Bosch LTC 8850 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
EN Security Systems
Graphical Users Interface (GUI) with Allegiant
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | Table of Contents
Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
Table of Contents
1INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1.2Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1.3Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1.4 Installation Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1.5 Updating LTC 8902 Series and LTC 8903 Series Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.6 LTC 8850 README File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2 GUI MAP APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2.1 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2.2 Starting the GUI Map Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2.3 Modifying a User Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
2.4 Starting a New Site Configuration File (Map Page) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
2.5 Editing and Adding Map Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
2.6 Moving from One Map Page to Another . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
2.7 General Map Page Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
2.8 Adding Server Devices to a Map Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
2.9 Seeding Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
2.10 Device Icon Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
2.11 Window Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
2.12 Saving Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
2.13 Event Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
2.14 Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
2.15 The Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
2.16 Running Server Configuration Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
3 ALLEGIANT SERVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
3.1 Allegiant Server Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
3.2 Allegiant Server Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
3.3 Allegiant System Status Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
3.4 InWinPTZ Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
4VCR SERVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
4.2 Icon Properties Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
4.3 Communication Setup Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
4.4 VCR Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
4.5 Custom VCR Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | Introduction
The LTC 8850 GUI, Security Systems Graphical User Interface with Allegiant Server, brings the familiarity of the personal computer to those who supervise closed circuit television systems. Running on a Microsoft
Windows based computer, the GUI is the human interface that makes it quick and easy to configure, monitor, and control the intricacies of an entire Allegiant system. This version of the LTC 8850 also supports control of compatible VCRs (SECTION 4) and optional control of pan/tilt cameras directly from a video window on your PC (SECTION 3.4). Additional server modules can be added for products such as multiplexers.
Surveillance site maps are stored as pages in a site configuration. On top of the pages, one can arrange control icons in any way desired. Pages can be linked together by placing link icons and configuring those icons to link to other pages.
With the integrated Allegiant Server, users can set and change an Allegiant’s system parameters; program camera sequences; lock cameras, monitors, remotes, and keyboards from certain users; and perform many other system control features. Users can also view system activity with real time monitoring of the system status. The Allegiant Server communicates with the Allegiant system through an RS-232 interface.
NOTE: This manual may use LTC 8x00 as a generic designation for any Allegiant system. In practice, the x should be replaced with the appropriate digit, for example, LTC 8300, LTC 8500, or LTC 8800.
The GUI is made up of several integrated components. Understanding these components, what they do, and how they work together will make the installation easier.
Each security system installation is represented in the GUI as a site configuration. The site configurations contain one or more maps or layout diagrams of the site being secured. Multiple site maps are linked together with link icons that allow traversing between the maps by clicking on icons.
Also, the maps contain icons that represent actual security devices, such as cameras and alarm points. These icons can be used to control the devices. For example, a camera icon can be used to pan or tilt a camera.
The maps' pages and link icons are provided by the main GUI program. The security device icons are provided by product servers. Although the product servers provide the underlying functionality, they are accessed directly through the GUI.
The GUI program can interface with multiple product servers, simultaneously providing control of multiple security system products through a single user interface. This LTC 8850 includes the Allegiant server, which allows complete configuration and control of the Allegiant systems through the GUI. Camera, monitor, alarm, and function icons from the Allegiant server are placed on the map pages of the site configuration to provide control.
The GUI provides three access levels that are determined by a log-in procedure. These levels are Installer, Administrator, and Operator. Installers are responsible for setting up the site configurations: importing maps, adding links between maps, and placing security device icons. Installers or Administrators are responsible for configuring the tables that control the Allegiant. Operators can only manipulate the system through icons in the site configuration map.
Before using the Graphical User Interface (GUI), review the following steps to ensure that the program will run properly on the host computer. Users should be familiar with the Allegiant CCTV control system and Windows-based software as well as their personal computer and operating system software.
1.3.1 Checking for Completeness
The GUI package contains several components. Use the following checklist to make sure the package has been assembled correctly:
• LTC 8850 GUI User Manual (this book)
• Software security key
• PC to system interface cable
Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | Introduction
1.3.2 Minimum System Requirements
Before using the GUI, make sure that the host computer meets the following minimum system requirements:
• Microsoft Windows compatible PC, Intel
120 MHz or greater
• Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6 or later); Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 95/98/ME (Note
• CD-ROM drive
• 32 MB of RAM
• One serial port
• One parallel port configured for bidirectional operation (Examine BIOS settings if necessary)
• Super VGA display or compatible
• For LTC 8850 Network Configurations: Windows NT, 2000, or, XP is required on all workstations. Windows Server is required on PC attached to Allegiant if number of workstations exceeds 10.
: Because of resource limitations imposed by Windows 95/98/ME, complex site installations (those having approximately 10 site maps or more) should be configured only on PCs running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
1.3.3 The Security Key
Before the program will run on the host computer, the hardware security key must be connected to a parallel port of the computer. Locate this port (possibly labeled LPT) with the help of the hardware manual that comes with the host computer. Make sure the computer is turned off. Push the security key into place and secure it with the screws on the key. Be careful not to overtighten the screws.
A printer or other device can be connected onto the security key, but the key might not function properly unless the device is turned on.
In the event the security manager does not wish other people to gain access to the GUI, the key may be removed and locked for safekeeping. The GUI will run in Demo mode without the software key attached.
