This manual covers instrument serial numbers: 11001 and higher.
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation and maintenance
of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this
manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Boonton
Electronics assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
To minimize shock hazard the instrument chassis and cabinet must be connected to an electrical ground.
The instrument is equipped with a NEMA three conductor, three prong power cable. The power cable must
either be plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet or used with a three-contact to a twocontact adapter with the (green) grounding wire firmly connected to an electrical ground in the power
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and internal adjustments
must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components with the power cable
connected. Under certain conditions dangerous voltages may exist even though the power cable was
removed, therefore; always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them.
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable or rendering first aid and
resuscitation, is present.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modifications or the instrument. Return the
instrument to Boonton Electronics for repair to ensure that the safety features are maintained.
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
This safety requirement symbol (located on the rear panel) has been adopted by the
International Electro-technical Commission, Document 66 (Central Office) 3, Paragraph
5.3, which directs that an instrument be so labeled if, for the correct use of the instrument,
it is necessary to refer to the instruction manual. In this case it is recommended that
reference be made to the instruction manual when connecting the instrument to the proper
power source. Verify that the correct fuse is installed for the power available.
The CAUTION symbol denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operational procedure,
practice or instruction that, if not followed, could result in damage to or destruction of
part or all of the instrument and accessories. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION symbol
until its conditions are fully understood and met.
The NOTE symbol is used to mark information which should be read. This information
can be very useful to the operating in dealing with the subject covered in this section.
The HINT symbol is used to identify additional comments which are outside of the
normal format of the manual, however can give the user additional information about the
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
1. General Information..............................................................................................1-1
This instruction manual provides general information, installation and operating instructions for the Model
9240 Series of RF Voltmeters. The 9240 Series includes single channel Model 9241 and dual channel
Model 9242. The terms 9240 and Model 9240 used throughout this manual refer to both configurations
unless otherwise noted.
1.1 Organization
The manual is organized into seven sections and three Appendices, as follows:
Section 1 - General Information presents summary descriptions of the instrument and its principal
features, accessories and options. Also included are specifications for the instrument.
Section 2 - Installation provides instructions for unpacking the instrument, setting it up for operation,
connecting power and signal cables, and initial power-up.
Section 3 - Getting Started describes the controls and indicators and the initialization of operating
parameters. Several practice exercises are provided to familiarize you with essential setup and control
Section 4 - Operation describes the display menus and procedures for operating the instrument locally
from the front panel.
Section 5 - Remote Operation explains the command set and procedures for operating the instrument
remotely over GPIB bus.
Section 6 - Maintenance includes procedures for installing software and verifying fault-free operation.
Section 7 - Appendix A - Error Messages defines the messages that are displayed when errors occur.
Section 8 - Appendix B - Warranty and Repair Policy states the policies governing the return and
replacement of modules and instruments during and after the warranty period.
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
1.2 Description
The Model 9240 is a DSP (digital signal processor) based RF Voltmeter capable of measuring RF voltage
levels from 200 microvolts to 300 volts (probe dependent) over a frequency range from 10 Hz to 2.5 GHz
(probe dependent). The voltage levels can be displayed in V, mV, dBV or dBmV. When the measured
voltage is across a known impedance (5 ohms and 2500 ohms), the calculated power can be displayed in
dBm or dBW.
1.3 Features
• Software. A 32-bit Digital Signal Processor running control software provides display, I/O and
system memory functions for the instrument. Software updates are easily made using either the
GPIB or RS232 interfaces.
• Alphanumeric Display. The alphanumeric LCD provides clear, unambiguous readouts of the
instrument's setup and measurement values. Simultaneous display of both channels is available in
dual channel mode. A bar graph provides a display of the channel's measured value for nulling
and peaking applications.
Figure 1-1. 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
• Dual Independent Channels. When equipped with the optional second measurement channel, the
instrument can display two CW signals simultaneously. Each channel is calibrated and all channel
parameters are channel-independent.
