Bosch NetDVR User Manual

User’s Guide
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Bosch Security Systems | 2004-01
NetDVR | User’s Guide | Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................7
1.1 Description .................................................................................................7
1.2 Unpacking ..................................................................................................8
1.3 NetDVR Descriptions ..............................................................................8
2. INSTALLATION .........................................................................................11
2.1 Installation summary ..............................................................................11
2.1.1 System requirements ...............................................................11
2.1.2 Recommended PC display settings .....................................11
2.1.3 Connecting Ethernet and power cables .............................11
2.1.4 Connecting NetDVR to a Hub on Internet or LAN ............ 12
2.1.5 Connecting NetDVR directly to a PC ..................................12
2.1.6 Location ......................................................................................12
2.2 Installing the NetDVR Setup program ..............................................13
2.2.1 Installing ‘setup’ for the first time ..........................................13
2.2.2 Removing the program (Uninstall) ........................................14
2.3 NetDVR software ...................................................................................14
2.4 Opening Configuration program ........................................................14
2.4.1 Explorer .......................................................................................15
2.4.2 Local Area Cameras .................................................................15
2.4.3 ‘My Cameras’ folder .................................................................16
2.4.4 Creating a new folder ..............................................................16
2.4.5 NetDVR Registration in ‘My Cameras’ .................................16
2.4.6 Registering a NetDVR in remote Network ..........................16
2.4.7 Registering a NetDVR in a local Network ...........................17
2.4.8 WRS (Web Registration Server) ..........................................17
3. CONFIGURING THE NETDVR ...............................................................18
3.1 Log-in screen ..........................................................................................18
3.2 Device Information (‘Information’ tab) ...............................................18
3.2.1 Camera description ..................................................................18
3.2.2 Camera setup shortcuts. .........................................................19
3.3 System setting information (‘System’ tab) .......................................19
3.3.1 Setting NetDVR time ...............................................................19
3.3.2 Load default setup ....................................................................19
3.3.3 Reboot Camera .........................................................................19 Page iii Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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3.4 Setting Network Information (‘Network’ tab) ...................................20
3.4.1 Ethernet .......................................................................................20
3.4.2 xDSL (PPPoE) ...........................................................................20
3.4.3 DNS .............................................................................................20
3.4.4 WRS ............................................................................................21
3.4.5 Port assignment ........................................................................21
3.5 Setting up user accounts (‘User’ tab) ...............................................22
3.5.1 Administrator ..............................................................................22
3.5.2 Users ...........................................................................................22
3.6 Setting Channel information (‘Channel’ tab) ...................................23
3.6.1 Channel Use ..............................................................................23
3.6.2 Camera Configuration .............................................................23
3.6.3 Motion Threshold ......................................................................23
3.6.4 PTZ ...............................................................................................24
3.7 Setting Security information (‘Security’ tab) ....................................25
3.7.1 Setting Security information ...................................................25
3.8 Setting harddisk information (‘HDD’ tab) .........................................25
3.8.1 Auto Delete ................................................................................25
3.8.2 HDD Status ................................................................................26
3.8.3 How to format the HDD ..........................................................26
3.9 Setting screen adjustment (‘Screen Adjustment’ tab) ..................26
3.9.1 Screen settings .........................................................................26
3.10 Setting schedule information (‘Schedule’ tab) ...............................27
3.10.1 Status bar-graph .......................................................................27
3.10.2 Post Alarm ..................................................................................28
3.10.3 Time Table ..................................................................................28
3.10.4 Normal Save ...............................................................................28
3.10.5 Alarm Save .................................................................................29
3.10.6 Alarm Trigger .............................................................................29
3.10.7 Quality Box .................................................................................29
3.10.8 Setting up the output relay schedule ...................................30
4. MONITORING ...........................................................................................31
4.1 Opening the Live Viewer ......................................................................31
4.1.1 Selecting a NetDVR to view ...................................................31
4.1.2 Login ............................................................................................32 Page iv Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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4.1.3 Changing a password .............................................................32
4.1.4 Connecting .................................................................................32