1.3.4 The Console Interface Cable
For functions that require communication between the GUI and the main Allegiant system, the supplied LTC 8506/00 interface cable must connect the host computer to the Allegiant main bay. Attach the 9-pin connector on the supplied cable to the port labeled CONSOLE on the rear of the Allegiant main bay. Plug the 9-pin connector on the other end of the cable into an available serial port on the host computer (PC). This port might be labeled COM1 or COM2. In order for serial communications to operate properly, the PC and the Allegiant system must use the same communication parameters. For reference, the cable pinouts are as follows:
9-pin Male Allegiant 9-pin Female
(Allegiant Side)
Designation (PC Side)
1 Chassis GND None
2Receive Data 3
3Transmit Data 2
4CTS 1
5RTS 8
6No Connection None
7 Data GND 5
8No Connection None
9No Connection None
(jumper pins 4 & 6)
(jumper pins 1 & 7)
LTC 8506/00 Cable Pinouts
This section provides instructions for installing the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the Allegiant Server. The Allegiant Server requires an Allegiant System CPU firmware revision that is the same or higher than listed in the README files. These instructions explain how to determine the Allegiant System CPU firmware revision and how to update older CPU firmware.
Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | Introduction
The installation procedure of the following sections can be summarized as follows:
1. Install the LTC 8850 Software.
2. Determine your Allegiant CPU Firmware Revision.
3. Update the Allegiant CPU Firmware (if necessary).
4. Run the GUI and establish communications with
the Allegiant System.
5. Download Saved Configuration Data (if necessary).
6. Complete your GUI and Allegiant System setup.
7. N otes on Uploading and Downloading.
1.4.1 Step 1. Install the LTC 8850 Software.
The LTC 8850 software is shipped on CD-ROM.Insert the CD and wait for the installation dialog box to automatically appear. If the installation dialog box does not appear, you can manually browse the CD and run Setup.exe. It would be wise to exit all other applications before running the setup program.
If an updated version is to be installed over and older version, the old version should be uninstalled first. This is easily done by using the Uninstall LTC 8859 utility found in the existing Allegiant software folder under the Windows Start menu. After the new version has been installed, it may also be desirable to manually move your Allegiant configuration files from the old \Alleg default directory location to the new
C:\Program Files\Bosch Security Systems\LTC_8850\Alleg default directory location
using Windows Explorer.
The setup program will create an LTC 8850 program group with the following items: the GUI, Allegiant Server, Allegiant Network Host (Windows NT, Windows 2000,or Windows XP only), MCS Translator and other programs you need to completely configure an Allegiant system.
1.4.2 Step 2. Determine your Allegiant CPU
Firmware Revision
There are several ways to determine the revision of your Allegiant CPU firmware.
Method 1: From an operational Allegiant IntuiKey Series Keyboard, select the Display CPU Version. If using a LTC 8555 series keyboard, press USER 23 ENTER. This displays the revision number on the monitor currently controlled by the keyboard in the following format: x.xx
where x.xx specifies the Allegiant firmware revision. The LTC 8850 README file specifies the minimum Allegiant CPU firmware that is compatible with the installed LTC 8850 version. If the Allegiant firmware
revision is less than this, the firmware must be updated. If the displayed number is a number less then
6.00, or if ERR 15 is displayed instead of a revision number, the CPU is not a current revision board. In this case, the CPU board must be replaced with a current version to work with the GUI.
Method 2: If your system is not yet installed, the revision can be determined by examining the CPU board if using LTC 8500, LTC 8600, or LTC 8800 systems. If the CPU board has two 8-position DIP switches, it is a current board. If not, the CPU board must be replaced with a current version to work with the GUI.
If the CPU board is current, examine the socketed ICs with copyright labels near the batteries. The labels on these ICs should contain the numbers 303 1029 yxx, where y will be a number between 0 and 9 or a letter A-F, and xx will designate the firmware revision. (The revision number may be followed by -L or -H). If the firmware revision number is less than required, the firmware must be updated (see Step 3).
1.4.3 Step 3. Update the Allegiant CPU Firmware
If Step 2 indicated that the Allegiant CPU Firmware must be updated, then proceed with this step. Otherwise, move on to Step 4.
The firmware update consists of two steps:
A. Upload and save your existing configuration data.
B. Update the Allegiant CPU Firmware. Step 3-A. Upload And Save Your Existing Configuration
When Allegiant CPU firmware is updated, the configuration data in the Allegiant system is cleared. If you do not wish to save your configuration data, go on to Step 3-B.
If your Allegiant System was programmed with the Allegiant Server, double-click the Allegiant Server icon from the LTC 8850 program group to start the program. Go online, then upload all tables you want to preserve. Next, save the Allegiant Server file on your PC (see later sections in this manual for directions on uploading and saving).
NOTE: If your Allegiant System was programmed using DOS-based Master Control Software, your existing copy of Master Control Software should be used for uploading and saving your configuration data (Allegiant Server is not compatible with old CPU firmware revisions). If you do not have Master Control Software compatible with your existing firmware, you should write down any programming information that will need to be reentered later, then go on to Step 3 B.
Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | Introduction
The LTC 8850 security key cannot be used for DOS­based Master Control Software access. The black key supplied with the customer's original Master Control Software should be used. Step 3-B. Update the Allegiant CPU Firmware
The Allegiant CPU firmware is upgraded by running a program that downloads new operating firmware into the Allegiant through a PC serial port. Follow the steps below to perform this procedure:
•Connect the supplied console cable (or a user­supplied cable with the correct pin-out) from your PC serial port 1 or serial port 2 to the Allegiant console port (if you already have a console cable connected, you can skip this step).