• Selectable Ranging. Any of eight measurement ranges, or autoranging, can be selected during
instrument setup. The selection will be held until it is changed, or until the instrument is turned
off. When measuring signals with levels that fall within a narrow range, selecting one specific
instrument range may reduce measurement time. Autoranging is useful if the RF signal level is
unknown, or if RF signals with widely varying levels are to be measured.
• Selectable Filtering. Measurement speed and display stability can be optimized through the use of
selectable filtering. Filter times can be adjusted up to 20 seconds maximum in 50 millisecond
• Zeroing. Automatic zeroing (nulling of offsets for the voltage probe and input channel) is done
independently on each range to eliminate zero carryovers.
• Wide Frequency Range. The calibrated frequency range of the instrument is determined by the
probe model used. The 952001B standard RF Probe provides calibrated measurementsfrom 10
kHz to 1.2 GHz with usable indications beyond 4 GHz. The optional 952016 low frequency RF
Probe provides calibrated response from 10 Hz to 100 MHz.
• Calibration Storage. Shaping and calibration data for each probe is contained in EEPROM within
its 951090 Sensor Data Adapter. When the probe with its Data Adapter is plugged into the 9240
RF Voltmeter, the shaping and calibration data is downloaded and applied to the measurement
automatically. It is not necessary to enter any data manually. Existing voltage probes can be used
with the 9240 by loading a blank Data Adapter with calibration data. No further calibration of the
probe is needed.
• Voltage Range. The 9240 uses three internal hardware ranges to achieve a dynamic range of 90
dB. The input levels can range from less than 200 microvolts to 10 volts. Display resolution is
selectable to 0.001 dB. Using the appropriate 100:1 Voltage Divider accessory, the voltage range
can be extended to 300 Volts. For the 952001 RF Probe, use adapter Model 952005 to extend the
voltage range to 300 V over a frequency range of 10 kHz to 20 MHz. The 100:1 divider cannot be
used with the 952009 (50 ohm) RF Sensor. For the purpose of compatibility with previous models
and preexisting calibration procedures, the input range is divided into 8 virtual ranges which
correspond to previous practice.
• True RMS Response. The waveform response of the RF voltage probe is true RMS for voltages
below 30 mV. This characteristic provides accurate measurements for all types of waveforms with
levels up to 30 mV or 3 V with the appropriate 100:1 Voltage Divider. The waveform response of
the probe gradually changes to a peak detecting response above 30 mV. Computer generated
shaping allows the instrument to display RMS readings above 30 mV. This is valid for nearly
sinusoidal waveforms. For modulated signals, accurate results can be obtained at high levels if the
modulation envelope is relatively flat, (e.g. FM, QPSK). For other modulation types (e.g. Am,
Pulse, CDMA), accurate results can be obtained below 30 mV. The equivalent peak sinewave
voltage can be displayed. It is 1.414 times the RMS voltage and 3.01 dB grater than the reading in
decibel units.
• Low Noise. The 9240 has been designed and constructed to minimize noise from all sources. A
line filter and RF tight enclosure reject outside interference. The probe cables are a special low
noise design; vigorous flexing causes only minor disturbances, even on low level measurements
Non-microphonic probes are used to lessen probe sensitivity to shock and vibration.
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
• Simple Instrument Setup and Operation. The front panel conductive rubber keypad provides
access to menus which control instrument operation. The MENU key selects channel, setup and
diagnostic menus. The <SENSOR> key selects sensor related function. The <AVG> key selects
filter time averaging controls. Setting the filter time to zero will select the auto-filter mode. This
selects an appropriate filter time without operator intervention. The <REF LEVEL> key is used
for making relative measurements in dBr or percent. The values for these parameters are displayed
and can be adjusted by using the arrow and enter keys.
• One key press operations. To provide for ease of use operation of the instrument functions that
are used often, they can be performed with a single push of a button. Common operations such as
Zeroing the channel calibration and setting a Reference Level can be done simply by pressing the
<Zero> and <REF Level> key respectively.
Zero – When measuring low level signals it is important to zero the channel prior to measuring
the signal. When the Active Channel is measuring levels below approximately -50 dBm,
depressing the <Zero> key will use the measured reading as the zero offset. This allows for fast
zeroing of the channel so that the needed measurement can be performed faster.
