o For instructions or any questions pertaining to phone usage, please click on th e BLU He lp icon
on the home screen of the phone. A lso included in BLU Help is a product registration link a nd
o Para obtener instrucciones o pre guntas relacionadas con el uso del teléfono, por favor haga
o Para obter instruções ou perguntas rela cionadas ao uso do t elefone, por favor, clique no
o Pour des instructions ou p our toutes questions sur l'u tilisation du téléphone, veuillez cliquer
technical support. You may also access the BLU help page by visiting the following address:
clic en el icono d e BLU Help en la pantalla principal del teléfono. También se incluye en B LU
Help un enlace para reg istro del producto y soporte técnico. Usted también puede acceder la
página de BLU Help visitand o la siguiente dirección: manuals.bluproducts.com
ícone BLU Help na t ela principal do telefone. Também incluído no BLU He lp um link para
registrar o produto e su porte técnico. Você também pode acessar a página de BLU Help
visitando o seguinte endereço: manua ls.bluproducts.com
sur l'icône Aide BLU sur l'écran d'accueil d u téléphone. L'Aide BLU comprend un lien pour
enregistrer le produit et pour le soutien technique. Vous pouvez aussi accéder à la page aide
BLU en visitant l'adresse su ivante : manuals.bluproducts.com

Transportation Safety
Please observe all transportation laws and regulations.
Hospital Safety
Please follow hospital rules a nd limitations.
Please turn off your mob ile phone when near me dical instruments.
Airport Safety
Remember to follow all airport a nd flight safety regulations.
Water Hazard
Your phone is n ot waterproof. Keep yo ur phone away from water or liquid to avoid damag e.
Emergency Calls
Make sure your mobile phone is switched on and in a service area. In home screen, tap t he phone key and
dial the emergency number.
Battery Usage
For better performance and lo nger battery life, it is recommended that you charge the battery fully before
using the mobile phone for the first time and t hat you initially complete two to three charge cycles.