Bosch ACS 255 Original Instructions Manual

ACS 255
Original instructions
A/C service unit
Contents English
| ACS 255 | 3 en
1. Symbols used 4
1.1 In the documentation 4
1.1.2 Symbols in this documentation 4
1.2 On the product 4
2. User information 5
2.1 User group 5
2.2 Agreement 5
2.3 Obligation of contractor 5
2.4 Safety Instructions 5
2.5 Safety devices 6
3. Product description 7
3.1 Application 7
3.2 Delivery specification 7
3.3 Description of unit 7
3.3.1 Human Machine Interface (HMI) 8
3.3.2 Scale for refrigerant tank 8
3.3.3 Oil bottles 8
3.3.4 Quick couplers 9
3.3.5 Brakes 9
3.3.6 Power cable and master switch 9
3.4 Description of function 9
4. Commissioning 10
4.1 Removing the transport packaging 10
4.2 Before turning on for the first time 10
4.3 Powering on the ACS 255 11
4.4 Changing the system defaults 11
4.5 Filling the internal refrigerant tank 12
4.6 Viewing system information 12
5. Troubleshooting 13
6. Program description 14
6.1 ACS 255 operating modes 14
6.2 Preparations for A/C service 14
6.3 Configuring the custom database 14
6.3.1 Adding new vehicle details to the
vehicle database 14
6.3.2 Editing vehicle details in the custom
database 14
6.3.3 Deleting vehicle details from the
custom database 14
6.3.4 Viewing custom database information 14
6.3.5 Transferring the custom database
from one ACS 255 to another 14
6.4 Accessing the custom database 14
6.5 Automatic mode 15
6.5.1 Overview of automatic mode 15
6.5.2 Selecting the vehicle from the custom database 15
6.5.3 Setting custom parameters 15
6.6 Manual mode 15
6.6.1 Overview of manual mode 15
6.6.2 Recovery 16
6.6.3 Vacuuming phase 16
6.6.4 Oil recharge phase 16
6.6.5 Recharge phase 16
6.7 Performing service in manual mode 16
6.8 Additional services 17
6.8.1 Refrigerant top up 17
6.8.2 Hose drain 17
6.8.3 A/C performance test 17
7. Maintenance 18
7.1 Spare and wearing parts 18
7.2 Refilling the refrigerant tank 18
7.3 Service record 18
7.3.1 Viewing the last three vehicle A/C service reports 18
7.3.2 Last self test 18
7.3.3 Last five errors during vehicle A/C service 18
7.4 Vacuum pump oil change 18
7.5 Replacing the filter drier 19
7.6 Replacing the inline filters 19
7.7 Self test 20
7.8 Firmware update 20
7.9 Resetting factory settings 20
8. Decommissioning 21
8.1 Disposal of electronic items 21
8.2 Disposal of LCD display, refrigerants, lubricants and oils 21
8.3 Disposal of filter drier 21
8.4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 21
9. Technical data 21
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4 | ACS 255 | Symbols useden

1. Symbols used

1.1 In the documentation

1.1.1 Warning notices - Structure and meaning

Warning notices warn of dangers to the user or people in the vicinity. Warning notices also indicate the con­sequences of the hazard as well as preventive action. Warning notices have the following structure:
Warning symbol
The key word indicates the likelihood of occurrence and the severity of the hazard in the event of non-obser­vance:
Key word Probability of
KEY WORD – Nature and source of hazard!
Consequences of hazard in the event of fail­ure to observe action and information given.
¶ Hazard prevention action and information.
Immediate impending danger
Possible impending danger
Possible dangerous situation
Severity of danger if in­structions not observed
Death or severe injury
Death or severe injury
Minor injury

1.2 On the product

! Observe all warning notices on products and ensure
they remain legible.
Contact with the refrigerant can cause blindness and severe injuries.
¶ Read this operating manual and all
technical documentation for the used components.
¶ Wear protective gloves. ¶ Wear protective goggles.

1.1.2 Symbols in this documentation

Symbol Designation Explanation
Attention Warns about possible property dam-
Information Practical hints and other useful in-
Multi-step operation
One-step oper­ation
Intermediate re­sult
Final result There is a visible final result on com-
formation. Instruction consisting of several
steps. Instruction consisting of one step.
An instruction produces a visible in­termediate result.
pletion of the instruction.
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User information | ACS 255 | 5

2. User information

2.1 User group

The product may be used by skilled and instructed personnel only. Personnel scheduled to be trained, fa­miliarized, instructed or to take part in a general train­ing course may only work with the product under the supervision of an experienced person. All work conducted on pressurized equipment may be performed by persons with sufficient knowledge and experience in using pressurized devices and, also be aware of the risks involved in the use of pressurized devices.

