Installation Instructions
SDI Splitter

ICP-SDI-9114 | Installation Instructions | Listings and Approvals
Listings and Approvals
UL 365 Police Station Burglar Alarm Units and Systems
UL 609 Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems
UL 864 Control Units for Fire-protective Signaling
UL 985 Household Fire Warning System Units
UL 1023 Household Burglar Alarm System Units
UL 1076 Proprietary Alarm Units
UL 1610 Central-station Burglar-alarm Units
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/15 | F01U030068-04

ICP-SDI-9114 | Installation Instructions | Contents
1.0 Introduction ..................... 4
2.0 Mounting ........................ 4
3.0 Installation ...................... 5
4.0 Operation ....................... 8
5.0 Troubleshooting .................. 9
6.0 Specifications ................... 10
Figure 1: Mounting Locations in the Control Panel
Enclosure .................................................. 4
Figure 2: Wiring for One SDI Splitter with Two SDI
Devices on Each Bus ................................. 5
Figure 3: Wiring Configurations for One Splitter
with Two SDI Devices on One Bus and
More than Two on the Other Bus ............. 6
Figure 4: Wiring for Two SDI Splitters with Two SDI
Device Loads on Two Buses and More
than Two on the Other Two Buses ........... 7
Figure 5: SDI Splitter ............................................... 8
Table 1: Troubleshooting ........................................ 9
Table 2: Voltage Values for SDI Splitter Terminals . 9
Table 3: Specifications ......................................... 10
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/15 | F01U030068-04 3

ICP-SDI-9114 | Installation Instructions | 1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
The ICP-SDI-9114 SDI Splitter is an accessory to the B9512G, B8512G, D9412GV4, D7412GV4, D7212GV4,
D9412GV3, D7412GV3, D7212GV3, D9412GV2, D7412GV2, D7212GV2, D9412G, D7412G, D7212G, and D9124
control panels. The SDI splitter provides the ability to set up two independent SDI buses from a single SDI
connection on the control panel. When this accessory is installed with a control panel and wired to create
separate SDI buses for fire and intrusion devices the system is a UL 864 compliant combination control panel.
The ICP-SDI-9114 is not for use with SDI2.
The D7212GV4/D7212GV3/D7212GV2/
D7212G Control Panels are not rated for
The SDI splitter has three sets of four-position SDI terminals: PANEL, FIRE, and BURG. The PANEL terminals are
used for the SDI connection to the control panel. The terminals labeled FIRE and BURG are handled equally, and
either terminal can be assigned to any collection of devices that require two separate buses. The SDI splitter
does not affect the operation of the control panel or the associated SDI devices.
Commercial Fire.
2.0 Mounting
UL requires that the SDI splitter be mounted in the same enclosure with the control panel, or in a
separate enclosure in the same room within 20 ft (6.1 m) of the control panel and connected by
The enclosures for the GV3/GV2/G Series Control Panels have four module mounting locations. Refer to Figure 1.
Figure 1: Mounting Locations in the Control Panel Enclosure
1 - Control panel enclosure
2 - Module mounting locations
3 - ICP-SDI-9114 SDI Splitter
4 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/15 | F01U030068-04
4 - Screw
5 - Standoff