•From the Windows START menu, select Programs | LTC 8850 | MCS Directory. A DOS window will open.
•Type "download tc####.mot <com port>." "####" is one of the following {8100, 8200, 8300, 8500, 8600, 8800, 8900}, as appropriate for your system, and <com port> is the PC com port. Do not include the quotation marks, and press ENTER at the end of the line. Follow the directions provided by the program. The download procedure may take up to 30 minutes. Make sure that no errors occur during the download - retry if errors do occur.
In rare cases, a download error can put the Allegiant system into a state where the download program won't successfully re-establish communications when it is retried. If this happens, cycle the power on the Allegiant bay, and try the download again. If a failure still occurs, locate DIP switch S1001, S100, or S0201 on the Allegiant CPU. Turn on DIP switch 5, and retry the download program. After the download is successful, turn switch 5 back off and cycle the Allegiant System power.
1.4.4 Step 4. Run the GUI and Establish
Communications with the Allegiant System
If not already connected, connect the supplied console cable (or a user-supplied cable with the appropriate pin-out) from an appropriate PC serial port to the Allegiant console port.
If not already connected, connect the supplied security
key to the parallel port of your computer. This device can be connected in series with other security keys. If multiple security keys are used, they can be inserted in any order. A printer or other device can then be connected to the security key. If a printer or other device is attached, the security key may not function properly unless the device is turned on. (NOTE: The latest version of the GUI Allegiant Server version requires keys later than those distributed with version numbers 1.0X. Keys that will permit the latest version to operate have the part numbers 303 1874 020 001 and 303 1874 021 000).
Method 1: Access the Allegiant Server Directly
•Start the Allegiant Server program.
Log on with User Name Installer, password 1 OR Administrator password 2.
•Select File | New from the Allegiant Server menu.
•Go to Method 1 and Method 2 Common Steps.
Method 2: Access the Allegiant Server through the
Start the GUI program.
Log on with User Name Installer, Password 1.
•Begin a new site configuration by selecting File | New from the GUI Menus.
•Start the Allegiant Server by selecting Server | Allegiant from the GUI Menus.
The Allegiant Server will then prompt for a filename for the new Allegiant Configuration. Enter a filename and press OK. After a short pause, the GUI will display the Allegiant seedbar.
Once again, select Server from the GUI menu. This time, there will be a new selection under this menu that corresponds to the Allegiant Configuration file specified above. Select this entry. The Allegiant Server window will then be displayed.
Method 1 and Method 2 Common Steps
•From the Allegiant Server menu, select Transfer | Communication Setup. Change the com port
entry to the Com Port that is connected to the Allegiant System, and change the baud rate to match that of your Allegiant System (the default Allegiant System baud rate is 19,200), then click on the Go Online button.
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | Introduction
Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
If the online attempt fails, verify that the cable is connected to the correct ports and that the communication parameters are set correctly (the PC parameters set in the Transfer | Communication Setup menu must exactly match the parameters of the Allegiant system). Correct any problems, and retry going Online.
If the Console baud rate is below 19,200, it is recommended that this be changed to a higher baud rate. Rates of 19,200 or 57,600 are recommended - higher rates should be used for shorter cable lengths. If the supplied 3 meter (10ft) cable is used, a rate of 57,600 should work reliably. At these high rates, handshaking should always be enabled. Select the Parameters table by clicking on the Parameters tab. If not already selected, click on the Com Port subtab. Change the Console baud as desired, and download this table by clicking on the Download button underneath the table. You will then be prompted to reset the system. Reset the system by clicking on the appropriate button. Then select Transfer | Communication Setup from the Allegiant Server menus and change the baud rate to match the new Allegiant baud rate. Click on the Go Online button.
Once Online, initial setup is complete. Select File | Save from the menus or click the disk icon on the toolbar to save your Allegiant Configuration tables. If you accessed the Allegiant Server directly (using Method 1 above), you will be prompted for a filename for this configuration. This file can later be selected from the GUI when the Allegiant Server is started and it prompts for an Allegiant Configuration filename.
1.4.5 Step 5. Download Saved Configuration Data
This step is only necessary if you saved your tables as described in Step 3-A above. Otherwise, skip to Step 6.
Open the Allegiant Server file that was saved during Step 3-A (select File | Open from the menus).
•Go online (select Transfer | Communication Setup from the menus, then click Go Online).
•Download the tables into the Allegiant system (see later sections of manual for directions on downloading).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Allegiant Server cannot directly read the files created by DOS-based Master Control Software. For this reason, a program is supplied to translate these files into the appropriate format. From the LTC 8850 program group, double-click the MCS Translator icon to start the program. Select the file that you wish to translate, select the name of the output file, and click the Translate button. The translator will translate everything except for Sequences. Sequences must be entered manually in the Master Control Software for Windows Sequence table.
1.4.6 Step 6. Complete your GUI and Allegiant
System Setup
At this point, you are ready to configure your maps, insert device icons, and program your Allegiant System tables.
1.4.7 Step 7. Notes on Uploading and Downloading
To reduce the time required to Upload and Download Allegiant tables to the Allegiant hardware, make sure
Online | System Status | Auto Start Display and Online | System Status | Auto Start Log To File are
NOT selected before going online with the Allegiant, and don't activate either of those functions before Uploading or Downloading. If either of those functions are running (visibly or invisibly), Uploading and Downloading will take considerably longer.