The Zero sub-menu can be displayed by first pressing the Menu key followed by the <Zero> key.
From there the user chooses the channel to perform a zeroing operation on.
REF Level – Often relative measurements are required especially when measuring system gains
and losses. One key press of the <Ref Level> key makes this job easier and faster to perform.
Simply connect the active channel’s sensor to the input signal of the system under test. Press the
<Ref Level> key and the reference level is set! Next, connect the sensor to the system output and
read the gain or loss directly from the reference level measurement.
The REF Level sub-menu can be displayed by first pressing the <Menu> key followed by the
<REF Level> key. From there the user may LOAD or SET the reference level on either channel.
• Chart Recorder Output. A 0 to 10 volt dc output, proportional to the measurement values is
available for application to a chart recorder. The Recorder Output is selectable to track either
channel 1, channel 2 or the active channel. The Chart Recorder Output is a BNC connector located
on the rear panel.
• Flexible Remote Control. All instrument functions except power on/off can be controlled remotely
via the standard GPIB bus interface or RS232 connection. Setup of interface parameters is menu
driven; front panel indicators keep the user informed of bus activity. Remote control programming
is performed using industry-standard SCPI programming syntax. The 9230 emulation mode is
provided for users that prefer back compatibility with legacy Boonton products such as the 9230
series line of RF Voltmeters.
• Stored Configurations. For applications in which the same instrument configurations are used
repeatedly, up to 10 complete setups can be stored and recalled.
• HIGH/LOW Limit Alarms. The ALARM function provides a means to monitor the power level in
each channel independently. When the ALARM is "ON" (enabled) the level on the channel is
continuously compared with the HI and LO Limit values. The 9240 sets indicator flags (up and
down arrows) on the channel display when the limit values are exceeded. There are 4 status bits in
the Operation Condition register byte which, when unmasked, can be used to request service over
the IEEE-488 interface bus when the selected alarm condition occurs. Note that choosing
overlapping limit conditions is not an error, but may result in confusing alarm indications.
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
1.4 Accessories
Optional 9240 accessories that can be ordered from Boonton Electronics. A Sensor Data Adapter for each
channel installed along with the AC power cord is supplied with the instrument. One or more Boonton
952000 series RF Voltage Probes is required and must be ordered separately. Probes are available with
accessory kits and are sold separately. Additional available accessories are summarized in Table 1-1.
95200201B 50 Ohm BNC(F) Adapter
95200401A Probe tip
95200501A 100:1 Voltage Divider
41-2A Probe Cable, 5 ft (1.5m)
952064 Low Frequency Probe Kit, 10 Hz to 100 MHz
Includes: 952016 Low Frequency RF Probe
95200201B 50 Ohm BNC(F) Adapter
95200401A Probe tip
95205801A 100:1 Voltage Divider
95201101A 50 Ohm Accessory Kit for 952001B RF Probe.
Includes: 95200301A 50 Ohm Type N Tee Adapter.
95200501A Model 91-7C 100:1 Voltage Divider.
95200801B Unterminated BNC Adapter (Female).
95201301A Accessory Case.
95202801A Model 91-15A 50 Ohm Termination.
95201201A 75 Ohm Accessory Kit for 952001B RF Probe.
Includes: 95200501A Model 91-7C 100:1 Voltage Divider.
95200701A 75 Ohm Tee Adapter.
95200801B Unterminated BNC Adapter (Female).
95201301A Accessory Case.
95202901A Model 91-15A/1 75 Ohm Termination.
95201202A 75 Ohm Accessory Kit for 952001B Rf Probe.
Includes: 95200701A
95202801A Model 91-15A 50 Ohm Termination.
95202901A Model 91-15A/1 75 Ohm Termination.
95200301A 50 Ohm Type N Tee Adapter.
95200501A Model 91-7C 100:1 Voltage Divider.
95200601B 75 Ohm BNC Adapter for use up to 500 MHz.
95200701A 75 Ohm Type N Tee Adapter.
95200801B Unterminated BNC Adapter (Female).