4.2 Using the Live Viewer ...........................................................................32
4.2.1 View quad monitoring screen ................................................32
4.2.2 View a specific channel ...........................................................32
4.2.3 Quick recording ........................................................................33
4.2.4 PTZ functions ............................................................................33
4.2.5 Channel selection when PTZ is enabled .............................34
4.2.6 Alarm indicator ..........................................................................34
4.2.7 Changing viewing resolution and frame rate ......................34
4.2.8 Disconnecting ............................................................................34
5. PLAYBACK ................................................................................................35
5.1 Opening the Playback Viewer ............................................................35
5.1.1 Select a NetDVR to playback ................................................36
5.1.2 Select a NetDVR to playback ................................................36
5.1.3 Changing a password .............................................................37
5.1.4 Connecting .................................................................................37
5.2 Using the Playback Viewer ..................................................................37
5.3 Image Control panel ..............................................................................38
5.4 Disk Control panel .................................................................................39
5.4.1 Delete Data ................................................................................39
5.4.2 Data Backup ..............................................................................39
5.5 Playback Control ....................................................................................40
5.5.1 Play Speed: ................................................................................40
5.5.2 Play Control Panel ....................................................................41
5.5.3 Playback Time Select ..............................................................41
5.6 Playback image monitoring .................................................................41
5.6.1 (1) Total recorded time indication .........................................41
5.6.2 (2) Scroll bar for selection of time and date .......................41
5.6.3 (3) Selected range indication ................................................41
5.6.4 (4) Hair line for frame movement ...........................................42
5.6.5 (5) Total recorded status indication .....................................42
5.7 Disconnecting ........................................................................................42
5.8 Link to Live viewer .................................................................................42 Page v Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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6. FILE CONVERTER ....................................................................................45
6.1 Introduction .............................................................................................45
6.1.1 Image Format Conversion .......................................................45
6.1.2 Image Playback .........................................................................45
6.2 Installation ................................................................................................46
6.3 Starting the program .............................................................................47 Page vi Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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| User’s Guide | Introduction
1. Introduction
1.1 D e s cription
4-channel network DVR
NetDVR is a digital video recorder (DVR) that is controlled from a client PC through an Ethernet connection using the TCP/IP protocol. The unit includes a Video compression device, a Web server, a Networking interface and a hard disk (HDD). It requires up to four external cameras, a power supply and a network connection to operate. The internal settings allow the adaption of the unit for NTSC or PAL cameras.
Protected data on the HDD
NetDVR records and protects images on its HDD at a maximum speed of 30 frames (or images) per second (fps). It incorporates a file system that prevents recorded data from being damaged or lost in the event of sudden power failure. The HDD is built in an externally accessible rack.
Efficient image compression
NetDVR utilizes Wavelet still image compressing. It has a 32-bit RISC CPU for more efficient image processing.
Simple installation and additional functions
Its functional firmware is stored in an 8-MB flash memory chip. The firmware can be upgraded remotely via Internet or Intranet. The NetDVR connects to external devices such as sensors, pan/tilt mechanisms, zoom lenses, etc., via an HD-15 port (RS -232 & RS-485). All external devices can be remotely controlled. The NetDVR controls 4 external CCD cameras, (including existing analogue CCTV cameras) by connecting them to video input ports.
HDD protection
The internal hard disk drive is of the same specification as used in laptop computers. Therefore the NetCam DVR should be handled with care while in operation. Excessive shock or vibration may cause a disk crash which damages the disk and causes loss of data.
Mount the NetDVR on a stable surface and avoid shock and vibration especially during operation. Handle with care.
Indoor/Outdoor use
The operating temperature range of the NetDVR supports indoor application only. Page 7 Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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Bosch Security Systems | 2004-01
1.2 Un p a c king
Unpack carefully and handle the electronic equipment with care to prevent damage. Check for the following items:
Crossover cable, 1 m (red)
Direct cable 2 m (white)
Adapter and Power cable (12V DC, 3.5A)
Save the packaging materials for future use if the unit needs to be shipped for service or repair.
1.3 NetDVR Descriptions
1. Hard Disk Rack with lock (A).
Rear View:
2. Relay output (Alarm Out).
3. Sensor input.
4. Serial communication (RS232, RS 485, RS 422).
5. Base band video inputs.
6. Video input termination switch.
7. Ethe r net Ne t wor k.
8. Power supply input, 12Vdc, 3.5A.
Front View:
Operation: PWR = Power ON indicator
RUN = Internal processor is working when ON
REC = Unit is recording when ON
CMPR = Unit is compressing images when ON
Video Input: Indicator is ON for the enabled video input channels Sensor Input: Indicator is ON when event is detected on the input Alarm Output: Indicator is ON when relay output is active
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Relay ou tput (ALARM OUT):
Solid-state relay output, normally open contacts. Max . 250VAC or 250VDC, 170mA.
