Bosch HDC300 Operating/safety Instructions Manual

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Operating/Safety Instructions Consignes de sécurité/d’utilisation Instrucciones de funcionamiento y seguridad
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© Robert Bosch Tool Corporation 1800 W. Central Road Mt. Prospect, IL
Exportado por: Robert Bosch Tool Corporation Mt. Prospect, IL 60056-2230,
Importado a México por: Robert Bosch, S.A. de C.V., Calle Robert Bosch No.
405, Zona Industrial, Toluca, Edo. de México, C.P. 50070, Tel. (722) 2792300
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Read these instructions and your tool’s manual before using the hammer dust collection shrouds.
General Safety Rules
Wear eye and dust protection.
Unplug power tool before assembling or disasse mbling accessory, attachment or making adjustments.
Use vacuum cleaner or other dust collection device to reduce exposure to silica carbide dusts or other hazardous dusts created while operating the tool with this accessory and attachment.
Some dust created by
power sanding , sawing grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birt h defe cts or ot her reproductive harm. Some examples of these are:
• Lead from lead-based paints.
• Crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonry products, and
• Arsenic and chromium fr om chemically treated lumber.
Your risk from thes e exposures varies; depend ing on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your exposure to th ese chemicals: work in a well ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles.
Use only for collect ion of mason ry type materials. Not for use on hazardous materials. Ensure secure attachment to tool before op eration. S ee instructio ns for chise ling capacity. Follow all tool/vacuum instructions.
Specific Safety Rules for Attachment
If devices are provided for the connection to dust collection and extraction systems, be su re the se are connected and used according to tool and vacuum instructions.
Proper use of dust collection can reduce dust related hazards.
If devices are provided for the connection of dust collection and extraction systems, empty the dust container before beginning wo rk, frequ ently dur ing work, after completion of work, and before storing the tool. Be extremely careful of dust disposal,
ma terials in fine particles form may be explosive.
Do not th row dust on an open fire.
Co mbustion from mixt ure of varnishes, lacquers, polyurethane, oil or water with dust particles can occur if there is a static discharge, electric spark, or excessive heat.
Do not use dust extraction for operations where dust may include burning, smoking or smoldering items like hot ashes or sparks. Fire inside the vacuum tank or bag
may occur. Dust may smolder and set vacuum on fire long after work is completed.
Do not use dust extraction with explosive dusts, varnish, polyurethane coatings, cleaners, or oil-based paints. Electric motors
create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.
Do not use dust extraction when working on metal. Swarf from drilling metal may be hot and
may spark which may melt plastic adaptors, vacuum hoses and may cause a fire inside the vacuum tank or bag.
Do not drill into metal with the dust extraction system mounted. Hot metal chips
can self-ignite or ignite parts of the dust extraction system.
Do not drill into wood with dust extraction system mounted. Wood chips are typically too
large and will clog the dust channel.
Do not use to clean asbestos.
Note: Do not use the dust extraction system
when screwdriving or cutting threads.
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Functional Description and Specifications
To reduce the risk of injury user must read instruction manual for the use of the tool with this attachment.
FIG. 1
Disconnect the plug from
the power source before making any assembly, adjustments or changing accessories. Such preventive
safety measures reduce the risk of starting the tool accidentally.
The HDC300 dust extraction attachment comes ready to install on any Bosch 12-15 lb hammer.
Open fully the clamping band lever on the attachment. Slide the clamping band over the ch uck a nd onto the hammer tube of the hammer (Fig. 2). Close the clamping band lever to secure the attachment to the tool. Test to ensu r e no sl i p page ( F ig. 3). If nec e ssary, you may have to tight en o r loosen the band within the clamp mechanism to achieve the most secure fit.
FIG. 2
FIG. 3
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To use the HDC300 with larger S
DS-max combination rotary or demolition only hammers, the attachment comes with a total of 3 hammer adaptors. Use the appropriate size adaptor for the appropriate size hammer (Fig.
4). To chan g e t h e h ammer
adaptor, remove the adaptor from the metal extension arm by using a flat edge screwdriver and w edgi ng it between the met a l a rm a nd t he adapt o r. Inse r t the de sired h a mmer ada ptor int o th e s lot on the metal arm (Fig. 5). Follow steps to install on to the hammer.
RH540S 11264EVS 11265EVS
FIG. 5
Chiseling only: The HDC300 is designed to be used for chiseling in masonry and concrete materials with either SDS-max or Spline chisels.
Th e dust e xtr act ion a ttachment sh oul d be positioned approximately 3" from the tip of the bit for best dust extraction results (Fig. 6). You can adjust the positioning of the attachment by opening the clamping band lever and sliding the attach men t forw ard s or bac kwa rds on th e hammer tube. For extending the adjustment, the extension arm can be moved forwards or bac k wards wit h in the cl ampin g ba n d mec h anism . W hen compl e te, cl o se the cla m ping ban d l e ver to re- s ecure t h e attachment to the tool (Fig. 7).
Operating instructions
FIG. 6
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For extra long chisels, the HDC300 comes with an extension tube. Remove the rubber bumper from the housing. Install the extension tube by
sliding the wide opening onto the housing end. Re-install the rubber bumper onto the tip of the extension tube (Fig. 8).
FIG. 7
Insert the vacuum hose from the vacuum into the dust port of the dust extraction unit (Fig. 9).
The Bosc h vac uum hose comes wit h a slee v e n o z zle attach e d t o a sna p -in conn e ctor (Fig. 9). T h e sl e e ve n ozzle provides the quickest, easiest connection of the nozzle to the attachment. The snap-in conn e c tor p rovides a m o re s e c ured connection.
To use the snap-in connector, remove the
rubber nozzle from the vacuum hos e. Press the snap-in connector into the dust port until you hear the click.
Dust port adaptors are als o available to conn e c t the Bosch dust extracti o n attachment to any common size vacuum hose. See for details.
Turn the vacuum on and place the tool / atta c h ment over the desir e d ch i seling location. Follow all tool safety and operating instructions.
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