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Table 1-1 Accessories for the 9240 Series (continued)
Selection Part Number Description
545504000 Fuse, 0.5A 250V
95401501A Rack Mounting Kit
95403001A Rack Mounting Kit (Brackets only)
95403003A Rack Mounting Kit (Brackets with handles)
95109102A Data Adapter with 10 ft (2.54 m) cable
95109103A Data Adapter with 20 ft (5.05 m) cable
95109104A Data Adapter with 50 ft (12.7 m) cable
95109105A Data Adapter with 100 ft (25.4 m) cable
95109001A Voltage Probe Data Adapter – with connector for 41-2A cable
41-2A Voltage Probe Cable – 5ft (1.27 m)
41-2A/10 Voltage Probe Cable – 10ft (2.54 m)
41-2A/20 Voltage Probe Cable – 20ft (5.05 m)
41-2A/50 Voltage Probe Cable – 50ft (12.7 m)
41-2A/100 Voltage Probe Cable – 100ft (25.4 m)
95004701A F/F Adapter, 41-2A (for connecting Model 41-2A cables end to end)
95004901A Bulkhead Connector F/F, 41-2A (for connecting Model 41-2A cables
952001 RF Probe - 10 kHz to 1.2 GHz
952016 Low Frequency RF Probe - 10 Hz to 100 MHz
1.5 Models, Options and Configurations
Model 9241. One measurement channel; channel input connector located on the front panel.
Model 9242. Two measurement channels; channel input connectors located on the front panel.
Opt -01. Rear Panel Channel input(s).
Opt -30. Warranty option: Extend factory warranty to 3 years
Option designations are appended to the instrument’s base model number. For example, Model 9242-01
would be a two-channel instrument with channel input connectors all on the rear panel.
Specials. Custom configurations have –S/n appended to the model number, where n is a unique number.
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
1.6 Specifications
Performance specifications for the 9240 Series are listed in Table 1-2.
Table 1-2 9240 Series Performance Specifications
(Specifications are subject to change without notice)
Frequency Range: 10 Hz to 1.2 GHz
Voltage Range: 200 µV to 10V
Dynamic Range: 90 dB
Waveform response: RMS to 30mV, calibrated in RMS of a sinewave above 30mV
(RMS to 10V and 700MHz with 100:1 divider)
Crest Factor: Direct Input: Level 300uV 1mV 3mV 10mV 30mV
CF 140 42 14 4.2 1.4
With Divider: Level 30mV 100mV 300mV 1V 3V
CF 140 42 14 4.2 1.4
Input Impedance: Refer to Figure 1-2
Maximum AC Input: 10V
Maximum DC Input: 200V
Display: Menu-driven 20 character x 4 line LCD
Display Units: VOLTS, dBV, dBmV, dBµV, dBnV, WATTS, dBW, dBm
dBnW, dBr, %
Impedance: Any selected reference value from 5 to 2500 Ω
Peak Display: 1.414 times Voltage display or 3.01 dB added to dB display
Display Resolution: 0.001 dB or 5 digits (in Volts mode)
Display Offset: -99.99 dB to +99.99 dB in 0.01 dB steps
Limiting: Individual high and low limit thresholds, -99.99 dB to +99.99 dB
Ranging: Manual (8 ranges) or autoranging
Filtering: Filter times to 20.00 seconds in 0.05 second increments
Zeroing: Automatic function; calculates, stores, and applies zero corrections to
each range
Reference Level: -99.99 dB to +99.99 dB in 0.01 dB steps for dBr measurements
may be express in % in linear mode.
Recorder Ouput: For linear voltage readout, 10V full scale proportional to indicated
voltage over each decade. Ranging occurs at 10% of full scale. For
decibel readouts, scale factor is 1V per 10dB change over the entire
dynamic range.
0dBm = 1mW calculated from V
Voltage Probe dependant )
, dBµW,
/Zo where Zo is the selected reference impedance)
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Figure 1-2. Input Impedance
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Table 1-2 9240 Series Performance Specifications (continued)
Voltage Probe Inputs: One or two measurement channels.
Measurement Technique: 24 bit Sigma-delta A/D converter per channel.
