The Bogen DMP-06 is a 7-by-2 mixer/preamplifier designed to
use Bogen plug-in modules for the flexibility to meet a wide range
of application requirements. The unit has 2 separate outputs, A &
B, each with its own master volume and tone controls. Each output
provides an independent mix of a built-in program input and up to
six module inputs. Each input has two level controls, to set the input
level of each mix. A variable muting feature (60dB range) mutes
the program input when rear panel contacts are shorted.
The Bogen plug-in modules define the the function of each
module input. Active-bus mixing allows interaction for three-level
priority. Modules set to priority level 1 can receive (are muted by)
priority signals from modules set to levels 2 and 3. Modules set to
priority level 2 send priority signals to (and mute) modules set to
priority level 1, and receive priority signals from modules set to
priority level 3. (Modules set to priority level 1 or 2 are also muted
when the rear panel MUTE terminals are shorted through a
contact closure.) Modules set to priority level 3 send priority signals
to (and mute) the program input and modules set to level 1 or 2.
I j The DMP-06 is designed for maintenance-free operation.
High-performance output circuitry assures peak performance even
under the most demanding applications. The frequency response
is flat within +0, -IdB from 20Hz to 20kHz. Distortion is less than
0 2% at maximum output across the entire bandwidth of 20Hz to
20kHz (+0,-ldB), and is typically less than 0.01%. Maximum noise
level is 72dB with the MASTER control at maximum. Input
sensitivity is lOOmV/lOkilohms for the module and program in
Each output channel provides direct 600-ohm unbalanced, and
transformer-coupled, 600-ohm balanced taps. Connection is via
screw terminals. Either mixing bus also may be strapped to other
D-Series equipment through separate bridging jacks.
Full range bass and treble controls provide ± lOdB cut or boost
at lOHz and lOkHz, respectively. Tone control defeat switches are
located in the module port cage to prevent tampering after instal
lation. The overall level for each output is set with separate
MASTER controls, and is displayed by three-color bar-type LED
output meters, which illuminate red to indicate possible signal
clipping conditions.
The unit operates from 120V, 50-60Hz AC. A rocker-type
power switch illuminates when the power is on. Dimensions are
5-l/2"H X 16-1/2"W X ll-3/8"D. The unit may be mounted in
standard equipment racks using Model DRK-3 Rack Panel Kit.
The mixer was carefully checked before leaving the factory.
Inspect the shipping container and the unit closely for evidence of
Improper handling. If the unit has been damaged, place an Imme
diate claim with the dealer/distributor from whom the unit was
purchased. If the unit was shipped directly to you, file a claim with
the transportation carrier in accordance with ICC regulations.
The mixer is designed for installation in standard equipment
racks, using Model DRK-3 Rack Panel Kit.
Be sure that the front-panel-mounted POWER switch is in
the OFF position before installing or removing modules.
Modules are easily inserted in any available port of the module
cage. Align the top and bottom edges of the module circuit board
in the slots of the port, and slide the module into the cage to engage
the card edge connectors. Secure the module to the amplifier with
two screws.
Set the priority level on modules so equipped to the desired
level before installing them in the amplifier. The level is set by
repositioning printed circuit board-mounted shunts. The screening
on the module printed circuit board shows which pins to connect
for the desired priority level.
PRIORITY LEVEL 1 The module receives, and is muted by,
priority signals from any module set to priority level 2 or 3. A
module set to priority level 1 is also muted when the rear panel
MUTE terminals are shorted through a contact closure. (The
program input is pre-set at level 1.)
PRIORITY LEVEL 2 — The module sends priority signals to mute
any module set to priority level 1, and receives priority signals from
any module set to priority level 3. A module set to priority level 2
is also muted when the rear panel MUTE terminals are shorted
through a contact closure.
PRIORITY LEVEL 3 — The module set to priority level 3 sends
priority signals to mute modules set to priority level 1 or 2 and the
program (PGM) input. (The rear panel MUTE terminals function
at level 3 when shorted through a contact closure.)
