Bosch Security Systems | 02 April 2004
LTC 8850 | Instruction Manual | Introduction
The installation procedure of the following sections
can be summarized as follows:
1. Install the LTC 8850 Software.
2. Determine your Allegiant CPU Firmware Revision.
3. Update the Allegiant CPU Firmware (if necessary).
4. Run the GUI and establish communications with
the Allegiant System.
5. Download Saved Configuration Data (if necessary).
6. Complete your GUI and Allegiant System setup.
7. N otes on Uploading and Downloading.
1.4.1 Step 1. Install the LTC 8850 Software.
The LTC 8850 software is shipped on CD-ROM.Insert
the CD and wait for the installation dialog box to
automatically appear. If the installation dialog box
does not appear, you can manually browse the CD
and run Setup.exe. It would be wise to exit all other
applications before running the setup program.
If an updated version is to be installed over and older
version, the old version should be uninstalled first.
This is easily done by using the Uninstall LTC 8859
utility found in the existing Allegiant software folder
under the Windows Start menu. After the new version
has been installed, it may also be desirable to
manually move your Allegiant configuration files from
the old \Alleg default directory location to the new
C:\Program Files\Bosch Security
Systems\LTC_8850\Alleg default directory location
using Windows Explorer.
The setup program will create an LTC 8850 program
group with the following items: the GUI, Allegiant
Server, Allegiant Network Host (Windows NT,
Windows 2000,or Windows XP only), MCS Translator
and other programs you need to completely configure
an Allegiant system.
1.4.2 Step 2. Determine your Allegiant CPU
Firmware Revision
There are several ways to determine the revision of
your Allegiant CPU firmware.
Method 1: From an operational Allegiant IntuiKey
Series Keyboard, select the Display CPU Version.
If using a LTC 8555 series keyboard, press
USER 23 ENTER. This displays the revision number
on the monitor currently controlled by the keyboard in
the following format: x.xx
where x.xx specifies the Allegiant firmware revision.
The LTC 8850 README file specifies the minimum
Allegiant CPU firmware that is compatible with the
installed LTC 8850 version. If the Allegiant firmware
revision is less than this, the firmware must be
updated. If the displayed number is a number less then
6.00, or if ERR 15 is displayed instead of a revision
number, the CPU is not a current revision board. In
this case, the CPU board must be replaced with a
current version to work with the GUI.
Method 2: If your system is not yet installed, the
revision can be determined by examining the CPU
board if using LTC 8500, LTC 8600, or LTC 8800
systems. If the CPU board has two 8-position DIP
switches, it is a current board. If not, the CPU board
must be replaced with a current version to work with
the GUI.
If the CPU board is current, examine the socketed ICs
with copyright labels near the batteries. The labels on
these ICs should contain the numbers 303 1029 yxx,
where y will be a number between 0 and 9 or a letter
A-F, and xx will designate the firmware revision. (The
revision number may be followed by -L or -H). If the
firmware revision number is less than required, the
firmware must be updated (see Step 3).
1.4.3 Step 3. Update the Allegiant CPU Firmware
If Step 2 indicated that the Allegiant CPU Firmware
must be updated, then proceed with this step.
Otherwise, move on to Step 4.
The firmware update consists of two steps:
A. Upload and save your existing configuration data.
B. Update the Allegiant CPU Firmware. Step 3-A. Upload And Save Your Existing
When Allegiant CPU firmware is updated, the
configuration data in the Allegiant system is cleared. If
you do not wish to save your configuration data, go on
to Step 3-B.
If your Allegiant System was programmed with the
Allegiant Server, double-click the Allegiant Server
icon from the LTC 8850 program group to start the
program. Go online, then upload all tables you want to
preserve. Next, save the Allegiant Server file on your
PC (see later sections in this manual for directions on
uploading and saving).
NOTE: If your Allegiant System was programmed
using DOS-based Master Control Software, your
existing copy of Master Control Software should be
used for uploading and saving your configuration data
(Allegiant Server is not compatible with old CPU
firmware revisions). If you do not have Master Control
Software compatible with your existing firmware, you
should write down any programming information that
will need to be reentered later, then go on to Step 3 B.