Bohn BFF054 User Manual

July 2000
Replaces 7170.1
All belt drive models (except 575V) are Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. listed.
Belt Drive Fluid Coolers
Belt Drive Fluid Coolers
Model BFF
Model BFF
Specification Data
Specification Data
Belt Drive Fluid Coolers
Multiple fans, carefully matched to the coil surface cover a large percentage of the face area providing uniform air distribution.
Energy efficient, three phase 1750 RPM motors with drip-proof, grease lubricated ball bearings. Each motor is inherently overcurrent protected providing built-in protection against single phasing. All motors are factory wired with leads marked and terminated in a single weatherproof junction box on outside of the unit casing.
Convenient access panels are provided on each fan section for ease in maintaining fans.
Casing is constructed of heavy gauge aluminum, or galvanized steel.
Multiple fan sections, each powered by a separate motors, are separated by a full width baffle to prevent air bypass during fan cycling.
Motors are positioned within unit casing for weather protection. Adjustable base provides ease in belt tension adjustment.
Each fan is equipped with heavy duty pillow block ball bearings. Bearings are supplied with lubrication fittings shown. Fan shafts are polished steel, precision machined to assure smooth operation, minimum bearing wear. Shafts are coated with a corrosion resistant dressing.
Fan guards are constructed of heavy gauge, close meshed, steel wire zinc plated and iridite dipped to minimize corrosion.
Selection Formulas
Design Load (in BTUH) = GPM * (Ent. Fluid Temp. — Leaving Fluid Temp.) x (Fluid Constant Table 1)
Average Fluid Temperature =
T.D. = Entering Fluid Temperature — Entering Air Temperature
Base Capacity =
1,000 x T.D. x Table 2 Factor x Table 4 Factor
Entering Fluid Temp. + Leaving Fluid Temp.
Design Load (in BTUH)
= MBH/˚T.D.
Capacity (Actual) = Capacity (Catalog) x 1,000 x T.D. x Table 2 Factor x Table 4 Factor
PD/F (Actual) = PD/F (Catalog) x Table 3 Factor
Selection Procedure
Given Conditions:
Belt Drive Unit — BFF 140˚F Entering Fluid Temp. 200 GPM 120˚F Leaving Fluid Temp. 30% Ethylene Glycol Solution 10 Ft. Water Max. P.D. 90˚F Ambient Air Sea Level
Calculate Design Load
A. Determine average fluid temperature for factor selection in Tables 2 and 3.
Average Fluid Temp. =
B. Design Load = 200 x (140—120) x 470 = 1,880,000
Calculate Base Capacity
A. Determine T.D.
T.D. = 140—90 = 50˚F
140 + 120
= 130˚F
Fluid Cooler Correction Factor Tables Table 1.
B. Determine Capacity Correction from Table 2
Capacity Correction Factor = 1.032
C. Determine Altitude Correction from Table 4
Altitude Correction Factor = 1.0
Base Capacity =
3. Make selection from capacity tables using given conditions. Model BFF 096, capacity of 37.57 MBH/˚T.D. meets the requirements with “C” circuiting.
4. Convert pressure drop of selection to design condition P.D.
6.1 x .950 = 5.8 ft. water pressure drop at design condition.
5. Calculate actual unit rating at design conditions 37.57 x 1,000 x 50 x 1.032 x 1.0 = 1,938,612 BTUH.
1,000 x 50 x 1.032 x 1.0
= 36.43
Table 4. Altitude Correction Factors
% Fluid
Glycol Constant
0 500
Fluid 20 480
Constants 30 470
40 450 50 433
Table 2.
% Average Fluid Temp. (˚F)
Glycol 90 100 110 120 130 140
0 1.079 1.081 1.083 1.086 1.090 1.095
Capacity 20 1.030 1.035 1.042 1.047 1.054 1.058
Correction 30 1.005 1.009 1.012 1.023 1.032 1.034
Factor 40 .928 .943 .960 .984 1.000 1.010
50 .918 .926 .935 .939 .941 .973
Table 3.