2.2 Agreement

Your use of the product means that you accept the fol­lowing conditions:
Software and data are the property of Bosch Limited, hereafter denoted as Bosch, or its suppliers and are protected against unauthorized reproduction under copyright laws, international contracts and other na­tional legal provisions. Copying and selling of data and software or any other part thereof is prohibited and punishable by law. In the event of violations, Bosch Limited reserves the right to proceed with crimi­nal prosecution and to claim for damages.
All data in this program is based - where possible - on manufacturer and importer details. Bosch does not ac­cept liability for the correctness and completeness of software and data; liability for damage caused by faulty software and data is ruled out. Whatever the event, Bosch liability is restricted to the amount for which the customer actually pays for this product. This disclaimer of liability does not apply to damages caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of Bosch.

2.3 Obligation of contractor

The contractor is obliged to ensure that all measures geared towards the prevention of accidents, industrial diseases, labor-related health risks are taken and mea­sures towards making the workplace fit for people to work in are carried out. The contractor is bound to ensure that all electrical equipment and operating material is set up, modified and maintained by skilled electricians only or under the guidance and supervision of a skilled electrician in ac­cordance with electrical engineering principles. Furthermore, the contractor must ensure that all elec­trical equipment and operating material is operated in keeping with electrical engineering principles. If a piece of electrical equipment or operating material is found to be defective, i.e. it does not or no longer complies with electrical engineering principles, the con­tractor must ensure that the fault is rectified immedi­ately and, in the event that imminent danger exists, also ensure that the electrical equipment or the electrical operating material is not used.

2.4 Safety Instructions

All safety instructions are to be read thoroughly before using the Bosch product and they must be observed.
R Avoid the refrigerant coming into contact with the
skin. The low boiling point of the refrigerant (approx­imately -30 °C at atmospheric pressure) can cause frostbite. In case of contact with the skin, remove wet clothing immediately and rinse the affected area of skin with plenty of water.
Do not breathe in refrigerant or oil vapors. The vapors can irritate the eyes and the breathing passage of the nose. If liquid refrigerant/oil gets into the eyes, rinse the eyes thoroughly with water for 15 minutes. Then, seek medical attention, even if the eyes do not hurt.
Any use of non-approved hardware and software will result in a modification to our product and thus to exclusion of any liability and warranty, even if the hard­ware or software has in the meantime been removed or deleted. No changes may be made to our products. Our products may only be used in combination with original accessories and original service parts. Failing to do so, will render null and void all warranty claims.
R Before the ACS 255 is connected to the vehicle A/C
system or to an external refrigerant tank, ensure that the quick couplers do not leak. Use only external refrigerant tanks that are fitted with safety valves and approved in accordance with the applicable standards.
R Before turning off the ACS 255, ensure that all the
service phases are complete. This prevents refriger­ant from escaping into the environment.
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6 | ACS 255 | User informationen
Do not use compressed air with R134a.
Some mixtures of air and R134a are highly flammable at high pressure. These mixtures are potentially hazardous and can cause fires or explosions resulting in damage to property and injury to persons.
R Refrigerant extracted from the vehicle A/C system
might be contaminated with moisture, lubricant, dirt and traces of other gases.
R The ACS 255 does not have any refrigerant identifier
system. If refrigerants other than R134a are used, it might lead to contamination.
R R134a is colorless, odorless and heavier than air. It
expels oxygen and can flow into repair pits. If the refrigerant escapes, there is a risk of suffocation in poorly ventilated rooms or repair pits.
R R134a may not be used in environments with a risk
of explosion. Fire, naked flames and smoking are prohibited. No welding or soldering is allowed. High temperatures and UV radiation can cause R134a to chemically separate. The resulting products cause coughs and nausea.
R R134a may not be mixed with other refrigerants.
Mixing refrigerants can cause damage to the vehicle A/C system.
R The ACS 255 must always be monitored during op-
eration. Do not leave the ACS 255 unattended when it is switched on.
R Vehicle A/C service, using the ACS 255, must be pre-
pared and carried out in such a way that the vehicle A/C circuit is not opened (for example, radiator or engine removal).
R The ACS 255 should be positioned with all four
wheels on a flat, vibration-free surface to ensure correct operation of the load sensors. The ACS 255 can be prevented from rolling away by applying the brake.
R The ACS 255 must always be transported in a verti-
cal position. Do not invert the ACS 255.
R There are no additional safety provisions for protect-
ing the ACS 255 unit against damage in the event of natural calamities like earthquakes, fires, floods etc.
R Except for maintenance work, do not remove any
pressurized equipment inside the ACS 255 unit. Adhere to the national laws or regula­tions for ensuring safety of pressurized equipment.
R We recommend that calibration of load sensors be
done at least once every year. Contact customer service for calibration of load sensors.
R The ACS 255 must be regularly inspected by service
personnel or the approved authorities to ensure safety of the unit.
Warning - Risk of frostbite in the event of refrigerant leakage!
If refrigerant escapes, there is a risk of frost­bite to the hands and body.
¶ Wear protective goggles. ¶ Wear protective gloves. ¶ Ensure that the HP and LP hoses are not
¶ Ensure that the quick couplers are tightly
fixed to the hoses.
Warning - Risk of frostbite during removal of service hoses!
If refrigerant escapes, there is a risk of frostbite to the hands and body.
¶ Carefully disconnect service hoses as all
hoses can contain pressurized refrigerant.
R Only connect to a properly grounded electrical
R Do not attempt to shut off the valves on the R134a
tank when the ACS 255 is in operation.
R For the purposes of safety, it is recommended to use
an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) with the following specifications:
Parameter Specification
Rated voltage 230 VAC +/- 10%
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated current 10 A
Rated trip current 30 mA Tripping curve C