IEC 61000-3-2: 2000 Limits for harmonic current emissions
IEC 61000-3-3: 2002 Limitation of voltage changes, voltage
fluctuations and flicker
IEC 61000-4-2: 2001 Electrostatic discharge immunity test
IEC 61000-4-3: 2002 Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic
IEC 61000-4-4: 2004 Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
IEC 61000-4-5: 2001 Surge immunity test
IEC 61000-4-6: 2003 Immunity to conducted disturbances,
IEC 61000-4-11: 2004 Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage
variations immunity test
EN 61326-1: 2006 Electrical equipment for measurement,
RoHS: RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC
Construction: Manufactured to the intent of MIL-T28800E, Type III, Class 5, Style E
Edition); EN 61010 – 1 : 2001 (2
field immunity test
induced by radio frequency fields.
control and laboratory use – EMC
requirements - Part 1: General requirements
General Information
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
2. Installation
This section contains unpacking and repacking instructions, power requirements, connection descriptions and preliminary
checkout procedures.
2.1 Unpacking & Repacking
The 9240 Series is shipped complete and is ready to use upon receipt. Figure 2-1 shows you the various pieces included in
the packaging and the order in which they are loaded into the container. Actual details may vary from the illustration.
Note Save the packing material and container to ship the instrument, if necessary. If the original materials (or
suitable substitute) are not available, contact Boonton Electronics to purchase replacements. Store materials
in a dry environment. Refer to the Physical and Environmental Specifications in Table 1-2 for further
Figure 2-1. Packaging Diagram
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Table 2-1 9240 Series Packing List
INSTRUMENT (See also Table 1-1)
9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Line Cord
Boonton Instruction Manual CD
PROBE(S) (packaged separately)
Voltage Probe(s)
Data Adapter/Cable(s)
For bench-top use, choose a clear, uncluttered area. Ensure that there is at least 2" of clearance at the exhaust vents on the
side panels. Pull-down feet are located on the bottom of the instrument. Rack mounting instructions are provided with the
optional rack mount kit.
2.2 Power Requirements
The 9240 Series is equipped with a switching power supply that provides automatic operation from a 90 to 260 volt, 47 to 63
Hz, single-phase, AC power source. Maximum power consumption is 15W and 25VA. For metric fuse sizes, use the metric
fuse kit supplied. Connect the power cord supplied with the instrument to the power receptacle on the rear panel. See Figure
CautionBefore connecting the instrument to the power source, make certain that a 0.5-ampere time delay fuse (type
T) is installed in the fuse holder on the rear panel.
Before removing the instrument cover for any reason, position the input module power switch to off (0 =
OFF; 1 = ON) and disconnect the power cord.
2.3 Connections
Probe(s) Connect the RF Voltage Probe that covers the frequency range of the measurement to the CHANNEL 1
connector on the front (Standard) or rear (Optional) panel, as follows. Connect the probe to the supplied
Data Adapter/Cable combo. Connect the Data Adapter to the CHANNEL 1 Input, holding the red mark on
the adapter connector up. For two-channel measurements, use the same procedures to connect the second
probe to the CHANNEL 2 input.
RecorderIf a recorder is to be used to record measurement data, connect the recorder to the recorder BEC connector
on the rear panel. Output impedance is 9.06 kilohms, and the output voltage range is 0 to 10 volts dc.
RemoteIf the instrument is to be operated remotely using the GPIB (IEEE-488) bus, connect the instrument to the
bus using the rear panel GPIB connector and appropriate cable. For RS-232 control, the rear panel 9 pin
RS-232 connector should be used. In most cases, it will be necessary to configure the interface used via
the Menu > SETUP > IEEE or Menu > SETUP > RS232 menus.
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
2.4 Preliminary Check
The following preliminary check verifies that the instrument is operational and has the correct software installed. It should
be performed before the instrument is placed into service. To perform the preliminary check, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the AC (mains) power cord to a suitable AC power source; 90 to 264 volts AC, 47 to 63 Hz, with a
capacity in excess of 75 W. The power supply will automatically adjust to voltages within this range.