Each output channel provides direct 600-ohm unbalanced, and
transformer-coupled, 600-ohm balanced taps. Connection is via
rear panel screw terminal strips.
Use single-conductor shielded cable when using the direct
output. Connect the cable shield to the GND terminal. Use two
conductor shielded cable when using the transformer-coupled
output. Connect the conductors to the HI and LO terminals;
connect the cable shield to the CT terminal.
When the transformer-coupled output is used to feed the sound
system, the direct output is available to feed a tape recorder or
similar high-impedance input.
Printed In U.S.A. S906 54-5896.02

Output Rating
Frequency Response
Signai-to-Noise Ratio
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
Module Inputs
Program Input
Bridqing I/O
Tone Controls
Program Variable Mute Range
Power Requirements 120VAC,eOHz
+4dBm, 600 onms (Rated), +l6dBm, 600 ohms (Maximum)
+6dBm, 600 ohms (Rated), +18dBm, 600 ohms (Maximum)
20Hz-20,000Hz, +0,-1dB
<0.2% @ Maximum Output (Over a Power Bandwidth of
2OHz-20,OOOHz, +0,-1dB), <0.01% Typical
72dB with MASTER @ Maximum
1(X)mV/10 kilohms
100mV/10 kilohms
100mV/3 kilohms
±10dB@ 100Hz
±10dB@ 10kHz
60dB (Minimum)
5-1 /2"H X 16-1 /2"W X 11-3/8“D
The front-panel rocker switch applies power to the mixer. An
integral pilot lamp illuminates when power has been applied.
Set gain and filter controls on modules so equipped to mid
rotation. Set the mixer (CHANNEL 1 through 6) level controls to
their full counterclockwise position. Control the level of each input
on the desired bus (A or B) with clockwise rotation of the ap
propriate control. The overall output level is adjusted with the
appropriate MASTER control. The T.F.D level meter will il
luminate red to indicate possible signal clipping conditions.
When the Tone Control switches in the module cage are in the
OUT position, the front panel tone controls are disabled and the
tone response will be flat. To enable the front panel tone controls
for either bus, set the appropriate A or B control switch to the IN
position. Bass and treble tone controls provide ± lOdB cut/boost
at lOOHz and lOkHz, respectively.
Operation of the variable-mute feature (0 to 60dB range)
requires a customer-supplied contact closure across the MUTE
terminals. This contact closure will mute the program input (PGM)
and any module set to priority level 1 or 2.
There are no user-servieahle parts within the unit. Refer all
servicing to qualified sen’ice personnel
If the AC circuit breaker trips, the power switch pilot lamp will
go out and there will be no output. Set the AC power switch to
OFF and depre.ss the red button on the circuit breaker to reset it.
Return the AC power switch to ON. Tf the breaker trips again, have
the trouble Investigated by a qualified technician.
The thermal breaker will open when the temperature at the
output transistor heat sink reaches 105°C (221°F) on all models. If
the breaker opens, there will be no output but the power switch
pilot lamp will remain illuminated. Wait approximately two min
utes for the breaker to reset. If the breaker resets and then opens
again, investigate the cause of the temperature overload. This may
be due to improper connections at the output terminals or excessive
environmental heat with inadequate ventilation.
We are interested in the maintenance of your Bogen equip
ment. If you encounter difficulty, do not hesitate to ask our advice.
Information can be obtained by writing to Service Department,
Bogen Communications Inc., P.O. Box 575, Ramsey, NJ 07446.
When communicating with us, give the model and series desig
nation (stamped on the rear panel) of your unit. Describe the
difficulty and include details on the electrical connection to as
sociated equipment. We will send you service information if the
trouble appears simple. If the amplifier requires servicing, we will
send you the name and address of the nearest Bogen Service
Agency to which you can send the unit for repairs.
When shipping the unit, pack carefully to prevent damage in
transit. Send the unit, insured and freight prepaid, via any respon
sible carrier. The unit will be promptly repaired and returned to
you collect (freight prepaid while in warranty).