Senso r Input:
Opto-coupler alarm sensor inputs. Internal Pull-up to +5VDC
Input closed: No event Input open: Event
Serial Communication :
RS-232: To communicate with external PTZ
controlled CCTV cameras. These pins are for devices that comply with RS-232C. Connect pins Rx, Tx and G (ground).
RS-422: To communicate with external PTZ
controlled CCTV cameras that satisfy RS-422 protocol, half-duplex. It is connected to R+, R-, T+, and T-.
RS-485: Alternative communication port
for BOSCH AutoDome versions with RS485 port. Use T+ and T-
to make the two wire connection.
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Base band video inputs
Analogue video inputs for NTSC or PAL signals on BNC. The 4 inputs can be terminated into 75 Ohms or High impedance for loop trough. Use a BNC T-piece for the loop through connection.
Termination Switches
Switch Function
The switch number corresponds with the input channel number. Put the switch in the down position (75 Ohm) to terminate the input or in the up position for high impedance loop through.
Connect to the Ethernet network using a RJ45 UTP connector. Communication is on 10baseT
- TCP/IP protocol.
Power supply connector, 12Vdc 3.5A with 5mm connector, positive voltage on the center pin.
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| User’s Guide | Installation
2. Installation
2.1 Installation summary
Installation of the NetDVR consists of the following basic steps:
Connect the NetDVR onto a local Ethernet network and connect power.
Install the NetDVR software on a PC.
Configure the Administrator’s settings.
Configure the recording and search options.
Mount the NetDVR in the correct location and re-connect the power and Ethernet.
Connect the external cameras.
Installation details are given in the following paragraphs:
2.1.1 System requirements
For NetDVR you need:
Network: 10 Base-T LAN.
For a PC to access NetDVR:
CPU: Pentium II or above
Minimum free RAM: 64MB
Operating system: Windows 98, 2000, ME, NT4 or XP
Network interface card: 10 base-T or dual speed 10/100 base-T with TCP/IP enabled.
16 MB video memory or more.
2.1.2 Recommended PC display settings
Using the Windows ‘Setting / Control Panel / Display’ options:
Set color option to ‘High color (16-bit)’ or above.
Set screen resolution to 1024x768 pixels (minimum).
2.1.3 Connecting Ethernet and power cables
Connect an Ethernet LAN cable to the ‘Ethernet’ port (RJ-45 connector) on the rear panel.
Connect the power supply (12V, 3.5A adaptor, supplied) to the connector marked ‘DC 12V’.
Confirm that the green LED on the Ethernet port flashes every 1 to 2 seconds. Note that it starts flashing 5 to 6 seconds after applying power. Page 11 Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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2.1.4 Connecting NetDVR to a Hub on Internet or LAN
Connect the NetDVR to the network hub using the white direct cable (supplied).
A remote user cannot access the NetDVR until its network settings have been assigned. It requires an unoccupied IP address to be assigned.
Do not use the default IP address. Within a closed network, random IP addresses may be assigned as long as each one is unique. For a private network connected to the Internet, a registered IP address is required (available from your Internet service provider).
The network address of the local user and that of the NetDVR must be within the same network segment.
2.1.5 Connecting NetDVR directly to a PC
To configure the NetDVR locally, it can be connected directly to a PC.
Connect the NetDVR to the PC’s LAN port using the crossover cable (cable with red connectors, supplied). Ensure that the local PC and NetDVR both have their network address set within the same network segment.
2.1.6 Location
Place the NetDVR appropriately for your purpose. Mount the NetDVR on a stable surface and avoid shock and vibration especially during operation.
MAC address
The 12-digit MAC address of the NetDVR is on a label on the bottom. To correctly enter this address using the ARP command, enter the “-” as separator to form a string of 6 two­digit characters, i.e. 00408C100086 becomes 00-40-8C-10-00-86.
DC 12V
DC 12V
CROSS OVER CABLE Page 12 Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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| User’s Guide | Installation
2.2 Installing the NetDVR Setup program
2.2.1 Installing ‘setup’ for the first time
Insert the software CD-ROM (supplied) into the PC’s drive.
Copy ‘Setup.exe’ onto the PC’s desktop.
Double click on ‘Setup.exe’ on the desktop to activate the setup program.
Read the license conditions and, when accepted, click on the ‘I agree’ button.
Select the components to install:
The NetDVR program (mandatory
Start menu shortcuts, which insert icons
in the Windows start menu (optional)
Desktop shortcuts, which adds icons to
the Windows desktop (optional).
The default setting is with all three components selected. De-select what is not required. However, either the ‘Start menu’ or the ‘desktop Shortcuts’ is required to start the program.
