NNNN, for details please see chapter 17.3 "Appendix 3:
Type Coding" on page 225.
: 2 screws are needed for mounting of EFC 3600 model A, B or C.
: 4 screws are needed for mounting of EFC 3600 model D.
DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mounting and Installation
5.3 EFC 3600 Mounting
The equipment must be sufficiently ventilated to avoid overheating. The recommended minimum clearances between the frequency converter and adjacent items, which may disturb the free flow of air, are given below.
Fig.5-3: EFC 3600 mounting
● EFC 3600 must be vertically installed.
● EFC 3600 has no side ventilation hole, which enables parallel mounting of EFC 3600 with zero distance.
● If one frequency converter is arranged above another, make sure that the upper limit of air temperature into the inlet is not exceeded (See fig.
10-1 "General technical data" on page 141).
● A baffle plate is recommended between the frequency converters to prevent the rising hot air being drawn into the upper frequency convert‐ er.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mounting and Installation
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Risks of damage to the components!
Only operate the components in their allowed mounting positions.
Allowed mounting position of the components: Only the mounting position G1 is allowed for EFC 3600. Please refer to the figure be‐
a Mounting surface g Direction of gravitational force G1 Normal mounting positions. The natural
convection supports the forced cooling air current. This avoids the generation of pockets of heat in the component.
G2 180° to normal mounting position
G3 Turned by 90° from vertical to horizontal
mounting position
G4 Bottom mounting; mounting sur‐
face on bottom of control cabinet
G5 Top mounting; mounting surface at top of
control cabinet
Fig.5-4: Frequency converter mounting position
DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-EN-P Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mounting and Installation
5.4 Block Diagram
5.4.1 1-phase 200 VAC Class
Fig.5-5: Block diagram (1AC)
It is recommended to use shielded cable to connect the motor.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mounting and Installation
Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC 3600
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