(For LTC 8900 Models only)
The LTC 8902 Series and LTC 8903 Series upgrade procedure is similar to the procedure described above, but simplified because there is no need to save or restore configuration data. The firmware is upgraded by running a program that downloads new operating firmware into the LTC 8902 or LTC 8903 through a PC serial port. Follow the steps on the next page to perform this procedure:
Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | GUI Map Application
•Connect the supplied console cable (or a user­supplied cable with the correct pin-out) from your PC serial port 1 or serial port 2 to the console port of the LTC 8902 or LTC 8903.
•From the Windows START menu, select Programs | LTC 8850 | MCS Directory. A DOS window will open.
•Type download tc####.mot <com port> where #### is one of the following {8902, 8903} (as appropriate for your system and <com port> is the PC com port; and press ENTER. Follow the directions provided by the program. The download procedure will take up to 10 minutes. Make sure that no errors occur during the download - retry if errors do occur.
In rare cases, a download error can put the Allegiant system being upgraded into a state where the download program won't successfully reestablish communications when it is retried. If this happens, cycle the power on the Allegiant system bay, and try the download again. If a failure still occurs, locate DIP switch S100 on the data receiver module in the Allegiant system bay. Turn on DIP switch 5, and retry the download program. After the download is successful, turn switch 5 back off and cycle the Allegiant system bay main power.
Occasionally, changes or variations are made to the LTC 8850 software that are not reflected in this manual. These changes are described in the LTC 8850 README file. This file should be read whenever a new version of the LTC 8850 is installed. There is an icon for the README file in the LTC 8850 program group.
Through the User Profile dialog box (file | user profile), administrators and installers can add, delete, or edit user names and privilege levels. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) utilizes three privilege levels:
Installer: Has access to all system features.
Administrator: Has the same privileges as the
installer, except for map navigation system configuration (i.e. An administrator cannot add or delete maps, place device icons, or change device icon positions within the Map).
Operator: Cannot make changes to the system configuration. Operators can only interface with the system through the Map.
Default passwords for each privilege level have been entered at the factory and are as follows:
Privilege Level Password
Installer 1
Administrator 2
Operator 3
1. Many of the functions described within this manual can only be performed at the Installer privilege level. Other users may not be able to access certain functions or will have restricted capabilities within those areas described.
2. All windows and dialog boxes should appear similar to those depicted; however, due to software upgrades and enhancements since this manual was produced, your system may have slight functional variations from those described within this manual.
Open the appropriate GUI Map program group by selecting the Applicable GUI Group icon (located in the Start menu). The program group will open and should appear similar to one of the groups in the illustration shown below, depending on the server software purchased.
Figure 1
Select the GUI program item from the Applicable GUI group by double clicking on the GUI icon with
the left mouse button. Alternately, a shortcut for the GUI can be created and used to start the application. The shortcut can be set to automatically load a site configuration file when the GUI is started. To do this, first create a GUI shortcut using normal windows techniques. Then right click on the shortcut icon, select the Properties menu item and the shortcut tab. After the map.exe executable filename in the target edit box, add a space, then the name of the site configuration file. Add the full path of the site configuration file in the Start in edit box, then click OK. When the GUI
Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | GUI Map Application
is started, a Log-in dialog box will appear. See the following illustration.
Figure 2 Log-in Dialog Box
When initially opening the GUI program, the Installer User Name will appear. Enter the correct password for the appropriate selection (see SECTION
2.1). A specific User Name is found by clicking on the down arrow if one has been previously entered. If this is the first time that the program is being run, the Installer option should be selected. Highlight the user name (privilege level) and click OK.
A window similar to the following screen (depending on user profile entered) will appear when a log-in has been confirmed. A toolbar is provided that contains icons to simplify the menu utility functions such as New Page, Open File, Save, etc. Resting the cursor over these icons will cause a small information box to automatically appear, describing the icon function. A descriptive statement will also appear in the status line at the bottom of the window.
The toolbar can be repositioned within the window. Move the cursor over the toolbar on a gray area (but not over an icon), click and hold down the left mouse button, and drag the toolbar to the desired location. If the toolbar is placed within the map page area, a window border will surround it.
Figure 3 Empty GUI Main Window
An installer can add, delete, or modify user names from within the active users list; however, the last installer’s name can NOT be deleted. Administrators can alter all entries except those of an installer. The user profile editing dialog box can be entered by selecting the User Profile option from the File menu. See the following illustration. This dialog box allows Installers and Administrators to add, edit, and delete Operators’ and other Administrators’ names. If an illegal operation is attempted, a message box will appear. To delete a user, highlight the line and select the Delete User button.
Figure 4 User Profile Dialog Box
Figure 5 Message Box Specifying an Illegal Operation
The following dialog box, User Properties, appears when the Add User or Modify User button is selected in the User Profile Window. This box is used to enter the User Name, User Password, and the User’s Group (Privilege level). In the following example, New User is an Operator. An option to prohibit the Operator from exiting the GUI is enabled by clicking the checkbox. If the User is either an Installer or Administrator, this checkbox will not be available.
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LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | GUI Map Application
Figure 6 User Properties Dialog Box
To c hange a user’s password, select the Change Password option from the File menu. The following dialog box will appear. Enter the User’s Name, the Old Password, the New Password, and a confirmation password (Confirm New Password box).