% Average Fluid Temp. (˚F)
Glycol 90 100 110 120 130 140
0 .868 .853 .843 .819 .795 .789
Pressure 20 .980 .959 .935 .915 .893 .866
Drop 30 1.055 1.025 1.000 .975 .950 .923
Correction 40 1.120 1.080 1.060 1.034 1.000 .974
50 1.200 1.165 1.128 1.093 1.058 1.024
For average fluid temperatures below 90˚F or above 140˚F, contact the factory for special application.
(Feet) Factor
0 1.000
500 0.993 1000 0.986 1500 0.974 2000 0.963 2500 0.953 3000 0.944 3500 0.935 4000 0.927 4500 0.919 5000 0.911 5500 0.903 6000 0.895 6500 0.887 7000 0.880
Capacity Ratings Belt Drive Fluid Coolers
Table 5A. MBH/˚T.D. — 40% Glycol — Average Fluid Temperature 130˚F (Sizes 045 - 062)
GPM BFF Conn. Coil 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Size Loc. Circ. MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF
SE A 10.90 3.3 13.11 5.4 14.57 8.0 15.82 11.0 16.82 14.3 17.64 18.1
045 SE B 13.99 2.9 15.31 3.9 16.10 5.2 16.92 6.5 17.61 8.0 18.20 9.6
OE C 16.46 2.8 17.21 3.5 17.51 4.2 SE A 11.40 3.3 13.93 5.4 15.65 8.0 17.14 11.0 18.34 14.4 19.34 18.2
050 SE B 14.97 2.9 16.54 4.0 17.49 5.2 18.48 6.5 19.32 8.0 20.04 9.7
OE C 17.92 2.8 18.83 3.5 19.20 4.2 SE A 11.67 3.3 14.35 5.4 16.47 8.0 17.83 11.0 19.15 14.4 20.23 18.2
054 SE B 15.49 2.9 17.18 4.0 18.56 5.2 19.29 6.5 20.21 8.0 20.99 9.7
OE C 18.68 2.8 19.67 3.5 20.08 4.2 SE A 11.60 3.3 14.30 5.4 16.46 8.0 17.90 11.0 19.30 14.4 20.47 18.2
057 SE B 15.50 2.9 17.25 4.0 18.70 5.2 19.52 6.6 20.51 8.1 21.38 9.7
OE C 18.90 2.8 19.96 3.5 20.43 4.2 SE A 14.89 3.4 17.24 5.1 19.11 7.0 20.27 9.2 21.44 11.6 22.40 14.2 23.21 17.1
059 SE B 19.35 2.9 20.61 3.7 21.65 4.5 22.13 5.4
OE C 21.61 2.7 SE A 11.92 3.3 14.83 5.4 17.22 8.0 18.83 11.0 20.40 14.5 21.73 18.3
062 SE B 16.17 2.9 18.11 4.0 19.74 5.2 20.66 6.6 21.78 8.1 22.76 9.7
OE C 19.96 2.8 21.16 3.5 21.69 4.2
GPM BFF Conn. Coil 120 140 160 180 200 250 300 350 Size Loc. Circ. MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF MBH PDF
045 SE B 19.14 13.3 19.86 17.4 20.43 22.0
OE C 18.48 5.7 19.24 7.5 19.85 9.5 20.34 11.7 20.75 14.1 21.53 20.9
050 SE B 21.19 13.3 22.08 17.4 22.79 22.0
OE C 20.39 5.8 21.32 7.6 22.06 9.5 22.68 11.7 23.19 14.1 24.16 20.9
054 SE B 22.25 13.3 23.22 17.4 23.99 22.0
OE C 21.37 5.8 22.38 7.6 23.20 9.6 23.86 11.8 24.42 14.1 25.47 20.9
057 SE B 22.80 13.3 23.91 17.5 24.82 22.1
OE C 21.87 5.8 23.01 7.6 23.94 9.6 24.72 11.8 25.38 14.2 26.65 20.9
059 SE B 23.45 7.5 24.46 9.8 25.24 12.4 25.87 15.2
OE C 23.06 3.7 23.72 4.8 24.54 6.1 25.21 7.4 25.76 9.0 26.79 13.2
062 SE B 24.38 13.3 25.66 17.5 26.70 22.1
Connection Locations: SE = Same End
OE C 23.31 5.8 24.62 7.6 25.69 9.6 26.58 11.8 27.34 14.2 28.80 21.0
OE = Opposite End
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