Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH
70538 Stuttgart
1 609 92A 4KX (2018.07) O / 4
en Safety instructions

Observe the safety warnings of the power
tool/woodworking tool being used.
▶ This circular saw blade meets the European
directive EN 847-1.
▶ Select suitable circular saw blades for the
material being worked. Observe the material
information on the packaging.
▶ Observe the thickness of the riving knife and
the instructions of the machine.
▶ Before using, check the saw teeth, machine
settings and rotation direction. Use only saw
blades that are in perfect condition.
▶ Clean the saw blade regularly.
▶ Use suitable protective packaging for storage
and transport.
Safe Operation
Maximum speed: The maximum speed given
on the circular saw blade may not be exceeded.
Observe the speed range (as far as indicated).
TC circular saw blades: Circular saw blades that
have cracks or tears in their main body must be
replaced. Repairs are not permitted.
TC circular saw blades with saw-tooth dimen
sions below 1mm may no longer be used (Figure A).
Steel circular saw blades: Circular saw blades
with visible cracks may not be used.
Circular saw blades must be inserted into handheld circular saws only when the saw is equipped
with a self-closing blade guard.
Only use dry cut circular sawing machines to
work with ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Use
extraction that is permitted for the particular
Fastening Circular Saw Blades and
Machine Components
When replacing a saw blade, rule out accidental
starting of the power tool/woodworking ma
Mount and secure the circular saw blade in ac
cordance with the regulations of the machine
manufacturer. Observe the regulations specified
by the machine manufacturer.
Circular saw blades and machine components
must be clamped in such a manner that they can
not become loose during operation. Observe the
information supplied by the manufacturer.
When mounting the circular saw blade, make
sure that the hub of the tool is properly clamped
and that the saw blade teeth are not in contact
with any part of the machine (no grazing).
Extending spanners or using hammers or similar
for tightening purposes is not permitted.
The clamping surfaces must be free of grease, oil
and water.
The use of loose-fitting reduction rings or bush
ings is not permitted.
The use of secure-fitting Bosch rings, e. g.
pressed in or held by means of adhesion, is per
mitted if they are correctly mounted in accordance with figure B (see cover pages).
The ring thickness must always be smaller than
the thickness of the base blade body.
Repair of Circular Saw Blades
When repairing, the design of TC circular saw
blades may not be changed.
TC circular saw blades may only be repaired
through competent persons, i. e. through per
sons with professional training and experience
that know the design and construction require
ments and understand the safety regulations to
be achieved. For information on the geometry
to be observed, please refer to the Online Cata
logue under www.bosch-pt.com.
Do not resharpen any “Expert for Stainless Steel”
circular saw blades.
Tolerances that ensure perfect clamping must be
Observe valid national and international