Figure 7 Change Password Dialog Box
Installers and Administrators can add additional user names to the log-in list, assigning a privilege level of administrator or operator to each name. Installers can also assign the privilege of Installer to other users.
From the main window, installers can select either an existing site configuration file or start a new one. If this is the first time that the configuration program is being run, the installer will need access to the CAD drawings or architectural drawings representing the site being monitored. Acceptable drawing formats which can be imported into the GUI Map application are Bitmap (.BMP), AutoCAD (.DXF), and HPGL (.HGL or .PLT) formats. If there is a need for an additional drawing format, consult your nearest Bosch Security Systems, factory representative.
Select the File menu and choose the New option. A blank map page will appear with the default name of Page name 0001 (see the following illustration).
Figure 8 New Map Page Window
The window can be maximized by clicking on the middle window control button at the top right of the page window . Add the first site map by selecting Import Map from within the Edit menu. The page name may be changed by clicking on the page title box, highlighting the text within, and typing in the new name. The map page title box may also be moved by clicking within the box until handles appear (see the following illustration). Place the cursor on the surrounding box until it becomes a cross. At this point, click with the left mouse button and drag the box and text to the desired location within the window.
Figure 9
NOTE: These activities can only be performed by an installer and are not available to administrators or operators.
Map pages can be added, modified, and/or deleted by using the following commands located under the Edit menu (see illustration following).
Figure 10 Edit Menu Selections
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2.5.1 Command Descriptions
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Select All: Commands all perform in the same manner as most familiar Windows‚ programs.
New Blank Page: Creates a new blank map page within a new window of the map page area.
New Page with Map: This command invokes the Import Map dialog box from which you can easily
browse through directories to find your map files. When a map file of the correct format has been chosen, the GUI will automatically load it into a new page and display it in the new active window. Drawing file formats which are supported are .BMP, .HGL, .DXF, and .PLT.
Figure 11 Import Map Dialog Box
Import Map: Use this menu command to insert a map into the current active window. This option is ONLY available when the current active page does NOT already contain a map. When the current page already has an associated map, this command will be replaced with the Replace Map option.
Replace Map: Use this command to replace a map already associated with the active page. This command is only available when the current active page already contains a map. Upon selecting this option, the Import Map dialog box will appear. If the current active page does not contain a map, this option will be replaced by the Import Map option.
Delete Page: Invokes a dialog box which allows the user to select and delete any existing page in the active configuration file. Note that all associated maps and links to other pages will now become void. Linker icons on other pages will have to be reconfigured.
Figure 12 Page Deletion Dialog Box
Delete Map: This option deletes the map from the currently active page.
To view additional map pages within the same configuration file, select Page from the View menu or click on the View Page icon in the toolbar. Highlight the desired page from the dialog box and select Replace Active Window. If you want to display the page in its own window, select Open Another Window. See illustration below. If the page is already displayed in its own window and Open Another Window is selected, the existing window will become the topmost window (a new window will not be created).
Figure 13 Replace Active/Open Another Window
Dialog Box
When this function is performed, the new page replaces the existing page (there is only one map page open within the map page area.
2.6.1 Linking Map Pages
The preferred method to maneuver from one map page to another is to set up Linker Icons (represented in the toolbar by a picture of a door) within each page establishing a link to associated pages. See illustration.
To add a Linker Icon to the current active page/map, perform the following:
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Click on the linker icon with the left mouse button
and drag it into the map page The icon can be placed in any location within the map page. Initially, the linker icon will be labeled nowhere, signifying that no link has been established to another map page.
Figure 14 Linker Icon and Associated Menu
•To establish a link, right click with the mouse on the placed Linker Icon; a Linker Icon menu box will appear. See illustration.
•Select Set Link from the resulting menu. The list of existing pages from within the present configuration file will appear as in the dialog box shown below. Select (highlight) the page with which you wish to establish a link and click on the Link button.
Figure 15 Establish Link Dialog Box
The following illustration shows a page with two linker icons, one without an established link and the other with a link already established. There is no restriction to the number of linking icons which you can establish on a given page. The recommended method is to establish a link from each page to all other pages to which one wishes to maneuver.
Figure 16 Linked Page as viewed on screen
Double-clicking on the linker icon will bring the linked page into view as the currently active page.
NOTE: The linker Icon will display the map page title which you have established on the linked page. Therefore, you can change the icon label to a title such as Warehouse 1, Mezzanine Floor etc. by changing the title box on the linked page.
2.6.2 Changing Linker Icon Properties
Clicking on the linker icon with the right mouse button also displays the Properties option in the context menu. Selecting Properties invokes the Linker Control Properties dialog box, allowing for icon customization (see illustration). After completing any changes, click OK or press ENTER to put those changes into effect, or click CANCE L to discard the changes. Clicking on APPLY allows viewing changes without exiting the Linker Control Properties dialog box.
Figure 17 Linker Control Properties Dialog Box
Linker Icon Before Link Has Been Connected
Linker Icon After Link Has Been Connected
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From within the Icon Control Properties dialog box, you can remove the caption from the linker icon. Additional information about the link which may be useful to the installer may be entered into the Description field. You can also change the linker icon to one of the icons shown in the list or to one of your choice by importing a bitmap (*.bmp) or a device­independent bitmap (*.dib) from available drives/directories by selecting the Add option. NOTE: Upgrading or reinstalling the GUI software may remove custom icons from the icon list. Always keep a copy of each .bmp or .dib file added so they can be added again after a software upgrade or reinstallation. The icon background color can also be changed by using the Color tab and the title font can be changed by selecting the Font tab (see illustrations).
