Bogen WBS810QIP Configuration And Operation Manual

Configuration and Operations Manual
©2015 Bogen Communications, Inc.
All rights reserved.
54-2232-01A 1512
Specifications subject to change without notice.
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Getting Started Page 8-3
How to Un-Configure a VoIP Speaker
Page 8-11
Adding VoIP Speakers to Quantum List Via Quantum Commander Pages 8-9
How to Reboot a VoIP Speaker
Page 8-12
Software Updates
Page 8-13
Page 8-19
Table of Contents
1.1 Configure IP Address Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-3
1.1.1 Configure VoIP Speakers using DHCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-3
1.1.2 Configure VoIP Speakers using Static IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-4
1.2 Configure Primary Quantum IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-5
5.1 Software Update using Quantum Commander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-13
A. Update via Web Browser
B. Update via Software Download
5.2 Software Update using VoIP Speaker Configuration Tool . . . . . . . .Page 8-17
7.1 Install and Run Java Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-20
7.2 Login Window Operational Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-21
Page 8-20
Table of Contents
6.1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-19
6.2 DHCP Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-19
6.2.1 Configuring IP Address for the VoIP Speakers using DHCP . . . . . . .Page 8-19
6.2.2 Default IP Address Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-19
6.2.3 Using a Previously Assigned IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8-19
VoIP Speaker Configuration
and Operations Manual
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Getting Started
Getting Started
The Bogen VoIP Speakers are powered via Power over Ethernet (PoE). Use an 802.3af compliant Power over Ethernet Switch, or a PoE injector adapter (IEEE 802.3af compliant) for each VoIP Speaker. The VoIP Speakers need to be configured with an IP Address, netmask, and Primary Quantum IP Address.
The VoIP Speakers (Models WBS810QIP and S810QIP) will only operate on a Bogen Quantum Multicom IP system (Quantum System) running Quantum Node (QSPC1) and Quantum Commander software version 1.3.0 or newer.
Configuring a VoIP Speaker is a 3-step process:
1. Configure IP Address information (DHCP or static. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.)
2. Configure Primary Quantum IP Address
3. Configure Station Type and Architecture Number
Configure IP Address Information
If using a DHCP server to provide IP Addresses to the VoIP Speakers, proceed to
Section 1.1.1,
Configure VoIP Speakers using DHCP
If using and configuring Static IP Addresses on the VoIP Speakers, proceed to
Section 1.1.2,
Configure VoIP Speakers Using Static IP Addresses
Configure VoIP Speakers Using DHCP
1. Setup a DHCP server to provide IP Addresses to the VoIP Speakers in the network. Consult
the facility’s Information Technology (IT) department if required, as IT departments are usually responsible for operating DHCP servers. For convenience during VoIP Speaker configuration, install a DHCP server on a Windows PC that will be used to configure VoIP Speakers.
This document will use IP Addresses in the range through, with the Windows PC IP Address set to
IMPORTANT: The DHCP server must be configured to always provide the same IP Address to the VoIP Speaker. This is usually accomplished by mapping the device’s MAC Address to a permanent IP Address. If the DHCP server is not configured to provide the same IP Address, and if the VoIP Speaker is assigned a different address than the address it had while being configured with Quantum Commander, the VoIP Speaker will not be available to the Quantum system (until it receives the same address from the DHCP, or is reconfigured).
2. The VoIP Speaker is powered via Power over Ethernet (PoE). Connect the Windows PC and
VoIP Speaker to a PoE switch.
3. After the VoIP Speaker has been plugged into the PoE switch, it will take about a minute for the VoIP Speaker to boot, start, and obtain its IP Address from the DHCP server. Proceed to
Section 1.2, Configure Primary Quantum IP Address
, to continue the configuration process.
Getting Started
Configure VoIP Speakers Using Static IP Addresses
1. Connect the Windows PC and VoIP Speaker to an 802.3af compliant PoE switch, or a
PoE injector adapter (IEEE 802.3af compliant), for each VoIP Speaker.
2. Configure the Windows PC IP Address as, with Gateway IP Address as
3. Use a web browser to open the VoIP Speaker Configuration Login Page
(Figure 1-1)
. Enter
the following into the browser’s address bar:
4. Enter the Login Page sign-in credentials: Username: maint Password: bogen
After entering the Username and Password, click Submit. The VoIP Speaker Configuration window (Java-applet) will open
(Figure 1-2)
5. Change the DHCP option from “On” to “Off” to configure static IP Addresses.
NOTE: If after selecting “Off”, a popup screen appears that says: “Cannot edit Speaker IP when Primary IP is present. Please un-configure Primary IP from Utility.” This alerts you to the fact that the speaker is already configured and must first be un-configured before you can proceed. See Section 3, How to Un-configure a VoIP Speaker, for details on how to un-configure the speaker.