Click the ‘Next’ button.
Select a directory to install the program to, if needed.
The default is 'D:\Program Files\Bosch\NetDVR’, where D: is the disk holding the operating system.
Click the ‘Finish’ button to complete the installation.
If ‘Desktop shortcuts’ has been selected, the following three icons appear on the desktop:
‘NetDVR Configuration’ provides access to administrator’s settings (refer to section 3)
‘NetDVR Monitor’ opens the monitor window (view only, no playback functions, refer to section 4)
‘NetDVR Playback’ opens the Playback window (with a link to the monitor, refer to section 5) Page 13 Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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2.2.2 Removing the program (Uninstall)
To uninstall the program:
Select ‘Uninstall’ in the Windows start menu.
Use the Windows Control Panel’s ‘add/remove programs’ utility to uninstall the NetDVR.
2.3 NetDVR software
NetDVR comprises three software programs:
Configure: to setup the NetDVR system parameters.
Monitor: to monitor real-time images.
Playback: to search and playback recorded images and backup files.
2.4 Opening Configuration program
Click on the ‘NetDVR Configuration’ icon on the desktop or on the link in the Start menu.
Enter your password (default: admin).
To change the password, click on the ‘Edit’ button.
First enter the current password, next enter the new password and enter the same new password again to confirm. Page 14 Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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| User’s Guide | Installation
2.4.1 Explorer
The Explorer is in the left hand frame of the ‘NetDVR ConfigStation’ and used to configure and manage all NetDVR device addresses. It contains three folders:
My Cameras’ – containing registered NetDVR devices.
‘Local Area Cameras’ – containing NetDVR devices detected in a local area network.
‘WRS’ (Web Registration Server) – containing NetDVR devices with a dynamic IP address (for future extension of the program).
The ‘Local Area Cameras’ directory lists all NetDVR devices on the local network segment that are detected but not yet registered in the ‘My Cameras’ folder.
When registering a NetDVR onto ‘My Cameras’, it will disappear from the ‘Local Area Cameras’ directory. Remote cameras can only be viewed when they are present in the ‘My Cameras’ directory
In the ‘NetDVR ConfigStation’ it is possible to verify the status of each NetDVR:
Non-operational NetDVR is indicated with a red dot.
Operational NetDVR is indicated with a green dot.
2.4.2 Local Area Cameras
All NetDVR devices on the Local Area Network and in the same segment of the client PC are visible in the Local Area Cameras folder. These non-registered cameras are identified by their IP address. If the IP address is outside the local network segment address range it cannot be accessed. In order to make the device accessible, change the IP address to a free local address:
Right click on IP address of the NetDVR device.
Click ‘Change IP’
Enter the Administrator’s password of the device and change IP address.
Click OK to confirm. Page 15 Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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2.4.3 ‘My Cameras’ folder
Transferring a NetDVR from the ‘Local Area Cameras’ folder to the ‘My Cameras’ folder makes it possible to rename it and use a Nickname to open the connection. NetDVR devices on a remote Network can only be registered onto this folder.
When registering a NetDVR, the relevant address information of the selected device is stored in the PC. This makes it possible to access a registered NetDVR without being in the same local network.
2.4.4 Creating a new folder
By creating folders and registering the appropriate NetDVR devices in each folder, it is easier and more convenient to manage multiple devices. To register folders:
Move the mouse cursor over ‘My Cameras’.
Click the right hand mouse button.
Select ‘New Folder’ from the pop-up menu - a dialogue box pops up to enter a new folder name.
Enter the name and press ‘OK’ button to create a new folder.
To delete a registered folder, select ‘Delete Folder ’ in the pop-up menu.
2.4.5 NetDVR Registration in ‘My Cameras’
There are two methods of registering a NetDVR into the ‘My Cameras’ folder (or sub­folders); one for remote networks, and the other for local networks.
2.4.6 Registering a NetDVR in remote Network
Move the mouse cursor over ‘My Cameras’.
Click the right button of the mouse.
Select 'Add Cam’ - a dialogue box pops up to enter the IP address of the remote NetDVR.
Press the ‘Start Probe’ button, and when found the NetDVR is automatically registered.
To delete a registered NetDVR, select ‘Delete Cam’ in the pop-up menu.
The name of a registered NetDVR may have up to 30 English characters or numbers. NetDVR with a dynamic IP are registered in the ‘WRS’ folder (this option is for future extension).
Important: For easy access to a remote or local NetDVR always use it on a fixed IP address. Page 16 Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM
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