Figure 18 Linker Icon Properties–Font Properties
Figure 19 Linker Icon Properties–Color Properties
Figure 20 Linker Icon Properties –Add Icon Selection
After the site configuration map pages and links have been established, the next step is to add the icons representing the cameras, monitors, and alarms of your system. The following sections will discuss these operations in more detail.
Clicking anywhere in a map page other than on an icon with the right mouse button will invoke a context menu. Installers will receive a menu similar to the following, providing them with direct access to Tool Button area controls and many of the Edit menu functions. Administrators and operators will receive a context menu with only the Toolbar and Status Bar functions available. See Functional Description of Context Menu Commands.
Figure 21 Installer’s Page Context Menu
2.7.1 Functional Description of Map Page Context Menu Commands
Tool Bar: Inserts or removes the Tool Bar from the Tool Button area.
Status Bar: Inserts or removes the Status Bar from the bottom of the current window.
Linker Control: Inserts or removes the Linker Icon from the Tool Button area.
C:\Program Files\*\*.* Controls: Displays or
hides the applicable server seedbar from the Tool button area. Allows the installer to turn off all but the seedbar for the server from which he is seeding icons. This makes it easier to seed icons when multiple servers are loaded.
Cut: Cuts the applicable object from the page/map and places it in Clipboard. Only available when an object is highlighted.
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Copy: Copies the applicable object from the page/map and places it in Clipboard. Only available when an object is highlighted.
Paste: Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the map page (location is arbitrarily chosen, after which you can move the item to the desired location by using the standard drag and drop technique).
Delete Icon: Deletes the highlighted icon.
Import Map: Displays the Import Map dialog box
for importing a map into the current active page. Changes to the Replace Map option if a map is already associated with the active page. Replace Map: Displays the Import Map dialog box for replacing the current map with a new user selected map and inserting it into the currently active page. When OK is chosen after a selection, the old map is automatically replaced with the new one. Only available when a map is associated with the current active page.
Delete Map: Deletes the map associated with the current active page.
To open server application, perform the following:
•From the Server menu, select the applicable server
application title. If configuring a new page, only the Server applications will be available in this menu. The list of available servers displayed in this menu depends on the Bosch Security modules or product servers installed on your system. If reconfiguring an existing page, the configuration file titles will also be available for the applications previously seeded. See the following illustration (upper two menu items are servers, lower two menu items are existing configuration files). For some servers, when you select the applicable server application title, a new Configuration File dialog box will appear (see illustration).
Figure 22 Server Menu
FIgure 23 Configuration File Dialog Box
Enter the name for the new configuration file. The file will be used to store the applicable server’s configuration data. Existing configuration files can be opened by selecting them from the file list. The subdirectory used to store the configuration files will depend upon the server and the directory chosen during installation. The file extension for the configuration file depends upon the server.
The following dialog box will appear. Choose the appropriate system model. Click OK or press
Figure 24 System Type Dialog Selection Box
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The system configuration filename entered will be saved as part of the site configuration file. When a previously configured site file is loaded into the GUI, any other configuration files that were associated with it will be automatically loaded. The icon seedbar for the applicable server will be automatically loaded into the GUI window toolbar area.
The Icon Seedbar facilitates the seeding of server icons into the configuration file map pages. The seedbar can be moved to any area of the window including the page area. To move the icon seedbar, click anywhere in the darker shaded gray area surrounding the icon buttons while holding down the left mouse button and dragging the seedbar until the desired location for placement is reached.
The seeded icons will represent the actual field devices to be connected to the server and hardware system.
Depending on the server applications which you have available, you will now be able to seed configuration icons such as cameras, monitors, or alarms into the site configuration map pages.
Additional Servers can be added in the future if multiple Allegiant Systems are connected. As other servers are added, their corresponding seedbars will be available for icon seeding.
When multiple servers of the same type are in your system, the seedbar will contain a list of server document names. Newly seeded icons will be connected to the selected document in the list
Figure 25 Multiple Server Seedbar
To place icons representing actual security devices into a map page of the site configuration file, click and drag the representative icon from the seedbar into the map page (installer only). Device icons can then be arranged within the map page to reflect actual physical positioning of the field devices in a surveillance site.
Icons representing standard cameras, camera with a pan/tilt, and AutoDome
cameras are available for
installers to seed into the system map pages. Note that icons available on the seedbar vary depending on server purchased. These icons can later be customized with the use of an icon editor program (not included) allowing the user to match the icons to their system’s exact configuration. Icons representing all physical devices installed in a system should be seeded into the map, regardless of whether or not the devices (for example an auxiliary alarm) are currently enabled.
NOTE: Icon Property menus vary depending upon the type of server which you have installed, the type of icon you are working with, and whether the icon has been linked (connected).
Icon properties such as the background color and font style can be changed by an installer. See the following illustrations depicting an AutoDome camera context menu on the Allegiant server package.
•To access the icon context menu, click on the icon with the right mouse button.
Figure 26 Device Control Configuration Menu
•Select the Icon Properties option. Individual icon properties will vary depending on the server relating to the icon Seedbar; however, the color (icon background) and font (icon title) options are integral to all icon property menus. These two tab options, once selected, allow the variation of these individual functions. See the following illustrations.