If the VoIP Speaker Configuration Login Page above does not display, wait one minute, try again.
After the VoIP Speaker has been plugged into the PoE switch, it will take about a minute for the VoIP Speaker to boot. Each VoIP Speaker will then repeatedly attempt to get an IP Address from a DHCP server for one minute. After trying for one minute, the speaker will configure itself with a default IP Address ( and default Gateway IP Address (
NOTE: Only one speaker can be configured at a time using this IP address assignment process. Connecting two or more un-configured IP speakers to the network without a DHCP server will cause duplicate IP addresses and conflicts.
Getting Started
NOTE: If the DHCP “On” option is selected, you will not be able to edit the fields to configure static address information.
6. Enter values for Speaker IP, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway, then click Save.The speaker will automatically reboot and reconfigure the network interface.
NOTE: The VoIP Speaker will accept configuration commands for up to 15 minutes, after which time it will reboot. It is important that you finish this step within 15 minutes. See Section 6.2.2, Default IP Address Assignment, for further information on the 15 minute configuration time window.
Configure Primary Quantum IP Address
After the VoIP Speakers’ IP Address have been configured (using static or DHCP), the next step is to configure the VoIP Speaker with the Primary Quantum IP Address (the Quantum Node that is currently set as Primary Node type in the network). All VoIP Speakers should use the same Primary Quantum IP Address, even if the VoIP Speaker will be added to the Station List of a different Quantum Node that is not the Primary Node in the network. One or more VoIP Speakers can be configured at the same time.
1. You need to load the application called VoIP Speaker Locator onto the PC. Copy the file named
to the Windows PC that will configure the VoIP Speaker(s).
2. Start the VoIP Speaker Locator application by double-clicking the VoIPSpeakerLocator.jar icon on the desktop. After displaying a splash screen, the application will display the Device
Discovery Configuration Screen
(Figure 1-3)
3. Enter the Windows PC’s IP Address into the Utility IP Address field. This should be the IP
Address for the PC interface that is used to connect to the same network that the VoIP Speakers
are connected to (e.g.,
4. Enter a valid Utility Port Number between 4000 and 15000. This Port Number will be opened on your PC for receiving discovery responses from VoIP Speakers. This document will use Port 7000.
NOTE: If the VoIP Speaker Locator application is unable to discover any VoIP Speakers, ensure that the specified Port Number is not being blocked by firewalls on your PC or network hardware.
5. Select Discover All from the Discover Option drop-down menu.
NOTE: If the “Discover Not Configured” option is selected, you will only be able to discover VoIP Speakers that have not yet been configured. This is useful when there are some VoIP Speakers in the network that have not yet been configured. This way, the application will only discover the VoIP speakers that have not yet been configured. If not selected, the application will discover all the speakers in the network (whether configured or not), requiring you to manually find and mark the un-configured speakers from the list of discovered speakers (Figure 1-4).
6. Click the Discover button. The Discover button will be highlighted while the application is discovering VoIP Speakers. If this is the first time you have pressed Discover since starting
the application, a dialog window will open when discovery is completed. The dialog box will remind you that the Port Number cannot be changed while running the application.
If you need to change the Port Number, restart the application.
NOTE: If you receive the error “Invalid IP Address”, try entering a new/different IP Address.
NOTE: If you receive the error “Port values cannot be edited further,” you cannot change the port number as it has already been configured.
NOTE: If you need to change the IP Address, utility port or discover option, you must restart the application.
7. When the Discover button is no longer highlighted, click the Program Devices tab on the left
(Figure 1-4)
to proceed to the Assign Primary Quantum IP Address to Devices screen.
A list of VoIP Speakers that have not yet been configured with a Primary Quantum IP Address
will be displayed.
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Getting Started
Getting Started
8. Select the VoIP Speaker(s) that you wish to configure (e.g., by clicking on the checkbox to the left of each speaker listed. A checkmark will appear next to each speaker
(Figure 1-5)
9. Enter the Primary Quantum IP Address in the Primary Quantum IP field (e.g.,
10. Click Configure Speakers. The selected speaker(s) will be configured.
11. Click the Refresh icon located to the top right of the screen a couple of times until you see
the Quantum IP Address change for all recently configured speakers. (For example, in Figure 1-6, the speaker’s Quantum IP Address has changed from to
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