2. Attach the probe Data Adapter(s) to the front panel CHANNEL connector(s).
3. Set the POWER switch to the ON (1) position.
4. Verify that "BOONTON ELECTRONICS, 9242 RF Voltmeter, Rev. XXXXXXXX" is momentarily displayed
where XXXXXXXX represents the revision code. (Note: Model number 9241 display for single channel
instruments.) While the sign-on screen is displayed the phrase “ A WIRELESS TELECOM GROUP
COMPANY” is scrolled along the second line.
5. Verify that the measurement display showing "CH 1" only for Model 9241 or "CH 1" and "CH 2" for Model
9242. Other data on the display will depend upon previous settings.
6. Press the <MENU> key and select DIAGNOSTICS with the down arrow key. Press <ENTER>. Verify the
following sub-menu:
7. Press <Enter> to execute the self-test. The items tested are as follows:
Each test will display the OK message if passed. When the test is completed the menu will reappear.
Figure 2-2. Typical Power-On Display
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
8. Use the <Down Arrow> key to move the "<" cursor to SWITCHES and press <ENTER>. Press each
front panel key, avoiding <MENU> until last. Each key press will result in an identifying message;
<MENU> will exit the test and return to the MENU.
9. Use the <Down Arrow> key to select RECORDER and press <ENTER>. This test will sequentially
send a DC voltage in 1 volt steps to the recorder output BNC connector on the rear panel. The test
will continue until <MENU> is pressed. Use a DC voltmeter to verify correct operation.
10. Press <MENU> to return to the measurement display.
11. Press the <Sensor> key and verify that the RF Voltage Probe serial number(s) appear under the
channel heading(s). An active channel with no sensor installed will report a table number.
12. Press the <AVG> key and verify that the filter time and number of samples appear for each active
13. Press the <Menu> key followed by the <Zero/Cal> key and select ZERO function for the active
channel. Verify the ZERO operation completes successfully.
14. Repeat steps 13 for channel 2 if installed.
15. Connect a GPIB controller to the Model 9240. Verify that the instrument can be addressed to Listen at
its IEEE bus address, and set to Remote. The display must show the correct status on the bottom line
of the display. For message passing, the line terminators for the controller and the Model 9240 must
be compatible for both Listen and Talk. Use <Menu> <SETUP> <IEEE> to set address and
terminators for the 9240. Address the Model 9240 to Listen/Remote and send the command "*IDN?"
EOL. Then address the Model 9240 to Talk (controller to listen) and verify that the correct
identification string is returned. For example using SCPI emulation the ID string returned would be as
BOONTON ELECTRONICS, 9242, 11002, 20110111
16. Connect a dumb terminal or PC serial terminal to the Model 9240. Use a null modem if the terminal is
wired as DCE. For message communication to take place, the parameters of the serial connection and
message strings must agree between the terminal and the Model 9240. Use <Menu> <SETUP> <RS232> to set parameters for the 9240. Send the command or "*IDN?" EOL and verify that the correct
identification string is returned.
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
3. Getting Started
This chapter will introduce the user to the 9240 Series. The chapter will identify objects on the front and rear panels, identify
display organization, list the initial configuration of the instrument after reset, and provide practice exercises for front panel
operation. For additional information you should see Chapter 4 "Operation."
3.1 Organization
Subsection 3.2 Operating Controls, Indicators and Connections identifies the control features and connections on the front
and rear panels.
Subsection 3.3 Operation identifies the front panel keys, their functions and the menu structure while describing the various
display modes.
3.2 Operating Controls, Indicators and Connections
Figures 3-1 and 3-2 illustrate the controls, indicators and connectors on the front and rear panels, respectively, of the standard
instrument. Refer to Table 3-1 for a description of each of the illustrated items. Connectors indicated by an asterisk (*) may
be front or rear-mounted, depending on the option selected. The function and operation of all controls, indicators and
connectors are the same on the standard and optional models.
Getting Started
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Figure 3-1. Standard 9240 Series RF Voltmeter - Front Panel
Table 3-1 Operating Controls, Indicators and Connections
Reference #
Front Rear Nomenclature Function
1 1 Channel Inputs One or two Channel inputs are located on the front, or optionally on the rear
panel of the instrument. These are 10-pin precision connectors designed to accept
only Boonton RF Voltage Probes.