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When the device’s Control Properties dialog box first appears, the initial tab will be labeled Icons. This tab allows an installer to select from a variety of predefined icons available with the particular server application or to import an icon from another source (also see Icon Properties under Linker Icons).
Figure 27 Device Icon Properties
The Pan/Tilt function for a camera can be specified from the Device tab of a Camera Control Properties box, while the background color of the icon can be changed from the Colors tab and the title font can be changed from the Fonts tab.
Within the map page area, there are various methods to manipulate map window configurations. Multiple map windows may be displayed and placed in different patterns within the map area.
To open multiple windows, go to View | Page | Open Another Window.
Figure 28 Opening Multiple Windows
Methods for automatically arranging the Site Configuration windows are included as options from within the Window menu. Available options include Cascade, Tile Horizontally, and Tile Vertically. Following are example illustrations for these configurations:
Figure 29 Cascading Map Window
Figure 30 Horizontally Tiled Map Windows
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Figure 31 Vertically Tiled Map Windows
To save the site configuration from the GUI, select either the Save or Save As option from the File menu. If the file has not been saved previously, a file name dialog box will appear. Any valid file name can be used; however, the extension .sc (for Site Configuration) is recommended. If an extension is not provided, the default extension of .sc will be appended automatically. You can also save the file by using the toolbar Save button which has the picture of a disk on front. Placing the cursor over any toolbar button will momentarily give you a short description of the button’s function (shown below).
Figure 32 Save Button
NOTE: The files saved include the map pages for your site configuration (file extension designation *.sc) and the name references of server configuration files (e.g. *.Alg or *.vts).
The operator learns about alarm conditions through various methods. If an alarm condition occurs from a device which is in the current active map page, the associated device icon will begin flashing and an audible alarm will sound.
The Event Handler provides a method of informing the operator when alarms occur in areas of the system other than the map page which is presently open. It
also informs the operator what type of alarms are occurring. The individual product servers determine which events are handled by the Event Handler. If multiple servers have icons loaded into the same configuration file, alarms can be received from any of the server configurations in the same Event Handler window.
The Event Handler also provides a central point for handling multiple simultaneous events from the various system map pages without having to call up every individual map page. The Event Handler window may be accessed by selecting the Open Handler option from the Event menu (see illustration below). It may also be configured to open automatically in the event of an alarm by selecting the Auto Open Handler option (a check mark will appear next to this option when the Event menu is selected). If the window is already open but partially or fully obscured, it will move to the top of the window order. When all events are deactivated, the Event Handler window will automatically close if Auto Open is enabled, or it will stay open and display the message NO ACTIVE EVENTS if the Auto Open function is not enabled.
Figure 33 Event Menu with Auto Handler Open
Option Selected
When the Event Handler has no alarms present and it is opened, a message will be seen in the Event Handler window stating NO ACTIVE EVENTS. See the following illustration.
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Figure 34 Event Handler with No Alarms Present
When an event occurs, an icon representing the event is placed into the Event Handler window. The icon is labeled with the title of the affected camera or alarm. An audible alarm also goes off, informing the operator of an alarm condition. The audible alarm can be shut off by clicking on the Event Handler tool button. The audible alarm will only shut off when the operator has acknowledged ALL alarms which are present. See the following illustrations.
Figure 35 Event Handler with Alarm Present
A hot button entitled Jump is also assigned to the icon (see illustration). By clicking on the hot button beneath the icon, the operator can automatically jump to the map page which holds the alarming device icon. This feature allows the operator to quickly identify the location(s) in alarm. Any number of icons will be simultaneously placed in the Event Handler if multiple alarms occur simultaneously.
When the map page appears for the icon selected in the Event Handler, the alarming device(s) icon(s) will be flashing. By double clicking on an alarming icon, you will open an alarm interface window which varies depending on the server associated with the particular icon.
NOTE: Jump icons will vary in appearance depending upon the particular server from which the alarm is initiated and the type of alarm received.
Figure 36 File selection box
Event activation and deactivation can be logged to disk by selecting a file using the Select Log File option from the Event menu. This will bring up a file selection dialog box. If an existing filename is selected, the options of appending to or overwriting the file will be given. Selecting Append will cause new event entries to be appended to the end of the file without modifying existing data in the file. Selecting Overwrite will cause the file to be emptied.
If an event log file has been specified, the file can be opened for examination by selecting the Event | Open Log File menu item or toolbar button. This will cause the Windows‚ Notepad to open with the log file loaded.
2.14 HELP
The Help menu provides three menu options (see illustration).
Figure 37 Help menu
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The Index option displays a listing of predetermined GUI help topics. Clicking on any of the topics displayed will provide help for that topic. Within any of the topics, an underlined word or phrase (also denoted by color scheme) indicates that further help is available on the topic. Clicking on the underlined word or phrase will cause the help for the selected topic to be displayed.
Figure 38 Index Help Topics
The Using Help option displays the Help Topics Windows Help Dialog Box.
Figure 39 Using Help Dialog Box
•Within the Using Help dialog box, you will find specific file tabs pertaining to a Contents option, an Index option, and a Find option.
The Contents tab option displays a list of predetermined GUI help topics.
The Index tab option provides you with a search engine to find predefined topics from within the entire Contents help listing. Also available is a scroll feature allowing you to scroll through the list
of available topics until you find the topic of interest.
