You have just purchased the world’s most unique and innovative USB professional condenser
microphone —the Snowball ! Here at Blue, we are kn own for d esignin g and building th e finest
microphones available for studio, stage, film, broadcast — and now — you guessed it —
computer use. Our microphones unite the heritage of the world’s most respected classics with
leading-edge technology, innovative engineering and inimitable styling. The Snowball is the
product of our unrestrained imagination and our years of microphone and capsule manufacturing experience. There is simply nothing else like it. But don’t just take our word for it. . .
“This thing will make me immortal!”
— Frosty (lead singer of The Snowmen)
“The next best thing to plugging a USB connector into your neck”
— Rodney Petersburg, President, North Platte Star Trek Fan Club
“Thanks to the Snowball, I can now
actually record ON the Matterhorn!’”
— Lars Jürgenssbourger, Winner,
1981 World Yodeling Competition
“Finally, something to plug into my laptop
on those long, winter nights!”
— The Abominable Snowman

We know you hate to read manuals. So do we! But because the Snowball is such a unique recording
tool, we really hope you take the time to familiarize yourself with its features and try the suggested
application tips that are designed to help you get the most out of the Snowball. You might just
learn something too! With proper care and feeding, the Snowball will reward you with many years
of recording and performance enjoyment and it won’t end up as a pool of water on your desktop!
Now on with the show. (No refrigeration necessary.)
What’s that on the back?
Well, we’re glad you asked. You will find the USB output port and a three-position switch on the
rear of the Snowball. You can probably figure out what the USB port is for, but in case you can’t,
this is the place where you connect the boxy end of the USB cable — with the other end going
into, you guessed it, your computer. Now for the fun part. Just above the USB output port, you
will find a three-position switch. Viewed from left to right, the positions are as follows:
First position: Activates the cardioid capsule.
Second position: Activates the cardioid capsule with a -10dB PAD (more geek talk for a
device that redu ces th e output o f th e mi c f or use with lou d soun d sour ces that could cause
distortion of the signal).
Third position: Activates the omni capsule.
Snowball suggested applications
The Snowball was designed for convenient studio use without the necessity for a lot of signal processing — or even a mic pre! Because you just connect it to your USB port, it offers a wide range