2 Display Screen LCD readout of the measurements and user interface for editing of the
instrument's operating parameters.
CautionDo not attempt to connect anything other than a
Boonton Voltage Probe and Data Adapter to the Channel inputs! The
Channel inputs are not measurement terminals and cannot be used for
other than the intended purpose.
Getting Started
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Table 3-1 Operating Controls, Indicators and Connections
Reference #
Front Rear Nomenclature Function
3 ◄ and ► Keys In entry mode, pressing ◄advances the cursor to the left. In the measurement
mode of operation pressing the ◄ key sets the Active channel to Linear
measurement units (Volts, %). In entry mode, pressing ►advances the cursor to
the right. In the measurement mode of operation pressing the ►key sets the
Active channel to Log measurement units (dBm, dBr).
4 ▲ and ▼ Keys Used for incrementing or decrementing numeric parameters, selecting from lists,
or scrolling through multi-line displays. In the measurement mode of operation
pressing the ▲ key moves the Active Channel cursor up on the display. For
example if the active channel is set to 2, pressing the ▲key will cause channel 1
to be the active channel. Pressing the ▼ key moves the Active Channel cursor
down on the display. If the active channel is set to 1, pressing the ▼ key will
cause channel 2 to be the active channel.
5 Enter KeyIn entry mode, initiates the procedure to change a parameter. In parameter entry
mode, terminates the current command and changes the parameter to the last
displayed value. In the measurement mode, display the active channels
6 Power Switch Turns the instrument off and on.
7 <Menu> Key Displays and allows editing of the instrument's operating parameters. Returns
instrument to local mode when operating in the bus remote mode. Escapes back
to measurement screen from any menu.
8 <Sensor> Key Displays the serial number of the installed probes and allows for editing of the
Voltage Probe parameters.
9 <FREQ> Key Selects the operating frequency display. NOTE: The probes are not provided with
frequency calibration factors. Changing this parameter has no affect on the
10 <AVG> Key Selects the filter averaging display for the measurement value.
11 <Zero > Key One Key Press Operation. When measuring low level signals it is important to
zero the channel prior to measuring the signal. When the Active Channel is
measuring levels below approximately -50 dBm, depressing the <Zero > key will
use the measured reading as the zero offset. This allows for fast zeroing of the
most sensitive range of the channel so that the needed measurement can be
performed faster.
The Zero menu can be displayed by first pressing the <Menu> key followed by
the <Zero > key. From there the user chooses the the channel to perform a Zero
operation on.
Getting Started
Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Table 3-1 Operating Controls, Indicators and Connections (continued)
Reference #
Front Rear Nomenclature Function
12 <REF Level> Key Often relative measurements are required especially when measuring system gains
and losses. One key press of the Ref/Level key makes this easier and faster to
perform. Simply connect the active channel’s probe to the input signal of the system
under test. Press the Ref/Level key and the reference level is set! Next connect the
probe to the system output and read the gain or loss directly from the reference level
The REF Level menu can be displayed by first pressing the <Menu> key followed
by the <REF Level> key. From there the user may LOAD or SET the reference
level on either channel.
13 Recorder Provides a DC voltage proportional to the measured values for use by an external
14 RS232 9-pin D-sub connector for connecting the voltmeter to the remote control Serial
Bus. Communication parameters can be configured through the <SETUP <RS232>
15 GPIB 24-pin GPIB (IEEE-488) connector for connecting the voltmeter to the remote
control General Purpose Instrument Bus. GPIB parameters can be configured
through the <SETUP <IEEE> menu.
16 AC Line Input A multi-function power input module is used to house the AC line input, main
power switch, and safety fuse. The module accepts a standard AC line cord,
included with the voltmeter. The power switch is used to shut off main instrument
power. The safety fuse may also be accessed once the line cord is removed. The
instrument’s power supply accepts 90 to 264VAC, so no line voltage selection
switch is necessary.
Caution Replace fuse only with specified type and rating:
0.5 A-T (time delay type), 250VAC
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