The Find tab option allows you to search for help on any topic
Figure 40 Using Help Option Find File Tab
The Help menu option About Help displays the GUI copyright information (and version number).
The GUI Toolbar allows the user easy access to several of the most used features available through regular menu command options. These features function in the same manner as the menu commands previously discussed in this manual (for detailed information on any item, see the appropriate section of this manual). Following is an illustration of the GUI Toolbar with available functions labeled (your screen should appear similar). Anytime you place the cursor over any of the tool buttons, a brief description of the tool buttons function will momentarily appear on the screen.
Figure 41 GUI Toolbar Functional Description
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It is recommended that you start the server programs from the GUI map to maintain synchronization between the two software systems. The Server menu can be used to start new server configurations or jump to open configurations. Prior to opening any server configurations, this menu will provide selections for all of the installed GUI product servers. The LTC 8850 GUI comes with the Allegiant Server and VCR Server programs. Nomenclature designating the appropriate server program will be displayed within the Server menu, as well as any configuration files which have been previously saved. If other Product Servers are purchased in the future, entries for those servers will also appear in the Server menu.
From the Server menu, select the appropriate server name to open the server configuration of your choice. Selecting a specific server will cause the appropriate server window to appear with the specified filename in focus. This allows the viewing or editing of the server configuration tables (see configuring your system for more detailed server information).
Figure 42 Server Menu Options
After selecting the appropriate server option, you may be prompted to select a filename. To choose an existing server configuration file, click on an existing filename displayed, then click on the OK button or press ENTER. If starting a new configuration file, it is recommended that you use the filename extension already depicted for the server you have selected. To do this, press the Home key, placing the cursor at the beginning of the File Name entry field. Now, press Delete once to delete the asterisk (*). Type in the appropriate filename and click on OK or press ENTER.
Figure 43 Server Filename Selection Dialog Boxes
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3.1.1 Introduction
The Allegiant server is used to configure and control Allegiant systems. The server provides a seedbar to installer level users when it is started by the GUI. The seedbar is used to place icons into the map pages which represent actual devices in the Allegiant system.
The majority of the functions discussed in the following descriptions are only available to users with installer or administrator level privileges.
3.1.2 Allegiant Server Seedbar
Figure 44 Allegiant Server Seedbar
Click and drag the representative icon from the seedbar into the map page (installer only). Device icons can then be assigned within the map to reflect actual physical positioning of the field devices in a surveillance site.
3.1.3 Allegiant Icon Right-click Menu
By clicking once on a camera, monitor, or alarm icon with the right mouse button, the following right­click menu appears (the Allegiant Function icon has a different menu and will be discussed in a later section).
Figure 45 Camera, Monitor, Alarm Menu Display Allegiant Server File Name
The top item in the right-click menu displays the name of the Allegiant server file associated with the icon. The command is enabled for selection when the icon is connected to an Allegiant device. When this command is selected, the Allegiant Server program will appear displaying the associated device table. This allows the user to easily verify or change device configurations. Open (Close) Control Panel
The icon’s control panel will open (close) when this command is selected. This command changes to Close Control Panel when the control panel is open. Icon Properties
The Icon Properties dialog box will appear when this command is selected.
Figure 46 Camera Icon Properties Dialog Box
This dialog box allows the user to change the icon, the icon background color, some device characteristics, and the font or font size used for the icon title description. To change to a different functional tab, simply click once on the appropriate tab with the left mouse button.
To c hange the device’s representative icon, select the Icons tab. Select one of the icons provided with your server by clicking on the icon of your choice and clicking OK. You can also click Add, which allows you to import a custom bitmap graphic. Clicking Add will display the Select Bitmap File dialog box (see illustration). From there you can browse available directories for bitmaps. Single click on the bitmap file name and then click Open to choose the bitmap.
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Figure 47 Select Bitmap File Dialog Box
NOTE: Upgrading or reinstalling the GUI software may remove custom icons from the icon list. Always keep a copy of each .bmp or .dib file added so they can be added again after a software upgrade or reinstallation.
Camera and Monitor icons have a Device that is used to configure device specific information.
Figure 48 Camera Icon Device Tab
Figure 49 Monitor Icon Device Tab
For camera icons, select the available features which match the characteristics of your device. Checking Supports Quick Commands will make a button appear in the camera’s expanded control panel called
Commands... . Clicking Commands... will display a
dialog box for entering Camera commands.
The Device Properties tab of a monitor icon has two options that can be checked.
Permanent ‘Quick-Select’ automatic camera-to­monitor switching - Select this check box to make
this monitor always automatically switch to the next camera selected in the map. For example if Monitor 1 is a ‘Quick-Select’ monitor and the user clicks on the Camera 2 icon, Monitor 1 will switch to Camera 2. Then, if the user clicks on the Camera 3 icon, Monitor 1 will switch to Camera 3. Permanent ‘Quick­Select’ monitors will be outlined with blue cross hatch to visually stand out from other monitor icons. There can be any number of permanent Quick-Select monitors at a time.
Figure 50 Permanent Quick-Select Monitor
PTZ Video Window - Select this check box to associate the PTZ video window with this monitor. At most, two monitor controls can have this selection checked. A video board is required to use the PTZ Video board (see the In Window PTZ SECTION).
To c hange the icon background color, click the Colors tab. Click on a new color block from within the color palette provided. The color selected will become silhouetted, designating that is the active color.
Figure 51 Color Selection Tab
+ 50 hidden pages