2.5 Safety devices

R Pressure switch - Switches the compressor off if the
normal operating pressure is exceeded.
R Safety valve: Operates when the design pressure is
R Fuse: Interrupts excessive current flow into the
ACS 255.
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Product description | ACS 255 | 7

3. Product description

3.1 Application

The ACS 255 is used to perform the following basic services for passenger car A/C systems in manual or automatic mode:
R Refrigerant recovery R Oil recharge R Vacuuming and leak tests R Refrigerant recharge
The ACS 255 should be used with car A/C systems that use R134a.

3.2 Delivery specification

ACS 255 Hose - HP Hose - LP Quick coupler - HP Quick coupler - LP Can assembly - Used oil Can assembly - Fresh oil Operating instructions Adapter for filling internal refrigerant tank

3.3 Description of unit

Fig. 1: Front view
1 Handle (x 2) 2 HP gauge 3 Status and warning light 4 LP gauge 5 LCD 6 Keypad 7 LP hose 8 HP hose 9 Fresh oil bottle 10 Front panel 11 Front wheels 12 Rear wheel (x 2) 13 Used oil bottle 14 Left-hand side panel 15 Master switch
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8 | ACS 255 | Product descriptionen
Fig. 2: Rear view
1 HMI support 2 Painel superior 3 Power cable 4 Cable holder 5 Rear panel 6 Brakes 7 Right-hand side panel 8 Hose holder 9 USB port

3.3.1 Human Machine Interface (HMI)

The HMI consists of:
R Pressure gauges - The pressure during the service is
displayed on the gauges.
R Status and warning lights - The status of service
and disruptions during service are indicated by the status and warning light.
R Keypad - The selection of service menu options and
service parameters can be done via the keypad. The alphanumeric input keys can be used to enter letters and special characters in input fields. In an input field, pressing a key several times in succession displays all the characters it can be used for (upper case letters, special characters).
i The alphabetical entries can be made in upper case
Keys Description
o or u Navigate up or down
v or z
Function keys, The function keys are assigned various func­tions in the ACS 255 software. The functions of the keys are specified in the soft key bar of the ACS 255 software.
Navigate right or left
Enter Clear
Switch between numeric and alphabetical entry
Display system information
R USB port - Firmware updates can be performed by
plugging the USB disk into the USB port.

3.3.2 Scale for refrigerant tank

The quantity of refrigerant charged into the vehicle A/C system is controlled by a scale mounted beneath the refrigerant tank.

3.3.3 Oil bottles

! Do not apply excessive force while detaching or at-
taching the oil bottles.
Color indicated by the status and warning light
Red Error/Warning
Blinking green Service in progress
Static green Service complete
Status of service
R LCD - The menu options and status of service are
displayed on the LCD.
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